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When People Are Racist...

Guest kawaiimagic

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I get the occasional racist comment, even though I'm pretty sure I can speak better proper English than those ignorant rednecks (sorry, racist comment).

I hate being called, "Hey, Chinese girl!" Um, yeah, there are quite a few of us, you'll have to be more specific.

Just last week, I was walking out of Target, and this huge SUV-full of teenage boys yelled out, "China!" at me while they drove by. Everyone outside the store turned to look at me. I just pretended I didn't hear them.

And at the Galleria, there's always this one kiosk where the salespeople always say, "Ching chang chong?" when I walk by. I usually just ignore them, but once when I was having a bad day, I spoke back, "I can't understand you. Can you speak English?" That shut them up, but the next time I walked by, they did it again -_-

What depresses me the most, though, was I always let these racist comments pass because some people just can't see beyond your skin color and your features. I kind of just accepted I was going to be different from Americans because of my skin color. When I went to China this summer, I kept thinking to myself, "Now you're going to be surrounded by people who look exactly like you. No way will you hear any racist comments in China." Who knew that in China, I looked like an outsider to them as well. To Americans, I was simply a Chinese person. And to the Chinese, I was an American. After I came back from China, I went into a mild depression trying to figure out exactly which culture I identified with. Still trying to figure it out lol.

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i thought america was a friendly place...

no offense.. but that kinda made me laugh.. if you are looking for a friendly place, america is certainly not one. at least here in southern california, people are so selfish, rude, and impatient. these past few years, i've seriously considered moving out of here for this reason.

as for the racist comments, you just have to ignore them. the more you react to them, the more they will try to torture you. i was usually the only asian person in all of my classes (99% white literally) until i went to college. i've been teased many times growing up. there was a time when my high school english teacher made some racial comment about asians, and the entire class looked at me. with me being the only asian person, i really had no power to do anything about it at the time. (i could've brought it up and made a huge deal out of it.. but can you imagine the looks i'd get from the entire student body after that?) what really hurt me was when i found out that the white girl i had a huge crush on in high school turned out to be a racist against asians. :(

people will always make racist comments until they get mature.. if it bothers you so much, i'd suggest moving to another city where a lot of asians live.. they won't be able to make racist comments when there are many asians present. if this is not an option, just don't react to the racist comments and people will eventually stop.

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This is a valid question.


people will always make racist comments until they get mature.. if it bothers you so much, i'd suggest moving to another city where a lot of asians live.. they won't be able to make racist comments when there are many asians present. if this is not an option, just don't react to the racist comments and people will eventually stop.

I don't think you'll be able to run away from the racism. I live in Houston, home to two Chinatowns, and in an area where a very good amount of Asians live. And I still can't escape the racist comments. Like taiji. said, you'll just have to learn to deal with it by ignoring it. I don't believe that they'll eventually stop - look at the prejudice that African Americans have to deal with to this day, more than a hundred years after they've won their freedom and almost fifty years after they've won the fight for their rights. So either just ignore it or, you know, use your Triad connections and teach those punks a lesson >.> (the latter was a joke; please don't resort to violence).

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Guest babiloveyoo

no offense.. but that kinda made me laugh.. if you are looking for a friendly place, america is certainly not one. at least here in southern california, people are so selfish, rude, and impatient. these past few years, i've seriously considered moving out of here for this reason.

as for the racist comments, you just have to ignore them. the more you react to them, the more they will try to torture you. i was usually the only asian person in all of my classes (99% white literally) until i went to college. i've been teased many times growing up. there was a time when my high school english teacher made some racial comment about asians, and the entire class looked at me. with me being the only asian person, i really had no power to do anything about it at the time. (i could've brought it up and made a huge deal out of it.. but can you imagine the looks i'd get from the entire student body after that?) what really hurt me was when i found out that the white girl i had a huge crush on in high school turned out to be a racist against asians. :(

people will always make racist comments until they get mature.. if it bothers you so much, i'd suggest moving to another city where a lot of asians live.. they won't be able to make racist comments when there are many asians present. if this is not an option, just don't react to the racist comments and people will eventually stop.

I agree, and I actually live in a city with lots of asians and still ppl make racist and ignorant comments.

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People just say that I'm Chinese, Korean, or Japanese when I'm actually Vietnamese.

When it happens, I go; "WTF!?"

It doesn't happen very often, but yeah.

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Guest SUMM3RxBABii

ditto to whoever said something about asians living in the big city. in NYC, people are so damn racist. i think i've gotten a lot of cruel comments about my race, some things that they've said to you "ching chong chang...", "go back to china", "make me some chinese food", "you guys eat rats"and a whole bunch of other crap i can't remember. i used to get SO mad over it..like i'd be so upset but now, i just talk crap about their race back. i know it's prob. not the best idea but it'll make them stop at least. some people have done that and when i talked back about their country, they'd shut up. americans, for the most part, are racist. mainly b/c there's it's made up of various races. (it's prob. the same in australia and england) if you were to go to a country like france, things like these are barely talked about. but thats what i think

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Guest Blueberry222

I hate when a person comes up to me and say

are you from china! thats the first thing everyone in the

school ask me!! and there like can you read chinese?

UM HELLO!! I'm not chinese!! I'm a ThaiLAo person!!!

and samething like you said Wuhanprincess

they call me ching chong girl or they would be like

hey you chinese girl or they would make up word that sound like

chinese and say it to me and I'm like OMFG! THIS IS SO OLD!!

lmao lol XD

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Guest flyingmochi

Asian racist comments = elementary school

Back in grade school, gahhhhhhhh! When everyone was younger and ignorant, racism was pretty much just EVERYWHERE. Children are cruel. I used to get, "Ching chong ching!" ALL the time and it got annoying really fast. Once they got past that first 'ching,' I would huff and roll my eyes. Attitude for kindergarteners :]

But as we all grew older, all of that kind of faded away and I don't even remember the people who did that to me. I hold grudges for long periods of time, so for me to not remember those people is pretty weird. AND, what I noticed is, most of the people who said racist remarks to me were guys. Why did I feel the need to mention that, I don't know.

and there like can you read chinese?

UM HELLO!! I'm not chinese!! I'm a ThaiLAo person!!!

Oh gosh. That used to happen to me all the time! Then, they would ask me if I could say their name in Chinese and I would be like <_<

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Three guys passed me and my family when we went to get pizza and they were going, "ching chang chong" and making clucking sounds? Yeah whatever, but my parents didn't even hear them and the rest of us laughed because they sounded so retarded. (: So mature.

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Holy crap, some of these experiences are disturbing! I'm from MA and I really can't remember the last time I heard racist comments directed towards another Asian in a malicious way. For the longest time, I thought it was no longer ok and acceptable to be openly racist, which was why I very seldom experience or see it. Although I'm sure plenty of overt racism goes on, especially in promotions and hiring praticies.

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Guest Searesrayne

o_O okay... I'm from San Jose, California... pretty populated (residental area) anyways >_> <_< I didn't get any racist remarks.. in fact I didn't know racist really existed untill high school or so ( i know you read it in books butI was not face with it in everyday life) :o

but if I do hear something racist :o I bust out my facts and tell them wrong LOL.. (ie, asians can't drive, i'd reply with shouldn't we all be dead by now o_O) Using parody to bust their bubble..

seriously I've never really faced racist remarks ... i think people just keep their comments to themselves

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I've actually never encountered being discriminated upon when I was growing up and even now. The area I live in is mostly dominated by three ethnicities: Hispanic, Asian, and White. But even when I travel (I've traveled to about more than half the states in America) I don't think I've ever encountered racism (excluding the times my sister and I poke fun at the Asian race. God knows we do this too much for our own good).

The only time I've been "ching chong chang" at was in third grade when a boy was honestly asking if it meant anything.

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Guest kokichi

I used to, i got really annoying so I started making racist comments to them until they stopped.

Got to so them the fierce side of Asians. LOL.

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Everyone is racist, face it, even you are.

I think it is a stretch to suggest that everyone is racist. But I think you mean everyone is prejudice, which a better argument can be made for.

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