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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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Guest dragon-rider

Arh!! Why does ep 5 on 2NE1's youtube have no engsub?? Did they upload the wrong video?

Btw, Teddy looks so funny in glasses :lol: .I laugh hard when I see the warning in front of his studio "Violators will be shot. Survivors will be shot again." LOL YG is full of crazy people LOL.

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I was very surprised seeing our girls

having the chance to perform 3 full songs on MNET COUNTDOWN!

What's more each of the 3 songs depicts

totally different styles & approach - from super

powerful electronic beats(IATB), a mid-tempo cool song(HY)

& to a high,strong rocking song(UGLY)

It has been sometime,since we see such a comeback

stage from the girls :wub:

of course not forgetting - CONGRATS FOR WINNING @MNET COUNTDOWN!

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Guest dragon-rider

oh my God 2NE1 won Music Bank without any broadcast weeks. Unbelievable. I thought only big senior groups like DBSK or Big Bang could win without broadcast stage, but now our girls can do it too! I am so proud right now.

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자~!오래 기다리셧죠!!!엠피쓰리 이벤트의 당첨자분들을 공개합니다!!! 빠밤!^.^ 참여해주신분들 다 넘 감사!꾸벅! 2NE1굿즈 5종세트 당첨자부터 알려드릴게요! [부채=덩어리,봄과함께] [캔버튼세트=다크엔젤] [클리어파일=김치찌게] [실리밴드=투에니원] 짝짝짝


Now~! You've waited for a long time haven't you!!! I'm going to reveal the winners of the Find the MP3 event!!! Bba bam!^.^ Thanks to everyone who participated! Bow! Starting with the winners of the 2NE1 Goods Sets! [Fan = 덩어리,봄과함께] [Pin Button Set = 다크엔젤] [Clear File = 김치찌게] [silly Bands = 투에니원] Clap clap clap

T/N: The Korean is just their usernames

Tags: 놀콘 티켓과 엠피쓰리 당첨자분들도 오늘 공개해드립니다! ^.^ 기대기대~!

I'll also be revealing the winners of the NolCon tickets and MP3 today too! ^.^ Wait for it~!


크하~!!! 많은분들이 산다라박 엠피쓰리에 있는 내가제일잘나가를 들으며 재미있는 모습으로 인증샷도 올려주시고 좋은사연들도 올려쥬셨는데요! 정말 당첨안되신분들..넘 안타까워하지마라용ㅠ나도 참 당첨되본적이없는지라!그맘알아요! 운인거같아요!암튼 곧 공개!^.^ 추카추카~

Kyaa~!!! A lot of people uploaded fun pictures of themselves listening to 'I am the Best' which is on the Sandara Park MP3, and they also uploaded a lot of good stories! Really, for those who don't win.. don't be too disappointed ㅠ I haven't won anything ever before either! I understand how you feel! I think it's just my luck! Anyways I'll be revealing it soon! ^.^ Congrats congrats~


두구두구두구두구두구..두근두근세근네근!!!드디어~!발표!+.+ [산다라박 엠피쓰리=내제잘들은여자] 그리고 투애니원 첫콘서트인 놀콘의 "제일 잘나가 좌석의 주인공들은 바로바로! 두둥! [달아][미녀디자이너][잇싸][21isBLJACK] 캬~!!! 너무 축하해요~!^.^

Babum babum babum babum babum.. babum babum babum!!! Finally~! Announcing! +.+ The winner of the [sandara Park MP3 = The Girl who Listened to IATB] and the "Best Seats" for NolCon! Doodoong! [달아][미녀디자이너][잇싸][21isBLJACK] Kya~!!! Congrats to you all~!^.^

Tags: 당첨되신분들은 이름/주소/연락처 를 와이지온에어 미투로 쪽지 보내주시면 감사하겟습니다! ^.^

The winners, we'll be thankful if you could send a message with your Name/Address/Phone Number to the YG On Air me2day!^.^

Translated by: GEE @ ygladies.com

Source: Dara's me2day

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Guest sue78


Is anyone going to Japanese concert? I have been searching all over the net on how to buy tickets and everything's in Japanese. Does anyone know how to buy tickets for their japanese concert...I read that it's not sold out.


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Guest jjang_21

2ne1 IS T H E B E S T congratulations to our lovely girls haha they've won yipee


just a Q? is this really a day time and real time chart? cause up there at the middle the numbers is written 8(korean word)1(korean word)is that mean august 1??? ive tried to copy and paste but it didn't work lol


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Guest dragon-rider

Yesterday Minzy showed up at Super Traxx Festival. GD, TOP and Taeyang performed at this event. Maybe maknae came to support GD-TOP-Taeyang and also hang out with her friends in Hi-Tech and Crazy.


Cre: keepme@tumblr.com

Does she look so cute in this Barbie doll dress? :wub: I have never seen her in such feminine adorable outfit like this before.

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Guest dragon-rider

Music Core today is awesome. I can't keep my eyes off CL's thighs because they are so beautiful though she just shows about 1/5 of them :P. 2NE1's outfit is really cool today, with black and white they look like 4 charming lady pirates. Their live singing has no way to comment, it's perfect. I really like the first chorus when CL sings the "pretty" part instead of letting the MR play.

Btw, lately Minzy has tweeted a thankful message for her Korean fansite kongminzy.com. I am so happy that maknae's popularity is expanding hugely. She is no more the "ugly duckling", finally her talents and cute personality get recognized by the public.

For international fans who want to sign up for Minzy's korean fansite - kongminzy.mireene.com

1) Click this link: http://kongminzy.mireene.com/bbs/member_join.php?group_no=1'>http://kongminzy.mireene.com/bbs/member_join.php?group_no=1

2) Choose an 'ID' for yourself. This will be the username that you log in with

3) Fill in your 'Password' twice.

4) Enter your 'NAME'. This will be your displayed username on the site

5) Fill in your 'E-mail'

6) All the other boxes after the e-mail address can be left blank. There is no need to fill it up.

7) Uncheck all the check boxes if you do not want your personal info to be publicized.

8) Only check the mailing list check box if you want to join their mailing list.

9) Click the left button at the bottom to submit your registration.

10) A pop-up window will come out, welcoming you to the site and congratulating you for having succesfully signed up.

11) Close your registration window and go to the main homepage - http://kongminzy.mireene.com You would already have been logged in.

12) Explore and enjoy the site ^^

Please remember that there are rules to be followed on this site. Remember to follow them as per how you would follow rules on any other site, or you would be kicked out of the site. Look under their 'NOTICE' tab. They have it translated in English.

Credit: zeelisious @ygladies.com

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