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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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Guest vick_18




I agree w00t.gif I can't waaaaaaaiiiiit w00t.gif

haters to the left to the leeeeft ♪♪ We just don't care ♪♪

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Guest bee_mused

I like 2ne1 especailly minzy but are you guys crazy. If another artist would bring this album out you will be like it's s**t but just cuz 2ne1 it is brilant. That hypocritical and delusional. This album isn't that good. Too much autotune. I know Minzy, Cl and Bom are good live. it's just disapionting. I expected more and I think korea when the hype goes down, will see that the standered of this songs aren't that good.

Plus the only thing that is saving 2NE1 is their name. lets face it. They have proven now that they can make any type of bullS**T and it be good to blackjacks. The only 2 songs that are good are Go away and it's hurts everything else is not that good. even perezhilton says. HMMM We like it but we don't love it.

You blackjacks have to admit that even you percious 2NE1 is just a autotuned popstar. And even must of you don't love the ablum but will buy and overhype it cuz their your favourite group. Nothing different from other group fanclubs.

also 2NE1 has a year to come up with better songs but the didn't. Don't hate me hate the facts.

BTW the concepts are good but not oringinal. stop being delusional. Maybe Se7en and BigBang get all the good songs.

Everyone has different tastes, what gives you the right to bash the rest of the fanbase based on your opinions? I don't like the auto tune either. I've seen a great number of posts by blackjacks who agree with me. But everyone has their own personal favorites from this album - just take a look at the past posts and you'll see that everyone likes different songs, and not everyone is blindly praising this album like you seem to think. What makes a good song or a good album is subjective.

Anyhow, I'm absolutely loving the MV! I've been waiting for a more hip hopish choreo, and I'm so glad they went in that direction with Clap Your Hands.

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Guest My Sweet September

First time in the 2NE1 thread! Does anyone have album sale figures? I am sooo curious. BlackJacks seem to be a very supportive fandom, seems like a lot of their fans actually BUY the albums. I really hope they do well in sales, I cheer for ALL girl groups and hope every artist become successful.

I love the clap your hands MV even though I dont love the song (I like it.) The MV is fun, lol. I LOVE CL's blonde hair too!

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Guest ♪ LeeNa ♪



can't wait to see it live :w00t:


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Guest hayakatsu

The girls do so much for the guys its about time the guys paid back the favor! XD <3

0.o?? ehhhh...?!?! i can't believe you just said that. are you kidding? it's the other way around girl. but we YGFam so i forgive you.


oh, god!! i unlurk because i want to let my fellow BJs know that I LOVE THE MV!!!!! gah! dara be rockin them bright red lips. and CL....!!! holy mother of all smexayy! sister is fieeerce!! minzy, can i say jailbait? gosh she's so amazing. and bommie, erm, well, unnie really can't do the fierce thing can she? haha^^ she's more girly and flirty. but i'm glad the chorus for baksuchyeo was cute cuz bom rocked that clap dance. which reminds me.... I LOVE THE CLAP DANCE~!! i can forsee all kinds of parodies. keke^^

also, i love the album. i can't say i share others sentiments that they're kinda a bit letdown by the album. for me, i love every single thing abt this album. even the auto-tune. love it. kinda thrown off by i'm busy at first, but after a few seconds into the song in the first listen, i fell in love. LOVE it. and now, i'm gonna save some moolah to get my own copy of the album. god, YG is running us broke. we're lucky us YGFam don't do the 91831893746 version album crap. i'd go kill someone if i have to deal with that kinda urge.

btw, can someone re-up the wallpapers from YG-2NE1?? can't seem to click the links from a few pages back.

p/s: ms.troll the hater, the left side is reserved for you. honestly you must be blind if you do not see how some of us aren't really feeling the album in the beginning as well. and who tha eff gives a flying fux abt what perez says. if he can't love it, his loss honayy. more 2ne1 yummy for me.


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Guest la.la.la.la.la.la.la.

Okay.. only posting my comments now. Been so busy these past few days. So I downloaded the songs from soribada and listened to the album just last night..

Can’t Nobody – sounds like 3 different songs put together. So autotuned and CL-centered. Minji has the least lines in this song. Feel bad for her. YG should’ve just made this song a CL-solo song because that’s how it sounds. Not very much a fan of this song. I dunno maybe it’ll grow on me. Teddy should take a break. His songs are sounding the same as his previous songs and the lyrics too.

Go Away – This song is great. Another CL-centric song with Dara having just a few lines. Minji has her fair share of lyrics in here and so was Bom. But I really like the melody. But still Teddy needs a break so when he comes back he can give the girls and other YG artists some fresh sounds. Hey Teddy, do I sense some favouritism here?

Baksuchyeo – Kush (aka E. Knock) did a very good job with this song. It may not be as popular as the other two title tracks, this song is like the album’s hook song, especially with Bom’s chorus. If the other two title tracks are CL-centered, this one I would say is Dara-centered. She sang (rapped) quite a few lines of the stanzas and the bridge part too. I love the ‘rap break’ of CL and Minji. It’s just the best. I really hope this song would be promoted more.

Nan Bappa – hahaha.. I didn’t get this song. Hahaha.. reminded me of Bo Beep especially the start of the song. Hehe.. I dunno maybe listening to the song some more, it might grow on me. The lyrics were kinda evenly distributed among the four girls though. The song has a club feel to it, which is good I think. Hehe..

Apa (slow) – I like this song. Kush did really good with this song. I so love Minji and Bom’s voice s in this song. Minji owned this song. I can say that she’s at par or even better than Bom vocally. I want to hear more of Minji singing this type of songs. This song also gives a sad feeling.. I dunno I just feel sad listening to the song. As much as I love the song, I don’t want to feel sad that often. Lol.

Sarang-eun Ayaya – This would be my favourite song from all the new songs in the album next to Baksuchyeo. The song is different, not the usual 2ne1-teddy-produced song. But of course, this wasn’t produced by Teddy that’s why. I hope Masta Wu and Choice 37 would produce more songs for the girls. I just love the melody of this song! I hope they will promote this too.

Overall, hmm.. the whole album is okay I guess. There’s variety in it. No two songs sounded the same, which is good I think.

I hope to hear more of the other three members of the group in their next album, if ever they would release another one.

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Guest iAmTan_1

I like 2ne1 especailly minzy but are you guys crazy. If another artist would bring this album out you will be like it's s**t but just cuz 2ne1 it is brilant. That hypocritical and delusional. This album isn't that good. Too much autotune. I know Minzy, Cl and Bom are good live. it's just disapionting. I expected more and I think korea when the hype goes down, will see that the standered of this songs aren't that good.

Plus the only thing that is saving 2NE1 is their name. lets face it. They have proven now that they can make any type of bullS**T and it be good to blackjacks. The only 2 songs that are good are Go away and it's hurts everything else is not that good. even perezhilton says. HMMM We like it but we don't love it.

You blackjacks have to admit that even you percious 2NE1 is just a autotuned popstar. And even must of you don't love the ablum but will buy and overhype it cuz their your favourite group. Nothing different from other group fanclubs.

also 2NE1 has a year to come up with better songs but the didn't. Don't hate me hate the facts.

BTW the concepts are good but not oringinal. stop being delusional. Maybe Se7en and BigBang get all the good songs.

I totally agree and I respect you for your honest opinion.  Unlike some people who are disrespectful towards you.  

The album is bleehhhh.




go awayyyy, go awayyy =D

Every time someone gives a honest opinion of 2NE1, Blackjack automatically calls them haters.  Blackjacks have to realize that not all people who like them are biased.  We still love the girls but we just think that it's not their best work in comparison to the first mini album.  You don't have to be immature about someone's honest opinion....like seriously, that's so immature.  Don't be single minded.  Just because you don't like some songs [because of whatever reason] doesn't make you a hater.  A Hater will call other people haters.  If I get a warning then everyone who called someone a Hater should get a warning to.  It just wasn't their best work, that's all.  

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I think the next mv to be release is Go Away? This one will have a plot.

Anyway, YG said it will be out at 10 am (meaning around 1 pm - 3 pm).

Which town is the home of the most idols?


We all know many idols share the same home town, but which home town produced the most?

‘Mnet MCD NEWS‘ was curious about this and analyzed the towns where many of the idols were born and raised.

Busan came in first place for being the home of Supreme Team’s Simon D, CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa, After School’s Lizzy, 2NE1’s Sandara Park, MBLAQ’s Chundoong / Thunder and many more.

Gwangju came in a close second with DBSK’s Yunho, Big Bang’s Seungri, KARA’s Hara, 2NE1’s Minji and more. Seungri, especially, was well known as a great dancer in Gwangju even before his debut.

Daegu and Jeonju, known for their beautiful women, were homes of some idol stars as well. 2PM’s Junsu and SHINee’s Key are both from Daegu while SNSD’s Taeyeon and Rainbow’s No Eul. Taeyeon and No Eul are also known as close childhood friends.

Gangwondo gave birth to Super Junior’s Heechul, Jeonnam gave birth to MBLAQ’s Mir and Choongchungdo gave birth to Jaejoong.

I hope these towns keep up the good work with producing the best idols!


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Guest toozdae08

@ iAmTan_1

We can take honest opinion and there has been a lot of discussion here and a lot of blackjacks who are/were disappointed or who doesn't think the album is as great as the last and we've respected their opinions.

However, the reason why and I and others are calling Hyolicous a hater and thumbed her down (I'll assume that it's a she) is because she grew the oversized balls to think that her opinions are facts and that we blackjacks "have to admit" that her opinion is fact. She has the right to say her opinion and how she feels and I at least would respect that, but trying to force her opinion on others -esp here in a fan community - kind of gets our hassles up.

But like B.O.B said "haters everywhere we go"

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I am sorry but did u read the words he/she was using????????????

QUOTE : this album out you will be like it's s**t

they can make any type of bullS**T



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@@ iAmTan_1 u respect his/her so called "honest opinion?' lol he/she wasn't just talking about the album lol

You blackjacks have to admit that even you percious 2NE1 is just a autotuned popstar

They have proven now that they can make any type of bullS**T and it be good to blackjacks.

Plus the only thing that is saving 2NE1 is their name. lets face it.

who is being disrespectful to who?

i don't think i can give respect to some one who comes into our thread and says stuff like this

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yeah seriously, i think us 'blackjacks' are fine with people not liking the album if stated constructively or with manner, or at least not coming off troll-ish.

what do you guys expect, coming into a 2NE1 thread frequented by 2NE1 fans, and calling all the people who do enjoy the album delusional? lol.

please, her motive in posting was clear. to start wank.

but! i think some blackjacks need to lay off the 'HATERS GO AWAY' thing. different strokes for different folks! having a different opinion doesn't mean they hate. if you are bothered, try your best to ignore, do not respond. it only makes you and the group look bad when you call someone that. i see some people are saying it for fun, but i think some people are too srs bsn and will react badly to it.

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Guest Black Stones

@Hyolicous: I don't understand why we're called crazy just because we liked this album. Is it just us that's crazy or if someone who has never heard of 2ne1 heard this album and loved it, crazy as well? You say we love it ONLY because 2ne1 came out with this album but it is MY honest opinion that if SNSD, KARA, BEG, 4min, or ANY of the other kpop girl groups came out with this album I'd love it to bits.

What I don't understand is why people believe they MUST come in here, a section made specifically for 2ne1 lovers, and call everyone who enjoyed this album crazy.

There are many ways to critique an album without running your keyboard and calling people names. In fact I've read many blackjacks and non-fans who wrote they didn't' like this album, but they gave straight reasons without talking richard simmons, and I respected their opinions.

If you didn't like the album, don't listen to it. That simple.

Why can't haters and fans learn to be civil? -____-

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Guest rainbow88

If you don't want to look at it, don't look

If you don't want to listen to it, don't listen

A song is a song, don't try to evaluate

Music is music, don't try to judge

Stop leaving replies judging this and that

- Brave Brothers "Spin Spin"

It's just music, people need to stop trying to make everything so difficult.

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Guest itszmaeee

I like 2ne1 especailly minzy but are you guys crazy. If another artist would bring this album out you will be like it's s**t but just cuz 2ne1 it is brilant.

What the hell do you expect us to do? Not support our bias? Not support the group whom we've been waiting and supporting for for year and 2 months? There's a reason why we ARE fans of certain groups. There ARE blackjacks out here and out there that have judged and criticized the girls MATURELY.

I expected more and I think korea when the hype goes down, will see that the standered of this songs aren't that good.

And it's 2NE1's fault that you expected more? LMAO. Seriously it's your own fault that you EXPECTED MORE. You can't expect 2NE1 to stay them same from their debut till now. Blame yourself for expecting more. The title TO ANYONE is there for a purpose.

Plus the only thing that is saving 2NE1 is their name. lets face it. They have proven now that they can make any type of bullS**T and it be good to blackjacks.

Oh yes because other groups don't use their name to stay on top blah blah blah. And yes we are blackjacks for a reason. And that is why even through ups and downs 2NE1 is facing out there, we support them. Why? We're loyal fans.

The only 2 songs that are good are Go away and it's hurts everything else is not that good. even perezhilton says. HMMM We like it but we don't love it.

That's YOUR OPINION. That's NOT A FACT. Everyone have different opinions. Perez Hilton COMMENTED ON CLAP YOUR HANDS MUSIC VIDEO NOT THE ALBUM. laughing my freaking butts off.

And even must of you don't love the ablum but will buy and overhype it cuz their your favourite group. Nothing different from other group fanclubs.

Everyone have different opinions on why they bought it and I have a reason for buying mine. Don't generalize. Don't talk as if you're the whole POPULATION of blackjacks when you're not.

also 2NE1 has a year to come up with better songs but the didn't. Don't hate me hate the facts.

How are what you've stated FACTS? They are merely just your OPINION. And if you do find proofs, feel free to enlighten me when you prove that they are facts. I might as well give you my 2NE1 album. LMAO

and just so you know Mr.-I-LIKE-2NE1-SPECIALLY-MINZY you've broke the rules by cussing TWICE and BASHING. Don't come in here when you have nothing MATURELY to say. AND YES I'M A CRAZY BLACKJACK BECAUSE I LOVE 2NE1.

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI

i'm loving the new album

my favorite track is can't nobody english version right now haha

i can't stop listening to it!!

when are the other mvs coming out?

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Guest mevidalady

no matter how a few others are saying they don't like it blah blah blah as for me it suits my taste whether its auto tune or not. i do embrace the change they made!

LOVE IS OUCH - i wont get tired of listening this song.

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