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When People Are Racist...

Guest kawaiimagic

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As long as I could remember I have always walked with a very large mirror in my bag, I am not a narcissist it just happen that way, twice this has occcured to me with people who has no redeeming right to be disgustingly racist, I will refrain from going into details. So, what I did in both instances was to put the mirror in their faces and tell them to take a good look at themselves. Well, you get the profanities etc, etc but I never back down from ignorant people like that.

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Guest AyeYoSean

i tend to look at them with a disgusting look and keep quiet more like a tension stare so they get the idea to knock it off and it usually works lol

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I'm very racist. So are a lot of people.

For example:

I'm gonna go home and do my homework like a good little Asian.

:P I always make fun of my own race like that. It's acceptable when one race does it to themselves I guess. :P

Okay, on a serious note.

I can't stand racism. If anything is gonna be said about Chinese people, it's gonna come out of my mouth, not some bum who's insulting me. ><

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Just ignore them because it'll only cause a argument.

Like how this lady say a racist thing to my cousin when she was working, all she could do was keep quiet. Her eyes were fill with tears. That's just how rude those racist people are. They have no manners, all they think is they are this and that.

Just ignore those idiots cause they dont deserve good things.

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I loveee to richard simmons them off but only when I have my friends around me, when they say some racist remark we all just stare at the person then point and laugh. They then ask, "whats so funny?" or whatever and we then say, "Man your so bad I wish I could be as low as you.." they then either get mad or just walk away. But when its just me I just nod my head, laugh, smile, and think man I am glad I am way better than this guy/gal.

But yeah I just laugh =] it makes my day knowing that I am better than some.

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When people are racist... I give them candy. "Thanks for increasing my self-esteem in the social-intelligence status"

.. and I lose a bit of faith in humanity, little by little, y'know?

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Guest juju<3.

oh. i have bad anger issues T_T

down here, you can see those happening.

they would either say something like, "ching chang chong. wa wa."

im like wtf. not all asians are chinese dudes. well, thats what non-asians always think T_T

i get mad and throw a temper tantrum. if my friends are there, we would stare at them, then turn around and start talking about them and then turn back to them and start rolling our eyes or walk up to them and say some crap. yeahs. my friends and i are bad butts (: esp to those who are racist ..

i hate public schools here >< these kind of things can lead to fights ..

it happened before with many of my friends .. yuppers.

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Guest fabulosity

Some lady called me "hey chinese"

& I got like really really mad! the fact that she just thinks all asians are chinese and the fact that she calls me like that in a public place pissed me off.

I completely ignored her, and walked away thought how freakin uneducated, and low....

& i was fuming so bad after that, i thought i should have called her in return blackenese.

but then, ignoring was the right way.

or else, it would lead to more arguments and we don't have to bring ourselves down low like that.

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Guest SYNsaish

I actually get pretty upset. I get annoyed really easily when people say racist remarks and when they go overboard with the jokes. I can take a few jokes, but I get super annoyed when people don't know when to stop.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest metallicbunny

You people should fight back and not ignore it.

I mean, seriously guys, they continue to be racist because u people LET them.

I understand if it's just foolin around,, then u can fool around back at them, but if it's the really nasty things then u should fight back

i bet NOONE's racist to a black person nowadays because people know that they WILL fight back,, so why cant we?

if it causes a scene then let it,, the person that started it would be the one that would look bad,, not you;;

im asian and this one white guy called me a richard simmons once,,

i turned around, look him in the face and say "are you serious"? really loud and people started looking,,

the teacher was like "what happen?" and i said "HE called me a richard simmons" then he started denyin it and stuff and my friend backed me up and long story short he got a detention and was seriously embaressed :lol:

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Guest inspired04

I hope this is right place to post this, but here goes....

I was at a restaurant at Santa Cruz boardwalk tonight and I experienced what I think was blatant racism/discrimination. From the moment we first walked in, people started staring us up and down and laughing/smirking at us (By the way, everyone in the restaurant was White, and my friends and I are Korean). We saw the waiters talking amongst themselves because none of them wanted to serve us. My friend actually saw one of the servers saying that she didn't want to do it. Finally, we said "Can we order here?" in a loud voice (but not yelling). After we ordered, one of the richard simmons bag servers "accidentally" flung a dirty rag towards our table, making it seem like it wasn't on purpose. (One of my guy friends got mad and "spilled" his drink on the floor. We know he shouldn't have done that, but mann all of us were so pissed and didn't know what to do. We knew they were probably going to spit in our food, so we just paid and left.) Even the bartenders kept glaring at us and people outside kept pointing through the window the entire time. Seriously if I had some more guys with me I wouldn't have been afraid to go up to their faces and say something but I felt like I was going to get beat up if I did :x

This made me SO MAD but I'm so frustrated because I feel like there's nothing I can do. Even I tell the management, they're most likely racist as well or won't take it seriously. So my question is...is this type of behavior illegal? Is there really nothing I can do? Someone please help :x

[edit] The restaurant was called Stagnaro Bros. Stay away!!

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Guest Stevent

It's not illegal, but they are probably going to end up losing business from customers of other nationality if they continue this behavior. They have the right to refuse service to ANYONE, and you and your buddies just happen to be those people :/

I would have just left. Why bother staying in a place where I don't feel welcomed.

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Guest Tahimik

What they did wasn't exactly illegal, but you could complain to the manager or spread their bad name all over the place :P

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Guest Prince Tony

There's not much that you can I do I think. You only can tell the manager about their behavior towards you guys.

I'd rather not go there anymore and tell my friend about this bad place so they won't go there.

*cheers* inspired04!! :)

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Guest dolcedor.

I don't think you can force any legal action against them because it's hard to prove.

You should have complained to the manager though; we were mistreated by a waitress once and we complained to the manager. He gave us some free dishes although we didn't eat them; we just left it on the table in hopes of annoying the restaurant. :ph34r:

But yeah, if you wanna take revenge on them, don't come back to the restaurant, and tell your family and friends about their bad business practices. And hopefully their bad reputation will bite them in the richard simmons. :ph34r:

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Guest latiana2003

i would've left from the get go... i probably would've turned around as soon as we got in there knowing me.. especially if it was down here in the south lol.

Me and my ex had something similar happen to us a few years ago. It was like a "hole-in-the-wall" restaurant full of White people... Older white people. And we were in Destrahan LA (that's really a KKK city.. no joke).. and all eyes were on us and it got really really quiet too... I saw why all the Black people just ordered from outside at the window lol. That was some scary ish. I don't know why he brought me in there, we could've ordered from the window too ^^... but I stood by the door the entire time just in case i needed to run.. like they were gonna pull out the noose at any moment >_<

That was seriously the most uncomfortable environment I had ever been in in my life.

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Guest charcoalfilter1101

II would have left the building if I was in your position.

I hope that the restaurant you and your buddies just went will bankrupt.

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