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Your Minimum Requirements...

Guest plumeria216

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Guest Velocitii

for all the girls saying that the guy has to be a certain height

you just eliminated half the male population, as you get older, mini cooper like that doesn't matter, stop being superficial/picky and choose a man who will be genuine and loyal with you

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physical description: has to be taller than me, cant be younger than me ( i just never liked anyone younger than me)

personality: Kind, someone who knows what they want in their life and MATURE! I'm not into high school guys who still laugh learning about sex-ed or think homosexuality is disgusting, etc

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the bare minimum:

a man who

1. loves God with passion, above all else

2. follows Christ with a humble heart

i think that the other qualities i find attractive in a man are likely to follow, provided that these two things are priority (:

oh... and he likes to eat, too. hahah

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Guest teephanie

At the minimal: has to be in University for me to even consider you. School is very important to me and I want my bf to be on the same level as me.

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Korean (not just race wise, but culturally. Also must be able to understand&speak Korean to a pretty decent degree aka 1.5 generation)


Kind & Warm hearted

Has the ability to make me laugh even during my hardest times

Good looking in my eyes :)

Financially stable



Musically gifted (can play at least one instrument)

Not tone deaf

Good family relationship

Good with kids

Older than me

Good hygiene


Gentleman (manners & etiquette)

Ease & Comfort when I am with him

Willing to shave facial hair

No chest/back hair

No piercing or tattoos


Healthy eating habits (doesn't "clean" everyone's plate aka "trashman")

Not overweight. Not too skinny.

Ability to play a sport decently :)

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Guest prettyLOVEE

-prefer Korean guys, would consider white..

-must be 5'10+

-must be older than me

-must be smarter than me

-someone who sincerely loves me

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Guest Akai_Chou

Minimum would be:

  • taller then me (I'm 5'9" and like to wear heels so around 6'+ would be nice)
  • bigger then me (by which I mean solid with muscle and can get things done, not weak little stick men) so he can hold me and make me feel safe :F
  • romantic!!!
  • handsome (in my eyes at least)
  • is a gentleman
  • sense of humor (this is a MUST because I love to laugh and am always making jokes)
  • respectful
  • animal lover (or at least likes them and has empathy for those who are abused and neglected)
  • thoughtful (I'm talking about thinking ahead for Valentine's Day and remembering my birthday kind of thing)
  • well mannered
  • intellectual enough that he can carry a conversation well
  • educated
  • likes (if not loves) kids
  • passion (for life and in the bed room<3)
Husband Material:
  • will love me in spite of my quirks
  • will always make time for me and will make the effort of his own initiative
  • faithful
  • similar (if not the same) religious beliefs and world views

I know that this is a long list, but I've dated guys who didn't meet my req's before and have been hurt badly, so I'm sticking to the list now........

(although a guy with at least a 10/14 would still be given at least a first date ;p )

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Guest ~dhluvr4ever~

Taller than me, is definitely one.

If I'm taller, than it makes me feel like I'm the one wearing the pants D:

Besides that - KIND-HEARTED, por faaavor.

I grew up with cold, unsympathetic people and I just ... won't take it. I have a short fuse, and

little tolerance for MEANIES. I mean, okay, a little teasing and joking is fine - 'cause I joke around ALOT, myself.

Oh no, a rant coming on..bear with me..but I can't stand rude statements, extreme hypocrisy, and excessive criticism.

I'm going through a whole lot of it, living with such people, and it's eating away at me & I feel hopeless

sometimes. So if I ever meet someone who reminds me of 'those specific persons', then I'm immediately turned off.

I look for/highly prefer people who are the complete opposite - gentle-natured, compassionate, with good ethics & morals. Especially

someone who RESPECTS & LOVES HIS PARENTS. Oh man, I'm a sucker for those kind of guys (x

So I tend to fall for really nice&sweet [gentlemen,respectful] guys, because they soften me up{;

Yeah, I'm picky. They don't exactly have to be good-looking (my standards are like, Jay Park material LOLOL), cos I'm

not a Megan Fox myself either. As long as they're nice people who are taller than 5'3. [:

edit: plus, the dude must be able to at least be able to put together a proper sentence. He doesn't have to be a genius. Just intellectual enough.

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He has to be older than me, make the same amount of money as me or studying to be a profession that has a steady income that is the same or more, smart, compassionate and good looking.

He can't be a sex offender, or a criminal.

damn you and your high standards.

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Guest heyjustin

I definitely want a guy who is either Korean/Asian or White

I'm 6'1 haha so I don't mind dating a guy shorter then me or younger. I kinda like younger guys better for some reason.

Who can make me laugh, sense of humor is extremely important

He doesn't have to perfect just be himself in the most caring loving way

He has a heart very kinda and sensitive

He loves video games like RPGs

Not really asking for much just a guy with a great personality.

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Guest AyumiExclusive

Minimum requirements .

- has to be smarter than me

- has to be taller than me

- has to be Asian

- has to agree with me on certain issues

- has to be Christian

- has to live in California

- has to be able to speak his parent's language(s)

- has to be fluent in English

- has to have extremely good hygiene

- is able to joke around , but be deep and serious when needed

- isn't addicted to porn

- knows how to cook

- not a drinker/smoker

- never did drugs

- can't be fat/obese/skinnier than me

I think that's all :P

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I don't know why but I lol'ed at the posts about "the guy has to be taller than me."

So if you meet a guy who is shorter or same height as you, you like him, but since he doesn't reach your height requirement, you won't date him? I see I see : p

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Guest PrincessBoa

Well my min. requirements are just that.. well that he will treat me well and is taller than me.. (I'm 5'8) - at least 5'10 xD. Hard to find in my area.. haha.. but yeah I find that once you fall for someone.. those expectations kind of fade away.. well except for the tall part since my boyfriend is taller than me. xD


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