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[drama 2008] Tokyo Shower 도쿄 여우비

Guest huangsy

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Thanks, shirley for the summary and skara for the caps. Still waiting for DDL though... :blink:

thanks for the recap shirley..can't wait for tomorrow's last episode...

:) we are probably the few 4% who follow this drama ^^

you know , i think the sushi resturant he work in might be his ? it seem to have the word "秀"寿司 , 秀 is the character in her name . oh and that CF she did . seem to became instant hit .

ya today esp . i wonder if she will misunderstand that japanese gal as his "wife or something " ~ that will be a good trick to make her leave him..since now there is so much difference between them

MV.on youtube


Has the subs come out? I've not seen it anywhere. Can someone help? Thanks >)

the subs are not out yet.

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Guest sylver

Episode 03 Ental

Thanks for the link. I'll DL this when I get back home frm work...

:) we are probably the few 4% who follow this drama ^^

you know , i think the sushi resturant he work in might be his ? it seem to have the word "秀"寿司 , 秀 is the character in her name . oh and that CF she did . seem to became instant hit .

ya today esp . i wonder if she will misunderstand that japanese gal as his "wife or something " ~ that will be a good trick to make her leave him..since now there is so much difference between them

4%?! I thought we are 1%... :lol: So he named the restaurant after her... How romantic! So, that Japanese girl is NOT Yuki all grown-up?! :blink: I thought that could be her since seven years have past...

I hope they'll get back together. It'd be devastating for me if they remain apart. :tears:

MV.on youtube

Is this the official MV or fanmade? Can't access it at work. Maybe later... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest lucky_moon

I couldn't find Ep3 in any CB .. if someone has any CB link to share it with us I'll be thankful.. :)

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Thanks for the link. I'll DL this when I get back home frm work...

4%?! I thought we are 1%... :lol: So he named the restaurant after her... How romantic! So, that Japanese girl is NOT Yuki all grown-up?! :blink: I thought that could be her since seven years have past...

I hope they'll get back together. It'd be devastating for me if they remain apart. :tears:

Is this the official MV or fanmade? Can't access it at work. Maybe later... :sweatingbullets:

yes that is the offical MV ..sob Sylver i need a hug * i never expect the last esp to be like this . but frankly i like the ending just that it did caught me off guard abit lol

. ~ i was never so wrong in my prediction that she might wonder if the japanese girl is his wife


..gosh u never know how i pray pray that maybe i make a wrong conclusion ..BECAUSE THEY SHOW ME

HIS BABY with the wife

and i still pray maybe that wasnt his OR THERE must be some explanation THEN

finally sob* ..i realise ..no it is the truth ..he is indeed married

it make me teared up at when they went to that cherry blossom place ..and then i was cursing the synosis

to think i thought he waited ! . but i guess this is more realistic ..that he did indeed have another family now

wow , i think there going to be heavy rain outside my house ..the wind suddenly become so strong

wait a minute .i will write up a summary

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i realise one thing .maybe they share a common character in their name as in SU .= 秀 , so his sushi resturant is named "秀" 寿司

esp 4

Lee Su jin stepped into the sushi resturant and was startled to see Hyeon - Su was standing right infront of her , as the sushi chef . she was speechless .and could just stand there .looking at him . He was just as shocked .ah i think he never expect to see her --;; and then the japanese woman appeared .actually she is really a sweet lady . though there was no indication to me about their relationship .but the way she attend to the customer and to Hyeon - Su (very concerned why is he sweating so much ..okay pratically i will think anyone will imagine they are a couple or something ) implied she is someone close or something . anyway Lee SU jin took in all these , er i think the implication also set in on her ? --;;


.he was like in such a shock state cant even answer or speak clearly . while she handle the menu with trembling hands ..and the japanese man who accompained her there ,asked her with concern if anything is wrong .and hold her hand ...which at this monent make Hyeon Su dropped his knife ..he didnt even dare watches her straight in the eye till now .and finally cant take it .and make an exscue to go oustide . And outside he collasped helplessly .in the alley

IN the shop , the japanese lady was saying sorry on his behalf and wanted to go out to check on him or ask him to come back ? Lee Su jin stopped her by grabbing her hand and say it is okay and even thank her in japanese ...soon they left the sushi resturant ..in the car ..she never show her emotions .but i know she must be trembling inside

The japanese man who i think is going to marry her took Su Jin to met his grandmother and the grandmother give her a ring .-;; Sujin saw it and .er i think it tiggered something in her . She exscued herself .and i guess she cant control it anymore and ..started to cries at a corner in the stairs .

SO. the next scene . really make me sit up ..it was the japanese lady hanging up the clothes .and then suddenly .i see Hyeon su with a baby just beside her .AND I WENT >>>>>>>>omg ..you mean that is not a misunderstanding ..she is really your wife and OMG U have a baby ! and then i was trying to think .maybe there is a logical explanation for all these .maybe there is a husband somewhere .er .but nope . ...

AND. Sujin was back at the hotel . she cant get over what she had encountered today ...she instantly decide she need to go someplace ..went out in a rush , get into a cab .

Hyeon Su ...closing up his shop ..decided also he need to be some place ..took off in his bike .

WELL , they went in opposite direction . He was on his way to her hotel . She was on her way to his sushi resturant !! ! sigh.

At the hotel , the staff refused to disclose which is sujin's room , since they all think he must be some crazy fan who wanted to see her . though he insisted he is not a fan .but a friend ....Nevertheless .they still refuse .and then he actually wanted to break into the room --;; but they hold him back .and with no choice . he left his card and with words written behind . er all i can figure out is he say he is sorry .and etc --;;

At his sushi resturant . Sujin waited outside ..and soon she realise the door wasnt locked * dun ask me why * ..and she went in . The resturant was empty ...and she saw on the stand ...his knives .and one of them ..craved on it .was her name Su jin . Remember in that esp when he went to get his knife ...and he told her that he will teach her to use the knife and then she will crave his name on her knife .and he will crave her name on his . And she was like so giddly with happiness and asked him if lovers craved each other name on the knives. And he answered NO. we craved our lives. Her eyes teared up seeing that knife ...BUT .then she saw something else ..a photo ...three of them . him and that japanese lady and a baby . * okay the photo make me unable to deny .--;;; they looked like a family .* and all i can do is sigh sigh sigh .

She went back in the cab . on the way ..she saw him , riding the bicycle . She shouted for the cab to stop and run out . screaming his name Hyeon su Si .. Hyeon su si . .FOr a moment , i thought she wont be able to catch up . then she turned a corner . and there he was standing infront of the red light

she say his name : hyeon su Si .and he turned .FINALLY ..! wow i actually like their meeting , it was so calm yet bursting with emotions ...the way they looked at each other .so many things to say yet doesnt know where to begin . i think she asked him have he been living well all these while .and he too asked her the same question ~~ ..and there were somemore exchange er .sorrie i cant really figure out what --;; wait till i have the subtitles .

so they both went to a cafe ..sigh they were like old friends ..hm.. i dun think he told her about his family yet neither did she reveal that she know ? .*oh there was this little notebook that he had kept with him .it was hers , she wrote down all she had learnt in that little notebook and also act as a diary with all her thoughts and of course about her love for him ...He returned it to her ...ah she flipped the pages remembering the memories .

.they went to the places they been to . but soon Lee Su jin was being recognise by passerby .he wanted to get her away from the public eye .but she hold onto his hand .and told him .she wanted to go to a place

soon they were on a bus to the cherry blossom place they went before . ..actually watching them both together , i really wish maybe i have make a mistake and he will say that the japanese woman is just a friend and that is not his baby or something ..er ...--;; well ...sigh he never say those things i guess .

So they arrived at the same place where they spend their happy times together .they walked together and she hold his hands ..* Su jin was saying alot of things to him ..and the way he looked at her ...make me feel so sad and start questioning whyyyyyyy! did you not wait.!!! ..

and then she actually went up to him and hug him from the back . but there is no way he can accept her now ..--;;

i dun know , i guess amist the conversation .er it must be revealed abt what happen to him during all these time ? ,maybe abt his family ..that i wasnt too sure .

they went back to the same place where they stay before . ...inside the room ...she asked him about his baby *so that why i think maybe he know she knows already abt the wife but not the baby because .he was surprised she know abt the baby ..she replied she saw the photo ...and she simled and asked if it is a son or daughter ? he answered her that it is a son and told her .the child name ..then i sigh sigh again ...i can sense how sorry he is about all these ..after all these years ..seeing her again but now he is not the same person anymore ...

then she open the door .and outside it was the most beautiful cherry blossom scenery ..and the petals falling ..ahh it just make the whole atmosphere MORE SAD!.

he asked her that they should be going back .but she doesnt want to go . Actually today is the day when the news of her marriage is going to be annouced ..the japanese guy was already at the press conference ..going to start but no sight of her

Back to Hyeon su and Su jin ...sigh .i think they realised what they have is not able to continue anymore . it was so sad to see both of them together now .knowing that fact ...oh then the button ...she hold it out wanting to return it to him ..but he hold her hands and closed her finger around it .and told her to keep it .~~ *AHH isnt that just sooo sad * .I WAS having such good dream abt the button being a sign of love will be reunited ..who knows it will end up this way .*

okay then he actually spoke a lot of things to her --;; i dun really get it .sorrie abt that but er ..i guess he is expressing how sorry he is ..but still he never regret for meeting her and loving her ...and i think she knows that .OH! then .rain was pouring ..the clouds are really weeping now . sigh ..she bowed to him .! and thank him * .sob * .for having given her that memory of love I think .~and then she left ..dun get it wrong , they didnt part bitterly but rather i think understandingly .

hyeon su was crying so hard in the rain ..

She arrived at the hotel for the press conference .which i think she annouced that the wedding is not going to happen ?

the final scene was ..Hyeon su 's wife closing up the shop * she called him by a japanese term which i think refer to as husband or darling *

..and together .hyeon su and his wife and baby...standing outside the sushi resturant ..looking up at the clear blue sky ..

while su jin ....going back to korea . ..and there was a sunshower . she stretched her hands out from the window to touch the rain ...

end of story .

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Guest tehliwah

Yeah shirley is that how it ended? please.

shirley... :sweatingbullets: dying of suspense ...

hi! sylver... all caught up in suspense!!

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Guest alfredo

okay lol , wait a minute i am still writing i will tell you when i finished ^^..

Take your time and thanks.

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Guest sylver

It goes to show that you're a great storyteller.... All of us are caught in the suspense.. :lol:

안녕 태리와 씨... ^_^


WHY???? :fury:

I had so much hope because of the button... The button was supposed to be a charm for getting them back together

.... WHY???? :angry:

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Guest tehliwah

It goes to show that you're a great storyteller.... All of us are caught in the suspense.. :lol:

안녕 태리와 씨... ^_^

hi sylver... (sorry but this is off track.. dont know how else to contact u) did u get a load of lee jung's latest album? the track "promise u" was great. he duet with ha dong kyun, right?)

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^^okay i am done with the summary ..lol dun come after me if i am completely off * dun throw sushi knife at me if i am wrong abt the wife .but i think i didnt make a mistake abt that .lol. i so wish i did .

i think i roughly get the story .had to wait for subtitles to know what they really say or someone who can understand the language to clarify. i really need to know what they say to each other .to get a clearer picture ...

oh btw i think YUKI is already all grown up and have a bf ..su jin asked about yuki .and hyeon su say something to that effect i think ^^

i really think the ending was quite unexpected but in a good way .though sad .

for a 4 esp drama , it wasnt really too bad at all

here are links to watch streaming online , hope it can work for you all ^ otherwise have to wait for dl .

i think it is divided into three parts .dun worry abt the ID check , if you left it on for a while , the esp will show up .





repost from kroeanwind.net

It goes to show that you're a great storyteller.... All of us are caught in the suspense.. :lol:

안녕 태리와 씨... ^_^


WHY???? :fury:

I had so much hope because of the button... The button was supposed to be a charm for getting them back together

.... WHY???? :angry:

LOLLL next time we shouldnt trust the button . gosh i stil rem how he say that the second button , is the closest to the heart!! next time i think we consider taking the whole jacket ..not the buttons ..

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Guest sylver

oh btw i think YUKI is already all grown up and have a bf ..su jin asked about yuki .and hyeon su say something to that effect i think ^^

i really think the ending was quite unexpected but in a good way .though sad .

for a 4 esp drama , it wasnt really too bad at all


LOLLL next time we shouldnt trust the button . gosh i stil rem how he say that the second button , is the closest to the heart!!

Yuki will always be my favorite girl in this drama. "You stay away 1m from Hyeon-su oppa!". Cute! :lol:

The ending was good, better than I expected but so devastating. Or maybe I'm just being melodramatic... :blink:

I wish it was more than 4 episodes though... :sweatingbullets:

That last picture is gripping my heart.... I guess

he's regreting that he didn't wait for her

... :tears:

When I go shopping for clothes, I'm gonna buy the ones with zippers. No more buttons! That button disappoint me... :tongue2:

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Guest loveNpeace

I really want to watch this... but in school right now ^^;;

I really want to watch Ivy sing in this, she has been totally gone for so long.

she is so coool~

was kim sarang miss korea once? o.0 am I wrong? oh well. :D

I always loved japanese/korean dramas/movies for some reason.

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