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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest xiaomaii

i found it funny how people seems to be a bit agonized on how the story flows..

if you had actually read the manga itself, your temper tantrums must have have been way beyond that

I'm ready to give up reading the manga before

after the on-and-off breaking point scene of Tsukasa and Tsukushi

after the fiance, they broke up, then on again went to date, then the being the maid, then break-up again in the rain

honestly it's really frustrating

but in the series it only shows slight of it..

I just can't stand how people tend to hate JH for some reason

when in fact he was downhearted and the one who has the most pitiful state in the story

JP was the one who doesn't have one word of his own.

where is his stand of being responsible til the end?

JD's promise is still intact in my point of view

She didn't give up because of JP's mom

but because of JP, he ends it roughly in Macau!

And for the first time, in this episode, I just can't take it why JK&JP went all a little bit gentle with each other.

The shopping for grocery, dragging him up everywhere

I mean, it would be good if JK is doing it after she already cleared things up with JP and JD

But on the last scene, where he asked JP if what'll he choose between love and friendship

I know it was about her choice she was asking

If who would she give up JD or JP?

As for JH and JD. I don't see any reason why we have to hate them both.

It appeals since the start of the drama, that they were the only ones who really understand each other

JH is lonely, I cried for him on this episode.

If you'll try to put your shoes on his, it's really difficult

when he visit his parent's grave before, he said something that why all the people he love tends to leave him at the end.

first his parents, then his grandfather, next is Seoh Hyun, then though he hate to admit, sooner it will be JD

that at some point, he doesn't want to let her go, and just go greedy by himself but he can't

JD's affection for JH is totally different from JP

We know for a fact that she love JP, and there's no doubt about it.

and to JH, whom she consider as her life saver, the one who could only understand her, and the one who could stand for her

wouldn't it be vital, to help that someone out and take good care of him amidst of his most sorrowful state?

seeing the stand point, JH is the only one who could be there for her.

And JP hasn't come yet to his senses..

That he can't do anything right for the girl she loves. admit it..

He wants to be near her, that he went all the way and live on the apartment next to JD's

it was sweet yet immature.

and what happened? His mom single mindedly accuse JD for that

it end up just hurting JD

so the thing that JH ask JP is really something!

if the person you love is hurting too much and you're probably the reason..

dang! make up your mind and stand for you own! stop the fake fiance thing!

As I was watching BOF in KBSWorld tonight, we where on the New Caledonia Episode where JP have seen JH&JD kiss

As I look at it, at that point he was mad at JH, for the reason that he thinks JH is just using JD to get over Seoh Hyun.

And now after the Macau scene, and after he saw JD on JH's bed, he recalled what JH told him at the Macau Airport

And then boom! Finally he realize, that his best friend really had fallen to the girl he loves!

And the thing about saving Shinhwa, he can't do anything and he's really pissed and at the same time frustrated..

this is really a kind of a whirlwind tragic story.

and I for myself don't know how to end it.

so that's why since before, i don't blame the writer of the manga

that Tsukasa went overseas, Tsukushi willing to wait for him, and Rui all along unselfishly will be there for the two!

I like the ending for MG, it's like by the end of the two series, we where left there hanging what would happen after that.

after all the nonstop dilemma of the characters..

in HYD Japan, it's like more of a fairy tale like romance, just my thought, where far too way from what the manga really implies..

so I'm holding on to this series..

it might get me a glinch, but it's time yet to come to see what's coming... :blush:

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Guest andie39martinez

sorry if posted before

but can someone kindly make caps of when jihoo was in the rain?

please and thank you :]

the pictures are big. click to enlarge :D

th_1913.jpg th_1914_5.jpg th_1921.jpg th_1924_1.jpg

th_1924_5.jpg th_1926_2.jpg th_1926_5.jpg th_1937.jpg

th_1902.jpg th_0cd16add1f29b3155882dde.jpg


credits: krdrama + khj606 + fiona1111 @ Soompi

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Guest Bamidele

Did anyone else find it weird that JH was wearing the same thing that he was wearing in the rain....what is the point of taking care of him when you put him in bed with the same soaked clothes.

Vent: Why did the PD give JD/JH a rain scene that is just soooooooo wrong.

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Guest mysticalz

I totally agree -.-;;

I'm getting slightly irritated at all the complaining that's going on.

Yes, happily ever after would be fun to watch, but there's really only so much they could do with that and keep the story interesting.

kudos for you........you go girl give them some tongue slashing....after all its just a drama and we should take it like that. i guess people have thier own drama too :D people watch a drama while they have own drama: redundant but true :phew:

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Guest kurayzeexivy

Ahh I'm so confused of who I want JD to end up with! JH is oh so charming and always there for her, JP is funny and secretly caring. Part of me wants JD and JH to end up together and JK and JP to end up together. :ph34r: But when I see those JoonDi moments I go back to the JoonDi ship. xD

I thought this episode was cute. Wasn't as good as yesterday's though. I love GE throwing that cup of water in YJ face! I almost hated YJ in this episode. He was rather mean to her... I was confused though when the next day those two seemed fine. ._.

It was really sad to see JH to be crying in the rain. :( When JH was tucked and he held her hand, and she gave him a look, it really made me want those two to end together! :wub:

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Guest mysticalz

Did anyone else find it weird that JH was wearing the same thing that he was wearing in the rain....what is the point of taking care of him when you put him in bed with the same soaked clothes.

Vent: Why did the PD give JD/JH a rain scene that is just soooooooo wrong.

lol.i was wondering that too......i guess JH is too heavy for JD to change his clothes or JD is embarass of changing his clothes.whatever the case....a person should not sleep in wet clothes..........people get sick......havent they heard of Pneumonia :phew: ......crazy

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Guest lilnahnah

I thought this episode was cute. Wasn't as good as yesterday's though. I love GE throwing that cup of water in YJ face! I almost hated YJ in this episode. He was rather mean to her... I was confused though when the next day those two seemed fine. ._.

Yeahhh I loved it when Gaeul threw that glass of water in Yijung's face.

But I feel that Yijung being a jerk and having all those "rules" for dating is his way of distancing himself. It's his defense mechanism.

He doesn't want to let himself feel like he did with his first love.

But most of all he's afraid of becoming like his dad.

And I think Gaeul realizes that, which is what makes her try to be understanding towards him.

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Guest MaryFairy

I'm really pissed at this week's episode and i'm really getting dangerous vibes from JP/JK and JH/JD :wacko:

I'm at a point where I'll honnestly don't mind who JD will eventually end up with. While I was always a JunDi shipper (unconsciously, maybe i'm only shipping for them because it's HYD and it has to be that way...) I don't see how and why they should end up together anymore. The last time I found myself going all "awwwww" for them was a month ago (ep 12) and even if I still haven't felt the same way with the other coupling, it would still be more logical if JD ends up with JH or with no one for all that matter. I mean, she never knew the (real) reason why JP dumped her in the first place, why then is she supposed to forgive him? I don't know it if was that way in the manga, but in the japanese version JP's secretery went to see her and explained that his master had quite a shock because he felt responsible for an employee's death, so Makino (JanDi) soften a bit towards Tsukasa. That scene happenend before the maid arc, thus during the time they were living as neighboors. Their interactions were therefore sweeter and you can still felt the love from BOTH of them. Since the maid arc is coming, all I can imagine for JP and JD is some bickering. While i love it during the first episodes, I really want to have some sweet moments for our main couple (because they are..in case you've forgotten like I did)

Right now, as someone else just pointed out, we see JP longing for JD, but not the other way around. Which is totally understandable since there's no reason for her to be nice to him. After all, she has a very sweet and caring JH by her side. And while she may not reciprocate (is that even a word??) his feelings, being closer to him and learning more about him seems much more logical to me (if I were in her shoes) than to try to win back a man who broke her heart and his promises made to her, and then acting like nothing had happened and sometimes even ignored her!

And Jun Pyo! Stand up for yourself and your love! Your mom is going to find out anyway wether you silently weep in the car/pool/airport or openly and manly-ly telling JD how much you love her and that you're suffering that she's not by your side. I know that that you have a lot of pride and ego, but that's not going to to get any love or sympathy from JD. Maybe from us, viewers, who can clearly see that you're really hurt, but JD can't see that you know? And since you've told her the oh-so-ironic line "haven't you ever watched any drama?" I'm gessing that you do watch them. Then you should know that the female lead always see what she shouldn't (i.e JK and you at the pool) and can't see what she should (i.e You undying love for her). So to avoid all misunderstandings (as if there isn't enough!) be clear to her!

I know that it sounds as if I'm really hating JP, but it's exactly the opposite. I love this character to death and while I know that i should be more heartbroken for JiHoo, my heart is all with JunPyo. And the drama is dragging at a point where I just want to kick some sense out of my favorite character's a**. That's problematic, don't you think PDnim?

On the other hand, I don't know about you guys, but I've found another reason why I'm starting to feel(and fear) and eventual pair up between JD/Jh and JK/JP. The sweetness between the first couple and the chemistry between the second is of course a reason. Although I have to admit that between JD and JH, it may just be the fact that i've gotten so used to see them together that it'd be weird to have her back on JP's side. However, I just remembered the Korean trend of pairing up. Usually, you have the story starting with a male lead and his love interest that are in love, but are not meant to be together. Male lead is heartbroken and get to know female lead and eventually fall in love. This is the pattern of Goong, My Girl and dramas of the same genre (which I think BBF also falls in). Now if we take JP as male lead. JD was his first love. Their relationship didn't work out because of his mom, they breakup and now he's engaged to JK. JK is like your typical Kdrama bratty princess, fiesty and isn't scared to stand up to him. And I actually feels as if he's starting to enjoy her company... As if it wasn't enough, we also have the cliché of "I hate you at first, but now I'm softening as I learn to know you" -> dangerous vibes for me here. Now if we look at JH. His first love was SH and of course their relationship didn't work neither. She left and he's all zombie. Meanwhile he got to know JD better and kept her company. And as we all know, he really likes JD...another dangerous vibe here... The beggining of this drama was different because it's from a Japanese story...but since it's the Korean version, that pattern is looking very scary for me... Like I said before, it's not that I really care about who end up with who, but It's still frustrating to see the essence of the original story evaporate like that...

Anyway, sorry for the long post but the silent lurker needs to let it all out!

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Guest ml_87

Ahh I'm so confused of who I want JD to end up with! JH is oh so charming and always there for her, JP is funny and secretly caring. Part of me wants JD and JH to end up together and JK and JP to end up together. :ph34r: But when I see those JoonDi moments I go back to the JoonDi ship. xD

I thought this episode was cute. Wasn't as good as yesterday's though. I love GE throwing that cup of water in YJ face! I almost hated YJ in this episode. He was rather mean to her... I was confused though when the next day those two seemed fine. ._.

It was really sad to see JH to be crying in the rain. :( When JH was tucked and he held her hand, and she gave him a look, it really made me want those two to end together! :wub:

i hate JH-JD couple. i become more and more less enjoy in JH. :unsure: i dont know why. but i cant bear see him spend so much time with JD. i'm sorry but he didnt have nothing to do than follow JD? even in Macau, and now, in Korea. i hope that JD will not fall to him. <_<

after reading u guys's post, i feel i can understand JP's action now. yeah, he's very confused now. we should let him more tim to clarify things. luckily, JK is out of the relationship. now only JH. this guy makes me really worried about JD's love for JP.

at least, the next episode is maid arc. very funny^^^ hope that JoonDi moment last long (at least 1 episode)

i will support BOF to the end. the cast deserves that, even the PD, he may have reasons to make the drama this way. let's wait and we'll understand :rolleyes:

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Guest nalinna

^[]^Wow!!!~BOF,it can get rating 35% that so cool~

i cheer upfor couple jandi and junpyo but i feel for jihoo TT^TT

it's a climax of story.....now i cheer up for jandi....

i like new song too

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Guest etoile

Watching it while leaving all preconceived notions/ideas/expectations at the very back of your mind while watching lets you appreciate it a lot more. :)

werd sista werdddd.

especially the last line.

cant wait for next week though, but does anyone find those maid costumes ridiculous?

oh and the last NG scene with KHS eating was ultimate cuteness. haha

edit: from mary fairy's post (sorry i totlally chopped it up lol)

1.JK is like your typical Kdrama bratty princess, fiesty and isn't scared to stand up to him. And I actually feels as if he's starting to enjoy her company...

2. As if it wasn't enough, we also have the cliché of "I hate you at first, but now I'm softening as I learn to know you"

3. His first love was SH and of course their relationship didn't work neither. She left and he's all zombie. Meanwhile he got to know JD better and kept her company. And as we all know, he really likes JD...another dangerous vibe here...

Anyway, sorry for the long post but the silent lurker needs to let it all out!

1. Personally, for me, the only vibes i get from Joonpyo --> jaekyung is platonic. (obviously this isnt the case the other way around). I think junpyo DOES like her company. like you said, shes fiesty, and isnt scared to stand up to him. I think hes just annoyed by her clinging, but even he said shes not a bad person, so its obvious he holds in high regard and likes her enough to put up with her. I mean, theyre exactly the same even the way they say the wrong phrases.

2. i dont think junpyo hated her. maybe the fact that shes his fiancee but never hate. and of course he softens as he gets to know her. ...its CAUSE hes getting to know her.

3. about jihoo, i think it may just be me personally but i think what Jihoo really needs is someone to love him. I think once he and his grandfather reconcile he'll get be able to get over jandi pretty quickly. especially since theyre platonic soulmates. it would be messed up if he was jandis platonic soulmate and she was his SOUL soulmate... that would blow for him. lol.

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Guest Download Love

people don't watch dramas to make them bang each other and marry.

that's not all about love anyways, grow up..... seriously..... god dayumn....

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AH! I finally finished the episode!! Oh, I love this episode!! It was less sad that what I had expected, but ay.....JP's mom is so.....ay....no word to describe her. I was thinking that maybe F3 could beat all the bodyguards down and JD and her brother can throw her down the building and said it was an accident. Okay...I'm being mean...but, really, she is so annoying.

Well...a few thoughts. First of all, I feel so sad for JH. His confrontation with his grandfather is so sad. I wish he forgives his grandfather for what happened. His grandfather is so sad too considering he wants his grandson's forgiveness so much. I hope the PD doesn't write his grandfather dying considering he has heart problems. I really do hope that the PD will at least give JH a good ending with his grandfather considering he is such a nice person. Even if he doesn't get JD, he should at least have his grandfather back. I felt so sad for him when JD was kind of nursing JH back to health and he held her hand. At that moment, I really wanted to say forget about about JP and go to JH. Ay...then they had to show JP waiting for JD, so I got confused again. Right at that moment, I felt like JD. It is a good thing that JD knows who she is really in love with or....ay....I don't even know who she would pick. Also, little JH was so cute and I felt so sad for him. KHJ is so good with all those emotions!!! He went from emotionless to a person with too much emotions!! That was great!!!

JP was so funny!! I love how he yells at JD for coming home late. I felt so bad for him when he got dragged out of that place. He was starting to get used to it, but....eating dry ramen? Is that good? Well, at least we have to give him credit for trying to cook something for himself. I love that eye thing he did with JH and JH just got it and went to call the other F2. Again, we have his helmet conversation. He must have really good hearing. I feel that JH always seems to see all these things that happen to JP in a way.

JK, well, I don't really dislike her anymore. At least, she got JP to be able to see JD. That is good enough for me.

YJ was so sad!!! He was drinking so much and I can't believe that he said that to GE in front of his dad. He deserved that glass of water. It was a good thing that GE didn't leave him and ended up helping YJ into his home. I guess at that moment she felt that there is something really wrong with YJ and it wasn't just the physical pain his brought. Ay...so I guess YJ can't potter anymore considering he was packing everything away. Oh, I feel so sad for him, but he seems to be okay with it. So, I guess it isn't all that bad for him. As someone else indicated, the breaking of his hand meant that he didn't have to be like his dad. Considering pottery is what caused him to meet his first love, lose his brother, and having to follow in his dad's footsteps, he may actually be able to move away from his past after he meets his first love again. Well, at least he can teach GE to potter better. I was so happy when he started to think about GE and went to see her, but I am not anticipating the next scene after he sees the puzzle piece.

F3 and GE was so funny!! They went to decorate that place that JD lives so that she could live better, but it is so sad that that place had to be demolished later. What a waste of work. Oh well then. The truth game was funny!! I can't believe that JH actually kissed YJ. You can see YJ's disgusted reaction. I really didn't get the part where YJ said other than SH, would he ever be able to love anybody else. Well, JH said I never thought of it. What was that supposed to mean? I don't get. I may have to watch that part again. It's so funny how WB dissed the other F3 just like that. YJ was funny too how he said JH kiss him too and he actually goes to do it. Oh, I love the F4 interaction!! I want more...I miss their friendship.

Oh and I can't forget about the NG scenes. It was so funny!! GHS really loves to eat!! :P

Well, enough talking now. The OST does really remind me of Goong. Weird. Anyways, I can't wait to watch the maid arc. I don't know why the previews never match what is shown. I wish they would stop doing that, but oh well. By the way it looks, when are they going to have the amnesia part. Oh....I really don't want that part, but if they really want to put it in, then fine.

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Guest tohoblaq

I totally agree -.-;;

I'm getting slightly irritated at all the complaining that's going on.

Yes, happily ever after would be fun to watch, but there's really only so much they could do with that and keep the story interesting.

Thank you! You spoke my mind. I mean, I don't understand why some of you keep saying you can't remember the reason why Jun Pyo and Jan Di fell in love with each other, and how their love can actually remain so strong. The both of them have been through enough with each other to last a lifetime. They both were willing to sacrifice their lives for each other (Jan Di's kidnap), their hearts still flutter when they see each other, and they both fell in love with people they never expect to like in the first place. And that's one of the reasons why their love remains so strong because they're the only ones who understand each other. :)

Stop complaining and just watch the drama for goodness' sake. And do you really want it the develop exactly the same way as the Japanese and Taiwanese versions? I don't think so, right? I wouldn't. I would love to see something different.

So, stop whining and just watch it!

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Guest carleli

:unsure: is there a missing scene after YJ & GE date in eps. 19 ?

coz in the "dating scene" : GE is angry at YJ .. and throw him glass of water .. then next scene ... everything seems ok between them when they happily painting JD house ? is there scene where YJ apologized to GE or do something ?

since i don't understand korean, i don't know if he apologized, but the scene is when YJ is stumbling to open his door (because he is too drunk) but he can't he just threw the keys... GE was there and open the door for him and helped him inside his house... GE was about to leave when YJ stopped her and said something to her... sorry about this, I haven't seen the subbed epi yet... so i can just tell you about what scene you probably missed... maybe an apology is included in his rumblings...

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Guest Download Love

okay, basically..

girls are going, "oh noes! i want junpyo to be with jandi! no evil girl jaekyung! oh noes! get away jaekyung! junpyo is for jandi! because jandi is more famous!"

shut up. seriously.

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Guest inomao_minho

it breaks my heart when JP asked JD if she's still keeping her promise to him, and when she answered NO waaah it hurt so bad!!!

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Guest OneSky.

Well, enough talking now. The OST does really remind me of Goong. Weird. Anyways, I can't wait to watch the maid arc. I don't know why the previews never match what is shown. I wish they would stop doing that, but oh well. By the way it looks, when are they going to have the amnesia part. Oh....I really don't want that part, but if they really want to put it in, then fine.

Yeah, there are times when I think the OST doesn't fit the scene or what not. Other times, I don't mind so much. Oh, and it reminds me of Goong's OST too. And then I start missing the old soundtrack, haha. Still going to take a getting used to.

Jaekyung isn't that bad anymore since she's taking a 'hint' that JD and JP are meant for each other. The part when she was REALLY annoying was when she started plugging her ears & hummed obnoxiously. Then the next day she acts like nothing happend aka: her random 'suprise' visits got irritating. The 'Witch' of course, is the usual queen of evilness.

I loved seeing JD and JP bicker over the ramen... Such sweet moments.. ^^'

Sometimes I wonder how JD can act like nothing's wrong between them in some scenes. Like, how they are separated. Is this just me? It's like--they should talk over what's happening recently or something.

Nevertheless, I can't wait til next week.

okay, basically..

girls are going, "oh noes! i want junpyo to be with jandi! no evil girl jaekyung! oh noes! get away jaekyung! junpyo is for jandi! because jandi is more famous!"

shut up. seriously.

That's so rude. We have the right to comment on our thoughts about what's happening in the drama. If you don't like it, don't read comments that talk about "JD+JP" and "No evil girl jaekyung". We're not forcing you to read what we think. -.-

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Guest Download Love
it breaks my heart when JP asked JD if she's still keeping her promise to him, and when she answered NO waaah it hurt so bad!!!
it hurts so bad, because it's a question to jandi... not you. (OHHHHHHHHH!)
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