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Official Janice Man (文詠珊) & Angelababy Yeung (楊穎) Thread

Guest ' t.

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Guest Romancer.

^ maybe because of the good money + international success? like how a lot of kpop groups cross over to japan ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥

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Guest Becci1501

awww i can't wait for her new photobook!

she looks so lovely with her new dark hair :)

eee janice come back!

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okay, basically in the beginning, William was saying that he was on this show (don't know what's the name; it's similar to Be My Guest (one of the TVB variety that is host by Stephen Chan)), so Stephen Chan asked William what kind of sensitive questions was asked. And there's this question, "Is your relationship with Angelababy real?" But William answered "I said it's not (fake)." Then William said to Stephen Chan that he's getting embarrassed and his face is turning red and so on. Afterward, Stephen Chan asked the same question, "So, is your relationship with Angelababy real?" William answered "Actually, we're VERY GOOD FRIENDS." After that, he got all embarrassed again and kept saying "I'm scared." (in a good way ofcourse). And Stephen Chan asked "Is it like boyfriend and girlfriend kind of friends?" But William made a big turn, answered "Well, i'm a boy and she's a girl, we're good friends." Stephen Chan asked him again saying "Not like that, more closer, like dating with each other." William answered, "Hopefully, we can have that chance, and try to date in the future." To add on to that, Stephen Chan asked "So, did you guys start dating yet?" After that, William started to muttering... saying "UMMM... errrr... welll, we didn't start YET (as in dating)." With all those embarrassment from William, Stephen Chan asked "So did you confess and start your relationship with Angelababy yet?" William answered, "Actually, I'm waiting for her to confess and want her to make the move first (as in approaching to him first)." Then Stephen Chan asked "But you guys still hang out with each other right?" William answered "Yes, we do hangout sometimes."

I only translated the part where Stephen Chan asked William about him and Angelababy. The rest of the interview is about other stuff.

Oh, and excuse my poor translation; sometimes, some of the phrases in canto is very hard to put in english, so anyone can fix my errors (even grammars, since I rushed).

*BTW, Stephen Chan is the General Manager of TVB*

(just incase for those who doesn't know who's Stephen Chan).

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Guest moncchichi

some people have gone crazy. extra flab on abb's arm? you must be kidding. If that is not appreciated I dont know what you can say about the majority of girls in north america

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Guest bluemilitarygurl

[24-5-09]蘋果日報 - 娛樂

Baby幫 Janice介紹老細

剛從東京回港的 Angelababy昨日在中環為 Clarins宣傳,有指日本掀起搶購口罩熱潮, Baby即笑說:「敷 mask好過戴 mask啦,東京唔係重災區。」提到感情事,她即說:「我唔會變心,我係雙魚座,係好專一。」她的前度好姊妹 Janice Man(文詠珊 小圖)被指向外放風,自托身價,問她可會代為介紹公司? Baby說:「仲係好朋友呀,有需要,我一定會幫佢引薦。」

Brief Translation:

Angelababy basically said Janice Man and her are still good friends and she will recommend her to a company if she needed her help or something like that.

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Guest SeL1nA



Face Vol. 111 07 Jul, 2009

寫真鬥貴  Angelababy超 V水着外洩



書展 722殺到,去年寫真玩日系水着賣到斷晒市的 Angelababy(楊穎),今年紅到去日本,由港模攻入日模界做潮書專屬模,兩個月前以 5百萬身價簽下日本殿堂級唱片及經理人公司的 Avex,做濱崎步師妹。

成功升呢,將於書展期間再推出寫真集《 Miss Angelababy》,級數狂升當然唔再玩 o靚妹 feel水着。最近本刊從特別渠道得到 Angelababy新寫真集中的超 V照,據知今次轉玩高檔路線的 Baby,寫真耗資百萬巴黎製作,咁認真,唔怪得 Baby寫真於一眾索模寫真中定價最貴啦!超值呀!

20 歲 Baby舊年的水着寫真集大賣,今年經理人 Kim加碼豪使百萬飛到法國巴黎七日,幫 Baby搵名師 CK影第二本個人寫真集《 Miss Angelababy》,仲親自揸機影 snapshot(大圖),難怪 Baby狂讚經理人:「佢係我第二個媽媽,我要賺多啲錢回報佢同我屋企人吖。」



Baby有份構思寫真主題玩黑白 tone,揀衫都親力親為:「今次部分衫係 2%搵人幫我度身訂做,一共有過百套畀我揀,最後揀咗 30幾套帶過巴黎,泳衣都係健康性感為主。」而 Baby身上呢件白色 deep V泳衣,則購自巴黎,取景於自己酒店房陽台。



寓工作於娛樂, Baby今次喺巴黎勁食法國菜,第一日到埗更同經理人 Kim行街喪買,佢話影 snapshot都影咗一張 8MB嘅記憶咭,收穫勁豐富。



今次 Baby公司豪花百萬請 14位工作人員,包食包住包機票到巴黎,包括樂基兒化妝師 Will、髮型師 Carr、 SK-II御用攝影師 CK,以及有 2%訂做贊助大部分靚衫。




話晒咁豪咁貴,點都要喺巴黎鐵塔前取景,各位想將 Baby據為己有,買本寫真集就可以拎埋其中一款巨型 Baby海報返屋企喇。

今年 20歲的 Angelababy處女寫真於去年書展大賣 3萬本,今年再下一城豪花過百萬全包星級班底,共 14人到巴黎拍攝第二本寫真集, Baby誓言今次全力出擊,初版 2萬,隨時加印:「由 4月份開始構思、訂做衫,直到後期揀相、裁 size、調色同排版,我都參與。即使家每日瞓得 3個鐘,我都好滿足,好似生仔一樣咁期待。」今年一眾 o靚模爭住以陽光海灘作背景晒水着, Baby卻獨玩充滿 Chanel味的黑白型格,由少女品牌「 2%」度身訂做黑白潮服:「寫真主要用黑白 tone。我喺巴黎每日由朝早 7點影到夜晚 9點都未天黑,用盡每日時間走 4、 5個景點,幾辛苦都值得。」唔怪得比起以性感比堅尼於書展血併賣$98的周秀娜( Chrissie)寫真,以及賣$88的羅凱珊( Kama)無上裝寫真等, Baby鐵價$128未驚過。


5月中出發去巴黎, Baby話諗住幫佢個銀色旅行喼扮靚靚,點知失敗咗:「左邊啲布碎(箭嘴示)係我自己喺深水埗搵返嚟,不過後尾唔夠時間整惟有由得佢,好肉酸呀!」


Baby 正忙緊整理寫真後期趕印刷,本週更飛日本並逗留 10日工作,今次日本之行, Baby除了要替時裝雜誌影相,更會學日模打碟做 DJ:「我會喺個 fashion show入面播歌打碟, Avex都安排咗老師畀我學捽碟。初初都幾難,不過好好玩,我會播啲迷幻音樂,我仲愈玩愈有興趣。」

除了獲 Avex力谷,狂現身日本潮雜誌如《 Ray》、《 HuGE》及《 EXILE》等外, Avex又替 Baby在原宿租了 2層宿舍兼請私人老師教 Baby日文,每次到日本都忙到爆。「家每個月有一半時間都喺日本,每次 Avex都幫我安排到啲工作好緊密,試過一日由東京落名古屋,再去神戶然後再返東京做嘢,影相影足十幾個鐘,所以都冇咩私人時間去玩,希望嚟緊媽咪同細佬有機會嚟日本,可以住喺宿舍陪吓我啦。」搏晒命狂做都冇怨言,難怪 Baby說她於日本已有 fans,「出街有人認得影合照,佢哋仲用國語讚我『超級 kawaii』添。我家努力學緊日文同唱歌跳舞,希望好快可以出碟,愈嚟愈多人鍾意我啦。」


落妝都靚 人紅自然俾人揭瘡疤爆秘聞,愈嚟愈索嘅 Baby多次被傳佢經人工修葺過五官,不過清者自清嘅 Baby難得素顏示人證清白:「我冇整過容,只係細個箍過牙,我可以照 X-ray證明。」


Baby喺寫真中另一個 bob頭貴婦 look,以魚網絲襪襯連身裙,在懷舊酒店內貫徹高貴 feel。

大師 blog讚

Baby因為 2年前曾經同 Janice Man一齊幫 2%做代言,認識日本攝影大師米原康正,米原上月喺個人網誌大讚 Baby夠可愛,知佢簽咗 Avex好開心咁話。




(最終決定由 Avex為香港人氣模特兒 Baby於日本安排正式登場發展。)





Baby擁有㗎仔最 buy嘅鬼鬼哋樣貌,爸爸係中德混血兒,媽媽係上海人,今年 5月簽咗 Avex即被力捧,狂接 job。

Avex更安排 Baby學一眾潮日模播歌打碟,好似《 ViVi》專屬模 Marie亦鍾意打碟做 DJ(右圖), Baby月初仲喺日本官方 blog上載學 DJ打碟相。


- I would love to translate this for you guys .. but I can't read chinese .. so I hope someone else can translate this -

and yh .. you can buy ABBs Photobook on the 21th of July in Hong Kong for 128HKD ^^

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Guest Romancer.

[24-5-09]蘋果日報 - 娛樂

Baby幫 Janice介紹老細

剛從東京回港的 Angelababy昨日在中環為 Clarins宣傳,有指日本掀起搶購口罩熱潮, Baby即笑說:「敷 mask好過戴 mask啦,東京唔係重災區。」提到感情事,她即說:「我唔會變心,我係雙魚座,係好專一。」她的前度好姊妹 Janice Man(文詠珊 小圖)被指向外放風,自托身價,問她可會代為介紹公司? Baby說:「仲係好朋友呀,有需要,我一定會幫佢引薦。」

Brief Translation:

Angelababy basically said Janice Man and her are still good friends and she will recommend her to a company if she needed her help or something like that.

ouch lol. i don't really think janice needs help lol...

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Guest Tofu_Cloud

;S That sounds a bit rude..

Anyways, I found a picture of those 8 models in case anyone doesn't know how they look like.


Anjaylia, Evelyn, Dada, A Lin, Isabel, Annie G, Crystal & Hailey.

IMO, ABB is prettier than these girls, they look kind of "typical" pretty, if that makes any sense. @_@`

Something about Annie G's face bothers me, it's somewhat unproportional.

hey thansk sooo much for posting up the 8 girls.

K now i dont really grudge against annie G for "going against" angela... we never know if thats really her words and stuff cuz u know how news always like to spice it up to make the news interesting to read right? And im guessing they are using Annie G since she looks mix too, cuz angela has white blood in her. So im guessing thats the reason they pulled her name out out of the group, cuz the rest of the girls just look like pure chinese models.

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Guest SeL1nA

Hmm.. I think I know what you mean about the magazine thing. It's about her plastic surgery. Anyone have it?







001e4f9d689f0bb3c35825.jpg The girl.. or boy (dunno) on the right side isn't Angelababy (!)




香港靓模女神 Angelababy最近签约日本唱片公司Avex ,人气势必急升,但人红自然被人翻旧账,样子与初出道时明显变靓,猪扒变女神,难怪被质疑外貌非天然。《东方新地》获得一批Baby真面目的旧照,轮廓与现时大有分别, Baby辩称是因babyfat及箍牙所致,甚至表示考虑照X光机证清白。记者请教本地专业整容顾问,对方除怀疑Baby有缩唇、打botox及下巴矽假体外,还展示缩唇手术图,记者上周五在一活动上,近距离发现Baby下唇内侧出现疑似一道折口的奇怪疤痕,女神这次又有得解释了!

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Guest jeshikah


here's a rough and brief translation of the following magazine scans:

“Pretty models” have fought each to death as they compete to see who dares bare the most flesh. Hence, both first generation “pretty models” Angelababy and Janice Man have decided to rise a new level and ditch their old flair. Baby earlier ‘sold’ herself to Japanese record company Avex for $5 million. To avoid being left behind her BFF, Janice Man, who had been ‘frozen’ (company didn’t give her any jobs as a punishment) for half a year, has scored a deal with Leon Lai’s management company.

Boss, Leon Lai has high expectations and has requested for manager, Joe Chan, to style Janice Man into the next Michelle Reis. According to sources, Leon Lai has set 4 big rules, including bans on hanging out in Mongkok and living with her boyfriend. He has also stated clearly that Janice shall no longer accept jobs held at late night venues. Furthermore, Leon has booked his personal hair stylist, Sev, for Janice, in hope to get rid of her “pretty model” image. It seems that Janice Man’s stay in the freezer for half a year was worth it, now that she has Leon Lai looking after her.



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Guest Dazzle and Destroy

People are still going on about angela baby's suppose plastic surgery? Big whoop, she got her teeth fixed. And to top it off, she grew up. Of course her face is going to slightly change. Her old pictures doesn't look any different besides the fact that she's not a kid anymore.

Just to make it clear, the old picture with the blue shirt isn't her.

(This isn't targeted to the poster)

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Guest Cherish_

People are still going on about angela baby's suppose plastic surgery? Big whoop, she got her teeth fixed. And to top it off, she grew up. Of course her face is going to slightly change. Her old pictures doesn't look any different besides the fact that she's not a kid anymore.

Just to make it clear, the old picture with the blue shirt isn't her.

(This isn't targeted to the poster)

i agree completely and what's worse is that the magazine purposely chose the worse photos

Really... go back a few pages and look at Angelababy without make up in high school uniform (think she was 16) and she looks pretty much the same


There's also the change of make up style

For those pple who are 20 now, i'm sure if u guys look back at your old photos (when u were 15), u guys will look different? The loss of baby fat, know how to put on make up now, change of hairstyle and just grown up in general?

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Guest ' t.


here's a rough and brief translation of the following magazine scans:

“Pretty models” have fought each to death as they compete to see who dares bare the most flesh. Hence, both first generation “pretty models” Angelababy and Janice Man have decided to rise a new level and ditch their old flair. Baby earlier ‘sold’ herself to Japanese record company Avex for $5 million. To avoid being left behind her BFF, Janice Man, who had been ‘frozen’ (company didn’t give her any jobs as a punishment) for half a year, has scored a deal with Leon Lai’s management company.

Boss, Leon Lai has high expectations and has requested for manager, Joe Chan, to style Janice Man into the next Michelle Reis. According to sources, Leon Lai has set 4 big rules, including bans on hanging out in Mongkok and living with her boyfriend. He has also stated clearly that Janice shall no longer accept jobs held at late night venues. Furthermore, Leon has booked his personal hair stylist, Sev, for Janice, in hope to get rid of her “pretty model” image. It seems that Janice Man’s stay in the freezer for half a year was worth it, now that she has Leon Lai looking after her.

I'm glad she's leaving Starz People, I hear such shady stories about that agency. I wonder if JM is still going to keep that "日本娃娃" (Japanese Doll) look under Leon's management.


Angelababy J-Blog TRANSLATION

(I'm going to translate that one entry that everyone is wondering about)

I'm dying from coughing right now so I'm only going to bother to translate the one entry that people were curious about (the one with her and the DJ). Does anyone even read these translations? Even though they're easy to translate, I don't want to be wasting my time if no one reads them. Let me know.

ひみつのどあ the secret is out!


ひみつのどあ なにしていたでしょう

( Picture )


( Picture )


( Picture )


( Picture )

Yes、DJ setでした初体験

( Picture )


( Picture )

DJ Baby~ ちょっどだけ

( Picture )

楽しかった~Hobby一つ 追加 先生 ありがとうまたおしえてね


The Secret Door the secret is out!

Do you remember?

The secret door, wonder what I was doing?

( Picture )

Black CD?

( Picture )

In the midst of a lecture

( Picture )

Seriously learning

( Picture )

Yes, my first time using the DJ set

( Picture )

Practicing by myself

( Picture )

DJ Baby~ just a little bit

( Picture )

I had fun~I've gained one more hobby. Thank you teacher. Teach me again okay?



So no, she's not making an album (or that we know of at the moment). There you go, speculations regarding that matter can be put to rest (:

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Guest SeSgirl

Omfg. I’m still suffering from my spazz attack that started at 2PM this afternoon..

why? Because I saw ANGELABABY~~

omg…and she waved to me! the best wave I have ever gotten in my life..

now let me start from the beginning (lmao. If you even care that is)

Ok. So my friend calls and tells me ABB is going to be at Time Square..

So I rushed my butt over there…but I still ended up being late..cuz all the good spots

were taken…and I ended up standing on the end of the side…(does that make sense?)

so anyways..when she finally came out this was all I saw..no matter how far I kneeled down

or how high I tippy toed. This was all I saw..lmao..so I got a little discouraged..


after a while…this dude came out…I recognize him as a Taiwanese actor, but I never watched

any of his dramas…so…I dunno who he is…I bet some of you guys do..haha…


so I waited and waited and the thing was over..(it was a opening of a semi-art show, like 50 artists designed their own micky mouse and put it on display)


and then…ABB and the other guy did like a BUNCH of interviews..but I barely got to see her..

so then I moved out of my spot..but like 5 minutes after that she went over there..cuz I heard the fans

screaming…sigh..fail. I was full of failure today cuz my camera was running out of batteries and no memory space…got the her weirdest facial expressions..and got a bunch of her back pictures…..fail fail fail….So I semi-gave up and went to the very back of the display thing..

here are some examples of my failure...



and THIS would be such a GOOD picture if it wasnt blurry...argh...ARGHHH!!!

I saw a doorway…and through it I saw ABB walking in my direction…

I also had my 8 year old cousin with me..So we just started waving…hoping she sees us..

and then all of a sudden she literally jumps toward the doorway, smiles, and waves at us. We were the only people standing there. We waved at each other for a good 5 seconds. Best 5 seconds EVER since I’ve been in HK…


this is the side she jumped out of...omg... ;D


her coming out of that doorway or whatever...


and her fan giving her the camera to take a picture...

Then she did another interview and then a couple of fans stood next to us..and then she came out..walking literally like in front of me…but she knew the fans standing next to me so she went up to them first…took like one picture..and then a colossal of fans (her fanclub) came over and started screaming her name and shiet (that one guy was SO annoying)

I snapped a couple of pictures..but it was hard to ask her for a picture..

and everyone else was asking, but she pouted and said “Sorry, I can’t today, I have to go, Sorry~”


^ this is her i'm sorry face..

She was SOOOOOO adorable..and then she walked off with like 4-5 bodyguards and the fans following her….I saw that a couple of lucky fans getting to take a picture with her…I should’ve followed too..

But I don’t like pushing it. I will definitely go see her again if I have a chance..Hopefully I can go to the Book Exhibition to buy her photoalbum…hohohoho..

Anyways…I could not stop spazzing today..haha…

And one thing I’ve noticed of her’s….she has the SMALLEST feet I have ever seen.

and here are the rest of my pictures...sorry they're not all that great....




and here are some of the Micky Mouse paintings/drawings



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Guest Metamorphosis

^ Ohhh THat's Ethan Ruan!! I love him :lol:

GLad angelababy and Ethan got to work together, they look cute hehe

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omg! you're so lucky, thanks for the pictures, they're not as bad as you described haha, but I guess that's cuz you were there and saw EVERYTHING. she's gorgeous...=)

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Guest tirahbunny

why would they want to make her into the next Michelle Reis? Janice is fine the way she is, i like her "pretty model" image. i would prefer that she doesn't change anything about her or her appearance to be more like someone else :angry:

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