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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest seonnie


Shinhwa group & JK Group's bond strengthens as Jun Pyo & Jae Kyung go on their first official date. Unfortunately during the date with Jae Kyung, memories of Jandi eat away at Jun Pyo's heart. Sensing Jun Pyo's state of mind, the restless Jae Kyung demands a kiss from Jun Pyo. Just then, Jandi whose talking to Ji Hoo at the emergency exit witnesses the two ...

Witnessing his father's romantic affair in the workroom, Lee Jung's quarrel with his father escalates. From that side of Lee Jung's consciousness arises his vague first love Eun Jae. Ga Eul decides to take ceramic lessons due to her attraction to Lee Jung, enrolling for the class she will meet the beautiful smiling lecturer, Cha Eun Jae.

*Video Preview for Episode 17 is being prepared*

- Translated by moonangelkioku @ hydkorea.livejournal.com

Side note: Hope this isn't already posted. Teehee(: for you lazy people out there who don't bother to sometimesalways go back 20 pages after a Mon/Tues XD


Sooo, addicted. Whenever Jun Pyo & Jan Di make contact I am screaming!

I'm glad they laid off the tear jerking episode for just one ep, or we would be kind of depressed, dont you think?

Well, it still was kind of sad. But not, JunPyo airport breakdown sad ):

Woobin was sooo CUTE in this ep.

& all the cute JunPyo&JanDi fluff totally got me refreshed from all there

dirty looks, and tears, and GAH! (:

Especially when he was changing and she goes in with an expression from :mellow: to :crazy:

Haha(: & the jacket scene, and the spy scene andd the GAH, everything. :w00t::w00t:



Haha, this is hilarious xD JunPyo on a bike? :rolleyes:

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Guest Banana Peel

Hmm, I have to say, I didn't really like episode 16 :(

As much as I liked the cute moments with YJ & GE,

it just wasn't much excitement in it. All these random scenes

munched up together-- Plus, half the preview wasn't even in the episode!

I was really hoping that JP would have to earn his friendship back with the F3,

but they're just back to being friends again .. so simply. -_- ;

And I felt like GE& YJ's 'fake date' was really awkward. Haha, I like them together,

but I wish this 'awkward seriousness' would just turn into something fun, like JD&JP ;)

*sigh* This is hard to say, but honestly, the only slight 'happiness' I feel while watching this episdode

was because of JK (JP's fiance). She is annoying, but she just makes me smile or laugh in a weird way.

I'm glad that she turns out to be the one to help JP&JD get back together. I think I'll start to like her even more then!

& yeah, what was up with the ignorance from the F4?! I mean, with JP it's the usual thing, but the whole group?! Hmph. :/ Except JH, that's why I love him so much these days. He's always there for JD. <3

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Guest random koohkie

5th, why is JP ignoring her again at the end? god, he's confusing me more now.

Sorry to cut your post short..

But I think JP is ignoring JD in the last bit because he probably made another deal with his mother.

If he continues to come into contact with JD, then his mother will ruin her family.

In the japanese version he has to keep his distance a lot because of the deal he made with his mother.

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finally, a few parts to smile about!....It' been so sad lately...but 16 ended bad...

..and it kills me that there's never a preview..(i know they're still filming)...i hate i dont know if i am in for something more tragic next week or if i shall anticipate for a cute light hearted episode.

question: Is goo joon pyo kissing that girl next week? nooooooooooo..

I know she's a generous girl but i dont really like her...i think Jandi is prettier and cuter

i havent been into kdrama for a while..the last one was goong...

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Guest peanutboy

i've been reading this thread since page 1 and frankly, it's annoying how all these new people suddenly are stopping by and leaving super long and critical posts regarding the drama. people act like they are experts and go on and on about how bad everything is or how there are all these elements of the drama that they hate. let's keep the tone of the thread fun and positive.

i'm enjoying every minute of this drama, flaws and all. also, those super long posts are making the pages move too quickly. it makes it harder to back track to find the goodies (pics, links, news, bts, etc.). that's just my opinion. bof hwaiting!

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Guest naracute

I think JK already knew that JP and JD are close. I think she knew there's something going on between JP and JD but then she pretend not to know.

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Guest squeaky

ep 16.

wow. okay, jk is annoying. blech. and i'm confused about jpxjd because they weren't talking, and now they suddenly can talk, about something else. ? does anyone get what i'm saying :P

i just can't wait until jd and jp get back together in the end. 8 episodes away. so far, yet so close D:

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Guest xx-outsider-xx

I really don't like how korean shows like to emphasize the triangle relationship. In the other versions, I don't remember the character JH being so, how do I put it, into the relationship. Oh...I don't know how to say it. All I know is that that character to me as always been on the side and always help the main couple when they are in trouble. I don't know about the manga because I haven't read it, but that is what I feel. This show emphasizes that type of relationship too much to the point that you start to feel sad because you know that JH will not get the main girl. I didn't get that feeling for the other versions. I really hope they tone it down a bit considering I really like JH and I really can't stand him being sad. I'm actually quite glad that they will have the YJ first love part to put a pause on this triangle relationship.

Actually, this whole triangle relationship thing reminds me of a special chapter of HYD. the one that come out, i think last year, maybe? it's like the 37th volume's special chapter from jihoo point of view.

In this chapter, i feel that it really emphasize the love triangle to the point where i was wondering what is it about falling in love that makes people sometimes feel trapped in time and cannot move on, or exactly what is it about jandi that the both man feel so strong about. haha. this past 3-4 episodes really brought me to the hollow feeling i feel when i was reading that one-shot. It's a beauctiful chapter by the way. you really feel grateful toward rui in it and hope that the mangaka will make a spin-off story for hanazawa rui.

btw, i think jihoo's hairstyle from long to short does follow the manga. and he's cuter with short hair. not digging woobin's and yijung's tho. bleh. but woobin himself is <3333333. i wonder if kimjoon seems so good in his acting because he just had almost one-liners all the time (which save him from making blunders if he were to deliver long and many lines with heavy emotions). hoho. but so far, he does seems kinda natural.

i think it will be on ep 17 :D

Did she get married the one she loved or because of the witch's desire ? :|

In the manga, she did marry according to mum's wishes. but she said she was lucky because her husband loves her and she was able to love him back as well. so it's a good outcome for her, to some extent.

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Guest sherrie

i'm very sorry if this has been discussed, but i have a question. how did jandi and jae kyung meet in the first place? i thought i watched everything, but i don't remember any explanation or encounter. i just remember jandi talking about jae kyung when jae kyung was singing terribly on that gondola.


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i'm very sorry if this has been discussed, but i have a question. how did jandi and jae kyung meet in the first place? i thought i watched everything, but i don't remember any explanation or encounter. i just remember jandi talking about jae kyung when jae kyung was singing terribly on that gondola.


they met in macau i think in episode 13. jk & jd randomly meet and hang out for the afternoon.

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Guest rice<3er

i'm very sorry if this has been discussed, but i have a question. how did jandi and jae kyung meet in the first place? i thought i watched everything, but i don't remember any explanation or encounter. i just remember jandi talking about jae kyung when jae kyung was singing terribly on that gondola.


Sometime during the episodes where Jandi & the rest of F4 were in Macau, Jandi is buying something from a street vendor when a thief opens up her backback from behind & tries to steal her wallet. Thats when Jaekyung turns up & pretty much saves Jandi from almost getting killed.

So yeah, Jandi pretty much owes JK her life..

Buh i still wish she would just leave the picture & leave JD<3JP beee... hahaha

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Guest bangiinxlister

i'm very sorry if this has been discussed, but i have a question. how did jandi and jae kyung meet in the first place? i thought i watched everything, but i don't remember any explanation or encounter. i just remember jandi talking about jae kyung when jae kyung was singing terribly on that gondola.


yeah... jae kyung saved jan di's wallet and they bought beek jerky.

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Guest sherrie

Sometime during the episodes where Jandi & the rest of F4 were in Macau, Jandi is buying something from a street vendor when a thief opens up her backback from behind & tries to steal her wallet. Thats when Jaekyung turns up & pretty much saves Jandi from almost getting killed.

So yeah, Jandi pretty much owes JK her life..

Buh i still wish she would just leave the picture & leave JD<3JP beee... hahaha

wow thanks to the three people who already replied! haha... i was especially wondering why jk kept calling jd "beef jerky"

i guess i must have accidentally skipped one part of ep 13

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Guest bangiinxlister

I love feeling all giggly and warm inside from all the tension and near misses of love in BOF. Makes me 16 years old again. An age were logic and reason doesn’t work. JUST LOVE, LOVE, LOVE

So before watching BOF try reverting to the time you were all silly and euphoric with love to appreciate and not kill yourself with disbelief. Thats what i do.


lol.... cute. ive never been in THAT KIND of love before... =/. i was almost 16, im 17 now.. =/

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Guest kurayzeexivy


Shinhwa group & JK Group's bond strengthens as Jun Pyo & Jae Kyung go on their first official date. Unfortunately during the date with Jae Kyung, memories of Jandi eat away at Jun Pyo's heart. Sensing Jun Pyo's state of mind, the restless Jae Kyung demands a kiss from Jun Pyo. Just then, Jandi whose talking to Ji Hoo at the emergency exit witnesses the two ...

Witnessing his father's romantic affair in the workroom, Lee Jung's quarrel with his father escalates. From that side of Lee Jung's consciousness arises his vague first love Eun Jae. Ga Eul decides to take ceramic lessons due to her attraction to Lee Jung, enrolling for the class she will meet the beautiful smiling lecturer, Cha Eun Jae.

-gasps- She really is going to do that then? :o

I'm so excited! xD Can't wait for her to encounter YJ past love!

Yay for WB finally getting more scenes and lines in this episode.

I'm starting to like him more and more.

I can't believe JD can't realize JH is in love with her.

That whole mop/hospital scene was so sad. :tears:

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Guest gladmorous

few things about these 2 eps.

First of all, I'm hella annoyed that the preview don't match up with the episodes!! what happened to Junhee standing up for JP? What about the scene that JK comes crying to JD about GJP? the previews are so misleading.

2nd, I'm so happy that they toned downed the soundtrack. anyone know where to DL the acoustic version of SS501 song?

3rd, gotta love JK. I'm sorry, but she's quite lovable and she's just oblivious to the situation thats all.

4th, stalker date was a little disappointing. I was expecting more, like champagne etc. damn evil old hag.

5th, why is JP ignoring her again at the end? god, he's confusing me more now.

6th, my prediction for the next ep would probably JD overworking her shoulder while filling in for her parents. Obviously, since it is JH's music center, he'll probably be there and take her home.

lastly, thank god JP asked JD about the swimming. Except he's so STUPID. just ask yi jung or woohin.

yea. i agree with your point no.5

junpyo and jandi were talking(together for a moment) in the hotel but then when they are back in sch, he was ignoring her! im like wth?

haha. alright, i was guessing maybe bcos of the slap from his old hag?? or did his mum said sth to him again?

lol. its so hearbreaking to see them apart!

and abt that swimming part? didn't F3 already told him that jandi hurt his arm or shoulder??

isn't it obvious bcos of that she couldn't swim. haha. whatever the case in, yea, thk God he asked jandi. That simply shows that he still care abt her?!


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Guest sillysweet101

gawd, love it love it love it.

just backtracked and was wondering.....

am i the only one who loves hyunjoong's character as JH?

i don't think he's that bad of an actor. i've watched the japanese version a while ago so i don't really compare the two cause i can't remember too much of it and i haven't read the manga so i don't know if its on point but just watching this version, his character strikes me as a deep lonely soft spoken character and i think hyunjoong's doing a pretty good job portraying that loneliness. HJ always have that aura of sadness around him because all his loved ones leave him and i think hyunjoong shows that pretty well too. *shrugs*

ah...and the scene in this episode where he goes to visit the graves and makes his speech, omg..that just broke my heart. i just wanted to huggle him and be with him. lol. gawd, i can sense how much he really likes JD and i'm so torn.

one minute i'm rooting for JD & JP and the next i'm like forget JP......JD & JH all the way. :D

i would really love to see JH get a girl of his own cause we know what kind of ending it will be.

can't wait to next week. :)

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Guest josienee

I think JK already knew that JP and JD are close. I think she knew there's something going on between JP and JD but then she pretend not to know.

yes,i agree with you

when she saw JP fellowing JD,as smart as her,in the fact, as a girl,she did really knew someting between them

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Guest IloveFall

I don't like the fact that they made JK character very similar to JD. Does anyone else think it's a little... weird?

I like for the heroine to stand out. She should be unique. But JK and JD are very similar: strong willed, temperamental, physically aggressive but still soft-hearted. Plus, the interaction with JK and GP and JD and GP is almost the same with lots of yelling and name calling. kwim? I thought it was so cute with JD/GP since it showed their love/hate relationship but it's now the same with JK/GP. It just takes some of the unique-ness out of JD/GP relationship.

Anyone else feel this way?

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Guest yogurutu

EPISODE 17 and 18 (based on spoilers, speculation, and manga plotline, I just tried to connect the dots into whatever i thought made the most sense)

Jandi faints because of overwork, and since she now works at the place her parents used to (Jihoo did get them those jobs) Jihoo will find out first and go to her, bringing unconscious jandi to his place, most likely recreating the hospital scene from HYD2.

Jihoo, seeing her suffer, lets his inhibitions go and either kisses or hugs (seems like he might just kiss her hand) her, when Junpyo, having heard the news that she fainted, ditches dinner with Jaekyung and her parents to come and sees Jihoo kissing Jandi. Jandi wakes up and Jihoo confesses. He tells her he's decided that he won't just stand and watch anymore. Junpyo cries in his car.

Junpyo's mom is furious at Junpyo for running out on the dinner and tells him to start actually treating Jaekyung like his fiancee. (the scene is in the 8' episode 16 preview) Still affected by seeing Jihoo and Jandi kiss, he just stays silent and walks out when his sister comes in and tells his mom off.

Junpyo asks Jaekyung out and Jaekyung, crying tears of joy, goes and delivers the news to Jandi, who sadly congratulates her. Jaekyung and Junpyo go on a date and Junpyo just keeps ignoring her; Jaekyung keeps visiting Jandi and finds out that Junpyo and Jandi had gone out. At Shinhwa school, Jaekyung is seen following Junpyo and tells him to prove to her that he does not like Jandi anymore by kissing her. Jandi and Jihoo are outside on the stairwell; Junpyo kisses Jaekyung, and Jihoo, having seen, pulls Jandi into a hug to prevent her from seeing the two kiss.

This happens over a period of time spent on Yijung's past and Gaeul getting to know Eunjae.

Accidentally having put Eunjae and Yijung in the same place, Gaeul is saddened and wanders around, goes missing, and Junpyo helps Jandi find Gaeul. At this point Junpyo decides to end it for Jaekyung once and for all; Jaekyung does not take this lightly and tries to use her body, but Junpyo can only apologize. Jaekyung cries. She goes to Jandi later to tell her that Junpyo loves Jandi, and that she wants to be friends with Jandi forever. Jandi is hella confused, especially with Jihoo advancing on her on top of everything.

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