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Your Minimum Requirements...

Guest plumeria216

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Guest mr. lovely

^ supporting this guy. xD i think it was his story about some fat chick thinking she deserves a hot guy. x_x' it's not her disfigurement that bothers me, it's her idea that 1. guys who are hot would date her. 2. that she doesn't look at her self realisitically. >_>' good god~

lol. putting it bluntly.


my minimum requirements are that he likes me and i like him.

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When I'll meet him I wave goodbye to my requirements.

Sometimes I just can't be bothered with requirements if the feelings there, screw the requirements you know? ;)

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Guest xohprecious

Personality wise:

MUST make me laugh. I love to laugh.

Needs to be able to make me feel loved.

Doesn't talk crap about other people.

Looks wise:

Taller than me.

Strong arms (nothing better than a guy with strong arms).

Can't be skinner than me.

White or Asian



However, as long as I like them, and they like me. I don't care about looks. My current boyfriend fits all that, but even if he was say ... skinner than me, there is NO way I would choose not to be with him. It all comes down to personality.

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Guest xTwilight

It's more of an intellectual decision for a healthy child, who won't be too short to be teased nor will they suffer from fuglyness.

Ugly people produce ugly children?

LOL "ugly genes"

There are plenty of short asian fathers, but their sons in america are almost twice their size. I wonder why. Must be all that mcdonalds and fatty goodness?

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Guest plumeria216

my questions wasnt meant to be stand-off-ish. in the age of "equality," where women expect the same rights as men, you would think reciprocation in all aspects would be the case. do YOU fit into all the classifications. does your man of avg height really want to date a 5'4" or would he be happier with a 5'6". are you of avg or good looks? do you have a degree and make at least 50k?

tell me youre all that and a bag of chips. I'll send you my resume, my latest pay stub, w-8, proof of citizenship, fingerprints, bloodwork and clean bill of health from my doctor, copy of my drivers license, and credit report. ill expect the same from you.

my point in all this is, WHY make all these demands? what gives you the right to make demands on us? ok that sounds stand-off-ish....but it isnt supposed to.

To answer your first question. I'm in the process of getting my B.S. degree, and yes I will strive to make more than 50k or continue to be educated to make that happen. And yes I do fit those requirements, I'm 5'5" so I guess that really depends on the guy's opinion. Also, I said those were the minimum requirements. By no means am I removing the emotional aspects to my partner. I'm simply stating that it's more than possible to find that kind of a person. It's also more than possible to fall in love with that type of a person.

As for the financial reasons, it's there because money IS important. 50k really isn't a whole lot. I'm was expecting anyone who was making over six digits each year...no? I just don't want to be poor, and I want to have enough money to raise 2-3 children without any problems. For those of you who don't understand financial problems, that's too bad. I'll simply put it that love can only do so much. My parents got divorced due to financial reasons in the end.

I'm not telling you that I have the right to demand these things, I'm simply telling you that I demand them for certain purposes. As I stated before, if I don't find that kind of a person, then I won't reproduce with them. That's my conclusion... I'm not trying to offend anyone.

i understand the logic... but man, i just cant agree with what you're saying.

you're making it seem that less attractive people are going to suffer a lot more than others. Yes, we all want our children to be healthy, successful, and good-looking. But even if it doesnt happen im still going to love my children for everything thing that they are.

I have a cousin who got married last year (sort of arranged). I didnt think she would marry him, because she is very picky on looks. And now she is happily married and expecting. She's smart, makes 100k minimum, friendly, and all the good stuff, so why did she marry an alright, chubby, kiddish man? All these expectations/requirements she had was thrown out the door, because he made her happy and takes really good care of her.

Sorry, im not trying to attack your thoughts or what-not.. but reading it just really irks me. I mean minimum height and money is fine, but everything else. hm...

You know, I'm not saying that there's no possibilities for the lesser of the populations. Just as you stated, your cousin was happily married. I just want a happier life with my children. I don't want them to suffer from health problems (to a degree in which I can prevent them) mentally, emotionally, and physically. Nor do I want to live with a person who's bipolar, no matter how much I love them, obviously because of my suffering and a potential divorce. And how is height any different from any other physical trait? Don't you think that it's a little overrated from everything else?:)

i agree.

genuine love/respect/affection cannot be simplified into bullet points. or rather, PEOPLE cannot be. you're just lessening your chances of finding "the one" if all you can focus on are petty details. obviously, there are general standards (empathy, basic responsibility, independence, hygiene, etc.), but you gotta just take it as it comes. you don't find love in a perfect nose or sculpted pecs.

Love isn't everything my dear... You'll realize that sooner or later.. that's why people have divorces.

Ugly people produce ugly children?

LOL "ugly genes"

There are plenty of short asian fathers, but their sons in america are almost twice their size. I wonder why. Must be all that mcdonalds and fatty goodness?

Agreed. I'm simply reducing the possibilities :)

^ supporting this guy. xD i think it was his story about some fat chick thinking she deserves a hot guy. x_x' it's not her disfigurement that bothers me, it's her idea that 1. guys who are hot would date her. 2. that she doesn't look at her self realisitically. >_>' good god~

lol. putting it bluntly.

By no means is a 5 "hot". It's just average sweetie :)

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Guest thyun


"I'm not telling you that I have the right to demand these things, I'm simply telling you that I demand them for certain purposes. As I stated before, if I don't find that kind of a person, then I won't reproduce with them. That's my conclusion... I'm not trying to offend anyone."

Your minimum requirements aren't exactly that demanding. But the part about reproducing sounds like you want a guy to plant a seed and create super babies. It was just funny.

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Guest plumeria216


"I'm not telling you that I have the right to demand these things, I'm simply telling you that I demand them for certain purposes. As I stated before, if I don't find that kind of a person, then I won't reproduce with them. That's my conclusion... I'm not trying to offend anyone."

Your minimum requirements aren't exactly that demanding. But the part about reproducing sounds like you want a guy to plant a seed and create super babies. It was just funny.

Not super babies, just average healthy babies :sweatingbullets:

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Guest Blu_Velvet_Sea


-not short tempered


-open minded

-at least is in post secondary edu

-my height and up (I'm 5'6? no idea..lol)

...yeah that's it,I think.

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Guest Amanda Plz


Seriously. After reading most of these posts it's like: Wow. Conceited much?

As long as he likes me and we get along well, then it's good in my book :D.

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Guest plumeria216

what makes you girls deserve a guy like that anyways?

An average looking, healthy male, at the height of 5'9", who makes 50k a year and wants to be a great father figure... really isn't that hard to find.

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Guest watcher

i understand the logic... but man, i just cant agree with what you're saying.

you're making it seem that less attractive people are going to suffer a lot more than others. Yes, we all want our children to be healthy, successful, and good-looking. But even if it doesnt happen im still going to love my children for everything thing that they are.

I have a cousin who got married last year (sort of arranged). I didnt think she would marry him, because she is very picky on looks. And now she is happily married and expecting. She's smart, makes 100k minimum, friendly, and all the good stuff, so why did she marry an alright, chubby, kiddish man? All these expectations/requirements she had was thrown out the door, because he made her happy and takes really good care of her.

Sorry, im not trying to attack your thoughts or what-not.. but reading it just really irks me. I mean minimum height and money is fine, but everything else. hm...

i think if i earned 100K/year and was an all around good guy with strong character... my standards would be reasonably low too. i would mostly have everything i want... so i'd be more willing to go for someone who's sincere and i can have a good time with. if i was earning 30K a year, and an emotionally sensitive guy who was insecure, i would want a girl who could fill in those needs then. a girl who can also earn money and can help provide me with some confidence and direction.

love is important, but relationships stay afloat not because two people love, but because two people know how to help each other and build each other up. i see love as the foundation layer and the icing on the cake. everything in the middle is lots of effort and understanding and meeting each other's personal needs.

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Guest love_cataclysm

has to be 5'10+

can't be a stick

has a job

has their license and some kind of car to drive, it doesn't have to be theirs

values family and friends

has some sort of direction towards life

has a good personality

preferably bilingual

someone who makes stupid decisions but can see their own fault

someone who is versatile

someone who can handle girls and their emotions

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Guest PapayaSeed

is able to laugh at my corny jokes haha :D

shorter than me

has a positive outlook on life

and knows what she wants

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Guest marvinoppa

An average looking, healthy male, at the height of 5'9", who makes 50k a year and wants to be a great father figure... really isn't that hard to find.

so now the question is, are you in a relationship or married? if the answer is no....

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Guest catsinheat

Love isn't everything my dear... You'll realize that sooner or later.. that's why people have divorces.

and neither is annual salary, my dear. 8)

i try not to be too idealistic, because i am aware that other, more worldly things do factor into a lasting relationship, but i just don't believe in self-imposed regulations. just don't like it.

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Guest ladee_bug

minimum requirements??

- Taller

- Mature as well as a good sense of humor

- good education that will lead to a decent job.


- [...]

That's all I can think of.

Reminds me of my ex... who lacked all these stuff except for the height requirement.

and then my dream guy is this tri-langual person like me =)

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