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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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Guest selvaspeedy

During yuri and daemusin (muhyul)'s time, so many of the royal family died. especially during muhyul's lifetime. his mom (childbirth), his 3 brothers (battle, suicide, drowning), mother (unknown cause) and also both of his sons (1st is hodong over suicide, 2nd one was murdered when he was king age 23 at death).

what a doomed family :P

no seriously this is really sad :tears:

lol. ya daeso the big loser. but he lived the longest he died in his 80s. when jumong, yuri and daemusin (muhyul) all died around 40.

i guess the crazy old man lived long because he never really won battles and just sat in his hot tub grinding his teeth.

yeah... let him enjoy his bathtub while Daemosin is conquering all the lands and tribes :P

I read some stuff at wikipedia... here they are w/ some of my ramblings :P

- Jolbon was the capital of Koguryeo during Jumong's days, but then Yuri moved it to Gungnae.

- Yuri was described in history as a powerful and militarily successful king, but he was described in the comics as an obsessed (kinda crazy :P ) king who thinks everybody is after his throne and was responsible for the death of his sons, and now in KOTW he's described as a powerful king and a passionate father.

(but I think there's a little bit of obsession in Yuri's behaviours in KOTW... it's not so obvious, but I remember in a previous episode (can't remember which one) when Haemyung attacked Buyeo's borders to save Muhyul... Daeso started planting those ideas in Yuri's head that Haemyung is after his throne. I still remember the expression on Yuri's face when he thought about that. He even slapped Haemyung and told him: are you really after my throne?! so I'm just wondering, will we see an obsessed Yuri later in KOTW or we are sticking to the passionate one LOL :P )

- Haemyung became the crown prince after the death of Dojul (Yuri's eldest son). But Yuri replaced him w/ his younger brother Muhyul because Haemyung was too reckless and disobedient.

(so Muhyul became the crown prince while his eldest brother still alive. WOW, didn't that cause some sort of conflicts between the two brothers and Muhyul was still 11 years back then :unsure: )

but the history also says that King Yuri died after ruling for 37 years and He was succeeded by his oldest remaining son, Muhyul.

(oldest remaning son!!!! :blink: so Haemyung died after the announcement of Muhyul as the crown prince?!!)

I duuno... I thought those info were quite intersting so I posted them here :P:P

but I'm wondering about some thing... was there no conflicts at all between KGR and Baekje at this time??... it looks like the only enemy for KGR in KOTW is Buyeo (and of course the Han)... I'm just wondering because I think that SSN's son (Onjo) must have felt a little bit unfair because his father (Jumong) named Yuri as the crown prince. So he must have grudge against Yuri and KGR.

now, back to the drama :P


I love his face expressions here... it's like he wasn't only killing this assassin, but also killing all the horrible memories, the grudge and the suffer he endured in that camp. That he finally redeemed himself.

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but I'm wondering about some thing... was there no conflicts at all between KGR and Baekje at this time??... it looks like the only enemy for KGR in KOTW is Buyeo (and of course the Han)... I'm just wondering because I think that SSN's son (Onjo) must have felt a little bit unfair because his father (Jumong) named Yuri as the crown prince. So he must have grudge against Yuri and KGR.

As I recall, SSN's son who felt unfair because of JuMong named Yuri as the crown prince is Biryu (the first son) while Onjo felt nothing with it. That's why Biryu tribes always against Yuri. Just my two cents :P

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omo! i have watched the first 4 episodes of this drama already!

it's very interesting! haha!

oh, and i had a deep interest on SERYU! LOL!

i didn't notice that th GIRL from CLOUD STAIRS was part of KOTW! haha!

oh, one question, when i would watch the whole drama,

do i have to watch JUMONG?

i really didn't watch JUMONG with details i just know the CHARACTERS! LOL!

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Guest selvaspeedy

As I recall, SSN's son who felt unfair because of JuMong named Yuri as the crown prince is Biryu (the first son) while Onjo felt nothing with it.

but Biryu has nothing to do w/ the establishment of Baekje... I remember someone told me before that he killed himself, while his brother (Onjo) is the one who established Baekje.

does that mean Onjo was super cool king who never held a grudge against his father?!?!... it's not just the announcement of Yuri as the crown prince, but also his departure w/ his mother and brother away from the kingdom they helped in establishing. Doesn't that make him a little bit angry :blink:

That's why Biryu tribes always against Yuri. Just my two cents :P


I think SSN named her son after the name of this tribe (Biryu), but that doesn't mean this tribe is related whatsoever to Biryu (SSN's son)... what am I saying :crazy:

again more ramblings :blush:

omo! i have watched the first 4 episodes of this drama already!

it's very interesting! haha!

oh, and i had a deep interest on SERYU! LOL!

i didn't notice that th GIRL from CLOUD STAIRS was part of KOTW! haha!

oh, one question, when i would watch the whole drama,

do i have to watch JUMONG?

i really didn't watch JUMONG with details i just know the CHARACTERS! LOL!

*waves* you're here :D

no you don't have to watch Jumong :P

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Welcome sayroo ^^

You don't have to watch JuMong but better you watch it because I'm sure you'll gonna love it ^^

but Biryu has nothing to do w/ the establishment of Baekje... I remember someone told me before that he killed himself, while his brother (Onjo) is the one who established Baekje.

does that mean Onjo was super cool king who never held a grudge against his father?!?!... it's not just the announcement of Yuri as the crown prince, but also his departure w/ his mother and brother away from the kingdom they helped in establishing. Doesn't that make him a little bit angry :blink:

I know Biryu nothing to do w/ establishment of Baekjae. I don't know that Biryu killed himself? I just guess Onjo is more calm compare Biryu not saying that he didn't angry or mad with that :P

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woah! finally! the long wait has ended! subs are finally up!

i was speechless w/ SIG's performance! hands down! he's really one awesome, phenomenal actor!

he was exceptional in the sacred hall & when he was trying to erase those graffiti's on the wall!

simple hand gestures & facial expressions, and yet, so effective, so catchy, so heart wrenching,

so great!!!

everybody's been waiting for the day muhyul will learn his identity, and if & when yuri will reveal

muhyul's existence; now that it has happened, i'm happy like you guys that muhyul finally knows who

he really is, who his father is, who his family are & everything....however....

i don't like how the writers turned the revelation like that. they made yuri to abandon muhyul from

birth because of his ominous fate, then they made yuri to reinstate muhyul as the 2nd prince just like that

without any significant event in order for yuri to validate him doing so. now, all that has happened since

muhyul's birth till present seem pointless to me. muhyul shouldn't have experienced being abandoned if yuri

was to change his mind just like that in the end. for me, it lacks something. something big should have happened

so yuri has a reason to finally reveal that the 2nd prince is actually alive.

i don't know, i guess i'm comparing it to seodongyo. in seodongyo, the king couldn't reveal that he has a

4th prince because he's illegitimate. like muhyul, he was abandoned by the king. if the king revealed him,

the king will be dethroned. but in the end, all the legitimate princes died. he didn't want to pass on the throne

to his brother because it means the throne will later go to his 'evil' nephew. so, even if revealing the 4th prince

means he lied about having an illigitimate child, he had to finally divulge that there really is a 4th prince in order

to secure the remaining prince's lineage & that he is next in line to the throne....

i'm kinda expecting something big like that to happen in KOTW. but i will see how the story goes, perhaps

the writers have a good reason for making it like that.

but I'm wondering about some thing... was there no conflicts at all between KGR and Baekje at this time??... it looks like the only enemy for KGR in KOTW is Buyeo (and of course the Han)... I'm just wondering because I think that SSN's son (Onjo) must have felt a little bit unfair because his father (Jumong) named Yuri as the crown prince. So he must have grudge against Yuri and KGR.

i'm just basing this from ballad of seodong (a saeguk on baekje) -- in this drama, they depicted the conflict

between baekje & silla/shilla; though they didn't show the conflict between p/baekje & k/goguryo, they said

that baekje's relationship with k/goguryo is more strained than that of silla/shilla.

if there is an ounce of truth in that, perhaps the writers of KOTW just opted not to add that in the storyline.

now, let's wait for those familiar with korean history to give us the facts.


in the beginning i was thinking this was probably only a dream, but since it's not, i wonder also what's the

significance of this.

175.jpg"my yeon"! possesive! ahaha :lol: !


i said before that i felt muhyul & maro's friendship seemed one-sided, i guess maro feels the same way as me

after all. don't get me wrong guys, i understand that given what muhyul is going through he really needs time

to be alone & digest what he found out about himself. i'm just stating that my observation about their friendship

is now justified by maro....but in this instance, now that he knows what muhyul's problem is, i think he probably

understands him in this situation.

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Guest selvaspeedy

episode 19 preview














(he looks really cute in this blue outfit :blush: )

i was speechless w/ SIG's performance! hands down! he's really one awesome, phenomenal actor!

he was exceptional in the sacred hall & when he was trying to erase those graffiti's on the wall!

simple hand gestures & facial expressions, and yet, so effective, so catchy, so heart wrenching,

so great!!!

me too especially in the wall scene... I felt sorry for him, that the poor guy indeed believed that he's ominous :tears: he looked like one crazy fella :P

i don't like how the writers turned the revelation like that. they made yuri to abandon muhyul from

birth because of his ominous fate, then they made yuri to reinstate muhyul as the 2nd prince just like that

without any significant event in order for yuri to validate him doing so. now, all that has happened since

muhyul's birth till present seem pointless to me. muhyul shouldn't have experienced being abandoned if yuri

was to change his mind just like that in the end. for me, it lacks something. something big should have happened

so yuri has a reason to finally reveal that the 2nd prince is actually alive.

I think Yuri was startled when he knew that Muhyul finaly found out about his true identity so he took the decision right away... or maybe he didn't want Muhyul to suffer as much as he (Yuri) did when he was a boy and his father (jumong) abandoned him... he told Muhyul that he feels what's he feeling right now because his father abandoned him too... and also Yuri finally realized that all the bad happening are not related to Muhyul but to the action of the Biryeo people so he made up his mind... IMO ;)

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Thank you selva for the ep19 preview. :rolleyes: omg yeon moving into the palace but looks like Hye Ap against it. but our prince Muhyul will sort it out. ;) omg meeting with Dae so yehhhhhhhhhh, that crazy old muppet. :crazy: this week is going to be super fantastic. to days to go. god what a preview thanks again selva :P

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Guest ardentfrias

i don't like how the writers turned the revelation like that. they made yuri to abandon muhyul from

birth because of his ominous fate, then they made yuri to reinstate muhyul as the 2nd prince just like that

without any significant event in order for yuri to validate him doing so. now, all that has happened since

muhyul's birth till present seem pointless to me. muhyul shouldn't have experienced being abandoned if yuri

was to change his mind just like that in the end. for me, it lacks something. something big should have happened

so yuri has a reason to finally reveal that the 2nd prince is actually alive.

i don't know, i guess i'm comparing it to seodongyo. in seodongyo, the king couldn't reveal that he has a

4th prince because he's illegitimate. like muhyul, he was abandoned by the king. if the king revealed him,

the king will be dethroned. but in the end, all the legitimate princes died. he didn't want to pass on the throne

to his brother because it means the throne will later go to his 'evil' nephew. so, even if revealing the 4th prince

means he lied about having an illigitimate child, he had to finally divulge that there really is a 4th prince in order

to secure the remaining prince's lineage & that he is next in line to the throne....

i'm kinda expecting something big like that to happen in KOTW. but i will see how the story goes, perhaps

the writers have a good reason for making it like that.

Right Ruishi. Writers have a good reason for making it like that. As I have observed, this drama did not follow the exact history as written. There were plenty of revisions in the characters and in the flow of the story. I found Yuri softer here and as you said, conceded easily to reveal Muhyul's identity. The reason shown here by the writer were the honest and good character of Muhyul, his dedication to help Goguryu in times of trouble, his wit and courage in discovering the roots of the nations problems and finding solutions for them even risking his own life and in the end, saving the life of King Yuri, his father. These deeds touched the heart of the father whom from the beginning could not afford to kill his own son and made him changed his mind that the curse might not be true, after all. Perhaps, he saw in the person of Muhyul a personality that fitted to be a King more than Yeojin could be. He could depend on Muhyul to protect the throne from the ambitious leaders of the tribes. I haven't watched the movie Seodongyo but as you mentioned, the King there had four princes on the line and when the three died, he divulged the identity of the fourth prince to have him next in line to the throne. Yeojin was very young and had a weak personality and the king could not rely on him yet in case something happened to the king. Also he resented what he did to Muhyul as he himself suffered the same fate with Jumong. Recognizing Muhyul was one way of redeeming himself. (Just my opinion)

I see another Yeum Moon in the person of Dojin. But I am not touched more than Yeum Moon moves me. The difference is in the expression of the eyes. Dojin's eyes express jealousy and hate while Yeum Moon's eyes are soft and sad every time he sees Jungwa. I can't feel any pity for Dojin unlike in EOTS, my heart really goes for Yeum Moon. Although as I see it, they both have the same fate.

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Guest minhtrangnguyen

HI , I watched eng sub ep 18 in wiikii . Just say this ep is so good .I am looking forward to new eps.

I post my new artworks for KOTW. I hope everyone can support me and give me you your ideas to I can make more artworks for KOTW. THANKS !











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Right Ruishi. Writers have a good reason for making it like that. As I have observed, this drama did not follow the exact history as written. There were plenty of revisions in the characters and in the flow of the story. I found Yuri softer here and as you said, conceded easily to reveal Muhyul's identity. The reason shown here by the writer were the honest and good character of Muhyul, his dedication to help Goguryu in times of trouble, his wit and courage in discovering the roots of the nations problems and finding solutions for them even risking his own life and in the end, saving the life of King Yuri, his father. These deeds touched the heart of the father whom from the beginning could not afford to kill his own son and made him changed his mind that the curse might not be true, after all. Perhaps, he saw in the person of Muhyul a personality that fitted to be a King more than Yeojin could be. He could depend on Muhyul to protect the throne from the ambitious leaders of the tribes. I haven't watched the movie Seodongyo but as you mentioned, the King there had four princes on the line and when the three died, he divulged the identity of the fourth prince to have him next in line to the throne. Yeojin was very young and had a weak personality and the king could not rely on him yet in case something happened to the king. Also he resented what he did to Muhyul as he himself suffered the same fate with Jumong. Recognizing Muhyul was one way of redeeming himself. (Just my opinion)

we have the same conclusion as to why king yuri had a change of heart about exposing muhyul's existence,

and it's for this reason i wasn't quite content w/ the writers, i find it too shallow. but then again, i'll give the

writers the benefit of the doubt, i'll see how the story progresses.

i think i was expecting muhyul to achieve something big for the nation before they present him to the people.

again, in comparison to seodongyo (sorry, can't help it), long before the 4th prince was revealed he had

already done great deeds: he helped the crown prince win a war, he proved to be an excellent tactician (about

4x), he had invented great things for his country (about 3x), etc. so far, muhyul hasn't done much except save

the king & the people from the poison epidemic, and prove that there are culprits behind those strange phenomenons.

i guess i should avoid comparing muhyul to jang of sedongyo, otherwise i won't be able to enjoy KOTW now.

i just hope it's just this part that they disappoint me.

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Guest avonmarissa

lol ruishi, Jang in Seodongyo is highly fictionalized when it comes to all his 'accomplishments.' Daemusin's (Muhyul) accomplishments were mostly through conquering and expanding the territory of Koguryo so we are yet to see his accomplishments. I think the forthcoming episodes will show how he is able to lead Koguryo to conquer all those other nations and bring down Buyo which according to history was much more powerful than indicated in the drama "Jumong." While I love sageuks, sometimes they blur the lines between truth and fiction to the extent that viewers who don't have access to sources on Korean history are left confused.

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lol ruishi, Jang in Seodongyo is highly fictionalized when it comes to all his 'accomplishments.' Daemusin's (Muhyul) accomplishments were mostly through conquering and expanding the territory of Koguryo so we are yet to see his accomplishments. I think the forthcoming episodes will show how he is able to lead Koguryo to conquer all those other nations and bring down Buyo which according to history was much more powerful than indicated in the drama "Jumong." While I love sageuks, sometimes they blur the lines between truth and fiction to the extent that viewers who don't have access to sources on Korean history are left confused.

i was talking about the storyline in these dramas, not the real history/accomplishments of daemusin & mu/mookang ;) .

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Other 1 - If we are to go by the highly fictionalized version KOTW , Muhyul's accomplishments were done prior to being announced being the prince which is suitable considering the storyline. Prior to being the prince, he has been a spy by getting vital information about Buyeo, saved the King & Koguryo, struck Daeso twice real & fictional thereby causing confusion for Buyeo and inadvertently his brother's death, receival of Jumong's sword which would indicate that he is to be next king something his brother knew and was preparing him for. The storyline is now moving to Muhyul the prince which will be just as interesting, how will he deal with his fate and new life would be the basis. Yuri was somewhat forced to reveal Muhyul's existence b/c of what was happening in the nation and the fact that it was his 3rd son was the one who saved the nation at this critical point made him rethink his earlier decision, it was also a way for him to accept "come what may" to no longer avoid fate, he thought he was protecting his son when in fact he was unintentionally killing him.

Other 2 - I am feeling a bit sorry for the first wives/queens now, don't you find it sad that they came into the marriage hoping for love and not getting it from the husbands/kings, the women they love usually end up being their concubines. I have yet read/hear/watch a story about a king who actually loved a woman and got married to her (excluding Ballad of Seodong, the only 1 know of, fiction it may be). In Yi San, the woman that he loved became his concubine #3, I believe that there is a lot of cases like this. It must be a sad, lonely and pitiful experience. Think about it, should we go by the saguek Jumong's his first love was So-se-no who end up being his concubine though he married to Yesoya who he grew to love way way later in life because she was a very good woman, he end up loving both of them, they were both good women. Yuri in real life had a lot of women but he loved only his concubine, he wrote a love poem about her for petesake. Its going to be the same with Muhyul he loves Yeon but she cannot be queen because of the political situation as well as the fact that she is a princess from Buyeo its sad but true, she will later become his concubine. Therefore its a shame being the first wife of Muhyul coming into the marriage knowing this. Its must be hard being the first wife/queen period especially that of an unloved one, knowing all of this. By the way, sorry to disappoint the fans, but it is very doubtful that there will be any kissing in the show, b/c in Asian countries that was not done until thousands of years later when the European's came over. Muhyul and Yeon as well as whichever women that may come in the show will primarily be hugging only. :blush: "What a smart way to keep the SIK wife from getting jealous, hugging only, no kissing allowed". :rolleyes:

Other 3 - I am aware that its two different TV stations MBC for Jumong and K... for KOTW, for this story I think they should have some sort of alliance in terms of props, which could have been used for KOTW for instance the throne - Jumong's and especially the broken piece of the sword which proclaimed Yuri's existence, to me it would have brought some form of continuity/transition to the dramas. Though I do understand that they are competing with each other for ratings etc.

Looking forward to episode 19 and thanks to those who provide us with all the necessary information about the show, the actors and the happenings I do like that . :)

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Guest selvaspeedy

omg yeon moving into the palace but looks like Hye Ap against it. but our prince Muhyul will sort it out. ;) omg meeting with Dae so yehhhhhhhhhh, that crazy old muppet. :crazy: this week is going to be super fantastic.

yes me too excited ^_^

I think Yuri will be the one who rejects Yeon's presence... the look on his eyes when he saw her proves it.

I see another Yeum Moon in the person of Dojin. But I am not touched more than Yeum Moon moves me. The difference is in the expression of the eyes. Dojin's eyes express jealousy and hate while Yeum Moon's eyes are soft and sad every time he sees Jungwa. I can't feel any pity for Dojin unlike in EOTS, my heart really goes for Yeum Moon. Although as I see it, they both have the same fate.

PGH is a good actor but I think SIG performance can't be surpassed at all in EOTS. SIG made me hate JangBogo (and I mean literally hate him) for all what he did to Yeum Moon. Although Yeum Moon did lot of bad things, I kept trying really hard to justify why he did so. I feel a little pity toward Dojin in here but I'm not this connected to his character as much as I did w/ Yeum Moon's.

we have the same conclusion as to why king yuri had a change of heart about exposing muhyul's existence, and it's for this reason i wasn't quite content w/ the writers, i find it too shallow. but then again, i'll give the writers the benefit of the doubt, i'll see how the story progresses.

i think i was expecting muhyul to achieve something big for the nation before they present him to the people.

ok I can't imagine Yuri doing this to Muhyul. Yuri is presented already as a passionate king who was about to wage a war w/ Buyeo just to save his son Haemyung and also told Muhyul to go ahead and kill him (because he couldn't earn the trust of one of his people) in episode 12. I can't imagine Yuri confronting Muhyul (who already feel bitter about the whole abandoning and curse thing) and say to him: you're indeed my son, but I won't announce you as the crown prince until you do a good deed to KGR!!

Yuri said that he's still (after all of those years) bitter and angry about what his father did, abandoning him and his mother like that. He must feels really hurt about the whole thing that he didn't want Muhyul to go through all of this again. And this decision isn't reckless after all. As ardent explained that Yeojin doesn't have the king quality in him. It was a reasonable decision for Yuri to announce Muhyul as the crown prince.

to me, I'm not content w/ another thing. I kinda understand why did Yuri announce Muhyul as the crown prince right away, but didn't he think what the other tribal chiefs will do when they know he was fooling them all of those years?! they think that Muhyul is dead, and suddenly: NO, HE'S NOT!!

those chiefs already tried to kill Yuri before, so he knows they are waiting for a single chance to pin-point his mistakes.

I think in this aspect, Yuri wasn't thinking so much.

Yuri was somewhat forced to reveal Muhyul's existence b/c of what was happening in the nation and the fact that it was his 3rd son was the one who saved the nation at this critical point made him rethink his earlier decision, it was also a way for him to accept "come what may" to no longer avoid fate, he thought he was protecting his son when in fact he was unintentionally killing him.

and this is another good point... saving the nation from a deadly poison that was infecting everybody is considered a good deed.

Other 2 - I am feeling a bit sorry for the first wives/queens now, don't you find it sad that they came into the marriage hoping for love and not getting it from the husbands/kings, the women they love usually end up being their concubines.

it's indeed sad for all the three parties; the man and the two women :tears:

By the way, sorry to disappoint the fans, but it is very doubtful that there will be any kissing in the show, b/c in Asian countries that was not done until thousands of years later when the European's came over. Muhyul and Yeon as well as whichever women that may come in the show will primarily be hugging only. :blush: "What a smart way to keep the SIK wife from getting jealous, hugging only, no kissing allowed". :rolleyes:

c'mon, I'm still crossing my fingers for something more than a hug (even if it was passionate and affectionate hug :crazy: ) at least one simple kiss and I'll be satisfied for ever :blush:

take care everybody ;)

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