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What's Wrong With Confessing To Ur Crush Online

Guest neville_longbottom10

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Guest envyandy

i dont think there is anything physically WRONG with confessing online but .... there are so many cuter/sweeter/etc ways to do it. I sorta find confessing online is a little immature though.

my friend got asked out online and she told him that she wanted him to ask her face to face because she felt like she was just some random girl he wanted to get with to impress his friends.

anyways. if you really dont have the guts to do it face-to-face... then it leaves you really no other choice but to do it online.

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Guest xvi3txl0v1ngx

My boyfriend finds it cheap so that's why he called me instead of msn-ing it. he would had confessed in person if we saw each other more often. in fact, he did confessed again in person. we were alone, at the park and he goes " I like. Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

And yeahh, my ex confessed on msn and yeah, he could had found a better way to confess.

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Guest yumidoma

There's nothing wrong with it, there's just a lack of "connection" I suppose.

true tht..

why would you confess online, of all ways you can... it's a low... talks a lot about ur character

this should not be an option at all.

its better so have say it in person,

i mean phone, letter mite work... but Face to face in person is always the best way..

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Guest mojomunkeez

If you don't have many opportunities to see them in the first place, wouldn't that jeopardize the impending relationship anyways?

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Guest x0_saturn_0x

It doesn't seem sincere and genuine when you're confessing online.

If you hint at stuff through msn, there's a billion ways the person on the other end could interpret things.

In my opinion, nothing truly romantic can be expressed through the internet.

It's just an easy and lame way to get things through. I hate it when guys do this but don't say the same things in real life.

In real life, you actually get to see the person's reaction, hear their voice etc. etc.

Way better and sincere

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Guest Darude356

hmmm if you are just asking a girl you don't know thattt well on a single date, online is fine. i don't think either of you would mind that.

however, if you really like this girl... (i say girl because its normally the guy that asks the girl out) its WAY better to ask in person. it feels so much better to get a yes in person.

when i asked my gf out, i did it in person. literally a second or less after i asked, i got a yes. it felt SO good to get a response that fast! and plus i was able to give her a hug after. =] can't do that online, can you?

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NOTHING is wrong with it doing it on msn . .

I know what you mean... If a guy asked me out online(one that i liked),

I would obviously say yes, in person or not.

Yeah hes a little wimp for saying it on msn.. But eh, he asked atleast right?

He would risk his heart either way... So I don't mind.

And it would make me feel better that he asked me out on msn.. Since I can scream and shout all I want out of happiness! ^________________^ ! ahah!

ahah well, from the looks of it, thats just me.

I don't mind as long as I actually have an ounce of feelings for him.

Just ask her out. If you really really like her, surprise her. Ask her out in person.. to prove to her that you care about her just that much more to do it in person.

G-LUCK! ^__^

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Guest baobao-bakachan

omg, i hate when guys confessed to me online >w<

even though i see them everyday , but still.

why ? because i absolutely have zero feelings whatsoever. like i can't

feel that emotions from them online -_-

i mean, asking in real life is so much better.

you get to face each other and stuff.

& theres so many interesting ways you can confessed to a girl / boy in real life.

confessing online is just lame. and so is dating.

so yeah, there's absolutely nothing wrong with confessing online. IMO i just think it's cheap.

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Guest shudder_V

AGREE with everyone that asking/confessing online through text/phone/online is BAD...

My first time confessing was to this really popular/hot/cute girl and I was pretty nervous about it and kept asking a friend what to say/how to say it and how I should say it...I even got him to make-up a script on what I should say to her...HAHAHA Sad I know...but that's how nervous I was =/

Eventually, after school one day I told one of her friends that I want to have a "talk" with her and tell her to grab her friend(a guy) away from her, so I can go up to her and confess alone. I was crazy nervous and my heart was beating like 230km/h LOL...it was scary and such that I was confessing to her but she just smiled and was pretty shocked about it, eventually agreed on a date...

HOWEVER...that night, she rejected me through MSN and wrote a huge paragraph about how we should just stay friends and she isn't ready for a new relationship and so-forth =/ I was pretty angry and heartbroken that night and It was hard for me to talk with her at school and say "Hi/bye" during school as well.. T___T

Meh life goes on...MORAL of the story is, CONFESS in person...It might be harder but your success rate would be a lot higher but not in my situation...hahahahaha

Edit: You'll get nervous and scared everytime... I'm still nervous and scared when I confess..like the situation I'm in now...pretty nervous about confessing to this girl but it's gotta be done in person or I can always take the easy way out and confess to her online..but that's pretty gay...LOL...confessing doesn't get easier but you'll learn to live with it!

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Confessin online

Bad points:

- they may ignore ur msg and it will look embarrasing 4u!

- you will not b able to see the persons true reaction!

- its not special as face to face

Good Points:

- it gives the person time to think wot to say

- if rejected, then at least u dont have to cry in front of him/her

- less awkward

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Guest WildSevenGirl

I wouldn't confess to him<3 online or not face to face. First of all, it makes you look coward and have no self-esteem. Also, messages could be misinterpreted.


there was more but I can't remember. xD

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It makes everything awkward

Yeah it would be weird.

What are you gonna do the next day when you see them?

Its all like uhhh should i .. uhh :crazy:

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  • 7 months later...
Guest FusionGT2

Im sure this has been said a billion times on this thread but my contribution is... it takes more balls to do it in person and it shows that you care enough to make such an effort to tell her. Its like sending in a job app at a job...and going there in person to give it rather than mailing it. Shows you are serious bout it.

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Guest lovesicles

there's all sorts of things wrong with it.

unless you guys are in a long long long distance relationship or something.

i think it's better if it's done in person.

that person can see that you're sincere and not joking around about it.

and well.. yeah. he can hear your tone of voice and your facial expressions.

and all that.

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Not an easy thing to confess you like someone. I have done both in person and on line. Yes you get the rejection factor but it also depends how comfortable you feel to tell the person. Don't wait too long though. Good luck and also the more you hang out with the person the better sense you get of them too.

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Guest Overclocked

It goes against the rules of dramas. The less melodramatic it is, the less memorable it is.

john tesh drama.

Just do it. It's thrilling to be so nervous around a girl, I envy you.

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