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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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In the manga, Tsukasa exaggerates, but keep in mind, its a manga! shouldn't you adapt to it to make it a drama/ i dunno just what i think.

IMO, I think if a drama is based off a comic book... it should still have that comic book feel.

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Guest rainbow9

You're right in critiquing them to make them better actors. But, it would be better if it was done in a respectable manner. Also, acting is based on 1 part talent and experience from the actor and 1 part talent and experience from the PDs direction, as well as the script. It is a collective effort on all parties.

So, to judge one's acting, the responsibility should not be put all on one person.

i wish everyone wrote things like that..lol

I mean, I'm sure the actors don't mind criticisms. it helps them become better actors.

But what people write here aren't meant to help.. they're not even true sometimes. Things like "OMG she's such a bad actress. They should have never casted her!" That would just make me wanna cry :sweatingbullets:

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Guest Labacookie

well it DOES GET ANNOYING after u guys start arguing with eacother and start bashing other actors doesnt it? it kinda does make ppl annoyed when seeing 2 or 3 ppl constantly comment back and forth in this thread filling up all the pages based on NEGATIVE REMARKS. private messaging does exist for those. analyzing is one thing but when it gets to the point when most of the ppl here are telling u guys to CALM down,, ,then there is obviously something wrong and us trying to get the point across that its enough.

Um...except we AREN'T arguing. :lol: It's quite hilarious that the only people angry are the ones who are claiming that people are arguing. Like I said, there are three different discussions going on. Not all of us are talking about the same thing (or even bashing anyone). I know the comments are long, but maybe if you actually read what we had to say, you wouldn't attempt to lump us all together.

If you don't want to participate, you don't have to, but please don't "shush" us, especially when we aren't being negative or rude to one another. A lot of the time we aren't even disagreeing (and if someone does disagree, we do so civilly).

Honestly, I'm tired of justifying my comments when it's clear that certain people aren't even reading the comments they're referring to.

Some people are making rude remarks, this is true, but often, these people either pop in and make one comment (that someone else responds to), or it's apart of a single continuing discussion that has nothing to do with another on going discussion. Conversations attacking actors and the show should stop, but as for the other ones going on, I think if the participants can make valid points and not be rude to one another, they should be left alone.

And when all else is said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the scroll function. :)

EDIT: I'd also like to add that I haven't once bashed any of the actors, which makes me know for certain that you definitely didn't read any of my comments.

Also, my not including the Taiwanese version of this story in my analysis is due to having not watched it. After giving the first episode a look, I think I'm not going to as a personal decision.

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Guest lyptika

Some are praising, some are bashing - who cares?! :D

The main point is that this show doesn't leave us cold - and that's what the PD needs. :rolleyes:

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Um...except we AREN'T arguing. :lol: It's quite hilarious that the only people angry are the ones who are claiming that people are arguing. Like I said, there are three different discussions going on. Not all of us are talking about the same thing (or even bashing anyone). I know the comments are long, but maybe if you actually read what we had to say, you wouldn't attempt to lump us all together.

If you don't want to participate, you don't have to, but please don't "shush" us, especially when we aren't being negative or rude to one another. A lot of the time we aren't even disagreeing (and if someone does disagree, we do so civilly).

Honestly, I'm tired of justifying my comments when it's clear that certain people aren't even reading the comments they're referring to.

Some people are making rude remarks, this is true, but often, these people either pop in and make one comment (that someone else responds to), or it's apart of a single continuing discussion that has nothing to do with another on going discussion. Conversations attacking actors and the show should stop, but as for the other ones going on, I think if the participants can make valid points and not be rude to one another, they should be left alone.

And when all else is said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the scroll function. :)

They may be valid points. But they are not so valid anymore when the same point is used to compliment one actor and bash another.

It's not the criticisms people are getting frustrated at. It's the lack of thought and good reason behind the criticisms. People write things just because they love an actor, or just because they hate an actress.

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well it DOES GET ANNOYING after u guys start arguing with eacother and start bashing other actors doesnt it? it kinda does make ppl annoyed when seeing 2 or 3 ppl constantly comment back and forth in this thread filling up all the pages based on NEGATIVE REMARKS. private messaging does exist for those. analyzing is one thing but when it gets to the point when most of the ppl here are telling u guys to CALM down,, ,then there is obviously something wrong and us trying to get the point across that its enough.

What's wrong with discussion? Personally I love reading the long post because I can see the drama and its characters from other angles and can appreciate things more. It's a given that there'll be some heated discussions here and there, but if you get annoyed of reading/seeing the posts just skim it. No one makes you read the post. It's what makes the thread more meaningful then those "OMG Jun Pyo is so cute!" or whatever. Those comments don't contribute anything to the drama. Everyone has their own take on the drama and it's just interesting how people see it.

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Guest kinkie_lass

i know i'm going to get a lot of bashing and probably hate mails, but i think the PD/scriptwriter is emphasizing too much of yijung's (sojiro) character. he's got too much of screentime with his meddling and talents (pottery, music etc.) and the whole ga-jung thingy and that's unnecessary. really, he's overshadowing jihoo and i'm not quite happy with it. BOF is supposedly revolves around JD, JP and JH. i don't quite like it with the ga-eul and yijung interactions they're creating. it's not their time yet to shine. i know kim bum is one of the hottest young acts around in korea right now but giving too much of plot and screentime to him is ridiculous and unfair to KHJ. if they want to feature that much of kimbum in BOF, they should just have cast him as jihoo

i also want to comment about someone's comment about JP's hugging scene with the foreign beach babe. i think it's fine because it shows that JP is familiar with the girl as he went to that place often. it's a sign of familiarity.

talking about the japanese version, i sincerely think that the reason of matsumoto jun's domyoji has been portrayed as cold and aloof to strangers is because of his real life Do-S nature :lol:

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Um...except we AREN'T arguing. :lol: It's quite hilarious that the only people angry are the ones who are claiming that people are arguing. Like I said, there are three different discussions going on. Not all of us are talking about the same thing (or even bashing anyone). I know the comments are long, but maybe if you actually read what we had to say, you wouldn't attempt to lump us all together.

If you don't want to participate, you don't have to, but please don't "shush" us, especially when we aren't being negative or rude to one another. A lot of the time we aren't even disagreeing (and if someone does disagree, we do so civilly).

Honestly, I'm tired of justifying my comments when it's clear that certain people aren't even reading the comments they're referring to.

Some people are making rude remarks, this is true, but often, these people either pop in and make one comment (that someone else responds to), or it's apart of a single continuing discussion that has nothing to do with another on going discussion. Conversations attacking actors and the show should stop, but as for the other ones going on, I think if the participants can make valid points and not be rude to one another, they should be left alone.

And when all else is said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the scroll function. :)

EDIT: I'd also like to add that I haven't once bashed any of the actors, which makes me know for certain that you definitely didn't read any of my comments.

Also, my not including the Taiwanese version of this story in my analysis is due to having not watched it. After giving the first episode a look, I think I'm not going to as a personal decision.

I agree, I personally love reading all the long, fair, valid reasons backing up one's point of view and analysis. I've decided to ignore posts that are just so obviously bias that it's laughable. Comments like "She can't act because of her ugly expressions" or "She's too old to be Jandi" or "He's too stiff", also "I don't like the triple J but I'm watching it just cause of so and so" . I do enjoy reading your post and hope you to continue. I find that there are just some random people that pops in and leave negative remarks, those I ignore.

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Guest Sc4r3Cr0w

The buffering at KBSable won't stop for me either, so I watch the series on Tvants - it doesn't buffer at all!

install the program, then start it and search for "kbs" - a channel list will appear, u just double click on KBS-2 and the streaming window will appear =) it buffers a lil bit the first 10 seconds, but works fine then.

(ep.7 will air at 9.45pm korean time)

thanks alot~!


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blue angel

SPOILER PIC (from possibly ep 8?)

BRILLIANT! Thank you! Yes, now finally we can see how they'll interact...in HER house! :w00t:

and I really want to know more information on JP's older sister! Anyone care to help? :sweatingbullets:

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Guest Labacookie

They may be valid points. But they are not so valid anymore when the same point is used to compliment one actor and bash another.

It's not the criticisms people are getting frustrated at. It's the lack of thought and good reason behind the criticisms. People write things just because they love an actor, or just because they hate an actress.


Except we aren't even discussing the actors. Much of the analysis has absolutely nothing to do with the actors at all, but the characters, story telling, and plot development, and should the actors work their way in, it's usually to address how each version's actor's interpretation of the role would play a factor in how different the character is.

Heck, I think I may have mentioned an actor by name once, and it was largely in relation to an unrelated misunderstanding that occurred. I haven't bashed anyone, and have said (multiple times) that those kind of remarks should go and that particular discussion/argument should stop.

I suggest everyone interesting in analyzing the characters, shows, story direction, what we think will happen next, etc. should ignore comments that attempt to tell us how rude we are being and that our well thought out and polite conversation is somehow mean. I for one like our discussion and feel that since we're being good enough towards each other, we need not worry about people who aren't willing to take the time to read what we have to say before attempting to lump us in with people who are actually making rude comments.

@dramalovers26: Yes, that's exactly it. *falls over* I tend to ignore those kind of comments by default, but I can certainly tell the difference between comments that are rude and ones that critical, or even ones that aren't critical, but merely analytical. XD I think this is the curse of TL;DR. :lol:

Having said that, see you guys tomorrow!

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Do we know anything about Joon Hee (Joon Pyo's sister) besides the fact that other members of F4 believe Jan Di resembles her (in spirit)?

I was waiting for someone to say this, because this IS why I believe Jun Pyo formed this crush on Jandi... because she resemble his big sister. He might deny it when they brought it up, but she is the only one (other then Joon Hee) who had the galls enough to stand up against the Mighty Jun Pyo. He got kicked in the face, and misunderstood it as a form of some kind of love. This is why he kidnapped her and gave her a forced make over. He asks her to admit that he has a crush on him. Of course... he gets rejected. This misunderstanding lead to the scene where he tried helping her clean up her bloody nose. Totally confused why when the whole female student body worshiped him, she wouldn't give him the time of day... it must of made him determined to win her heart.

This is how he became so fond of her. Anyone else think that?

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I was waiting for someone to say this, because this IS why I believe Jun Pyo formed this crush on Jandi... because she resemble his big sister. He might deny it when they brought it up, but she is the only one (other then Joon Hee) who had the galls enough to stand up against the Mighty Jun Pyo. He got kicked in the face, and misunderstood it as a form of some kind of love. This is why he kidnapped her and gave her a forced make over. He asks her to admit that he has a crush on him. Of course... he gets rejected. This misunderstanding lead to the scene where he tried helping her clean up her bloody nose. Totally confused why when the whole female student body worshiped him, she wouldn't give him the time of day... it must of made him determined to win her heart.

This is how he became so fond of her. Anyone else think that?

After reading your comment, something came to mind.. In the manga and other versions, it is made clear that JP fell in love w/ JD after getting kicked on his face because JD reminded him of his sister. Now, that sounded a bit strange to me but knowing that JP is actually a lonely figure and the only person who ever expressed true love to him was his sister, I wonder if he associates getting his butt kicked as a gesture of love and thus, JD was the first girl to "love" him as he knew it to be?

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Except we aren't even discussing the actors. Much of the analysis has absolutely nothing to do with the actors at all, but the characters, story telling, and plot development, and should the actors work their way in, it's usually to address how each version's actors interpretation of the role would play a factor in how different the character is.

Heck, I think I may have mentioned an actor by name once, and it was largely in relation to an unrelated misunderstanding that occurred. I haven't bashed anyone, and have said (multiple times) that those kind of remarks should go and that particular discussion/argument should stop.

I suggest everyone interesting in analyzing the characters, shows, story direction, what we think will happen next, etc. should ignore comments that attempt to tell us how rude we are being and that our well thought out and polite conversation is somehow mean. I for one like our discussion and feel that since we're being good enough towards each other, we need not worry about people who aren't willing to take the time to read what we have to say before attempting to lump us in with people who are actually making rude comments.

@dramalovers26: Yes, that's exactly it. *falls over* I tend to ignore those kind of comments by default, but I can certainly tell the difference between comments that are rude and ones that critical, or even ones that aren't critical, but merely analytical. XD I think this is the curse of TL;DR. :lol:

Having said that, see you guys tomorrow!

I'm sorry, I wasn't talking about people like you when referred the the forum. I was referring to people who were complementing for no reason just because they have a crush on that actor. And bashing just because, for reasons I just can't think of. It's annoying enough when they say things like "OMG he's so hot!" or "OMG I love him!" but why do they have to go further and say things like "He's too ugly, he can't act" or "she's too old, they should have never casted her!"

That may have taken them a few seconds to write, But those hurtful comments mean alot to the actors. In sang sang plus, KHJ mentioned that he practiced his lines over a 100 times, and felt so discouraged when he kept getting comments like that. These people work hard, we don't need to criticize them unless we do it the intention of them becoming better actors. How would you feel if you put your heart and effort into one thing while loosing sleep, and then these people come and criticize it for reasons that don't even make sense. And I personally don't think any of us could do any better. Otherwise we wouldn't be sitting here watching them, we'd be the ones on screen.

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Labacookie, I've been here in this thread since...the beginning of this thread and I really don't think the posts were aimed towards you or anybody that commented with valid points and insightful analyzations. Sadly, the people that came in here to post with negative remarks are few but it gets annoying and I think that was probably what they want. Better to just ignore it. gg3500, I feel your pain and yes it's unfair that we have some posters that likes to leave negative remarks it's not even constructive criticism anymore, those I ignored...it will make reading this thread so much more pleasurable :D !

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Labacookie, I've been here in this thread since...the beginning of this thread and I really don't think the posts were aimed towards you or anybody that commented with valid points and insightful analyzations. Sadly, the people that came in here to post with negative remarks are few but it gets annoying and I think that was probably what they want. Better to just ignore it. gg3500, I feel your pain and yes it's unfair that we have some posters that likes to leave negative remarks it's not even constructive criticism anymore, those I ignored...it will make reading this thread so much more pleasurable :D !

<_< You're absolutely right...

Guys let's let this go now... I know I've been ranting a lot today.. but only because they ridiculous comments were getting more and more common and ridiculous... I think the part that really got me was when someone said KHJ was too ugly for the part? But I really like it when people leave constructive comments and make this forum more than people saying stuff like "she's sucks!" or "he's so hot!"

Let's hope this goes better tomorrow!

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This is a great comment! I think this is a general and very broad difference between Japanese and Korean dramas -- that there is less dramatic emotion in Japanese romantic dramas, whereas there may be, at times, too much of it in Korean dramas.

Again, these are very generalized observations, but I generally do not see a lot of emotional love professions in Japanese rom-com dramas and the extent of it may just be a simple "I like you" as a resolution to a love story arch. I think J-directors sort of want the audience to inherently know that the characters are in love, instead of whacking you over the head with it. This can be a good/bad thing because sometimes as a viewer, you just want a couple to announce it cheesily to each other that they're in lub. :blush:

Whereas in Korean dramas, love professions and angst is almost ALL that you get -- which again may be a good thing and a bad thing depending on a viewer's preferences. The excessive "saranghaeyo"'s and misunderstandings can tend to make a story draggy but there are some insanely intense scenes that can make a shipper very happy :)

I'm sort of banking on the Korean version of the Hanadan story to deliver some more of that angst because I never felt it with the Japanese version. I think in regards to filming/directing and all the technical aspects of story-telling, the Japanese version is far superior to the Korean version, based on the little that I've seen of the Korean version. But! The so-called passionate love that we know is supposed to exist between the Domyouji and Makino characters was never taken to that level in the Japanese live action version, methinks, which is why I was never supercrazy, unbashedly waving any sort of Domyouji/Makino OTP flag, heh. Here's to hoping they deliver in the K-version!

Thank you so much for your comment! You just said everything I was thinking in my head, except I couldn't think of the English words to write it out. LOL

Totally agree with this sentence, "which is why I was never supercrazy, unbashedly waving any sort of Domyouji/Makino OTP flag, heh." When I was watching HYD, sure I enjoyed it, but I also didn't give a damn when I missed a few episodes in a row. Whereas for Boys Over Flowers, I just have to sit in front of the com and refresh youtube until I see the new episodes uploaded. Haha

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