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Monash University Students!

Guest AsOne

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Guest AsOne

Please enter here!! I know there's many of us lurking here

I thought we'd have a Monash Uni thread.

To break the ice, I thought we could introduce ourselves.


1.) Whats your name?

2.) What you are studying and what campus your from?

3.) What year your currently in?

4.) How old you are?

5.) What do you like about Monash? OR complain about Monash

Ok, I'll start off lol.

My names Anne and i'm from the clayton campus. I'm studying Arts/Business Information Systems. I'm in first year but i'm 20 years old =(

I don't really like anything about Monash at the moment besides maybe their gym facilities? Or their swimming pools? LOL. The canteen food is full of grease it's disturbing. I am totally addicted to coffee...HQ FTW! lol.

p.s - for those who are wanting to transfer to Monash, gain tips here from asking us students YAY!

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Guest kakashi

hey hey. im nicholas and im also at the clayton campus. im studying first year straight arts. lol anne .. im 20 as well. id like to complain about the menzies because it's quite terrible and you should try the coffee at the den. =]

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Guest AsOne

hey hey. im nicholas and im also at the clayton campus. im studying first year straight arts. lol anne .. im 20 as well. id like to complain about the menzies because it's quite terrible and you should try the coffee at the den. =]

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Nicholas!!! YAY for Arts students woohoo!! What are you majoring and minoring in ?? The menzies building is too tall. I hate going to the 10th floor just to submit an assignment in!

not a student anymore,, but a monash alumni..

Wow you've finished! Congratulations! What did you study?

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Guest captivation


My name is Emma and I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) in the Caufield campus!

Despite that, I spend more time in the Clayton campus because I'm doing Chinese and Korean there, and languages have 4 contact hours rather than my 3 contact hours for Journalism.

I'm 18 right now, turning 19 in November and I'm a first year.

LMAO Menzies is scary =X

I really don't like how the bus loop is so far away from some buildings T-T

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Guest msmilkt

Hi .. I`m Rita .. currently studying Business and Psychology at the Peninsula campus ..

wished i`ve chosen Commerce/Arts and majored in psych instead .. didn`t know we could do that until wells .. too late =S

PENINSULA CAMPUS IS TOO FAR .. not to mention the canteen food is terrible omg ..

oh .. and imma first year .. just turned 18 and got my P`s!!! YAY!!! but parents still don`t trust me with a car .. can`t even drive myself to school omo T_T

..... imma also a member at the MCAC [Monash Clayton Anime Club] O_O;; for the free anime .. but i don`t even go there often, what a waste of $10 on my behalf .. LOL ah wells, heard they do occassionaly do fun stuff, like, karaoke nights? i dunnoe ^^;;

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Guest milli23


I'm Milli and I'm a first year studying straight Science at the Clayton Campus.

17 turning 18 in october this year.

I hate how monash is so far away T__T and 8am starts.

Takes me forever to get to uni and I can't even get my P's til ...when the end of year exams are on

Where are all the Science soompi freaks???? =( XD haha ..probably off studying =P

nice to meet you all =)

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Guest AsOne


My name is Emma and I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) in the Caufield campus!

Despite that, I spend more time in the Clayton campus because I'm doing Chinese and Korean there, and languages have 4 contact hours rather than my 3 contact hours for Journalism.

I'm 18 right now, turning 19 in November and I'm a first year.

LMAO Menzies is scary =X

I really don't like how the bus loop is so far away from some buildings T-T

Hi Emma ! Another ARTSY! I thought of picking up a language but thought what I am going to do with it. Lucky to go in between campuses. You dont have to stare at the clayton campus, it's so boring O_O

Hi .. I`m Rita .. currently studying Business and Psychology at the Peninsula campus ..

wished i`ve chosen Commerce/Arts and majored in psych instead .. didn`t know we could do that until wells .. too late =S

PENINSULA CAMPUS IS TOO FAR .. not to mention the canteen food is terrible omg ..

oh .. and imma first year .. just turned 18 and got my P`s!!! YAY!!! but parents still don`t trust me with a car .. can`t even drive myself to school omo T_T

..... imma also a member at the MCAC [Monash Clayton Anime Club] O_O;; for the free anime .. but i don`t even go there often, what a waste of $10 on my behalf .. LOL ah wells, heard they do occassionaly do fun stuff, like, karaoke nights? i dunnoe ^^;;

Hey there Rita!

Wow your from the peninsula campus? HOw are they treating you down there? I'm pretty sure the canteen food is so bad all over campus. I'm in Arts majoring in Psychology and minoring in criminology. You can help me out with psych! I hate the APA reference style, so so damn picky.

But yeah congrats on your P's. Don't worry your parents will loosen up and let you use the car more often. My parents were very tight, but thats because my name wasn't on their insurance for the car haha thats why they were scared to bits. My friend name Steph is in the Anime club, you may know her?


I'm Milli and I'm a first year studying straight Science at the Clayton Campus.

17 turning 18 in october this year.

I hate how monash is so far away T__T and 8am starts.

Takes me forever to get to uni and I can't even get my P's til ...when the end of year exams are on

Where are all the Science soompi freaks???? =( XD haha ..probably off studying =P

nice to meet you all =)

Hi Milli ! Science are for nerds! hhaha jk jk. I think science students have psychology as a unit? I may have seen you around..

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Guest captivation

^ Haha I'm sure there are many Monash students here!

What language are you thinking of picking up?

Clayton campus is better than the Caufield one!!!!

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Guest AsOne

^ AH well, I think it's too late for me to pick up a language at this moment. But I thought of taking up Japanese..but I was thinking hows that going to mingle with my psych major?? Weird combo lol.

Caufield is a great place, looks great although it's small!

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Guest timtamz

1.) Whats your name?

Timothy, Timmy, Tim, Timtamz .. depending on how well u know me i suppose

2.) What you are studying and what campus your from?

Monash Clayton, im a science student, so units im taking are Biology, Psychology, Chemisty and Korean

3.) What year your currently in?

1st year, right out of vce

4.) How old you are?

18 turning 19 in sept

5.) What do you like about Monash? OR complain about Monash

I like everything about monash! it's so easy to make friends haha

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Guest captivation

^ AH well, I think it's too late for me to pick up a language at this moment. But I thought of taking up Japanese..but I was thinking hows that going to mingle with my psych major?? Weird combo lol.

Caufield is a great place, looks great although it's small!

I don't think it really matters if it mixes with your psych major or not xD

You can have Japanese clients too! lol! <3

Man it'd be cool if any of us bumped into each other :D

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Guest AsOne

1.) Whats your name?

Timothy, Timmy, Tim, Timtamz .. depending on how well u know me i suppose

2.) What you are studying and what campus your from?

Monash Clayton, im a science student, so units im taking are Biology, Psychology, Chemisty and Korean

3.) What year your currently in?

1st year, right out of vce

4.) How old you are?

18 turning 19 in sept

5.) What do you like about Monash? OR complain about Monash

I like everything about monash! it's so easy to make friends haha

Hi Timmy! Nice to meet you ^^; Which psychology stream are you in? Were you in todays lecture at 12pm? Haha I came in late and where I sat some dude in the front row was digging in his nose the whole entire lecture. It was soooo gross. Makes me wanna puke just thinking about it!

I don't think it really matters if it mixes with your psych major or not xD

You can have Japanese clients too! lol! <3

Man it'd be cool if any of us bumped into each other :D

Haha Japanese clients...

It would be nice if we had a soompi monash meet up haha. Or even start a club up just for the soompiers!

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Guest lli_a

hi im liya :)

doing first year bachelor of arts at caufield.

im thinking of transfering to clayton next year and possibly picking up japanese or chinese.

either that or try to get into a double degree..

oracle: im doing journalism too! might bump into you someday haha

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Guest `tiffany&co_*

1.) Whats your name?

My name is Tiffany :)

2.) What you are studying and what campus your from?

I'm studying Environmental Science at Clayton campus. We only have like 30 kids in our course in my year =D

3.) What year your currently in?

Second year!

4.) How old you are?

I'm 19 years young ;)

5.) What do you like about Monash? OR complain about Monash

hate menzies cuz its old and fragile lol.

love mathesons library cuz i can actually study in the quiet study areas.

hate the fact that my bus is in the opposite direction of the bus loop

love the fact that you see a lot of people you know.

hate the cheap chinese food we have in campus centre.

love frank and lily's for their awesome asian snacks and drinks!

ahh.. me and monash have such a strong love-hate relationship.

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Guest msmilkt

Hey there Rita!

Wow your from the peninsula campus? HOw are they treating you down there? I'm pretty sure the canteen food is so bad all over campus. I'm in Arts majoring in Psychology and minoring in criminology. You can help me out with psych! I hate the APA reference style, so so damn picky.

But yeah congrats on your P's. Don't worry your parents will loosen up and let you use the car more often. My parents were very tight, but thats because my name wasn't on their insurance for the car haha thats why they were scared to bits. My friend name Steph is in the Anime club, you may know her?

WAHHHH .. don`t get my started on that referencing crap!!! omo omo~~

wow .. Peninsula rep here =S .. our whole campus is probably equivilent to the size of a carpark at Clayton =S

Clayton kids get to do languages?!?!?!?! wahhhhh!!!! we don`t have languages in Peninsula!!!!!!! i wouldn`t mind trying Japanese or Italian ... how abouts can i go to do that?? or is it only for the Clayton students? O_O??

And I`m sorry, i don`t know a Steph ^^;; i rarely go to their activites T_T I joined because my friend [Patrick, Radiograhy, Clayton, First Year] and his sister [Julie, Medicine, Clayton, 2nd Year] joined .. hahahahahas~~

btw, is anyone part of the Cantonese Christian Club at Clayton? My cousin dragged me there once and the people were SO FREAKIN' NICE!!!! they still remembered me even though i`ve only gone once and was not even part of the club

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Guest captivation

Haha Japanese clients...

It would be nice if we had a soompi monash meet up haha. Or even start a club up just for the soompiers!

That'd be awesome!

But would there be enough soompiers to make the club? o.o

hi im liya :)

doing first year bachelor of arts at caufield.

im thinking of transfering to clayton next year and possibly picking up japanese or chinese.

either that or try to get into a double degree..

oracle: im doing journalism too! might bump into you someday haha


Maybe we've actually bumped into each other already o.o

Actually maybe not *looks at your profile pic* Unless you've changed xD

We should meet up before the lecture some time :)

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HEY ANNE! bahaha. You looove Monash don't you! :D I can't say the same for Safeway.. rofl.

Anyway, hi everyone~ I'm Fiona, 19 years old, doing the Bachelor of Business at Monash Caulfield - taking on the Marketing major and also IT electives.. thinking of transferring to the Business/Info Sys double at the end of the year if I can manage to pass this fit1001 subject..(hate it so much).. Oh yeah, this is my 2nd year~ IT electives are first years though.

What do I like about Monash (Caulfield)?? MY JOB!! woo~ as a computer lab assistant :D Other than that, I hardly stay in the library for very long periods of time (unless it was to meet up with people to do group assignments), whenever there's an opportunity, I'd go home straight away...that is, when I decide to skip unnecessary lectures. Basically, I have more complaints about Monash than I have of good points.. Lol.

To others who are wanting to transfer into Monash, go for it!! It's a great uni ^^ Although I haven't used the gym or some of the other facilities, what I can say is that there are quite a few good eateries outside the uni...such as KFC, 2 of these chinese restaurants, a japanese place, thai, pizza, gloria jeans, korean, tabaret... they most likely have better food than within the uni... (everything is overpriced inside the uni haha).

Okay, enough of my rant. :)

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Guest kakashi

yeah .. i really think we should have a meetup at clayton now. looks like a lot of you guys are doing psy. i did it for a bit and then dropped it. haha, i got 3.5/20 for the referencing thing. i didnt know about it until 10 to 5. sort of hello kitty'ed myself there. anyhow, why dont we all meet on thursday or something? if we're all here anyway. kakashi_sharinganuser@hotmail.com lah .. add add so we can plan away with the meet up! for those that are interested anyway. bleh - knowing my luck ill get no adds. ='[

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Guest orengi

Hi all! Nice to see quiet a few Monash people here =].

I'm Winnee, Nineteen in July. studying first year Architecture at Caulfield. (the opening night exhibition for the course is tomorrow, any caulfielders seen the cardboard things in the gallery lol?)

Monash; love; the art & design facilities. and UZU Sushi hate; the 8am theory lectures -__- and one hour train ride to uni.

@oracle./emma. you do both Chinese and Korean? lucky you. I wanted to do a language as well but that means taking longer to finish my degree lol. Still considering it though.

PM if there's a meet up =].

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