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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest huangsy

Huangsy: Thanks for you pics. They are really awesome. But MORE Yi Jeong pics please!

All the pics released by KBS are in the Photos Lists A to F and I have also extracted Kim Bum's photos and posted at his thread.

Interview of Boys Over Flower casts was featured on today's KBS Entertainment Relay.

I watched it streaming but I didn't understand most part.

They interviewed Lee Min Ho, Go Hye Sun, Kim Hyun Joong, and Kim Bum separately on set.

Hyun Joong was cute wearing that formal outfit with slippers^^

For those who have KBS World, this KBS Ent. Relay should be broadcast on Monday, Feb 2nd, with English subtitle.

Thx much for the alert. The cut for this has been uploaded at http://hallyudrama.blogspot.com

click for screencap

Hello all, I found a new BTS video, not sure if it has been shared already. Check it out....

New Caledonia BTS video

That was out 2 days ago & so has been posted already. Anyway all 11 BTS have been compiled at http://hallyudrama.blogspot.com

And for those talking abt SS501 cameo, there is one BTS interview with them already out.

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Guest heorungnghenhac

Ep 7 long preview. credit DCinside http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=f4

(with rough translation. sorry for my poor English)

준표가 교장선생님 책상위에 앉아서 잔디,지후 퇴학 안 시키면 교장선생님 자르겠다고 협박해.

JP sits on principal's desk and threatens him that if the principal doesn't expel Jandi & Jihoo, he will expel the principal.

그런데 누나가 "그만 두지 못해!!" 하면서 들어와서 준표를 클러치백으로 때리면서 끌어 내려서

Suddenly his sister Junhee shouts "Stop!" hits JP with her clutch bag then pulls him out.

준표는 오버액션을 하면서 바닥에 끌려 내려와. JP is pulled down the floor doing overaction.

교장선생님 자르면, 다음 교장은 누나가 할 것이라며 누나 밑에서 졸업하고 싶냐고 묻지~

Junhee says "If you expel the principal, I will be the next principal. Do you want to go this school under me?"

(당연히 준표는 싫어함) (JP says no of course )

누나가 준표 귀를 잡고 "잔말 말고 따라와!" 밖으로 끌고 나오고,

Sister grabs him by the ear saying "Shut up and come out!" he is pulled out.

밖에 있던 학생들. 그리고 추녀 3총사는 "민서현 위에 구준희라더니.전설의 카리스마. 퀸. 역시 포스가 다르네" 하며

Students outside and the 3 girls say "Over Min Seon Hyun, there is Goo Jun Hee. Legend charisma, queen, her force is different!"

감탄하고~ They admire.

다른 학생들처럼 밖에 있떤 다른F4와 잔디한테 "너희들도 따라와" 이래.

Junhee says to other F4 and Jandi "You guys also follow me"

준표네집 쇼파에 F4, 누나, 잔디가 앉아있고, 누나가 스포츠로 대결하고 결과에 무조건 승복하라고 해.

At Jun Pyo's house, F4, sister and Jandi are sitting. Jun Hee suggests to compete with sports and follow the result unconditionaly.

준표만 반대하고, 이정, 우빈, 잔디는 찬성, 지후는 "고마워요. 누나" 이렇게 말하고~

Only JP objects, but Yijung, Woobin and Jandi agree, Jihoo says "Thanks sister"

준표가 그럼 경기 종목은 자기가 정한다고 말하고, 우빈이가 그건 페어 플레이가 아니라며 반발 ㅎㅎ

JP says "Then I will select the sports" but Woobin objects saying that's not a fair play.

암튼, 누나가 집사를 불러서 로또 뽑는 거랑 비슷한 그런 걸 갖고 와. ㅋㅋ

Anyway, sister calls butler and let him bring a lottery machine.

잔디가 혼자 가는데, 추녀 3총사가 와서 또 염장질러. "각오는 해뒀겠지? 지후선배 절대 못 이겨.

Jandi is walking by herself. 3 girls come and nerve her. "Are you prepared? Jihoo cannot win"

넌 예정대로 퇴학당할거니까 가방부터 싸두지" 이러면서~

"You will be expeled as it was planned. Why don't you pack your baggage?"

잔디는 지후선배 믿는다고 하고~~ Jandi says " I believe in Jihoo sunbae..."

죽집에서 가을이랑 잔디랑 한숨쉬면서 어찌할지 얘기해.

At porridge restaurant, Ga Wul & Jandi are sighing and discussing what to do.

가을이는 준표 누나한테 부탁하라고 하고, 잔디는 벌써 많이 도와주셨잖아. 이러면서

Gawul says Jandi to ask to Junhee, but she says that Junhee alreay helped a lot.

지후선배 힘들게 하느니 차라리 퇴학당한다고 한숨쉬고~

She says that she doesn't want to make Jihoo hard, she will rather be expeled. She sighes.

죽집 사장아저씨가 보온도시락에 죽으로 추정되는 무언가를 담아서

The restaurant guy gives her a pot of porridge and says her to go and cheer him.

가서 응원해 주라고 하고~ 잔디는 좋아하면서 퇴장.

Jandi is pleased then goes.

다시 준표네 거실.

It's Junpyo's living room again.

누나가 경기 종목 이름이 적힌 보석함 비슷한 걸 열었는데 "수영" 이라고 적혀있어.

Sister opens a box and it is written as 'Swimming'

준표는 무효라고 난리. 누나가 그럼 준표가 기권하라고 하고,

Junpyo shouts it's invalid. Sister says then he must drop out.

이정이가 이렇게 끝나면 개운치가 않다면서 자기가 준표 대신 나간다고 하고,

Yijung says that it should bit be ended this way, he will replace JP.

(이번 만큼은 저도 저 녀석을 쉽게 용서할 수가 없어요.)

(This time I canot forgive that rascal(Jihoo?))

잔디가 "구준표 대신 이정선배가 나가니까 지후 선배 대신 제가 나갈게요~" 이렇게 말해.

Jandi says "If Yijung replaces JP, I will replace Jihoo~~"

준표는 "주제넘게 나서지마. 기지배 상대로 무슨 경기를 해?" 이래.

JP says "Don't be dare to come out. How do we compete against a girl?"

Thank you so much for translation. But I can't find the clip of long preview ep 7 from the link above. have u watched it? Could you give me the link? Thank u again.

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uhmmm... do you know what time it will be shown here in asia(philippines)? thanks in advance..

If I'm not mistaken it's 23.20 (very late, huh) since Manila and Kuala Lumpur are in the same time zone.

More info you can look at this address:



haruekorea already uploaded the KBS Ent. Weekly on her channel. Click to watch

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oh my GOD 334 pages already, i think it will be in 400 next week

No Kidding, the thread jumps 100 page per week. :lol:


Yay!!! can't wait for the NG special. it would be really hilarious.

and btw i just watched this http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=fmFG_OyPY4Q&...re=channel_page. kinda late but it's really thoughtful of hyun joong to give new year gifts to his co-stars. i find it cute when min ho was like "mee tooooo??" :) adorable min ho. although i still find it weird that he's calling hyun joong hyung. i thought they were the same age until i saw this vid.


and kim joon was called hyung by hyun joong. LOL. hahahha~~~ goosh really. i guess i should have started reading their profiles at least. :D




After ss501's live perf of Because I am Stupid, it would be awesome too if T-Max sings Paradise live. *hoping for it*

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now that you've mentioned it..I suddenly remembered.. :tears: but they didn't do anything, right? Domyoji rejected her..when it comes to Domyoji/JunPyo loving Makino/JanDi, I really think that he's so sure of his feelings for her that he won't be affected by the things his beautiful fiancee was doing to him..

btw..will the NG special be shown in KBS world?

can't wait for the next episodes!

yeah, they didn't do anything but i still dont want her to naked :ph34r: in front of my man(LMH) :sweatingbullets:


monday !! where r u ????

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Guest mikirakayano

thanks for your answer saturn!

but, is it wasn´t upload in youku or other???

if you find it, please post it

and thank you for the translation!!!

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BAHAHAHAHAH!! I was bored so I just watched the regular end-of-episode preview of ep 7 again...YiJung is diving into the pool and he does a belly-flop!! it's HILARIOUS!!!

Then again, Korea is not exactly noted for their swimmers ;)

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I don't know, but after reading the preview of ep7, I feel like I hate JD, why she keeps make the small thing become bigger, she knows very well why JP acted that way, and instead of telling him "I don't like you, I like JH sunbae", she's doing something else to get on his nerve.

JP can't swim that why YJ replaces him and JH, I believe can swim very well... the way JD is thinking really annoy me now ... I don't know why, but I just can't stop thinking that she's spoiled ( sorry for all of her fans, it's simply just my feeling right now)

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Written version of Ep 8 long preview from dcinside

잔디가 깜찍한 꽃무늬 점퍼(아이보리 점퍼, 보라색 꽃무늬)에 스커트를 입고, 손에 흰색 털 귀마개를 들고

Jandi is dressed up with violet flower printed ivory jumper and skirt, white fur ear-warmer.

몰래 외출하려고 집에서 살금살금 나가려는데, She is going out secretely.

가족에게 들켰어. 가족들은 "사랑이란게 꼭 계획대로 되는 게 아니잖니?" 이러면서 좋아하지.

She is found by family. Family say "Love does not go as it's planned" they are happy.

지후도령한테 잘 보여야 한다면서 They say that she must treat Jihoo nicely.

동생은 치마가 너무 길다고 하고, 아빠는 입술이 말랐다며, 입술에 침이라도 바르라고 말하면서

Brother says her skirt is too long, father says her lips are too dry, suggets her to apply saliva to them.

능글능글한 표정으로 혀를 낼름거려. -_-;; He smiles an insidious smile. and puts his tongue out.

엄마는 "여자는 향기가 중요해. 거부할 수 없는 유혹의 향기" 이러면서 향수를 잔디에게 여러번 뿌리고~

Mommy says "A scent is important to a woman. Scent of temptation" She sprays perfume to her.

나가는 잔디 뒷모습을 쳐다보면서 좋아해. 지후의 화려한 배경을 칭찬하면서

They are happy to see Jandi going out. They praise Jihoo's gorgeous background.

준표방이야. 준표는 침대에 누워있고, At Jun Pyo's house, JP is lying in bed.

우빈이랑 이정이가 찾아왔어. 날씨 좋은데 나가자고~~ 준표는 싫다고 하지.

Woobin & Yijung comes and say that the weather is good enough to go out. Junpyo says he doesn't want to.

몇 시인데 이러고 있어? 나가자 "Do you know what time it is now? Let's go out"

싫어. "No, I don't want"

요. 사격장가자. "YO, let's go shooting"

됐어. "No thanks"

드라이브. "Drive"

아, 귀찮아 "Ah, that's annoying"

그럼 쇼핑? "Then shopping?"

아이, 관심없다니까 "Ai, I'm not interested"

날씨 이렇게 죽이는데, 방콕만 하겠다고? "You will be stuck to the room in this killing weather?"

(준표는 계속 이불 뒤집어 쓰고 이정과 우빈의 대화를 듣고 있어)

(JP is under blanket listening to Yijung & Woobin's conversation)

아, 지후자식 데이트할 맛 나겠네.

Ah Jihoo must be satisfied to date.

근데 지후랑 금잔디 둘이 만나면 뭐할까? 진짜 상상 안된다.

By the way, what would Jihoo and Jandi do together? I can't imagine.

어디가서 햇빛이나 쬐면서 낮잠잘 것 같지 않냐?

Will they take a nap under sunshine?

팔베개도 하고? with pillowing her head on his arm?

야, 나가자~ 나가자~ (이렇게 말하면서 우빈, 이정이가 준표 이불을 걷어)

Hey let's go out~ (They uncover JP's blanket)

잔디랑 지후랑 학교에서 만났어. Jandi and Jihoo meet at school.

지후가 커피를 들고와서 잔디랑 마시면서 이야기를 해.

Jihoo brings a cup and drink together with Jandi.

(준표랑 지후는 화해한 시점인 듯)

(seems it's after JP makes it up with Jihoo)

지후가 잔디한테 방학인데 왜 나왔냐고 하고,

Jihoo asks her why she came to school during vacation.

지후는 학교에 악보를 놔두고 와서 가지러 왔다고 해.

Jihoo says that he himself came to bring his music book.

그때 준표가 지후에게 전화를 했어 (진동모드임)

At that time, JP calls Jihoo. (vibrating mode)

잔디는 자기가 같이 있다는 거 말하지 말라면서 수영하는 흉내를 내고,

Jandi asks him not to say that she is with him, pretending swimming.

그래서 지후는 준표에게 잔디 얘기를 하지 않아.

So Jihoo doesn't talk about Jandi to JP.

준표가 온다고 하니까, 잔디는 사라지고, 준표가 그 후에 오고.

JP says he will come to school, Jandi is disappeared, then JP comes.

준표가 잔디네 집에 왔어. Junpyo comes to Jandi's house.

구두신고, 양복입고 식탁의자에 다리 꼬고 앉아있어.

wearing shoes and suit he is sitting on the dining chair with his legs crossed.

잔디 가족들은 무릎꿇고 앉아있고,

Jandi's family members are bending their knees on the floor.

준표가 "아버님, 어머님" 이러면서 "하룻밤만 재워주십쇼" 이러면서 고개를 숙여.

Junpyo says "Father, Mother, please let me stay a night here." he bows.

잔디는 펄펄 뛰고~ 부모님은 급방긋~~~

Jandi is jumping with angry, parents are smiling.

동생이 "형님 저랑 같이 자요" 이러니까 엄마는 "안돼!" 이러고

Little brother says "Brother, sleep together with me." Mom says "No!"

준표가 잔디 아부지의 파란색 츄리닝을 입고 모델포스로 서있어. (한 손은 허리에 ㅋㅋ)

Junpyo is standing in a pose of fashion model wearing dad's training wear. (One hand is on his waste)

키가 큰 준표는 바지가 짧아서 살짝 올라갔지.

JP is tall, so the training pants are very short.

잔디 엄마가 신혼 첫날밤에 썼던 이불을 세팅해놓고~

Mom sets the bed with her own wedding night blanket.

잔디는 "엄마!" 하면서 버럭! Jandi shouts with angry "Mom!"

준표는 미묘한 웃음. ㅋㅋ Junpyo smiles an odd smile.

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Guest secret_valentine

omg thanks for the ep 8 review i agree it's much better than ep 7.... hope that Jandi hearts will melt when she;s with Goo Joon Pyo^^

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