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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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Guest selvaspeedy

OMG the preview :tears: :tears: :tears:

:tears: :tears:

the 1st one to go is :tears:


Episode 35 preview (dramaok help :tears: )

괴유와 마로가 이끄는 별동대가 부여의 국경수비대를 장악하는 것으로 최후의 전쟁이 시작된다. 고구려군은 무휼의 지휘 아래 부여 땅 깊숙이 진격하여 진을 친다. 무휼에게 허를 찔린 도진과 배극은 반격을 노린다. 한편, 전쟁이 발발하자 대소왕은 연과 호동을 부여궁으로 옮겨 보호하려 한다. 하지만 호동이 무휼의 아들이며, 지금 국내성에 있다는 사실을 뒤늦게 알고 크게 분노하여 연이를 잡아들인다. 무휼은 부여군뿐만 아니라 고구려군도 생각지 못한 작전을 세우고 이를 실행하지만, 흑영 시절의 기억을 공유하고 있는 도진에게 간파당하고 크게 다친다. 무휼의 목숨이 경각에 달리자 마로는 자신을 희생하여 무휼을 도피시킨다. 도진은 부여군 진영에 끌려온 마로에게 전향을 권유하지만, 마로는 화형대에 매달려서도 내 왕은 오직 무휼태왕 뿐이라고 울부짖는다. 대소왕이 보낸 사자로부터 마로를 화형시킬 것이란 소식을 들은 무휼은 모든 장수들의 만류를 뿌리치고 마로를 구하기 위해 홀로 부여군 진영으로 달려가는데....

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Guest selvaspeedy

Episode 36 preview

"바람의 나라" 미리보기 제36회

마로의 참혹한 죽음은 고구려군의 투지에 불을 붙인다. 마로를 잃은 무휼은 울분과 복수의 의지를 불태우며 파죽지세로 부여성까지

진격한다. 대소왕은 패퇴를 거듭하다가 참혹한 몰골로 부여성에 돌아온 도진을 보자 기가 막힌다. 하지만 부여성은 천혜의 요새.

거듭되는 공성전에도 끄떡없이 버틴다. 원정을 나온 고구려군에게는 장기전이 부담되는 상황. 이 때 마황이 나서서 묘수를 낸다.

대소왕과 도진은 성문이 아직 굳게 닫혀 있음에도 부여성 내부로 쏟아져 들어온 무휼과 고구려군에 크게 당황한다. 전황은 이미

어떻게 손 쓸 수 없이 기울었고, 도진은 피눈물을 삼키며 연이를 구해 부여성을 탈출한다. 마침내 부여의 심장부에 입성하는 무휼.

편전에는 대소왕이 홀로 남아 조용히 술을 마시며 무휼을 기다리고 있는데... 특별기획드라마 <바람의 나라> 그 36회의 대단원!

대소왕과 도진, 연이의 최후가 1월 15일 밤 9시 55분부터 장엄하게 펼쳐진다.


ok why this is happening?!!! I tried to like Dojin, I really did. But my god he's just too evil and dark! there's nothing appealing about him at all. And you writers and director why are you doing this :crazy:

some caps from episode 35 preview :tears:




source: gall DCinside KOTW gallery


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Guest selvaspeedy

I took more caps from the preview. Enjoy :tears:






























about what's gonna happen next I think the writers had to let Maro die and by the hands of Dojin, so any sympathy and friendship left in Muhyul would evaporate :tears: omo I can't bear to watch him go like that!! This is the worst way to die :tears: and poor yeonhwa!! everybody she loves dies. I wonder what will erica do when she knows, cause Maro is the one that she waned him to stay :(

but at least there's one good thing about the preview we'll get to see SIG's torso again :P

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Guest autumn1

OMG! Look at SIG's anguish expression and those tears in his eyes when he calls out "Please Stop!!! I'm going to miss him so much once KOTW ends.

BTW, i heard yesterday korea had the coldest temperature ever. In seoul itself was -12 degree. I hope SIG and KOTW staffs are not cold numb shooting the drama. BTW, have they finished shooting yet? I hope they show the end party on a special or something.

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Guest cantonhina

OMG.. What's going on... I already made up my mind that I was not going to watch the Last two episodes..... until I read all the summeries,, So i can prepare myself for the heartbreak. But this is too awfull!!! How can I ever watch this now..........


Muhyul should BURN him also in front of YEON We hate you Dojinn!! You Phsyco!!!.

He's doing all this just to hurt Muhyul as much as he can.

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Guest Pyoungsang

OMG the preview :tears: :tears: :tears:

:tears: :tears:

the 1st one to go is :tears:


Episode 35 preview (dramaok help :tears: )

괴유와 마로가 이끄는 별동대가 부여의 국경수비대를 장악하는 것으로 최후의 전쟁이 시작된다. 고구려군은 무휼의 지휘 아래 부여 땅 깊숙이 진격하여 진을 친다. 무휼에게 허를 찔린 도진과 배극은 반격을 노린다. 한편, 전쟁이 발발하자 대소왕은 연과 호동을 부여궁으로 옮겨 보호하려 한다. 하지만 호동이 무휼의 아들이며, 지금 국내성에 있다는 사실을 뒤늦게 알고 크게 분노하여 연이를 잡아들인다. 무휼은 부여군뿐만 아니라 고구려군도 생각지 못한 작전을 세우고 이를 실행하지만, 흑영 시절의 기억을 공유하고 있는 도진에게 간파당하고 크게 다친다. 무휼의 목숨이 경각에 달리자 마로는 자신을 희생하여 무휼을 도피시킨다. 도진은 부여군 진영에 끌려온 마로에게 전향을 권유하지만, 마로는 화형대에 매달려서도 내 왕은 오직 무휼태왕 뿐이라고 울부짖는다. 대소왕이 보낸 사자로부터 마로를 화형시킬 것이란 소식을 들은 무휼은 모든 장수들의 만류를 뿌리치고 마로를 구하기 위해 홀로 부여군 진영으로 달려가는데....

Ep 35 preview English translation:

With the forward elements lead by Geyoo and Maro seizing Buyeo's border guards, the final war begins. Goguryeo's army, under Moo Hyul's command, advances deep into Buyeo and set up camp. Do Jin and Baek Geuk, who were struck unprepared by Moo Hyul, prepare for counterattack. On the other hand, as the war breaks out, King Dae So tries to move Yeon and Ho Dong to Buyeo palace to protect them. However, after belatedly hearing that Ho Dong is Moo Hyul's son and that he is now at Guk Nae castle, he become very angry and arrests Yeon. Though Moo Hyul is trying to set in motion a plan that not only Buyeo's army but also Goguryeo's army couldn't think of, Do Jin, sharing the memories of their times as Heuk Young (dark shadows), see through his plan and Moo Hyul is severely wounded. As Moo Hyul's life depends on quick treatment, Maro sacrifices himself to allow Moo Hyul to escape. Do Jin tries to persuade Maro, who has been taken to Buyeo army's encampment, to switch sides but even as he is hanging from the stake, he screams that Great King Moo Hyul is his only king. After hearing the news from the messenger sent by King Dae So that Maro will be burned at the stake, Moo Hyul hurries toward the Buyeo army encampment to rescue Maro, turning a deaf ear to attempts by all his generals to hold him back ...

Unfortunately, I was correct in my prediction... I'm very sad.

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Guest selvaspeedy

thanks Pyoungsang for the summary :(

I knew it! my bet was on Maro and yeon to die :(

you know what, I rewatched some of Muhyul's and Maro's old scenes together and I found myself crying :tears:

this is so sad, really. I'm already depressed w/out even watching the episode :tears:

can you please translate the preview of episode 36 too *puppy eyes* :P

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Guest Pyoungsang

thanks Pyoungsang for the summary :(

I knew it! my bet was on Maro and yeon to die :(

you know what, I rewatched some of Muhyul's and Maro's old scenes together and I found myself crying :tears:

this is so sad, really. I'm already depressed w/out even watching the episode :tears:

can you please translate the preview of episode 36 too *puppy eyes* :P

EP 36 preview English Translation:

Maro's tragic death sets Goguryeo army's fighting spirit on fire. Moo Hyul, who lost Maro, fired up by his rage and yearning for revenge, sweep aside all that comes before him to advance to Buyeo castle. King Dae So is in disbelief upon seeing Do Jin who returned to Buyeo castle in pitiful shape after being defeated again. However, Buyeo castle is a fortress blessed with natural defenses. It stands up to repeated sieges without a strain. As the protracted war wears on the Goguryeo's army participating in the campaign, it is then when Ma Hwang produces a brilliant plan. Even as King Dae So and Do Jin thinks that the fortress gate is firmly closed, Moo Hyul and Goguryeo army pours through Buyeo castle interior causing Dae So and Do Jin to panic. As the situation gets out of hand, Do Jin, swallowing tears of blood, rescues Yeon and escapes Buyeo castle. Finally, Moo Hyul triumphantly enters the castle into the heart of Buyeo. At the royal palace, King Dae So is quietly drinking alone waiting for Moo Hyul... Special Opportunity Drama <Kingdom of the Wind> The finale of 36th episode! The last of King Dae So, Do Jin and Yeon is magnificently revealed starting from January 15, 9:55 PM.

I too am so sad about Maro ... I really liked him ... although it isn't quite clear what Yeon's fate is ... but reading the last line gives me some dread.

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Guest selvaspeedy

wahhhh Pyoungsang I love you *hugs and wet kisses*

wow Daeso is such a brave old fat guy to stay in the palace drinking and waiting for Muhyul while that psycho runs away :crazy:

maybe Daeso was thinking about what the oracle in Jumong told him (she warned him from Yuri). He must have been thinking: Yuri already died. So My end will be caused by Muhyul :tongue2:

the last sentence is weird too -_-

I'm feeling so sad for Maro. That's a horrible way to die. Burned alive :tears: ahhh and poor Muhyul has nobody left but Seryu, Yeon and Hodong :tears:

omg I gotta go and study. I'm so screwed :P

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oh no, not Maro please, I like him a lot, from his innocent days to his grown up days, MH is so pitiful, he lost his brothers, father, lover, and now his bestfriend, what more that director plan to take from him ... I don't want Maro to leave, even King Daeso death can't make up for that, and now if Maro is dead, I want Dojin to live his life in the most painful way ...

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Guest cantonhina

OK..... I am not watching these last two episodes unless I find that YEON will LIVE.

I can't take this anymore. This is just toooooooooooooo much to bear :huh::oNOT FAIR AT ALL

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Guest erica1064

I took more caps from the preview. Enjoy :tears:

about what's gonna happen next I think the writers had to let Maro die and by the hands of Dojin, so any sympathy and friendship left in Muhyul would evaporate :tears: omo I can't bear to watch him go like that!! This is the worst way to die :tears: and poor yeonhwa!! everybody she loves dies. I wonder what will erica do when she knows, cause Maro is the one that she waned him to stay :(

but at least there's one good thing about the preview we'll get to see SIG's torso again :P

Well now, that stinks doesn't it? Sigh*.

Torso shot - - I saw that too Selva. Helped make up a little for the spoiler loss. I'd prefer to see YiJi crucified and burned alive, and I have small hope that Muhyul will shoot Maro in the heart with an arrow so he doesn't have to suffer, a la "Last of the Mohicans". (if you haven't seen that movie, you HAVE to. You really do.)

I suppose the writers thought it necessary to do that in order to spur KGR into revengeriffic action. They could have killed off HyeAp - it's not like she had anyone to go home to and snuggle up with. I wouldn't have minded so much if it were HyeAp - nice sacrificial death - going to her heavenly reward to be with Haemyoung. But nooooooooooo. And now poor YeonHwa has to deal with loss yet again. She'll probably kill herself now. Not that I think that's going to happen. It's just that now I'm a little more bitter than I usually am. And as for Yeon dying? how will we be able to tell? Not like her face is going to move any.

And I'm a bitter bitter woman.

Well, let's just get this over with then. I'm done with it already.

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Guest Pyoungsang

Well now, that stinks doesn't it? Sigh*.

Torso shot - - I saw that too Selva. Helped make up a little for the spoiler loss. I'd prefer to see YiJi crucified and burned alive, and I have small hope that Muhyul will shoot Maro in the heart with an arrow so he doesn't have to suffer, a la "Last of the Mohicans". (if you haven't seen that movie, you HAVE to. You really do.)

I suppose the writers thought it necessary to do that in order to spur KGR into revengeriffic action. They could have killed off HyeAp - it's not like she had anyone to go home to and snuggle up with. I wouldn't have minded so much if it were HyeAp - nice sacrificial death - going to her heavenly reward to be with Haemyoung. But nooooooooooo. And now poor YeonHwa has to deal with loss yet again. She'll probably kill herself now. Not that I think that's going to happen. It's just that now I'm a little more bitter than I usually am. And as for Yeon dying? how will we be able to tell? Not like her face is going to move any.

And I'm a bitter bitter woman.

Well, let's just get this over with then. I'm done with it already.

Well, we still have Chu Bal So. He'll have to try to comfort both Moo Hyul and Yeon Ah. What happened to Baek Geuk?? I hope he gets what's coming to him. Also, I cannot stand the thought of Mool Hyul going home to that skunk Yi Ji. I don't even want to see that cat-swallowing-a-canary smile one her face knowing her main rival is out of the way and he has only her to comfort him. I would even be happy if Hye Ap sacrifice herself to get rid of that evil girl. Please writers !!! Do something about Yi Ji or I going be not very happy.

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Guest cantonhina

Any news about beheading YIJi :crazy: PLease !!! Please !!!! Please !!!! :tears::tears::tears:

Please director Give us something in the last Episode to look forward to :tears:

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Guest erica1064

Any news about beheading YIJi :crazy: PLease !!! Please !!!! Please !!!! :tears::tears::tears: Please director Give us something in the last Episode to look forward to :tears:

LOLOLOLOLOL - we are a heartless bunch aren't we? :)

Yeah. I guess Chubalso will pick up the Yeonhwa slack. He needs a good woman to make him settle down. And hopefully Goeyu and Seryu can stay together and make little babies...with long sideburns.

Skunk YiJi. Hee. I like that.

I'm glad too that Daeso's going to get it in the gut. That big fat barren nasty hot tub wrinkled old gut.

All I have to look forward to is torso now. selva, someone, anyone, post lots and lots of torso shots. It will ease some of the pain.

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Guest dramaok

OMG no.. not maro. not the panda bear warrior.. he already promised yeonhwa he's coming back how can this be.

the men in here just don't keep their promises. it's sadistic.

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