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Are You An 'english' Person Or A 'maths' Person?

Guest AppleLove

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Guest mleung92

i'm chinese,

and i'm a math person .

although i'm not particularly good at math, compared to english

i do better in math and i enjoy it more than english :)

english requires too much "deep thinking" haha

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Guest JANG.

ETHNICITY: korean.

MATH OR ENGLISH? english is one of my favorite subjects, so i definitely prefer it over math.

but grade wise, i'm much better in math. i don't necessarily like doing it, but the classes come really easy to me.

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Guest Suigintou

I'm Chinese-English and I'd have to say that I am more passionate about English.

I don't like math but I did well in it in highschool. Now I suck at it DX

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Guest crazyfrog

i'm chinese and i'm defintely a maths person. i found that i actually liked maths a lot better after i finished high school... lol but thne i guess it's also because i've always had crappy english teachers, so maybe that's why i've always been crap at it...

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Guest angel_cutie

ethnic background is chinese

and i like english waaay more better than math cuz

its easier for me..i dont think it matters what teacher i have..

i just do more better in english than in math basically xD

probaby cuz i find math dull and boring more

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Guest Absinthe.

What Ethnicity are you?

I'm Viet

Are you a maths or an English person?

Most definitely English. Always did better in it since a kid. I just scraped a pass in maths in high school and swore never to do it again at uni. XD

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Guest MLau


i suck at english, sometime i dont even understand half the stuff i wrote for HW

i am confident at regular math

but not getting my usual A anymore

after entering enriched math...... so fast, so much....

half korean, half chinese(HK)

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Guest hello deary

Chinese and a total English subject type of person. Everyone in my family is amazing at math, but me. I just can't seem to get it and English is a no-brainer for me. At least I'm not bad at both :)

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Guest eatadandelion

ENGLISH. im better at it than MATH, that's for sure.. I don't fit into the asian stereotype :(

oh and im vietnamese haha

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Guest rairai

I think im both a maths person and english person.

I mean, i love maths and i always talk in english.

I kinda suck at my native language, i guess.

Haha, so im both.

Oh, hi, im malay.


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Guest mmmango

Filipino. I'm awesome at math! I hate English... I don't like writing essays etc but I still make good grades haha

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Guest allureex3

I'm Viet.

i'm great in math but i cannot stand english lol, its just not my thing,

although...i'm pretty good at wording things and making it sound all sophisticated so i dont really know =/

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Guest Angxizzle


Laos and Viet

English or Math?

English haha i suck at math.

people are always saying,

"your asian you should be good at math!"


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Guest 'Noche.


I'm both? I suppose. I was going to double major in English and Math, but somehow that ended up being English and Linguistics. But I still love math. It was one of my favourite subjects in high school.

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Guest j1youngxj3

i am korean and i guess i'm kinda both? i'm more proficient in math though...but i do like writing =]

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