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When People Are Racist...

Guest kawaiimagic

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I used to get racist comments in elementary school but at that age, kids will say anything for attention. Now that I'm older I haven't encountered anything racist save one random outburst in California. In my experience (NY/CT), the overall attitude towards Asians are "wow they're hot" so whatever. Rock on and strut your stuff, girls.

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I haven't got them for years until recently. I was catching a bus.

Some of the immature "gangsta" looking guys went like: "Ni hao" and Ching Chang Chong or w/e to me. I just ignored them while they laughed.

Then there was this girl who works in a supermarket. She saw me coming by and said Ching Chang Chong as well. And kept singing the song or something like that. I pretended that I didn't heard her, and luckily, someone was cleaning the floor, so I couldn't hear her crapping out of her mouth anymore. :D

Got to love haters, haha. I feel so special to be in the spotlight. :rolleyes:

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Guest .ELLiE*

I get them all the time, but I don't really mind. haha

It just bugs be when some white person tries to speak in the language.

Definitely just ignore it.

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Guest littlejade

Ignorant racist don't bother me, like the one who walk past u n call u chinky eyes etc...

i just knw they ignorant, and im proud to be who i am. so i dnt care..

but scary racism scares me, like the one who would actually kill u bcoz ur asian etc...

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i used to just get rly mad at the person...but now i've learned to just laugh at it....it's really sad how people can be so ignorant and full of themselves...and some of the things they say are just so ridiculous that they're actually quite funny. see you have to learn to accept the fact that people love to wallow in their ignorance ..and u rly cant change that !!! besides whats a stupid remark going to do to me? nothing...that person has absolutely no power over me....but if they cross the line then yea i'll set them straight...but if it's a stupid comment i'll just ignore it or if they didnt mean any harm by it then i'll correct them and try to educate them.....but otherwise just let them b stupid ! ;)

co sign. But if the person is still running there mouth SWINNGGG in his jaw. Plush he's on the floor.

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last time when i ws waiting alone for the tram an old man stood on the opposite of the street... he was drunk and began to shout... he was reaaally loud, said he wanted to kill me and asians should go back where they come from.... blabla just mini cooper. i was soo scared and didnt try to show my fear, becoz he had a beer bottle in his hand. well i tried to look in his eyes for a moment and acted "cool".. yeah i was relieved becoz 2 or 3 min after that my tram came.. pooh!

i think u should just ignore them like the others said and when ur alone with that racist u can shout at him or sth like this -- if ure brave and good in material arts heheh

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Guest touche`

I think we need to stop blaming the other person for being "racist" when we, ourselves, are being racist as well. I believe that everyone of us is racist in our own way, but the question is how racist we can be. Just reading some of the responds in this thread are racist enough, and some are blind enough not notice that they are being racist in their own way. One of the problem when dealing with racism is ignoring the problem. We shouldn't even ignore the problem in the first place because that's how "it" continues to survive through generations. We don't even bother to talk about racism in public and you think that "ignoring" racism will make it go away? I just think we ignore the problem because we don't want to make it "bigger." At the same time, there are times when it is necessary to ignore and walk instead of talking back with hatred (racist) words. I think the second problem is defining racist. What does it mean to be a racist person? I mention this in another thread before (but whatever), and I think we need to take a deep look at the history before we can even start to claim what "racist" means according to "our" definition.

I like how people complain about how they endured/experienced racism from a certain ethnic group and make a racist comment about them. It's redundant to really complain when you're stooping down to their level.
I agree. Honestly, I see a lot of ignorant and arrogant responds in this thread. Don't act like you feel "special" because you're being attack by another person. The funny thing is when we hear news about murders, pedophile, racism (etc), we can be so fed up about it, but when we are attack by another person, we think it is funny that we endured or brag about it. Again, I'm not saying I don't do it because I find myself doing this as well. Although I try to think first before I say anything else negatively.

Whoever made up these lies not only affect one group of races but others as well, and it's just sad to see this. These people embedded the lies are the victim as well as we are. We're not the only "victim" because we're being attack by the majority. They are the victim (as well) because of the lies that they believed.

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Guest starlight24

When people say racist remarks, I usually just give them an evil glare. I don't bother to say anything, the "look" of scorn and disapproval is good enough for me.

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Guest koreanxlove

There's 2 steps when I hear/find out people are being racists ,

1. I give them THE STARE haha lasts about 40 seconds straight , no blinking what's so ever


2. Go completely insane , it's a scary sight o.o

I'm such a weird kid <_<

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Guest heartnet

When people say racist remarks, I usually just give them an evil glare. I don't bother to say anything, the "look" of scorn and disapproval is good enough for me.

Whoa!! Same here! It totally works too. That and I can beat the $#%@ out of most of the kids anyway.

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Guest はんなり豆腐

i just ignore it. usually the comments are not directed to me so i dont know if i should just start talking back to this stranger. they do it to get a reaction so why give them the satisfaction right. they're the immature ones.

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Guest NASRI22

I dont really care about racism. its everywhere, nobody can get rid of racism. racist thoughts, comments and everything else will be here to stay.

Generally i dont take it to the heart from what they say, no matter how offensive it is. I've been called every name in the book which is considered "offensive" to asian people but i've never acted violently to any of these situations. Someone once said to my face "go back to your own f*ing country richard simmons". I simply replied with, Hey, i was born here unlike you. That sure shut him up for half a year.

Ignoring racism is the best thing to do, if people continue to act violently towards racist comments then its only going to get worse and worse. How people can get so worked up over a racist remark is beyond me. I once saw someone wanted to start a fight with someone else because he said the n word. terrible for both sides.

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^ How can you keep on ignoring it though? When people are generalising you and your culture and think its ok say what ever they want. I personally couldn't take that mini cooper. Im not saying i would resort to violence but I would let the person know staright up Im offended and if you dont stop. dadadawdwadafsdfsdfse esfsesf It's On pinkberry.

Side note Nice avatar :D

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I used to be really timid, so I'd just stand there awkwardly.. but now I've kind of had this rage built up so I don't like taking any crap from people anymore.

People notice it too, I think, cause they leave me alone.

But if they do, I tend to bite back and leave them speechless (which is the wrong thing to do, I know, cause it just lets them win, but I do have a temper).

Like this one time, a group of black kids yelled out "FRIIIIIEEED RIIICEEE" and I yelled back "FRIIIIIEEEED CHICKEENNN PINKBERRIES" :blush:

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Guest lulunotlemon*

Depends on how they say it lol

Normally I'd start swearing at them

or walk away and never talk to them ever again.

I can NOT just ignore racism. What makes your race better than mine? hmm? = =

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Guest coffeehouse.

There's 2 steps when I hear/find out people are being racists ,

1. I give them THE STARE haha lasts about 40 seconds straight , no blinking what's so ever


2. Go completely insane , it's a scary sight o.o

I'm such a weird kid <_<

Lmao, Traaaang! xD. I think I'd do that too , ROFL
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