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Anything that makes you wanna CRY in your HEART

Guest fallen*angel*

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There is this guy named anderson ive liked him for a total of 4 years now when i first met him and told him i liked him he told me he would never

date a person like me and that i should grow out my hair change my style and loose weight i ( was about 160) so all summer i worked on those things

he told me to work on and when i met him again i greaw my hair cchanged my style slightly and lost about 40 pounds year after year he told me "i would never

date a person like you"

i kept liking him and now its my 4th year of liking him..i wont ever give up on him though because i believe hes my soul mate no matter how much times

he hurts me i wont let go and no matter what he tells me i need to change ill do it in a instant! deep down my heart aches for love im working on my skin and nails this year

my heart has gone crazy it looks for only you even though i should not fall in love with you i allready have my heart has been crying for 4 long years

wtf don't like sb like that

He's SO shallow, and a huge jerk, if you changed your APPEARANCE and he gave you a chance, WON'T YOU FEEL AT ALL SAD that he seemed to only giv eyou a chance due to your looks?

Find a guy that likes you for who you are, for your personality.

He has ceased all contact with me T_T

Hasn't replied the last two texts I sent.

I got the msg that he doesn't wanna be frds anymore, and won't dwell on it this time round.

But it still hurts alittle...Eh.

Why does this happen to be all the time? Why do they have to like you then lose interest?



Same applies to best frd. Oh why =( I think I know why she's mad, and she has every right to be. But I really never intended to hurt her. I'm so so sorry, I really am. I miss her =(

When I got back in Easter I really hope to have a talk with her, wanna get everything out in the open and try hard to make amends. =(

hey A, if you're reading this, can you plssss contact me in some way? T_T I really don't want our frdship ruined. I miss you. I have things to tell you. I want to be part of your life again. I'm wondering how you've been, how are things with ___, if new things have blossomed, if you're happy now, if you're ever gonna speak to me again...


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Guest Joanne <3

My heart hurts... inside I feel like something is tearing, clawing away at me, while my still exterior shows nothing. Inside, I'm suffering... I knew someday it would come to this, but I can't help but be in denial. Hey, if I don't see any evidence of his moving on, then I can still keep the hope that he didn't, right? But it's been 4 years, and rightly, no guy, not only him, would be yearning over something lost so long ago. I'm sad. I can't help it. The tears won't come, but the anguish is almost drowning me... I need an outlet, but I don't want anybody to know about it. Sigh.

Why did I have to foolishly fall so hard in the first place? Anyone would have moved on by now. Why can't I? What is my stupid heart clinging onto? Just let it go, my head says. And rightly so. Why the hell won't these feelings leave me? It's just been too long. I've tried to have my closure over the past 4 years. What's wrong with me?

I don't want to start anything new with anyone, because I want to be sure that I can devote 100% of me. But if I keep holding onto something that was long gone, I'm going to spend more years in pain and nothing else...


This isn't healthy... it can't be. I know what I need to do, but I can't.

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Guest GDYBlove<3

It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm having the party today, since I don't want my actual birthday to be hectic.

I have a group of close friends called "The Eight" and they all agreed to come over today.

My bestfriend in the group decided to flake on me and hang out with his other friends.

What gets me mad is that my birthday comes once a year and he can hang out with his friends all through next week,

since it's spring break.

Worst birthday ever? yeap.

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Guest Painterlyy

It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm having the party today, since I don't want my actual birthday to be hectic.

I have a group of close friends called "The Eight" and they all agreed to come over today.

My bestfriend in the group decided to flake on me and hang out with his other friends.

What gets me mad is that my birthday comes once a year and he can hang out with his friends all through next week,

since it's spring break.

Worst birthday ever? yeap.

I know exactly how you feel. It's my birthday in 4 dayz and one my of best friends aren't coming.

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Guest treecyoh

I have a god, who loves me, supports me, and watches over me...

I have parents who both love me, and aren't divorced...

I have friends who would take a bullet for me...

I have the brains...

I have the beauty...

I have a big happy family...

I have everything I need...

but one thing I don't have is love...

what life, is a life, without love?

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Guest xxiaoMEI

im really happy for him...

all i want her to know is her to realize how lucky she is to have him..

i guess some things just arent meant to be.

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Guest Super_LinK

The fact that i have a dissection and a quiz tomr that I havent studied for makes me want to cry

oh and the fact that my friends bf told me to get a bf =_=

yea the sad thing is; the guy i love doesnt love me

and im a stupid idiot who can't study because im stuck daydreaming or worst, imagining the day i fail and end up living in a box in china town

and the fact i can't study or do anything productive because everything is useless

and oh i cry because im still alive. rawr

Edit: oh and I gained a good 20 pounds i HATE life so tres much

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Guest miss_kizuna

i have.. singlehandedly destroyed my entire life in a few weeks

i don't know how i keep living

its hard

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Guest meevlet

I'm sick of how he keeps going back to her even though she already shot him down and was only leading him on for free food and car rides.

Now she tells me she regrets it and wants a chance with him. I should feel happy for them, but I think I won't ever get over these feelings for him that I've had for the last 4 years.

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Guest jenny_nguyen

My bf and I got into a fight last night. I dont know after I typed this whether he is still my bf... T______T.

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Guest jinnyblue

he makes me experience so many emotions and feelings. yet he also brings out the worse in me. i feel like i've become weaker and more vulnerable since i've been with him and no longer the strong individual i once was...

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when I came home from school I tried SO HARD NOT TO...I told myself I wasn't going to. Because this is such a stupid thing to cry over.

and I hate how I'm crying while I'm typing this exact sentence. I'm not crying because of what happened, I'm crying because of MYSELF.

I knew from the beginning that it wasn't, but still I hoped.

why don't I ever learn from my mistakes?

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Guest joannieos

Having someone give up on you after you've trusted them so much. Strangers, friends then lovers then strangers again. -sigh

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Guest 831012

I can't be selfish anymore.. I'm giving you up for your own good because honestly, you're wasting your time & love on somebody who can't reciprocate it. I'm so sorry that I couldn't. You have been nothing but amazing, and I miss you so much right now.. you have no idea how much. You deserve much more. Thank you for really really caring about me... thank you for loving me.

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seeing how happy my friends were with their bfs and gfs made me wanna cry my eyes out. Im happy for them but i want to be happy too.

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