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[drama 2008] My Precious You 내사랑 금지옥엽

Guest huangsy

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Guest puppyiz


This scene 52:30mins+

DW enters MdmSong's Office, they sat down to discuss of BoRi's welfare.

Mdm Song took out her little ' blue book' (must be her Savings book) & handed it over to DW.

I am guessing maybe she has intention to buy BoRi a place to stay... :unsure:

Mdm Song replied she didnt have the heart to tell the truth about BoRi n the baby to ShinHo.

DongWoo expressed his disappointmnt upon hearing this reply frm his Superior .. they began yelling at each other

over their own rights. (MdmSong = ShinHo Vs DongWoo = BoRi+Baby )

BoRi came to know SaJangNim & DW are arguing over her ... so she quickly enters the Office & apologises to both of them.

DW grabs BoRi out of the office ...& goes to an eatery stall for soju.


^ MiCHiDa ... hope u dont mind me, i used ur cap ?? :blush:


Dong Woo is such a heart warming character.

Very sincere man, resposible .. equivalently protective towards BoRi.

Perhaps this is just me ??

From their argument scene ... seems like Mdm Song must've know DongWoo long enough.

Either, DW must have a sad past ... i wonder how did he ended up working for Mdm Song ?

Its sad to read so many here ...saying BoRi will eventually end up with SH.

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^to puppyiz

well it's true isn't it? we all know how its going to turn out. no if, ands, or buts about it. She's carrying SH's baby. no way they're not going to end up together. like I said, it's just going to be a long, frustrating ride.

What about Chun's Happy Event. The lead girl did not end up with her baby's father. In fact he was with her thoughout her pregnacy just like DW is with Bori.

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wow. have been trying to read each and every post and i'm glad that there are fans of this nice weekend drama! Am following it on KBSW though.

When "Mom's Dead Upset" / "Angry Mom" was over, i felt empty (loved how simple and realistic the drama was, documenting the daily life of an average famiy). Skeptical at first, but what do you know, I got hooked onto this one as well! The Baek family is oddly hilarious, and the parenting theme is well, just, heartwarming.

Agree with kapneemo when he/she mentioned a certain formula for korean dramas. In fact I don't think it's just Korean dramas per se. Once something is tried, tested and proven to be successful, it's usually quickly emulated and reproduced in other forms. The themes may be different, but how the antagonists and protagonists are presented will by and large be the same :)

So I'm baffled as to how there actually people rooting for the impossible SH & SR couple. Never had a good impression of Saera - she's needy, clingy and to a certain extent selfish (remember the hospital scene?) and if this drama follows the convention of the typical K drama, then the SH & SR couple will never happen. Plus Bori is pregnant. Once SH knows about Bori's continued pregnancy (this WILL happen, later on), he will be torn. And then we all know what will happen from there. Thing is there's an issue of morality here.

As cliche as it sounds, it works! The whole SH & SR and BR & DW thing is part of the plot build up - so enjoy them while they last. (I have to admit that I'm a fan of the latter too, because DW's character is simply, unbelievably nice!)

Lee Tae Ran's amazing, as usual. Kim Sung Soo's bland, but I guess it's just his charisma in the way.

Joong Ki's refreshing - the role's MADE for him!

And of course Bo Ri! Hong Ah Reum - by any chance, was she the one FT Island's Until You Come Back MV? Can someone confirm this? She's hot!

Singaporean fan :)

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and am I the only one who's pissed by KBS World's erratic broadcast scheduling? It keeps changing and viewers aren't informed (through commercials or interstitials) about them! Waited for the encore/repeat tx of today's ep 20; happily tuned in at 0250 (originally 0050, then they changed to 0250 - time in SG) but was shocked to know that the ep has already started since 0220. a good 30mins gone now. GAHHH.

have to wait for kind bryan's summary recap :)

thks bryan! really appreciate your work =p

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Guest EnDlEsS88

and am I the only one who's pissed by KBS World's erratic broadcast scheduling? It keeps changing and viewers aren't informed (through commercials or interstitials) about them! Waited for the encore/repeat tx of today's ep 20; happily tuned in at 0250 (originally 0050, then they changed to 0250 - time in SG) but was shocked to know that the ep has already started since 0220. a good 30mins gone now. GAHHH.

have to wait for kind bryan's summary recap :)

thks bryan! really appreciate your work =p


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yatts yes Bori appears in FT Island MV until you return and also young version of Insun (pretty Insun) another KBS drama (please correct me)

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Summary : Epsd 20 ( first 30 mins )

JS gives IH a present and put on pendant for her.Over at HBS, Jemma sees KM with their boss...KM has a proposal for him...Jemma tries to call IH and JS but both turned off phones. ....out on a date. IH : You still have not said what I want to hear. JS : ..... IH : Araso....solve this riddle. Long time ago, I love you and I don't love you live together. Then one day, I don't love you died...guess who is left behind ? JS : I love .... ..( Still won't say I love you ) IH : How did you become a singer ? JS : My late father played the saxophone. When I was young. felt it was cool to play the sax, so when I grew up , became a musician. IH : How old were you when your father died ? JS : 8 years old. How did you end up in this line of work ? IH : Also because of my father's influence. What a coincidence...my father also play the sax...so naturally love music. JS : We have many things in common. IH : Other than both fathers play the sax...are there other similaritites ? JS : Not a happy thing...so I'll tell you another time. IH : OK ....oh....look there ( IH steals a kiss while JS looking away ) ... The 2 having a good time together.

YJ cannot concentrate on work...gets call from KM....things going well...he will call her once everything is settled.....KM suceeded in convincing HBS director to replace JS as DJ. KM will take over as DJ for the show.

JS and IH got back home. IH wants to get dinner ready. JS : Take a rest. We should have taken dinner before heading back . IH : Just the 2 of us ? Do you think I can just eat like that ? JS : Are you happy today ? IH : Of course. We should date more often ...like this. Thank you JS : Compared to what you have done for me ... this is nothing . IH : What did i do ? JS : You gave me the courage to stand up again . Just you wait and see. For you.... I will defeat KM in the ratings. ( JS goes off to fetch children home )

IH checks her messages....so many from Jemma : Something going on between KM and their boss. IH recalls what YJ said ... and seeing KM's manager with her boss. JS comes back with kids. IH says she has to leave and will tell JS about it later. JS wants to drive her but she insist on going alone. She calls the HBS director to meet him.

IH is surprised to see KM with her boss. He ask her to say hello to their new DJ. When a top star voluntarily agrees to join their show, how can he refuse. KM wants to shake hands with Jang PD but instead IH slaps KM. KM : You must really hate me. Why don't you hit me as much as you want. ( IH wants to slap him again but he held her hand) KM : Enough, we will be working as partners so we should let bygones be bygones. IH : Us work together....says who ? You coward. This is your last plan... getting rid of JS by replacing him. It's not enough that you destroy him then, you are doing it again now. Who made him suffer ? He endured all that and only just started anew, but you are trying to destroy him again. How can you call yourselves human beings. ( KM laughs ) You are laughing. Are you that confident about your life ? Really ? We'll see about that. Even if the world goes crazy...you'll never get what you want. We'll see what happens.

Director gets angry : Jang PD, Are you trying to ruin the deal ? IH : Sir, you can't do this.Even though you want higher ratings...how can you use just anyone as DJ. That's what he is ....no...he gave up being a human being. If we let him work with us...you and i are stooping to his level. So please keep your faith in JS. He is trying his best to do well so don't knock him down like this. I beg you, please.....( IH leaves )

JS puts the kids to sleep but worries about IH . He calls her but there is no response. He leaves message. She text back that she is with some people. Not to worry. IH goes home but still worries about what is to become of JS.

At Baek household. Junsik wants to attend high school reunion with Juri but she has plans with her colleages. Junsik : I'm telling you to come... How dare you talk back to me. The Saturday after that, all of you have to go company party with me. ( But Juri,SR and JR all have their own plans ).

Be quiet. I say you're going so you're going. Don't make excuses. Do you want to know why I want to go with you ? Juri : I don't. I work too so I'm very busy at the end of the year. You always want me to attend functions with you. Junsik : Other women want to go with their husbands but they won't take them. Juri : Why not ? Junsik : Because they are ugly. Juri : Then, are you taking me with you because I am beautiful ? Junsik : Of course Juri : You should have said that earlier. Junsik : My high school friends boast about being judges and doctors...but when i look at their wives...they look awful. But when I go with you by my side...they look at me with respect and envy.. That's why i enjoy going with you. JR : Then you should just go with Mum...why do you need us ? Junsik : You guys are a package deal. You 2 are the flowers that will make her look even more beautiful. Do you understand ?

Juri in bedroom putting on skincare to look younger for party. Junsik says she has no wrinkles....look more beautiful as the days go by. Juri : Where do you find me attractive. My starry eyes...my cleopatra like nose...my red lips..or my sexy body ? Junsik : No...it's your expansive delusion....just kidding.... Should we make a movie for the first time in a long while ? A sexy melodrama. I'll call it " Beautiful Wife Gone Wild "

IH having breakfast with family. Dad to IH : What's wrong with you ? Why don't you eat more ? Are you coming down with a cold ? You don't have a temperature . IH : I just have a lot on my mind . SH : Why ? Is JS giving you a hard time again ? IH : Jang SH SH : Fine....you always take his side. I don't know why you care for him. Do you like him ? Dad : How dare you say such a horrible thing. I am afraid to hear such a thing. Why would IH like a single father with a poor history ? .....( IH asked to be excused ) SH : Dad, can't I make a joke ? Dad : That's how all things get started. Watch what you say.... ( He goes off to make scorched rice for IH to eat before she goes to work. Dad really loves IH a lot. Will be so disappointed to find out she is with JS )

JH : SH, You are in good mood . Are you seeing someone? SH : I can't be alone on Christmas Day. JH : I thought you would behave yourself. SH : Why...envious ? JH : Not at all. I won't be alone on Christmas day either. SH : Are you dating someone ? JH : Yes. I thought of ending it but I think I will try to tame her.

SR : Who are you seeing ? JR : JH....SH's brother. SR : You said you are not attracted to him that way. JR : I'm going to try...didn't know it cause he was with me for 7 years. But when I thought it over, there's no one like him. SR : But if I date SH and you date JH...what will happen to us ? JR : It's not like I am marrying him. We're just dating, so stay out of it. SR : JR. No matter what happens..I am going to marry SH. Don't be a barrier to my marriage by marrying JH. JR : Who knows what will happen. Just worry about our own business. SR : I am so upset. dad already hates SH. That's one problem after another.

OkJu shows Fat guy the picture of Bori in wedding dress. She also knows that the wedding was cancelled. The groom must be the baby's father. Okju plans to show Insun the picture. Fat guy finds the groom so handsome.

Insun busy with work so ask DW to send food to clinic. DW wants to take Bori with him. Bori lost her things while in the accident so doesn't have any clothes. Insun agrees and wonders whether DW likes Bori.

SR writes a list of things to do with SH ; 1. Sweat from working out together 2. Confirm our love with promise rings. 3. Talk all night long and have indepth conversations. ...

She plans to do no.1 today.....hoping SH will stop his playboy ways once he gets used to a healthy lifestyle. SH comes in. Surgery is cancelled....so SR invites him for a game. SH agrees but loser to pay for date.

SR gets call from DW to collect food. DW in car with Bori. SR says she is going out so DW says he will drop by later. Bori guesses that the food is for Insun's son. DW ask Bori to pretend she doesn't know anything as Insun does not like people knowing about this. DW brings Bori to the same shopping mall that SH and SR going to.

SH and SR playing squash. DW brings Bori shopping for clothes and shoes.

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Guest Nuruladha

and am I the only one who's pissed by KBS World's erratic broadcast scheduling? It keeps changing and viewers aren't informed (through commercials or interstitials) about them! Waited for the encore/repeat tx of today's ep 20; happily tuned in at 0250 (originally 0050, then they changed to 0250 - time in SG) but was shocked to know that the ep has already started since 0220. a good 30mins gone now. GAHHH.

have to wait for kind bryan's summary recap :)

thks bryan! really appreciate your work =p

what???they change again???is it just for yesterday or what???i always watched the repeat telecast every week but luckly this week i managed to watch it the 1st telecast...wah...this is bad...have to remind myself to keep checking the schedule in order not to miss the series...repeat telecast is the only time i can watch it...

hey bryan...glad to see u're back...how's ur holiday???hope it is great!!! many of us becoming ur fans lately.... :sweatingbullets: hehehe...u r our source of info especially for who dont get to see the drama n didnt understand korean very well...tq for ur hard work!!!

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Guest lucky_moon

and am I the only one who's pissed by KBS World's erratic broadcast scheduling? It keeps changing and viewers aren't informed (through commercials or interstitials) about them! Waited for the encore/repeat tx of today's ep 20; happily tuned in at 0250 (originally 0050, then they changed to 0250 - time in SG) but was shocked to know that the ep has already started since 0220. a good 30mins gone now. GAHHH.

have to wait for kind bryan's summary recap :)

thks bryan! really appreciate your work =p

yes me too I missed the first 20 minute of the drama & I was really pissed off to see it first from the part where Bori was in the mall..it seem I need to stuck & watch the channel before the air with 30 minute.. they also do the same with Ep19 when they show it late with 15 minute.. :fury:

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Guest puppyiz


At the hospital -

I am much surprised with YeongJoo's reactions ! Imagine all the horrors she's put JeonSeol into...

She apologises for the things she did & tells JeonSeol she wants to see her children <_< .

( She's one emotional-unsteady person )


Many Thanx to bryan for the summaries...loved reading them !


kapneemo .. what do you mean, ' it's true ' ?? :lol:

.... well it's true isn't it? we all know how its going to turn out. no if, ands, or buts about it. She's carrying SH's baby. no way they're not going to end up together. like I said, it's just going to be a long, frustrating ride.

We are to enjoy & go with the flow with the storyline of this drama.

Only the scriptwriter determines the fate of the characters of BoRi-DongWoo / ShinHo-SaeRa.

It will certainly be (like what u say) ....' a long , frustrating ride' ...

IF you arent enjoying this drama.

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Guest adikkeluangman

Dong Woo is such a heart warming character.

Very sincere man, resposible .. equivalently protective towards BoRi.

Perhaps this is just me ??

From their argument scene ... seems like Mdm Song must've know DongWoo long enough.

Either, DW must have a sad past ... i wonder how did he ended up working for Mdm Song ?

Its sad to read so many here ...saying BoRi will eventually end up with SH.

^I so agreed with u bout DW character. He not have handsome features but his kindness and care surpass all that. No wonder BoRi face kinda familiar. I know I have seen her before. She not awesome pretty or cute. But her face portray kindness.

If I not mistaken, DW work part time at Mdm Song stall since he still in university/HS. Mdm. Song helped him a lot during the years and also since she abandon her children, she saw DW as her child too.

Both families have great job. Baek as the owner of entertainment co. his wife is architect.

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Guest MiCHiDa

to puppyiz

Of course, it's no problem cause we have the same love: Dong Woo and Bori ^_^

Yes. may be all your opinions are right. Maybe at the end of the film, Bori will end up with Sinho.

But i really hope that Bori will end up with Dong Woo oppa? Why can not? I'm looking forward a difference drama, not the same as the other dramas.

Do you remember the drama YELLOW HANDKERCHIEF (Lee Tae Ran acted too)? In this drama, LTR's ex boyfriend betrayed her and run to a rich woman, although he didn't love her and LTR had his baby? But he still betrayed her!!! After that, she met a good man and they loved each other and got married. Her ex never came back to her!

And i think that, life is life, there are so many bittersweet moments. In our real life, there are many men betray his girlfriend and his baby!. That's the truth of our life!

So, i still watch My pre child and hope for a happy ending: Dong Woo and Bori.

^-^ hehe

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Guest pamsy531

I also want to end up Bori with DW, since the baby is just accident and i don't see any sincerity with SH. Bori deserves better than SH and i hope BR will open her heart to DW in the end.

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mkay, well everybody is entitled to their own opinions. but for the love of god people wake up and smell the coffee. No matter what Kdrama there will always be one specific formula. READ MY COMMENT ON PAGE 34. i love this series but once you get like past the point of SH screaming at BR for supposedly getting an abortion it's all down hill from there. We all know very well how its going to end. Look at the situations, the decisions SH makes and the way BR feels. No matter what, a drama is a drama is a drama. And dramas, after a certain point, become predictable. Feel free to hope and wish for and support DW&BR but we all know very well how it's going to end.

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