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When People Are Racist...

Guest kawaiimagic

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Guest o0ohenryo0o

i try to ignore people but sometimes it usually doesn't work, they get me worked up and i blow up to the max. it's not fun pissing me off because i won't stop for anything. ><"

usually it's the white trailer trash people here that are racist, they're an insult to themselves so i just shut up and let it go.

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lots of my friends are like that.

but most of the time they are only joking.

sometimes they make really mean comments though. :\

and i'm not racist. :\

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Guest AsianPersuasion

"HAHAHAHHAHA YOUR SO not funny : D!" or

"YEAH? well you're ugly."

actually, if you just say the word "Racist." right in their face looking in their eyes, and rather loudly, its quite intimidating in itself.


"o_o.. Yeah, well what you going to do about that."


"So what??"

"Racist. : D"

and then call himher that everytime they open their mouth.

HAHAHA how annoying.


Yeah, well I usually try to ignore it .. esp. if I'm alone. If it was my friend being insulted I would speak up in whatever situation!!

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Guest FirstTheWorst

I'd be pretty pissed, of course.

However, it should be something to be gotten over with pretty quickly.

In the US, racism will always be a major issue, being that the diversity in this country is incredibly varied.


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Guest une_fleur

Oh, I speak up right away.

I'll address it right away, if I catch a harsh comment from my friends about my "race", or any other. What's always gets to me is that I have mixed European blood (Russian, Polish, French), but people ignore my actual background and just lump me together with every other Caucasian, "white."

I am American, and I have a rich heritage. And I'm proud of my heritage because a lot of my family risked being killed (or was) to have their children live safely in America. Just as Asians, Latinos, African Americans want to be recognized as more than just "Black" or "Asian", you want to be seen as Korean, Chinese, Dominican, ..etc. Well, I do as well~ My family is not condensed with every other that has a light skin complexion (ex. I know nothing of German, Italian, Swedish,..etc. culture, but no one seems to care? I'm "white." and that's it).

And I get this mostly from non-Caucasians? So it's like you want to be treated as an individual with your own background, but lumping me in "white" is just fine by you. That sounds pretty hypocritical to me =T

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Guest leejunkified

^ Glad I read this post before posting mine, cos I was basically going to say that. When I was in Korea, I felt like that in many occasions.

Also, I don´t really like when people make fun of anyone just because of their race, it doesn´t matter if they aren´t the same race as me. Some retarded guy started doing the "chingchong" crap and slanted eyes to my Korean friend and I flipped and called him retarded right at the spot. And also, this happened in my country, and he was a foreigner like my friend (although he was also white), so I pointed that out and then he got all deffensive, like it was me insulting him. I just ignored him and left with my friend, talking to each other like "woah, that guy was really stupid!" while he could still hear us.

It just irks me to no end when someone has the guts to say something like that to a person they don´t know at all, or don´t know much. Some people have been quite ignorant towards me when they were getting to know me (like "woah, can you speak Korean?" after we had been talking for a while -in Korean- or telling me how come I can use chopsticks... but I think those are more like ignorance and not malice). I hate those veiled racist comments the most, like how some people think they´re superior just because of their race, and they will even imply that to me at times, even if I´m not the same race they are :X This kind of "friends" have never lasted for long, thankfully.

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Guest milkbunny

honestly I tell em to eff off or come up with a smart remark so they would shut up

like this class i went to, to give summons

and this hispanic kid was like "ching chong chong"

I strike him with a scary look

and he was like kinda sorry and he goes "Im sorry so where are you from?"

I was like "california"

stupid jerk kid

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i get pretty pissed >_>

they go

"hey richard simmons, open your eyes you stupid richard simmons" <- okay, that was my friend, but it still pissed me off

and they go

"ching chong ching" ...

i either glare, ignore or yell at 'em :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest inyeon.

I try to ignore it, but it usually haunts me for a few weeks.

If its like "ching chong" by some ignortant student, I would be like whatever.

but when an old lady insults me in public, I tend to get very VERY angry.

Its hard to ignore it. D: D: D: oh well, i can always think "whos the one with the better economy?! huh?! huh?! dont be jealous. chyeah, IN YO FACE !"


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Guest SUMM3RxBABii

you know, i've been hearing it so much throughout these 4-5 years, i don't really give a crap anymore b/c i hear the same crap all the time. i might be a little pissed but i get over it quickly. i just tease them back. if they can do it, why can't you?

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I try to ignore it, but it usually haunts me for a few weeks.

If its like "ching chong" by some ignortant student, I would be like whatever.

but when an old lady insults me in public, I tend to get very VERY angry.

Its hard to ignore it. D: D: D: oh well, i can always think "whos the one with the better economy?! huh?! huh?! dont be jealous. chyeah, IN YO FACE !"


That's an interesting take on how to retaliate XD.

I jst deathstare them. Or make fun of them in any way I can. Some loser at some store was with his son, and they were pretty wide. He yelled "Get out of the way, you stupid asian". I yelled right back "I wouldn't bloody have to if you weren't so bloody wide."

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Guest miyavaki

i..............go along with them ;D jkjk

i dunno depend on my mood. if im in a good mood i dont care if im in a bad mood. i tell them off. o.O

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I just ingnore... :ph34r:

u know coz I'm a muslim Arab... so if I talked back they'll say that I'm a terrorist..! :ph34r: lol

yeah you get mad... but when that happens infront of other people then u ingnore that person...then I think that people are smart enough to understand that I don't want to get low with him/her... they'll understand that I want no problems.. :phew:.. coz they're doing that to get a reaction from you... so if I did react or got mad.. then they'll be happy.. coz that's what they want..

hmm.. I won't just ingnore... but even act as if no one is talking to me and just walk away :P

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Guest yours.truly.

i feel bad for them cuz they're so ignorant...but i also feel bad for myself cuz it just doesn't feel good. but most of all it makes me mad.

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