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Guest AsOne

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Guest chipmunkvoice

^ OMG orengi YOU NEED TO TELL ME ABOUT YOUR COURSE! i want to know deeeetails about the new Architecture course please~ and um... you'll hate the art&design 'facilities' later on come end of semester when assignments are due :x But yeah.. tell me about the Architecture ^^ I do feel like we Interior Architecture students have been cheated though T-T

Name: vinna

Age: ........ older than everyone who've posted -____- dammit

Course: 3rd year Interior Architecture at the Caulfield Campus

Monash: HATE how they jack up the price at the bookstore (go to RMIT! :x) LIKE the laid back feel of the Caulfield Campus (took Korean at the Clayton Campus and yeah... different) LOVE the caramello hot chocolates at Mama Duke's and UZU sushi (although that place needs to be bigger)

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Guest the.user

Hate to intrude, seeing as I'm not from Monash. (One of the very few people, and I mean very few. T_T)

I just saw the words RMIT. And had to come represent. =D

Not that I buy books. xD

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Guest xmikix

1.) Whats your name?


2.) What you are studying and what campus your from?

Clayton - Biomedical sci.

3.) What year your currently in?

2nd lol

4.) How old you are?


5.) What do you like about Monash? OR complain about Monash

Monash has mini cooper coffee..theres nowhere that has decent coffee...T.T

What do i like about monash? Close to where i live..easy to travel etc. better option than melbourne for my course (lmao)

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Guest captivation

Man we should get a meetup going sometime xD

If one of you are organising one at Clayton, can you please make it on a Tuesday or Thursday arvo?

They're the only two days I'm at Clayton T__________T

Hi all! Nice to see quiet a few Monash people here =].

I'm Winnee, Nineteen in July. studying first year Architecture at Caulfield. (the opening night exhibition for the course is tomorrow, any caulfielders seen the cardboard things in the gallery lol?)

Monash; love; the art & design facilities. and UZU Sushi hate; the 8am theory lectures -__- and one hour train ride to uni.

@oracle./emma. you do both Chinese and Korean? lucky you. I wanted to do a language as well but that means taking longer to finish my degree lol. Still considering it though.

PM if there's a meet up =].

Well with my Journalism course comes 2 electives, so I decided to do two languages LOL!

I think I might be getting less electives next year ...

But yeh, doing languages is fun!

Korean is awesome.

But the pace is getting faster and faster.

It's hard to laze back >.<

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Guest deadytwo

1.) Whats your name?


2.) What you are studying and what campus your from?

im studying commerce and taking chinese next semester as an elective. dont even know why i chose it commerce.... clayton campus.

3.) What year your currently in?

1st year

4.) How old you are?

turned 18 recently

5.) What do you like about Monash? OR complain about Monash

theres nothing much to like about monash....i mean the prices for everything are ALJKFLKJGSKLGH. like seriously i hav to buy a coke everyday or ill die so i go get one everyday but the price is so.... i had to look around to see which place was cheapest and yeh i get it there all the time now lol. and while i was looking through the thread i noticed the word 'referencing' omg that screwed me over for my managment lol. walking from the bus stop to anywhere is tiring... but yeh i guess its alright cos anywhere you go youre bound to bump into someone you know lol.

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Guest orengi

^ OMG orengi YOU NEED TO TELL ME ABOUT YOUR COURSE! i want to know deeeetails about the new Architecture course please~ and um... you'll hate the art&design 'facilities' later on come end of semester when assignments are due :x But yeah.. tell me about the Architecture ^^ I do feel like we Interior Architecture students have been cheated though T-T

Name: vinna

Age: ........ older than everyone who've posted -____- dammit

Course: 3rd year Interior Architecture at the Caulfield Campus

Monash: HATE how they jack up the price at the bookstore (go to RMIT! :x) LIKE the laid back feel of the Caulfield Campus (took Korean at the Clayton Campus and yeah... different) LOVE the caramello hot chocolates at Mama Duke's and UZU sushi (although that place needs to be bigger)

Yeah, i know a couple of people who are already planning to transfer from the Interior Architecture course into Architecture next year lol.

It's only been one semester, and its pretty much been foundation/introductory subjects.. such as Intro to Arch. Theory, Drawing, Foundation Studio and Workshop. I'm looking forward to next semester, when we start some proper units...

During mid-semester they invited practising architects, art professors from Melb. uni, etc. who were on the various panels and gave critiques and asked question after our presentions for a project. That was plain scary. Is it the same for Interior?

Not much to say about the course so far.. 16 contact hours, the tutors/lecturers all wear black, alot of model building, at times quite stressful. but its been unlike anything i've ever done before so its been a good learning experience and quite fun.

Have you visited our exhibition?

the Caramello hot chocolate at Mama Dukes sounds gooodd, must try next time, and UZU definately needs a bigger place lol. And, i find the bookshop prices quite okay for art things (in comparison to Eckersleys and Melbourne's Artist's Supplies), not sure about the text books though, we dont need to buy any but the amount of model making and art supplies we buy kinda adds up to buying textbooks. Is RMIT really that cheaper?

Man we should get a meetup going sometime xD

If one of you are organising one at Clayton, can you please make it on a Tuesday or Thursday arvo?

They're the only two days I'm at Clayton T__________T

Well with my Journalism course comes 2 electives, so I decided to do two languages LOL!

I think I might be getting less electives next year ...

But yeh, doing languages is fun!

Korean is awesome.

But the pace is getting faster and faster.

It's hard to laze back >.<

^I would love to do Korean.. and i wanted to continue Chinese from high school. Might try to see if i can do a language next year.

I have a friend doing journalism.. he said the no. of essays you guys have to churn out is crazy lol.

If there's a meet up at Clayton im gonna get lost getting there lol.

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Guest lli_a

the Caramello hot chocolate at Mama Dukes sounds gooodd, must try next time,

oh you definitely should! i love the coffee at mama dukes :)

and just wondering guys.. is anyone going to the asean ball this coming thurs?

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Guest munchin


My name is Emma and I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) in the Caufield campus!

Despite that, I spend more time in the Clayton campus because I'm doing Chinese and Korean there, and languages have 4 contact hours rather than my 3 contact hours for Journalism.

I'm 18 right now, turning 19 in November and I'm a first year.

LMAO Menzies is scary =X

I really don't like how the bus loop is so far away from some buildings T-T

woah, ur set out is so much like mine!

im caufield doin arts banking and finance

i do all arts at clayton which is chinese and japanese!

i suck so i do chinese 1lol

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Guest Shiwasu

1.) Whats your name? Shirly

2.) What you are studying and what campus your from? (apparently thr is no one else -.-) Pharmacy at Parkville

3.) What year your currently in? 1st! <_<

4.) How old you are? older than practically half of my class or more... 20 :vicx:

5.) What do you like about Monash? OR complain about Monash.. hmm, i wish i stay nearer..i hate packed trams and the cafeteria? small..really small (though yea..my campus isn't so big like all of yours :( ) not much choices for lunch and sometimes, it'll be closed??...but a new cafe opened? have yet to try hahaha!

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Guest captivation

I would love to do Korean.. and i wanted to continue Chinese from high school. Might try to see if i can do a language next year.

I have a friend doing journalism.. he said the no. of essays you guys have to churn out is crazy lol.

If there's a meet up at Clayton im gonna get lost getting there lol.

Ahh I strongly recommend you consider doing either of those languages :D

Oh man the essays we have to write are nuts!

We have basically an essay due a week.

That's minus the other work we have to do, like presentations and keeping up with daily news T-T

Ohh it's not hard finding your way around Clayton ^^

woah, ur set out is so much like mine!

im caufield doin arts banking and finance

i do all arts at clayton which is chinese and japanese!

i suck so i do chinese 1lol

Wow yeh we're pretty similar!

I'm doing Chinese 7 =X

Maybe we've seen each other around campus :P

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Guest olivialiu6

Olivia, 20

3rd year Arts/Education (Secondary) at Clayton

Arts major: Chinese, minor: Linguistics and Korean

What I like about Monash: korean class <3, clubs that i've joined: mcac, student life, ccf

What I dislike about Monash: bit between menzies and matheson library that gets sooooo windy. hate having to walk through there on a windy day.

textbooks are so expensive

i'm currently on exchange in korea though. but i really miss going to monash lol (although i was getting sick of it before coming to korea)

i'm definitely up for a clayton meet up or something but i wont be back till semester two :x hope to meet some of u guys~

lol can someone tell me what the campus centre is like nowww. (photo(s)...?) before i left aus i know they were renovating the fob dining area and part around the shop and info desk.

lOstie: i'm a part of the cantonese christian fellowship too! i was the secretary last year. i actually am this year too but because i'm on exchange i can't really fulfill my duties. who did u meet there? maybe i'll get to see u when i get back to melb.

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Guest captivation

^ Omo hello Olivia! Which Korean uni are you at? Yonsei?

I'm thinking of going on exchange perhaps semester 2 next year :D

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Guest AsOne

wow, see i knew there were many of us monash students around! great to see everyone here chatting ^^; We should try to organise some group meeting..maybe after the exams? When does everyone finish?

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Guest munchin

exams r being lame....i hav massive gap from 6th to 18th!


oh and anyone wanna help me with micro or money makets? im so fail for them

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Guest milli23

XP wow....lots has happened since i last posted in this thread....>__<

all i can say is....YAY LET'S MEET UP!!!! and

I'm so jealous of olivialiu6 >__< I want to be in korea!

hopefully going in november though ^^ So i'm not far off

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Guest captivation

I finish end of June T_____________T

Then I have a ski trip until July 3rd.

After that I'm as free as a bird!

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1.) Whats your name?


2.) What you are studying and what campus your from?

Initially did a bachelor of science at clayton and completed with with a major in Genetics and minor in Chinese (you can do that if you start planning smartly in second year)

Now: bachelor of business, marketing major

3.) What year your currently in?

I'm on my final semester, just one very long 4 hour strategic marketing exam left and two marketing internship assignments to hand in by this friday :)

4.) How old you are?

Started at 18 years old - you can calculate the rest :P

5.) What do you like about Monash? OR complain about Monash

Seeing I've lived quite a bit of my life on both campus they are both very different

Clayton - food is bad & ridiculously expensive, the building are spaced too far apart from transport and other buildings (it's like 2km track from the engineering side down to menzies for class in the early morning for those who take s the 742 bus), another thing about Menzies is that it sways when the wind gets really bad (ultra scary at level 11), the Menzies room are forever too cold, too hot or no air to breath. The only good thing there? the Den to hang out with friends, well resourced libraries, the nice and big lawn to sit in the sun and the friendly students there.

Caulfield - parking is c**p, you get fined for just about anything and everything for parking there, even if you paided for it (they fined me for parking in a permit zone, that wasn't a permit zone the year before & didn't have any signage to say it was permit zone int he muilti-level carparking), a minority of the students there are a bit rude and a bit obnoxious (breathing smoke into your face in no smoking zones, walking straight into you with full force without saying sorry and a serious staring problem). Good bits - the lecturers and some tutors are generally a bit more friendlier to students (or maybe cause they think we are slow), the lecture threatres, computer labs and tutorial rooms are a lot lot lot better, the air conditioning and heating actually works, a lot of different food choices and the public transport convenience. Oh last but not least Mama Dukes coffee and breakfast!! mmm... hot pancakes

Oh another thing, for the students studying Chinese I highly recommend the Study Aboard program for Chinese in Shanghai. It's the most unbelieveable experience that you'll ever have!!!

Also good luck for exams coming up soon!!

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Guest xkonkon

1.) Whats your name?


2.) What you are studying and what campus your from?


Arts : currently majoring in Geography but might pick up Japanese next year =]

3.) What year your currently in?

First year!!

4.) How old you are?

18 and rusting+rotting

5.) What do you like about Monash? OR complain about Monash

Like: its big and theres food everywhere lol

on the other hand....

- E1 lecture hall has this weird smell and its stuffy in there even though when its like 0 degrees outside

- i live far away from uni so im always late plus eng buildings are at the back of the uni = angry tutors

n yeh goodluck to all for upcoming exxxaaammsssss

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