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Anything that makes you wanna CRY in your HEART

Guest fallen*angel*

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Guest Autumn1430263885

my best friend in the whole world is leaving me.

she supposedly went on vacation in HK for a month but it got complicated and ended up

with the desicion of her staying there or coming back.

since her life here is pretty fcked up with school AND par ents, even i would say staying is better.

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why am i own my own?

i still can't get over the fact that the guy i like doesn't like me back. he acts like he's interested, but he never really did anything that indicates any positive signs that he's into me. what to do..what to do... im confused as heck.. is it worth it to do somethign about it? should i ask him what he tihnk/ feel about me?i just wanna move on...please....

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Guest superhero ♥

since he left my world's just slowly, bit by bit, crashing down.

no doubt, he was everything that lifted me up.

i was so wrong to have let him go like that :tears:

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Guest ephemeral.

That he took his own life.

Although I didn't know him that well...

He was pretty nice to me from what I recall.

Those morons, pushing him this way.

Best wishes to his family. <3

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my crush/friend & i on the phone T_______________________T

I:" sometimes i wonder if your gay "

H:" are you serious? "

I:" no..! haha "

HIM:" no tell me tell me!"

I:" im kidding!'

H:" well i like a girl "

I:" oh.. really? im proud of you"

H:" your not asking who it is eh"

I:" who is it?"

H:" im not telling you"

I:" i already know.. its Yangchen"

H:" how did you know"

I:" who else would it be?"

H:" well.. i dont know yet .. i THINK i do"

H: Him

I: I

worse situation to be in / he knows that i like him

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Guest neville_longbottom10

I used to love this girl with all my heart, but i thought i was over her, until recently, i've realised that i have and will always love her. I want to be with her so bad, but realistically, i can't see it happening, but i can't really be with anyone because i realise this girl is my soul mate, so basically i'm looking at a life where i'll be lonely, and it's depressing as hell, but i can't control my feelings, and i'll always be in love with her for the rest of my life

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Guest tigereyez

I feel like such a creeper. I don't even know you. We only talked once, but I'm so crazy about you it's creepy and terrible. All my friends know that you're my 12, and even though I tell little lies to myself, that you know that I exist (well,I'm sure you do). That you watch me type on my computer haha, but that's such BS. I want to know whats going on with that girl. You know, who I am talking about it. I want to know. So TELL ME. AH, see thats creepy that I know so much about you, that you play rugby, that you were gasp an all american, that you're in chemistry this term, and you hang out this guy named rich. i know, creepy. but can this work out for once in my life? seriously. can it work out? my crushes besides steve, who broke my heart, never worked out. can this work out....please? can we meet again? this time, i won't let you get away....

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oh the rejection from my ultimate dream school and another rejection from the frozen yogurt place which i thought i had a great interview with.. made me pretty depressed.. -___- all those in one month -le sigh- and my cousin got the job and she saw my job application, and asked if the guy know me, and he replied that i look so young.. 3748937923 D: total discrimination right thar!

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Last week my friend passed away (R.I.P Genny) and tomorrow's the funeral. Today, I didn't get a chance to see her in the temple because no one told me about it T------T

Yesterday, I found out my aunt in Laos died because of breast cancer.

On top of that, he's constantly flirting with this girl.

Genny! She was my childhood friend. RIP. I would have attended the funeral but her family doesn't really like me.. :/


me and him didn't get to talk at all today :( I really miss him.

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