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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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Guest JIJI527

thanks huangsy :D

and here are another clips from DCinside:


Hello my frieds... I really would appriciate a translation on all news on SIG, I went to the web page but it is in korean language, I used the Google translation, but I don't like it, it does'nt look good. Please help us to read all news on our Oppa in the English laguage.. Thanks alot.. love you all

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Guest tateboe

You are right to the site for "can't wait" people



Jeez King Daeso

recuperate. I thought he will die or nevr come up from bed!

Who is the person Dojin kidnap?

I think King Yuri

will grant Muyul's prince title. I see HyeAp smiles

, in preview of next episode

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Guest selvaspeedy

some caps from Episode 15

(gahhhh... my internet today was ridiculously slow <_< )













I have ths feeling that he asked her to marry him... not sure though... but she looked quite surprised


























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Guest selvaspeedy










the last scene







source: gall DCinside KOTW gallery

(I missed some of the caps which were totally awesome... the conversation between Muhyul and Yeojin was so beautiful (though I didn't know what they were talking about -_- ) so when I find those caps I'll post them later)

from the preview














Jeez King Daeso

recuperate. I thought he will die or nevr come up from bed!

Who is the person Dojin kidnap?

maybe one of the other chiefs of Jolbon.

I think King Yuri

will grant Muyul's prince title. I see HyeAp smiles

, in preview of next episode

yes me too... I think so :sweatingbullets:

but I think he will regret it... I saw him in the preview dreaming of those dead birds he saw when Muhyul was born :mellow:

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ooh, thanks again & again for the caps :D !

I seriously should learn Korean :tears:

oh my... what did seryu say to Yuri?!

what did Dojin say to Yeon?!

what did Yeojin say to Muhyul?!

what did Dojin say to Muhyul?!

what did seru say to Dojin?! (well, I'll guess this one :P I think she asked him where exactly did he find the necklace).

what did Baguk (is it the name) and Dojin say to each other?!

what did that 4th assassin (keep forgetting his name) say to Dojin?! (I think it's something about Daeso, but I'm not sure what it is)ahhhhhhhhhhhh :sweatingbullets: lot of questions :unsure:

:lol: ahaha selva, you "LOLed" (quoting you) me as well!

that's why i don't watch raw version :sweatingbullets: , i'd rather wait for the subs.

there are events today that made me :crazy:

Daeso woke up :crazy:

omo omo! NOOOO! :lol:

why! oh, why! why is he one of those characters who just wouldn't die! :sweatingbullets:

i thought that was it, i thought muhyul finally made it :( .

is vikii working well w/ you now, or you still aren't able to finish episode 14

i think its my laptop that has a problem....yeah, i was done with epi 14 ages ago.

no follow-up commentaries from me though.

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Guest tateboe

that's why i don't watch raw version :sweatingbullets: , i'd rather wait for the subs.

The answer is, we "can't wait"

Watch raw

Read translation

Watch raw again

When sub come out, watch again with sub.

Watching many times is not a problem, we just can't wait. :sweatingbullets:

He He :blush:

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Guest dramaok

Episode 15:


Muhyul hugs Yeon and promises Yeon he will help her and protect her, just as Dojin arrives and angrily watches the happening. Dojin then leaves quietly and when he returns to the Biryu compund, Dojin thinks about Muhyul's assasination attempt at King Daeso.Meanwhile Muhyul takes Yeon back and tells her he may not be able to see her for a while and Yeon says not to worry and how safe she feels now that Dojin is around too. Muhyul is surprised to hear about it and Yeon says Dojin is at the Biryu compound. Muhyul goes home and tells Maro the good news about Dojin being near, and Maro says too bad it has to be the Biryu place of all places, because they wouldnt' be able to go and see him there. Seryu comes to King Yuri and asks the king where her deceased baby brother's tomb is. Yuri and Guchu are both startled by the question and Seryu asks to know so she can go visit the baby and pray for its soul, but Yuri tells her to never mention it again.


Seryu leaves, and Guchu goes after her and asks her why she's bringing up the issue that the entire nation of Goguryeo fears. Guchu says she should know better than anyone that the issue is a painful memory for the king. Seryu says she found the necklace that she gave to the baby and now she wonders if the baby might be alive. Guchu asks for more details, and Seryu says a man named Dojin who lives at Biryu sangga's home had the necklace and says he got it from a comrade. Guchu and the chief bodyguard appear alarmed, and Guchu states the prince already died back then so it's not possible that he's alive. Seryu leaves, and the chief bodyguard asks Guchu if the baby prince became a Biryu soldier. Balso leads Muhyul and Maro with a map and they arrive at the secret distant field and meet up with Goeyu who tells Maro and Muhyul that Hye-Ap has given them the task of training the secret team of soldiers. Balso is upset that Goeyu kept it a secret from him but Goeyu scoffs at him. Maro raises his head up in the air and goes around proudly laughing and repeating what Goeyu used to say to them when they were new soldiers at Jolbon. Goeyu gives him a dirty look, and Muhyul takes over and tells the armymen if they have to beat the secret assasins of Buyeo they must be one body.


Muhyul and Maro begin instensive training w/ the group of soldiers, and one of them falls, Muhyul gets upset and yells at them to be stronger in mind and body, or else they will never be able to take on the black shadow soldiers. Muhyul tells the fallen man he is bringing down the team, and he should kill himself instead if he's weak. Seryu and a Kisan envoy report to King Yuri about the assasination of the new Kisan chief, and how Kisan tribe is unsettled by it. King Yuri apologizes to the Kisan man and promises to help them. Meanwhile, Baegeuk summons Dojin and tells him King Daeso is in danger, and if he dies, no one will be able to stop Yuri. Baegeuk says before that, he will unite the tribe leads and if any of them betrays them Dojin is to go after them. Hye-Ap checks on the progress at the secret camp, and gives Muhyul and Maro a new task, of handing a message from the king to one of Goguryeo's 5 founding tribes, the Hwanna tribe's leader, and to get the chief's answer back to the king. So Muhyul and Maro travel to the Hwanna compound, only to find the chief is already getting kidnapped by some masked men. Muhyul and Maro trail them and are led to Baegeuk at the Biryu compound. However Dojin who is one of the masked men catches glimpse of Muhyul and Maro spying from above the fence walls, and Dojin's group tries to catch the two, but Maro and Muhyul get away.


The Biryu sannga acuses the Hwanna chief of betraying the council, by siding with King Yuri and Sangga gives the Hwanna chief one more chance and the chief kneels and pledges his alligence to the council, instead of Yuri. Meanwhile Hye-Ap meets with King Yuri again and she tries to persuade the king to acknowledge Muhyul as a prince, for all the great deeds he's done for Goguryeo, and since Muhyul tried to kill Daeso his life is also in danger and needs the king's protection. Yuri listens but denies and says not to mention it again. Just then Goeyu comes in w/ news about Hwanna chief's capture by Biryu. Maro and Muhyul return home and Maro tells Muhyul the masked man looked like Dojin and Muhyul says he's right, and the two wonder if Dojin saw them too. Gongchang shows his master Mahwang the street clinic Yeon is working at, and Mahwang is surrounded by men and women, and children, who are all grateful to Mahwang for saving their lives. Mahwang is annoyed that Yeon is doing all this work for free and he's even more annoyed to be surrounded by all these raggedy ppl. Yeon comes and smiles as she tells all the people that Mahwang will be happy to help them in the future too and they are to come whenever they are sick.


Yeon continues to work and Dojin comes by and watches Yeon with a heavy heart. Next the two talk in a field, and Yeon asks Dojin why he seems weary and Dojin replies he's fine and he's earning the trust of Baegeuk too. Dojin says Yeon is the one who seems pale and wonders if she's working too hard. Yeon says when she treats patients, they actually ease her pain. Yeon mentions Muhyul has returned from Buyeo and when she told him about Dojin being in Goguryeo Muhyul was elated, and smiled the biggest smile she's seen. Dojin says he wants to meet Muhyul too because Muhyul is the only one he wants to keep contact with among all the ppl from the assasin camp, but Dojin then stares at her and asks her why she won't share her pain with him when he wants to take away her pain, and Yeon seems surprised. Dojin goes on to say when he lost his family and came to live with hers under her father's care, she was the one who extended a hand to him, and it was her father's wish for her to marry Dojin, and Dojin says her father entrusted her in his care before he died, thus he will spend the rest of his life trying to make her happy and to protect her. Yeon listens and is speechless. Then that night Yeon thinks about the words of Muhyul and Dojin both, of their promises to watch over her from now on, and Yeon is heavy-hearted.


In Buyeo, King Daeso awakes and Sagu begs to be forgiven for not ridding of traitors. Daeso asks who they are and Sagu says it was Maro and Muhyul who betrayed them. Back in Goguryeo Maro makes some bow and arrow and Muhyul says they are too weak and intrusts him to do again, when Prince Yeojin arrives aided by Chubalso. Maro scolds Balso outside but Balso says he had no choice. Inside, Muhyul and Yeojin talk alone and Muhyul asks for forgiveness but Yeojin says he's already forgiven them because he did it for Haemyeong. Yeojin then asks for forgiveness instead and Muhyul says he dares not to do so. Yeojin then says he knew Muhyul had a different look to him once he got rid of the wrath in his eyes, and Yeojin asks Muhyul to help him from now on, not just as following the prince order, but with sincerity, and to fill any lackings that Yeojin might have, and Muhyul agrees.


Back at the palace, Lady Miyu discovers Yeojin is missing and slaps Yeonhwa harshly for not confessing about Yeojin's whereabout. Miyu's brother helps in the interrogation and when Miyu threatens to cut off Yeonhwa's limbs, Yeonhwa cries and says Prince Yeojin went to see the ppl who kidnapped him from before, because those men used to be Prince Haemyeong's follower. Lady Miyu and her brother are puzzled by it and Miyu remembers her meeting with Muhyul from a while back and they wonder why Hye-Ap has hired him when he tried to kill the king and harm the prince. Next, Balso tries to tail Dojin who is smarter and quicker and before Balso realizes, Dojin has his sword on him instead. Just then Muhyul and Maro appear and apologize and Dojin frees Balso. Maro and Muhyul are happy to see Dojin and suggest they go and have a drink. Balso wants to come along for alchohol but Maro tells him to go home.


Then the three of them catch up and Maro asks Dojin why he came to GOguryeo, to which Dojin replies he hated Buyeo because Buyeo killed Takrok. Then Maro who seems drunk laugh about how Muhyul likes Yeon so much and Muhyul is embarrassed. But Dojin thanks Muhyul for helping Yeon, and says from now on he will take over the care of Yeon, because her father entrusted her to him, and since he was little, Yeon has always been the only woman in his heart. Muhyul is speechless and weary by it and changes the topic to something else. Muhyul tells Dojin the man he's serving, Baegeuk of Biryu, is someone whom they have a grudge against from a long time ago. Then when they return home, Muhyul thinks about Dojin's words, of shouldering Yeon's protection from now on, and Dojin also thinks about his bittersweet meeting with Muhyul. Then, Muhyul goes to watch Yeon from a distance, and Yeon who is working late into the night senses someone watching her but when she looks up there's no one there.


Sagu mentions to King Daeso about Dojin being here the other day and if it hadn't been Dojin things may have gotten worse with the assasins who attacked them. Daeso is alarmed by this and tells Sagu to kill everyone who saw Dojin because Dojin's identity must be protected until Dojin can complete his mission and return. Daeso then says he has something to tell Dojin, and orders Sagu to send a black assasin to Goguryeo to send a message. Baegeuk introduced Dojin to the Sangga, who senses Dojin will bring trouble, but Baegeuk says he believes otherwise, and Sangga says fine. Princess Seryu asks Goeyu about Dojin, and Goeyu says the ppl at Biryu don't know much about Dojin either since he came recently but no one knows from where. Goeyu asks Seryu why she wants to know about Dojin and Seryu shows him and Hye-Ap the pendant necklace that she once gave to her baby brother who was killed. Seryu says because she has it now she thinks her brother may be alive. Afterwards, Goeyu tells Hye-Ap the necklace used to be Muhyul's and Goeyu says he always wondered why Prince Haemyeong was so protective of Muhyul, and oeyu asks if Muhyul is a prince and Hye-Ap replies yes, but that's a truth only known to her and the king, and Muhyul doesn't know either. Next, Seryu summons Dojin to the palace and she says she knows he lied about being a Biryu soldier and asks again about the man who gave him the necklace. Dojin insists he didn't lie and he's never seen the man again. Dojin leaves, and Hye-Ap orders Dojin to be taken away and confined. Hye-Ap and Goeyu interrogate Dojin saying they need to know the background identity of everyone who comes into the palace, but Dojin won't say anything and asks to bring Baegeuk here if they want to know. Goeyu gets frustrated and puts a sword at him, but Hye-Ap tells him to put it away and Hye-Ap dismisses Dojin but warns him they are keeping a close eye on him.


Dojin returns to Biryu corridors, and Baegeuk wants to know why the princess wanted to see him and what the necklace was all about. Dojin says the princess said she gave it to her baby brother who was killed as soon as he was born. Baegeuk then tells Dojin indeed Prince Yeojin is not the King's 3rd prince, but 4th, and that there was another prince born before Yeojin but he was born under the curse of bringing destruction to Goguryeo so King Yuri killed the baby himself infront of everyone. Dojin is worried that Hye-Ap might learn about his background as assasin and Baegeuk agrees it's best for Dojin to go in hiding and lay low for now.

Dojin then receives a signal that a black assasin is here, and Dojin goes to meet Maenggwang who tells him Daeso wants Dojin to kill Muhyul and Maro. Dojin tells Maenggwang he can't complete that mission right now because he is being watched and needs to leave for a while. Then Dojin hands a scroll with spy information to Maenggwang and tells him to give it to King Daeso. Afterwards Dojin goes to see Yeon and tells her he'll be gone for a while even though he didnt want to leave her again. Yeon says dont worry and be careful, and Dojin leaves. Meanwhile Miyu's brother has drinks with Baegeuk and butters him about how he should be in charge of Biryu instead with his great skills and the brother says her sister will support Baegeuk if he ever needs it. Then the brother asks Baegeuk to lend him some armymen.


Next, Muhyul returns home and senses something's not right, and soon he is ambushed by Baegeuk's men. Muhyul is about to beat him but Maro is under their knives and Muhyul has no choice but surrender. Muhyul and Maro are hung by ropes and Baegeuk and the queen's brother come and interrogate the two about Hye-Ap's ties to Buyeo. When they say nothing the brother threatens to pierce Muhyul with a sharp tool. Meanwhile King Yuri thinks about Hye-AP's warning that if the king doesn't reveal Muhyul's identity soon he may be in danger by Daeso's men. Hye-Ap learns about Muhyul and Maro's capture and she heads to the Biryu tribe with Goeyu. When they arrive, Miyu's brother and Baegeuk order for their capture as well, but just then King Yuri arrives and calls a halt, and Muhyul looks up and watches the king's arrival.


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The answer is, we "can't wait"

Watch raw

Read translation

Watch raw again

When sub come out, watch again with sub.

Watching many times is not a problem, we just can't wait. :sweatingbullets:

He He :blush:

i know :D .... i get tempted sometimes :sweatingbullets: .

i just find it too frustrating when i don't know what's being said :unsure: .

also, i don't like rewatching (except for a select few):P , not after a long while.

but surely, i'll rewatch KOTW when it's up in other kdrama provider :D .

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Guest tateboe

Seryu comes to King Yuri and asks the king where her deceased baby brother's tomb is. Yuri and Guchu are both startled by the question and Seryu asks to know so she can go visit the baby and pray for its soul, but Yuri tells her to never mention it again.

Yea, Princes Seryu is Muhyul's elder sister from same mother, she is the one who promised the baby she will protect him. But she doesn't know King Yuri gave her brother's name to be Muyul (episode 1). The King told the Crown Prince to name the baby Muhyul, only when he hand over the survived baby secretly.

For Princes Seryu, her only contact is pendant, not the name, Muhyul.

and soon he is ambushed by Baegeuk's men

Why they kidnap him? Did they know he is a Prince? Any reason they talk about?

Dramaok, thank you very much :rolleyes:

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The answer is, we "can't wait"

Watch raw

Read translation

Watch raw again

When sub come out, watch again with sub.

Watching many times is not a problem, we just can't wait. :sweatingbullets:

He He :blush:

:lol: good answer tateboe ^^ same goes with me :P but to bad I can't watch online so I have to d/l it first then I can watch it ^^

dramaok thanks for the summary as usual ^^ love it! and selva thanks for the caps ^^

Ok I might watch eps 15 tonight while the other watch the next eps :P

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Guest selvaspeedy

thanks a lot dramaok for the awesome summary :blush:

Maro raises his head up in the air and goes around proudly laughing and repeating what Goeyu used to say to them when they were new soldiers at Jolbon. Goeyu gives him a dirty look.

this line LOLed me a lot e19418.gif

Mahwang is surrounded by men and women, and children, who are all grateful to Mahwang for saving their lives. Mahwang is annoyed that Yeon is doing all this work for free and he's even more annoyed to be surrounded by all these raggedy ppl.

and this scene was totally hilarious... the way Mathwang was looking at those people just cracked me up e19385.gif

Then that night Yeon thinks about the words of Muhyul and Dojin both, of their promises to watch over her from now on, and Yeon is heavy-hearted.

two hot men offered to protect you :rolleyes:

you must be in heaven lady :P

Then Maro who seems drunk laugh about how Muhyul likes Yeon so much and Muhyul is embarrassed. But Dojin thanks Muhyul for helping Yeon, and says from now on he will take over the care of Yeon, because her father entrusted her to him, and since he was little, Yeon has always been the only woman in his heart. Muhyul is speechless and weary by it and changes the topic to something else. Then when they return home, Muhyul thinks about Dojin's words, of shouldering Yeon's protection from now on, and Dojin also thinks about his bittersweet meeting with Muhyul.


why did that have to happen to the three of them?!!

why they have to make a triangle and give us a heart ache :tears::P

The answer is, we "can't wait"

Watch raw

Read translation

Watch raw again

When sub come out, watch again with sub.

Watching many times is not a problem, we just can't wait. :sweatingbullets:

He He :blush:

me too... I already downloaded the episode and watching it again right now...

hopefully I'll make some caps for the parts I missed (although my caps suck :sweatingbullets: )

take care everybody.

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Guest selvaspeedy

They kidnapped him because they knew he was the one who kidnapped the Crown Prince (Seyru's younger brother). Of course, the irony of the whole thing is that Baegeuk was the one who created the whole kidnapping plot to begin with. <_<

Yeoni is so lucky!! Dojin AND Muhyul vow to protect her. I wouldn't mind getting a little protection myself :blush:

well said my friend e19385.gif

after Dojin saw Muhyul and Yeon hugging




when Muhyul knew that Dojin is in KGR (he looked really happy... poor oppa :tears: )





during the training (vicious oppa :P)
















Muhyul and Yeojin :blush:


















( I took so many caps... soompi won't allow me to put them all in one post <_< )

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Guest selvaspeedy

Balso following Dojin e19348.gif















and this part e19363.gif

(when Dojin told Muhyul that Yeon is the woman he loves, you can see the tears in Muhyul's eyes but he held them back e19363.gif )


















when he was looking at her e19386.gif












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