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Your Minimum Requirements...

Guest plumeria216

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Guest plumeria216

its kind of funny because i was having a similar convo with a few of my friends over the weekend. in any case, one friend, who is a VERY big girl, is super picky and superficial when it comes to guys, and you know what...shes had 1 bf and shes 26, and not for lack of trying, or for lack of guys that shes liked. im sorry to say but she thinks shes hot stuff and deserves a 6 foot tall white or asian man, with rippling muscles, making lots of money(her list minus one or two things). shes 5'5" weighs significantly more than i do (i weigh in at 150) and if you were to shave her head, you'd swear she was just some fat dude.

so i have a question to match your question. i see the posts about whats the ideal bf/gf and minimum requirements, but what part of your ego makes you think you deserve anybody close to your ideals or minimums?

i also have another comment but will come back to it later.

To answer your question, it's not about whether or not I deserve those people. It's more of an intellectual decision for a healthy child, who won't be too short to be teased nor will they suffer from fuglyness. If I can't find that type of a person, that's absolutely fine.. It just means that I don't want a child then. And when you see the list of traits that I listed, it's just a normal healthy person, with a good height(incase I have a boy), and average looks. As for intellect, I just want them to be smart enough to know that money is important. As for the 50k and stable job, that's possible if they have a college degree (which is pretty common these days).

If I had STDs, I certainly won't expect someone(a healthy individual) to like me. And in anycase, I wouldn't want to reproduce at that point. I wouldn't want my children to suffer.

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Guest Apple.Mint

At least two/three inches taller than me [i'm 5'2]

Looks clean and wear clean/nice clothes and smells good [dont' want no smelly guy hahah]

Lean and at least average teeth, not those um..yellow and just gross set of teeth x.x

I just really wish that he's initiative, i'm tiring of initiating every move in my relationships with guys.

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so i have a question to match your question. i see the posts about whats the ideal bf/gf and minimum requirements, but what part of your ego makes you think you deserve anybody close to your ideals or minimums?

i'm sure this'll sound a bit conceited, but a large part. and it's my brain telling me this, not just my ego.

hahah.. whats the point of minimum requirements? i can honestly say, the one you fall in love with are the exceptions.

just like what sweetkat said

probably, but to answer your question, some of us don't want to waste our time with someone that has no future. or maybe i'm just too practical.

it's not so much that i'll only have interest in those who meet the requirements, but more that i've had more than enough crap and won't have enough patience to stand one who doesn't for the rest of my years.

i'm not tall, so someone who is at least 3 inches taller than me & is healthy. decent hygiene, nice teeth.

he has to have a properly functioning and frequently used brain. no sleazeball with no ambitions and career.

rather good looking, but more importantly mature (not to the point of boredom), respectful, and w/ moderately high-high intellect.

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Guest papasmurf


- shorter than me (not a problem for me)

- pretty double lid eyes


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Height is a pretty big issue with me, since I'm pretty tall.

Don't want someone shorter than me, because I'll feel really uncomfortable

I've dated one and it was pretty weird, haha.

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Guest ShadowMax76

if i'm attracted to her x_x' lol ,

i've never really been able to pin point what makes me love someone, >_>' soo.. it's just the feeling for now.


usually they're real. as in..

not.. kissing your richard simmons and saying they're no good at anything. let alone not being able to 'let her hair down' when most of the time. >_>' MAJOR turn off..

'spose that means they're not afraid to kick me ? xD

o.O' i don't even mind if they're mean to me, as long as it doesn't go further than how much i like them. >.>'

eh...My Sassy Girl . xDD

and have a life of their own. x_X' that i could like.. peek into every now and then [ D: as in, like, fashion design, music, sport, music/piano lessons x3 that cheesy question "how was your day" i'd rather as a conversation. x_x' lol~~

and, of course. x_x' that absolutely killed word, -thanks love exploiting scams-, "compatibility"

>_>' as long as in the end we understand each other...~

-shrugs- they say guys have longer lists than girls. >.>' then again, this place is full of fangirls.


i remember saying i was sorry for a fangirl i know, cuz . lol. >.>' we know why.

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Guest blueokami

- Taller than me when I'm in heels.

- Not a slob, takes at least a little pride in how they look.

- Doesn't take more time in the morning than me to get ready (I take half an hour including a shower).

- BMI <25 (so I guess pretty fit o_O)

- Is able to speak perfect English. (otherwise I find it hard to communicate)

- Respects and likes me for me whether I have make up on or not (which I don't wear anyway)

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Guest marvinoppa

To answer your question, it's not about whether or not I deserve those people. It's more of an intellectual decision for a healthy child, who won't be too short to be teased nor will they suffer from fuglyness. If I can't find that type of a person, that's absolutely fine.. It just means that I don't want a child then. And when you see the list of traits that I listed, it's just a normal healthy person, with a good height(incase I have a boy), and average looks. As for intellect, I just want them to be smart enough to know that money is important. As for the 50k and stable job, that's possible if they have a college degree (which is pretty common these days).

If I had STDs, I certainly won't expect someone(a healthy individual) to like me. And in anycase, I wouldn't want to reproduce at that point. I wouldn't want my children to suffer.

i'm sure this'll sound a bit conceited, but a large part. and it's my brain telling me this, not just my ego.

probably, but to answer your question, some of us don't want to waste our time with someone that has no future. or maybe i'm just too practical.

it's not so much that i'll only have interest in those who meet the requirements, but more that i've had more than enough crap and won't have enough patience to stand one who doesn't for the rest of my years.

i'm not tall, so someone who is at least 3 inches taller than me & is healthy. decent hygiene, nice teeth.

he has to have a properly functioning and frequently used brain. no sleazeball with no ambitions and career.

rather good looking, but more importantly mature (not to the point of boredom), respectful, and w/ moderately high-high intellect.

my questions wasnt meant to be stand-off-ish. in the age of "equality," where women expect the same rights as men, you would think reciprocation in all aspects would be the case. do YOU fit into all the classifications. does your man of avg height really want to date a 5'4" or would he be happier with a 5'6". are you of avg or good looks? do you have a degree and make at least 50k?

tell me youre all that and a bag of chips. I'll send you my resume, my latest pay stub, w-8, proof of citizenship, fingerprints, bloodwork and clean bill of health from my doctor, copy of my drivers license, and credit report. ill expect the same from you.

my point in all this is, WHY make all these demands? what gives you the right to make demands on us? ok that sounds stand-off-ish....but it isnt supposed to.

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Guest ShadowMax76

^ supporting this guy. xD i think it was his story about some fat chick thinking she deserves a hot guy. x_x' it's not her disfigurement that bothers me, it's her idea that 1. guys who are hot would date her. 2. that she doesn't look at her self realisitically. >_>' good god~

lol. putting it bluntly.

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To answer your question, it's not about whether or not I deserve those people. It's more of an intellectual decision for a healthy child, who won't be too short to be teased nor will they suffer from fuglyness. If I can't find that type of a person, that's absolutely fine.. It just means that I don't want a child then. And when you see the list of traits that I listed, it's just a normal healthy person, with a good height(incase I have a boy), and average looks. As for intellect, I just want them to be smart enough to know that money is important. As for the 50k and stable job, that's possible if they have a college degree (which is pretty common these days).

i understand the logic... but man, i just cant agree with what you're saying.

you're making it seem that less attractive people are going to suffer a lot more than others. Yes, we all want our children to be healthy, successful, and good-looking. But even if it doesnt happen im still going to love my children for everything thing that they are.

I have a cousin who got married last year (sort of arranged). I didnt think she would marry him, because she is very picky on looks. And now she is happily married and expecting. She's smart, makes 100k minimum, friendly, and all the good stuff, so why did she marry an alright, chubby, kiddish man? All these expectations/requirements she had was thrown out the door, because he made her happy and takes really good care of her.

Sorry, im not trying to attack your thoughts or what-not.. but reading it just really irks me. I mean minimum height and money is fine, but everything else. hm...

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Guest catsinheat

i understand the logic... but man, i just cant agree with what you're saying.

you're making it seem that less attractive people are going to suffer a lot more than others. Yes, we all want our children to be healthy, successful, and good-looking. But even if it doesnt happen im still going to love my children for everything thing that they are.

I have a cousin who got married last year (sort of arranged). I didnt think she would marry him, because she is very picky on looks. And now she is happily married and expecting. She's smart, makes 100k minimum, friendly, and all the good stuff, so why did she marry an alright, chubby, kiddish man? All these expectations/requirements she had was thrown out the door, because he made her happy and takes really good care of her.

Sorry, im not trying to attack your thoughts or what-not.. but reading it just really irks me. I mean minimum height and money is fine, but everything else. hm...

i agree.

genuine love/respect/affection cannot be simplified into bullet points. or rather, PEOPLE cannot be. you're just lessening your chances of finding "the one" if all you can focus on are petty details. obviously, there are general standards (empathy, basic responsibility, independence, hygiene, etc.), but you gotta just take it as it comes. you don't find love in a perfect nose or sculpted pecs.

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Guest tasty

usually my requirements fly out the window when i see someone i like. because you can't help who you like y'know. it's just easy to use 'requirements' to reject guys you don't like and know you won't ever like. if you get me.

tall. or average. i dunno, i have this thing where anything 5'9 or under is short.

fit. or skinny. but not nasty skinny.

cute face

not stupid or ignorant

doesn't have annoying idiots for friends

has aspirations that he's actually doing something about

is clean

even though i go to uni i don't care if he doesn't. because i'm only 19 and just ... who cares

that's it.

and to the person who's stating a minimum salary... are you like, 25 and looking for a marriage partner in every guy you meet or something because nobody my age even mentions it. i bet it makes every guy you meet run off in the opposite direction.

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