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When People Are Racist...

Guest kawaiimagic

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Guest lala4ever

well, i really only hang out with people that are asian.

and most people where i live think that being japanese, vietnamnese, chinese, etc. are all the same, so they just refer to us as asians

and then they make a remark about "richard simmons" and then we just insult them back and they shut up. :mellow:

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Guest papiroflexia

so how do you guys react when someone is racist to you? and what if a friend of a different race was being racially insulted....do you try help or are you not sure what to do?

I stand up for my friends and myself.

If it's directed to me, I simply say, "I'm sorry but I don't associate with close-minded and uneducated people like you."

If it's directed to my friends, "Dude, why are you even wasting your time with low-lifes like these, let's go, we don't understand stupid."

I mean I get pissed, but I never say anything directed to race OR family. There's better ways to insult them. One of my ways is to make them feel low and stupid then just walk away.

If they get violent...I haven't experienced that yet.

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Guest Atmosphere.

i know i have posted here before, can't find the post, too many pages. or maybe i didn't post, but if i did post, my opinions are changed! i just wanted to share with you guys, i'm a racist myself...... :mellow: i think everyone is, just can't admit it. like when we have an argument with someone with that skin color or bad experience with them, etc. even though i am racist, i still enjoy listening to their music or have friends with the skin color that i'm racist with. i know that doesn't make any sense >__<; okay.. maybe i'm not a racist, but i do complain.. or when i have a business someday, i know i won't let some skin colors work at my place cause it's just where i came from or bad experience. i'll remain friends, but not make them come into my serious parts of my life.... wait am i making any sense here cause now i just realized, i am weird o__o but not like i won't hate them, just not make them involve with my life, does that make sense? is that still consider racism? >__<;;

i have few friends who are racist to koreans and when they found i was korean, they stopped talking to me of course.. even though it's not fair, cause i'm different from the korean people they experienced. that's why i try not to hate or don't hang out with them, i try to spend time with them but not into deep matters.... okay i should slap myself and stop here.

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Guest ignoreme

i dun care if i kno em' or not

i jus shout at em'

well basically swear n say woteva dat cums in ma mind

its probli nt da best thing i sud do

but hu cares

we dun say anything bout dem being white/black/indian or woeva

y sud dey blaaab bout us being asians??

especially wen dey jus go "chinky" GOD!! I CUD KILL DEM

da 1 thing dat pisses me off is dey call every1 "chinky"

even tho they r korean, japanese, thai, viet blah blah....

seriously dey cant find any other insult

if dey seriouly get on my nerves

i jus blab bout white people

even tho i end of being racist

i dun giv a damn

it's even dat way

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Guest tehpockyninja

i swear and give them evils

but apart from that

i just try to ignore them

i'm pretty young so i'm still immature :P


lol i remember once

this guy in my class

was like, making sounds that were "supposed to sound asian"

and i had to sit next to him for a term

i got so annoyed that i started screaming at him and then telling all the viet ppl in my class about it

and we all didnt talk to him for a while. he cried so much.

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Guest Julie92

Inside im ready to beat them down but I just ignore it but if it was said to someone close to me and I was right there I would insult them back.... They dont have the right to judge and insult other people because of their race or color..

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Guest babiloveyoo

I TRY my best to ignore them,but if they say anything about me, my friends, or about my family I give them one scary stare( "you mess with me , I'll mess you up even more ")look and insult them back.

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Guest chewy130

to be honest asians are way to submissive sometimes, those of you choosing not to do something will only make that racist person think they can get away with it and do it again and again.

do u ever see ppl mess with blacks? only online cuz they know they wud get their richard simmons kicked

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Guest _escape.reality*

i get it everyday from the guys at my school ..

and i get really offended and mad at them .

i dont mind once it awhile , but when you have

to sit beside them in school , and during break

you hang out with them cause your friends are

with them as well , then it gets annoying . x_x"

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Guest littlemisssunsunshine

I was accused of being racist before.

I'm not racist, racism is a crime, and crime is for black people.

um im sorry to tell you but that was racist.

i pretty much have zero tolerance for racist crap.

if its like friends joking and stuff, i wont take it to heart.

but if its like randoms, or rude ****heads trying to have a crack,

i chuck it right back at them and tell it like it is.

the only racial joke one is allowed to make is about one's own race. obviously haha

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Guest x. S o R a

depends on my mood, i guess.

i cant stand it when people just have to throw nasty remarks about one's race for no particular reason.

if they're only joking, then im fine with it.

good mood - ignore them or say something mean & leave them speechless before walking off

bad mood - glare at them & start shouting profanity at them or say a lot of mean stuff until they get pissed or cry

as for racism towards other people.

it also depends on who they insult.

if they insult my close friends, i will stick up for my friend and put the insulter on my hate list.

cute kids also get my help :D <3

basically, im a sucker for cute people --

so yeah.

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Guest haydenh

i don't really take it too seriously.

the place where i live is very multicultural so anyone who is racist will be shunned by society.

plus they're probably only racist beacuse they aren't used to seeing that race..

or they don't know much about it

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