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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

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Guest sweetheart0085

MO saw YS with the photo and she blurted out that she is SB's real mom. She was hysterical saying that she is the mother that threw away her daughter then she runs out because she feels like she has to tell SB the truth but faints on the way out. The family are talking and YS is outraged that someone could throw away their own child. When MO comes to, she goes to the family and granny wants to know why she abandoned SB. MO says that her husband died and they had no money and no family so she couldn't work and SB would cry because she was hungry. She grew to resent SB for crying and for being a burden and then she met her current husband who didn't know that she was married and had a daughter so then she abandoned SB. YS is outraged saying how could she do that and that she will never understand how a mother can throw away their own child. MO says it was a very difficult time for her and that all she felt was anger toward SB but after a while she missed her and wanted to see SB and regretted ever abandoning her. She wanted to see her and hug her and make everything better after all that SB has suffered. She asks the family to keep her secret and TP says no, SB has a right to know and runs to HS's house. He calls SB and tells her to come out without HS but YS stops him from telling SB the truth. YS tells him that they have to think about SB and how she would feel so they make up a story to tell SB when she comes out and they go back home.

Thanks Uni33 for the summary^^

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thankyou for the summary .. i still feel that no reason to abandon her.. and when she did get married again did she try to look for her. sorry abut hard with out sub

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You are totally awesome! Thank you so much uni33

So that's the real story about MiOk. Imagine being abandoned because your own mother thought you were being a burden <_< ...and to get married at that too without telling your spouse about your past :vicx:

I'm guessing her current husband probably still doesn't know about SB. I wonder if he is going to eventually make an appearance in the drama. He may be busy wherever he is but considering how it seems MiOk wants to help out Lohas...probably large sums of money will exchange hands...there is no way her husband wouldn't notice that.

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Guest dbart001

You are totally awesome! Thank you so much uni33

So that's the real story about MiOk. Imagine being abandoned because your own mother thought you were being a burden <_< ...and to get married at that too without telling your spouse about your past :vicx:

I'm guessing her current husband probably still doesn't know about SB. I wonder if he is going to eventually make an appearance in the drama. He may be busy wherever he is but considering how it seems MiOk wants to help out Lohas...probably large sums of money will exchange hands...there is no way her husband wouldn't notice that.

I think MO's husband knows about SB already but he wanted MO to go back to him because she is sick.

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Guest winghlau

When Miok ‘threw’ away Saebyuk when she was a child she also ‘threw’ away her right as a mother. She took 20 years before she came looking for her abandoned child and because she is dying (think she has cancer, hair falling off). Why don’t she just quietly come, reassured that Saebyuk is doing well and then go back quietly to US and die. This sound mean but abandoning your own flesh and blood is more than mean.

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Guest kawaiiyuki2

monday's episode looks great. haha. hs helping sb out and the moments look sweet.

dying for hs to find out the truth. the question is will be tell sb about it.

can't wait.

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So that's what it means

I tried to watch the raw korean one but I just have no clue what were they talking about.

Thank you so much for explaining everything.

I can't believe that's the reason, and I thought she would say she didn't leave SB and the only reason SB has to be an orphan is because SB got into accident so MO thought she was dead.

I'm just so stupid. How can anyone do that to her child? I don't think that this kind of person deserve to be call mother and if she was my mother I wouldn't want to know.

I love you SB and stay strong. I'm counting on you to make her happy HS.



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You are totally awesome! Thank you so much uni33

So that's the real story about MiOk. Imagine being abandoned because your own mother thought you were being a burden <_< ...and to get married at that too without telling your spouse about your past :vicx:

I'm guessing her current husband probably still doesn't know about SB. I wonder if he is going to eventually make an appearance in the drama. He may be busy wherever he is but considering how it seems MiOk wants to help out Lohas...probably large sums of money will exchange hands...there is no way her husband wouldn't notice that.

No problem. I'm sorry I haven't been able to do the full summaries, it's very busy with all the holidays coming up but I will try to do short summaries for the episodes coming up.

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Guest sweetheart0085


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 141

SB: Hello, hello, you make this call, please talk, who is it?

MO: SJ, Is this SJ?] [sB: What?][HS: who is it?][sB: who is SJ?]

(In front of DJ's house). GM: Who are you?

HS: Who is it?][sB: I don't know, asking for SJ and hangs up]

HS: Probably is the wrong number, call home first.

GM: Some strange woman stands by the door way, sobbing. I'm about to ask her what happens? She flees as if I'm the devil from hell.

DJ: She probably is embarrassed you saw her crying ... Do you thinks its DG who paid for the wedding bills? He is the richest among our family.

GM: Someone paid for the wedding bills.

YSK: When the in law and I went to pay the bills, were told someone from the bride's side already paid

GM: Who has that kind of money? It's a big bill.

YSK: Doesn't look like is DG though, when we asked him for the loan last time, he said that's all the money he has, and I don't think SIL would be so quiet after handing out such a big sum of money.

DJ: That's right; there is no reason to keep a secret from us anyway.

SY: I'm back

YSK: TY is not with you, how come you come back alone?

SY: No, he's not back yet, he said he has an appointment. Dad and mom, because TY is becoming a professor, my mom brought him a car.

YSK: A car?

DJ: How can he receive a big present like that, just your mom's kindness is enough.

(phone rings)

YSK: HS, arrived safely?

HS: yes, mom. Everyone must be tired, also thank you for giving SB to me, wait one moment please, (hands phone to SB).

SB: It's me, SB

YSK: Can't go to your honeymoon overseas, pretty sad isn't it?

SB: No, not a bit, it's very special here, how are dad and GM?

YSK: Everyone is here; get some rest and sweet dreams.

GM: Let me say something, how can you just hang up like that.

MJ: Hello.

SB: Mom, we have arrived. For all the hard work today, thank you mom.

MJ: Where is HS?

SB: He's next to me, wait one moment please.

MJ: Never mind, leave it, you are a scary person.

SB: What?

MJ: Come back after the honeymoon. By the way, you're still young; I don't want to be called grandma.

SB: What?

MJ: Are you that stupid? Don't know what it means by "not wanting to be called grandma".

HS: What does mom say to you?

SB: nothing, a bit nervous.

HS: now that we've made all the calls, tired? SB.

SB: Nervous, What?

HS: There is this story from the kid's comic book. A tiger groom, finds his bride, doesn't know how to pass through the first night? Then, he thinks may be I'll go ask the tiger mother, while on his way, the ribbon on the bride's dress gets tangled up his hand... (HS tries to untie SB’s ribbon, she pushes he away)

SB: I'm sorry HS.

Female TM: What? Come on, pursue on.

Male TM: fighting, fighting.

The three: Fighting, HS, fighting. The night is still young, turn into a wolf under the full moon.

SY: Mom, you make so much, whoa, I've never seen such extravagant presentation as "returned" presents before. SB is blessed. (Custom: when the bride goes to the husband's home, they usually bring the "returned" presents (usually food) with her.)

YSK: I do this every day, but making this for my daughter is different, feel peculiar...Where is TY?

SK: Cornea transplant? KSB receives your sister's cornea?

TY: yes, isn't it amazing.

SK: Wow, the Lohas takes in a poor family girl, an orphan as DIL; This SB is the present day Cinderella. Have a toss, to the mother finding her missing daughter & to all impossible couples finding their love possible. Here, drink up.

SY: Yes, to the sauna spa? Of course, I'd love to have my daughter rubs my back. I'll see you on the cross road outside our block tomorrow morning.

TY: my lovely SY

SY: What is it, what happened?

TY: I'm sorry, sorry and sorry. I love you.

SY: Really, have such a good mood, I love you too.

SK: This is great. Became blind after high school, received a cornea transplant from the family whom adopted her and finally married too. I work extremely hard for this information. (MO gives money to SK) How come just 1 bill fold only, my bill clearly asks for 2.

MO: Mr. C. Why do I have to pay for your liquors and massage services? You think you can take advantage of me.

SK: Why are you reacting this way? One piece of your clothing costs more than what I charge. This is going to be hard to work.. . I'm the Dr. impossible. If I expose you deserted and abandoned your daughter...

MO: Shut up, who is my daughter?

SK: Madam!

MO: I'm warning you, if you ever say anything in front of her, find out whom I am and you would regret and cry and beg for me to forgive you.

(SK leaves.) MO: My poor daughter. Don't worry; I will make it all up to you, all those years of suffering.

Male TL: Look at HS, only 1 night, half of his face is already slimed down; you must have worked hard

SB: Thank you for the decoration of our room last night.

Male TM: What room?

HS: The flower decor in our room. Not you guys?

The three: No, not us.

SY: Here, go buy the tickets. (SK sees SY)

SK: You, you, you are BSY, right? Boy, haven't seen you for ages.

SY: No, wrong person.

SK: I'm CSK, you probably don't want to see me, but at one time...

YH: Mom, shall we go?

SY: Yes, let's go.

SK: A grown daughter already?


YH: Mom, are you going to change?

SY: YH...

HR: It's ok if you don't invest money to this. We will work very hard at this venture, in law.

GM: Not too many in law families have harmonized relationships like ours. Is it not SIL? SIL!

SY: Yes, GM, are you calling me.

GM: You've been thinking so deep; don't even hear when I call you. What are you thinking?

SY: Oh, no, just thinking here and there, nothing.

YSK: By the way, I don't know how to thank you for the car you brought TY

HR: It was not an expensive car at all, so don't feel any burden, I do it because I want to.

GM: That's right SIL, today SB is coming back from her honeymoon. We'll be late, let's go.

YSK: I'll start to work tomorrow.

HR: Why are you still sitting here? Aren't you going with them?

SY: Mom, what am I going to do? I'd seen that scum

HR: Scum, who?

SY: YR's biological father

HR: When? Where?

DJ: How was your Honeymoon?

HS: It was very meaningful, Dad

TP: you, calling dad sounds very natural

GM: Hey, hey watch your manner,. Address your BIL properly.

DJ: They've been friends since childhood. Now we are a family, addressing each other should be proper. Isn't right SIL?

HS: Yes, dad I'll remember this

TY: Who would think HS and us are BIL relationships?

YSK: let's eat

SB: BJ, what, you've been kicked out after the wedding ceremony. So, where do you live now?

BJ: I'm sleeping at the sauna bath house at night.

SB: What are you going to do?

BJ: I paid off all the debts due madam, and I'm free. It's you, are being controlled by her now.

SB: Are you going to find a place to live around here?

BJ: I'm going back to Jechu Island, BC is my only brother, I miss him. If I leave him too long at the island, I worry he might get in trouble again. Hopefully, I can still work at the same place before I left Jechu Island.


BJ: Here is $2,000.00 I took your security refund and skipped out on you. I want to pay them back in full, but, this is all that I could save, I'm sorry.

SB: No, I have forgotten about the money, take this, go start a new life with BC.

BJ: Thank you! Knowing you have HS, a good husband, makes me feel a lot easier to leave. Be happy!

YS goes to the hospital for the results of the tests and the nurse drops the files on the floor

Doctor: Park YS?

YS: No, Hung YS.

Doctor: Sorry HYS.

The doctor wants YS to come back with more extensive screening and YS overhears some nurses conversations about a nice-looking woman not knowing her life is at the final stage of cancer.

(Flash back: DG tells her about a school-mate of hers also has cancer) She's upset thinking she's dying and calls DG at a business meeting.

YS: What am I going to do?

DG: ok, I’m coming home. (he hangs up the phone)

YS: Honey, it's hopeless, I’ve got cancer.

MJ: Yes, my DIL loses her passport. Being kind, oh, just a small mistake of her. Wouldn't it be nice for you to see HS one more time before your trip tomorrow morning? Yes, they are coming back from their honeymoon today. Yes, I just let them to say hello and summon them back, ok. ok. see you later.

TY: BIL, get ready, this is hot on the bottom of your foot.

SB: no, Oppa.]

TP: You are already protecting your groom, TY, let’s find some ropes and tie him up

SY: don't worry; he's just blowing air

SB: Mom, did you decorate our room last night with flowers?

YSK: Flower decoration? I don't know anything about it. Did you do it?

DJ: No, but SB, mom and dad should get you some flowers.

(HS's phone rings.)

HS: Yes, Mom. I'm at my wife's house.

(MJ thinking to herself: After marriage, my HS's tone of voice is already changing)

MJ: That's good, after saying hello, bring SB home.

Hs: to go home?

MJ: Yes, your uncle and aunt are leaving for U.S. tomorrow, today is their last day here, don't know when you will see them again.

HS: But, I'm at my in law's house.

SB: HS, let me talk, ( HS gives the phone to SB) mom, we have a nice trip, yes, after we give my parents our regards, we'll be back. Yes, mom.

YSK: Is this the end of the honeymoon. (Korean custom: New couples usually stay at bride's home for few days.)

GM: What to do? Your husband family wants you back, this is why should take a long honeymoon.

YSK: Let me give you the presents I prepared for you to take home.

HS: I'm sorry GM; an aunt wants to see SB before her trip tomorrow morning.

DJ: Yes, our house is so small for you to stay; you can come back anytime you want.

SB: Mom, I'm sorry.

YSK sobbing: these are the best returned presents made for you, I don't even know if they would eat them.

SB: Who is my Mom? The best chef in town, I'll take the china with me too.

HS and SB: We are back.

TY: Hello.

MJ: Sorry, just allow them to say hello and ask them to come back, have dinner yet?

TY: Yes!

MJ: Have some tea, then.

TY: No, it's late; I'm leaving, take care of my sister. (leaves)

MJ: What is this?

SB: These are the china my mom gives me as presents. I forget to bring them last time.

MJ: Yea, go wash up and get ready for the guests.

(HS and SB leave)

MJ: YR, put these in the storage.

YR: What are these?]

MJ: Some dishes they scrap from the street, thinking to put these on my dining table? Put those returned presents away, we'll eat those later. Don't make any mistakes when the guests arrive.

HS: SB, are you afraid that you have leaf home and are beginning a new life with me?

SB: Frankly speaking, yes. I wanted to leave with my Oppa earlier.

HS: When I'm home, I'm always around you. Your home is very close; we should go often, even have dinner there every night after work.

MJ walks in the room.

MJ: We don't have enough materials for the flower arrangements, HS you drive.

HS: I drive?

MJ: yes, I'm too tired to drive today, go get the car started. (HS leaves the room)

MJ: You evil thing, when begging for my permission for marriage, you said to listen and obey my commends. You rebel against me before the wedding ceremony.

SB: Mom, I'm sorry about the wedding gown. I regret too and want to switch back, but.

MJ: Shut up! You and BJ are friends; I have goosed bumps thinking the wickedness of you two. A long cover-up, so by spying for inside information, you reach your goal and land my HS as husband.

SB: Mom.

MJ: Go to the kitchen and prepare food for the guests. I have no intention to help you, your first day here, get everything ready before I come back.

MO: Yes, I didn't abandon my SJ, I lost her only. MO, you have to think like that, otherwise you can't face SJ.

DG comes home can't find YS and her phone is turned off while YS is wondering on the street devastated.

SUB: Why do you follow me home? It's a long walk back to your place.

NKW: They say, if one likes his wife, one would bow to the streets his wife walks on. I like SUB, I want to see your house front entry before I leave.

SUB: We are here already, go now.

NKW: I will resign from the hospital, all necessary paper works as volunteer have submitted in. Next week I'll leave. I'm still waiting for your answer, either 1 you come with me or 2 you wait for me.

SUB: Why everything has to be done according to your plan? Isn’t there any consideration for me, a choice to accept or to give up? If you really like me, if I'm important to you, shouldn't you ask me for my opinion first? From the very beginning, the priority is always your decision; my opinion has no significant value. It's up to you; I have any answer for you.


SUB: NKW, how can you just leave like this?

MO: Anyone home?

YSK: Who are you?

MO: Is this the home of KSB?

YSK: Yes, but, who are you?

MO: How are you! I'm here to see Ms. KSB. Is she back from her honeymoon yet?

DJ: SB is my daughter, what is the matter?

MO: I come with news about KSB biological mother.

YSK: Biological mother?

Phone rings. SB: Mom, what is it?

YSK: SB, can you come home now? Someone is looking for you.

SB: Me. Who?

YSK: Someone is here with news about your biological mother and wants to talk to you.

SB: What, to say what?


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Guest kamsammi


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 141

SB: Hello, hello, you make this call, please talk, who is it?

MO: SJ, Is this SJ?] [sB: What?][HS: who is it?][sB: who is SJ?]


Thanks Sweetheart0085. You are great!

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Guest wookiedonghae

After reading the translation for episode 141 I hope that SB would get pregnant soon and make MJ a grandma :rolleyes: (Wonder whether it will ever happen as we are still wondering if they have done 'IT' yet????? :blush: )

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Guest zaizai00

After reading the translation for episode 141 I hope that SB would get pregnant soon and make MJ a grandma :rolleyes: (Wonder whether it will ever happen as we are still wondering if they have done 'IT' yet????? :blush: )

It's funny that you mention that because I realized that in many of the dramas, no matter how much the mother or the grandmother dislikes their daughter (or granddaughter) in-law, pregnancy almost always solves the problem and dissolves the hatred... I don't know much about korean culture specifically, but mostly asians seem to be really really happy when babies are born :w00t:

The preview for next week seems pretty promising (although they always do, don't they?) and I'm hoping that there is going to be a kiss :D finally and that the chemistry between HS and SB will be better because when I see them together, it seems to be like they are still dating and that the marriage really hasn't... done anything... relationship wise. The writers seem to be too focused on MJ's evilness and SB problems with her real mother and everything. Too many things going on at once to be really focusing on the newlywed relationship, when it is really needed. and did anyone notice that HS and SB didn't have a honeymoon and the writers totally just skipped over that... or did I miss it?

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^ Well, they sorta had one.

YR torn up SB's passport so they couldn't go on the actual honeymoon.

So instead SB and HS went with the Lohas team to some village or traditional Korean house site for work and stayed in the hotel there. They really only had one night together because the next day they returned to SB's house. And then evil MJ called them back to her house because HS's aunt and uncle wanted to see them before they left Seoul.

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Guest Shin Bi

I added Eps 104-107 by Soshified: http://omona.net/drama/you-are-my-destiny

Okay, I don't know who you are but I was stunned when I saw your post.

Did you get Soshisubbers' permission to provide links for their releases ?

I mean, there was such a fuss about this drama that now Soshisubs only

allows the donators of Soshified to access to YAMD hardsubbed episodes.

If we, Soshified members and YAMD's fans, want to watch their releases,

we have to use the "Soshified video system".

Don't take it bad but I wonder why they removed their links in Soshified

if you post them in a blog where everyone can download the episodes.

I'm not a Soshisubs member, I'm just a Soshified member so you may think

I don't have the right to tell you those things but I find this situation very strange,

so I had to say my opinion about it.

PS : If you got their permission, then, forget it~

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Guest sweetheart0085


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 142

YSK: Someone wants to talk to you about your biological mom.

SB: What? Say what?

YR: The relatives are on their way, is everything ready? Hey, it’s burning.

SB: Mom, not now, I can't leave; Later. I'll be there later.

DJ: Is SB coming?

YSK: No, she can't come now.

GM: Are you saying you know who her biological mom is?

MO: Yes

DJ: Our SB can't come right now, can you tell us something about her family first.

MO: I'm sorry, its better when she's here, please call me at this number when she is here. I came back from the U.S. not too long ago and am staying in a hotel. Also, please accept this as a little token for your family. Good bye!

(Flash back) YSK: someone’s here and wants to talk to you about your biological mom.

SB: No, I've got to go.

YR: SB, where are you going?

TP: All of a sudden, saying she have news about SB's mom, do you think she is a con-artist? All along no one ever shows up and when SB marries to a rich family, out of the blue moon?

TY: Why wouldn't she say something if she has news about SB's mom? Mom, are you alright?

YSK: Yes, no problem.

GM: But, what's in this box though? Can we open it?


TY: What? What is it?

SY: Goodness, its money.

TP: Dad, this is robbed from the bank.

DJ: Honey, looks like she is the one who paid SB's wedding ceremony bills.

YSK grabs the box and runs after MO

Everyone: Mom, mom, honey.

MO: She's busy and can't come, then I will go directly to her. I've come all the way from U.S. and it's in the same neighborhood, why can't she come?

YSK: Hello, hello, hello... wait... wait!

MO: What is it? Do you get hold of Ms. SB again?

YSK: No, what is this? Why do you leave this money and go?

MO: You mean this?

YSK: Did you also pay the wedding bills?

MO: Yes, thank you for taking good care of SB and marrying her to a good family, this is just to show our appreciation to you. Please accept it.

YSK: I didn't raise her and it is never our intent to receive any kind of reward when we adopted her. If this is from SB's mom, this ought to be handled properly. Why stacked them in a box and left without any explanation as if this is illegal money.

MO: I'm afraid if I give them to you directly, you wouldn't accept it. If I made you unhappy, sorry. Nevertheless, I'm sincere, please accept this.

YSK: No, you give them to SB directly yourself, what is your relationship with SB's bio-mom? Who let you give away such big sum of money?

MO: Didn't I say I will tell when Ms. SB is here? Here, take it. Take it.

YSK: You take it back.

MO: Just receive it.

YSK: What are you doing?

MO: Giving and receiving are learned behavior. I know SB's adopted family financial situation is not very good. Why can't you see when someone is showing gratitude’s and is earnest to help your family?

YSK: What do you say?

MO: Don't say anymore, I'm still feeling the jet-lag effect and very tired, I'll see you next time. Good-bye

YSK: I say...

MO: Really, why are you making me miserable?

SB runs over and lifts up YSK.

SB: Lady, What do you think you are doing? Who are you? Why did you push my mom down? Mom, are you ok?

YSK: I'm ok SB. This lady is here looking for you.

SB: What?

Uncle: You haven't changed a bit still so careless.

YR thinking to herself: When are dad and mom coming back?

Door bell rings

CB: Sorry, I'm busy at work can't leave earlier.

Uncle: It's alright, HS, congratulation on your marriage.

HS: Thank you.

MJ: If I know this, I would have asked you come a little later… Hungry yet?

Uncle: It's ok

MJ: SIL... What is this? Where did she go? The food is prepared half way thru...

YR: Back to her own family.

MJ: What?

YR: After receiving the phone call from her family, she dropped everything and ran out.

MJ: She really!!

SB: Who are my biological parents? Who am I? Who is my father and who is my mother, do you know?

MO: SB, first of all, your name is SJ, KSJ...


MO: According to SB's bio-mother, she lost you at the beach of Chochu when you were 4 years old. She frantically looked and couldn't find you. (shows her the picture)

SB: I have the same pair of sandals.

TP: That's right, I've seen the sandals.

MO: The sandals you see on this picture, I brought them for you. To SJ.

YSK: Then, who are you?

HS: It's me, SB. Where are you now?


MJ grabs the phone from HS

MJ: Where are you? At your parents?

SB: Yes, Mom

MJ: Come back at once. Are you normal or insane, do you know there are relatives here? How can you leave without saying a word? Get back here immediately.

SB: Mom, I'm sorry, I can't go back right now.

MJ: What do you say?

SB: I'll explain when I come back in a little while... I'm sorry.

MJ: Right now you have no respect of whatever I say. Come back now!

SB: I'm sorry, mom.

SB hangs up the phone

MJ: Hello, hello, hello. Goodness, pretending not to hear a word from her MIL, making decision for everything on her own. Yes, she's married now, nothing to be afraid of. Can't let her go wild like this with no control, otherwise, she'll get used to it.

HS: Mom, there must be a reason why she can't make it back.

MJ: Shut up, you talk back to me when you just witness how you wife treats me.

YSK: Why you don't respond when I ask who you are? Who are you anyway?

MO: I'm a friend of SJ’s mother.

DJ: Mom's friend.

MO: Yes.

GM: Did you say her mom frantically looked for her, why only a friend shows up then? Where are my grand-daughter's parents? In U.S.?

MO: Deceased. Her biological dad passed when SJ was young, and her biological mother passed from illness in US while she was on her way looking for SJ. Her last wish was to see SJ but she passed and her wish was never fulfilled.

YSK: SB] [sB: Mom]

MO: Don't be disappointed, I'll take care of you. Your mom and I are the best of friends, there is practically no difference between us. Friends are just a figure of speech; we are just like one individual. I will care for your future; I will let you know how much your mom loves and misses you! Love you, really love you, and so miss you! Your mom said to convey this to you.

SUB: Go, leave! Leave by yourself.


SUB: Don't turn around; I don't want you to see me. My answer is not #1or # 2.

NKW: Are you saying you don't want me to go? Then, I won't leave.

SUB: No, you leave. Try your best, fulfill and do what your heart desires, then come back. This is my answer.

DG tries to call YS but her phone is turned off, unable to locate your whereabouts. He worries about YS because her last call to him sounds desperate and urgent.

SUB: I'm back.

DG: Sub, you mom is not back yet, no calls from her and her phone's turned off.

SUB: When she's in some functions with friends, she usually turns her phone off.

DG: It's not like that; she called me earlier and sounded desperate.

SUB: Wait a little longer, I'm sure there are times mom enjoys herself without anyone's interruption.

YS: So sad to see the fallen leaves, it resembles the ends of my life. That's right; my life shouldn't end like this. YS writes her "to do lists" before she dies:

#1 Making sure SUB marries NKW

#2 Do the utmost possible to help SUB becoming the best leading kitchen designer.

#3 Take care of SUB's health

She turns the phone on and DG picks up the signal from her location

MO: I apologize for showing up suddenly.

YSK: No, not at all, I was too excited and jumping to conclusion.

MO holding SB's hands: I'm sorry, didn't bring good tidings to you, but seeing you have a loving family taking care of you, my heart, no, I'm sure SJ's mom in heaven can rest in peace.

TY: SB, are you going home now?

DJ: TY, you take her home.

MO: If it is alright with SB, I can drop her off on my way.

DJ: No, it's not necessary; she has two strong brothers here.

TP: I'll go

MO: No, I'll take her home on my way back. The weather is so cold, here, put this on, let's go SB

SB: Dad, mom, GM, I'll go with madam.

GM: SB, make sure you call home often.

MO and SB leave

YSK: I don't know what is going on, I have a feeling that fog and clouds are clearing up. SB's certainly saddened and hurt to know her bio-mom passed away like that.

MO: Do you have any memories of your Mom? Her look, passed experiences with your mom, anything you could remember?

SB: I remember some when I was little, but memories gradually faded out. How does my mom look?

MO: Well, how should I put it? You have her nose and...

SB: It's here; you can stop the car now. Thank you for taking me home.

MO: Wait a minute, call me for anything, anytime.

SB: Yes, and thank you for taking me home.

(SB runs to the front door)

SB: Mom (MJ)


(MO overhears the conversation between SB and MJ)

MJ: You make me very angry, even rebellion has its limit. We have invited guests in the house and the SIL ran out the door.

SB: Actually, this is not the way it is.

MO: I don't know how you live the last 20 years, what you've learnt about family education. Just the fact of thinking you are around me and I have to teach you, is driving me to dark hell.

YR: Hey, you are ridiculous, when the guests left; you pick the right time to come back. Don't want to do any work. Uh. You will die in my mother's hands.

MJ: Don't say anymore, go in. You are a shame to our neighborhood.

HS: I'll pick SB up.

MJ: No need.


MJ: If you persist to act according to your own will, get out right now.

CB: You are wrong today. Yes, even after your honeymoon, how can you run away when we have guests here?

SB: Dad, mom, it's not like that.

MJ: Alright, let me hear how you defend yourself. Let me see what kind of excuses you come up with.

SB: Someone with the news of my bio-parents comes to our house.

HS: Really, so you go to meet that person?

SB: But, my parents are deceased. While looking for me my mom got sick and passed away not too long ago.

HS: I'm sorry, sorry, SB

MJ: Bring her upstairs and rest.

SB: HS, what am I to do?


SB: Can't blame her for losing me anymore, can't even see her when I want to, My mom, thought of me and missed me so much.

HS: I'm sorry, SB. times like this, don't know what to do. Sorry.

YS writes: Before my last day comes, love KDG.....

DG: You! Do you know how worried I am? How long I've been looking for you? Not a word from you, you want to see me go crazy?

YS: When I called you, you said you were busy, and neglected me. You know when you are busy, you always forget your wife.

DG: What are you doing here? You'd been to the hospital, is something wrong?

YS: What can go wrong, I'm healthy live to a thousand years

DG: Thank you YS, thank you for being alright. Don't scare me like this anymore, don't go anywhere anymore.

Loan shark collector: Dr. C, long time no see, we're looking for you, overdue on money owed and you submerge under the ocean.

SK: What submerge...? I'm very busy with my business and temporary out of touch only.

Collector: If you don't pay, you will die in my hands.

SK: Of course, I'll pay you... Money is going to your account the day after tomorrow. You will be paid the fastest way possible, ok?

Gangster: Fine, 3 days. If you disappear again, I'll see to it you submerge underground. Hear that!

SK: Dirty gangster, it's only $5,000.00 what's the big deal? How in the world I'm going to get $5,000.00. Yes, CMO!

HR: Mom's friend comes by to the house?

SY: Yes, and a big commotion, but you know mom, this friend of SB's mom is extremely wealthy; she brought a big box full of money filled to the top.

HR: It's too bad, if only SB could see her before the marriage, so pity and so sad.

SY: Isn't that the truth. Seeing what happened to SB today, there is no unrevealed secret that cannot be revealed. Mom, if that jerk, SK comes to see me, what am I going to do? I'm so afraid to run into him, I don't even want to go out anymore.

HR: Afraid of what? Did you do anything wrong? What that jerk did to you is criminal. Why do you have to hide from that jerk? You are too kind hearted, don't worry. If that jerk has 1 ounce of conscience left, he wouldn't show his face before you. Don't worry about it.

SY: Is it going to be alright?

HR: Make sure you keep this from TY and YH. Even though this happened before you met TY, but it's better for your relationships if your hubby doesn't know. You know what I mean, right?

YR: Breakfast is ready. I thought after crying all night, you can't get up this morning or because you are at your hubby's family, can’t show that you are tired. Also, do you think it is possible your mom didn't lose you but actually deserted you and purposely abandoned you? It is obvious, look, you mom's friend has no problem finding you and why didn't your mom find you before her death?


YR: Whoa, you want to fight. Did I say something wrong? Get mad so early in the morning.

SB: Put yourself in my position, would you be happy if someone makes casual remarks toward your parents. In fact, your remarks are to the deceased....

YR: Ok, maybe a little overboard. What about this? You mom died from some sickness or disease, if it is hereditary, it would be horrified that you could spread the bacteria around our house. (SB pours water on YR)

SB: Didn't I tell you to say no more? Be careful what you say.

YR: You crazy? Pull water over me. Mom!!

HS walks down

HS: What is it? SB, what happens? KYR

YR: Me what, didn’t you see she pulls water over me? Don't yell at me, why do you stand on her side?

HS: What her, her? Address properly.

YR: Oppa,

MJ: How come so loud? What is this? What is going on?

YR: Mom, look at me, those two are crazy.


MJ: HS, you stay out of this. Did you do it? You pulled water over YR. Even you have no one to teach you, there is a limit to everything. You make a big commotion the first morning at your husband's home. Hurry, apologize to YR.

HS: No, no apology needed. It's obviously YR's fault. You remember this, if you make any more casual remarks about SB, I won't leave it alone and do nothing.

MJ: HS, you.

HS: And mom, SB doesn't have energy to do all the housework in the house, go find a maid to help.

SB: HS, sorry. Let's go up first.

MJ: Goodness! This is crazy, crazy!! Yea, before I find someone that suits me, let my DIL do everything in the kitchen.

SB: HS do me a favor

HS: What? Say it.

SB: It's no news to you that your mom and sister don't like me. Things don't happen overnight. They hate me, but from now on, I will work harder at it and try to get along better with them; because we are a family now. When you stand up for me like just now, it makes my life even harder.

HS: But I only.

SB: Believe me once, I want to use my own effort, HS if you want to help me, trust me.

HS: Ok, but, if you are too tired, don't do no more, and tell me about it, ok.

SB: Ok, I'll do that.

MO: Yes, honey, I've found my daughter. No, not yet, I haven't told her I'm her mother. Honey, I want to stay with SJ a little while longer, I want to make up for all the missing years that a mother should do for a daughter. Then, what I'm going to do? I know, don't worry, I take my medication on time, yes, who am I, I'm CMO. ok, ok, bye.

DJ: I'll see you out today, you are the one always see me out before. Feel like an unemployed.

YSK: What you mean unemployed? You work at home.

DJ: Yes, if you need anything call me, TP and I are on call 24 hours a day.

YSK: Yes, MIL are you going to work?

GM: Yes, ready to go. Our first day at work, don't be late.

Phone rings

YSK: Hello

MO: This is CMO, are you home now?

YSK: Yes, what's the matter, now?

(At the shop)

MO: This is pretty.

YSK: its ok

MO: Looks like the strapless is better; give me the hand held only.

YSK: Wow, so expense, don't bag it, it's ok, I don't need it.

MO: Don't push it away; you'll make me feel bad. Here, charge it and onetime payment please.

YSK: I don't understand the reason you are doing this, I feel so uneasy. Ms. C. are you always this head strong and "do-as-you-please" personality

MO: I see this hand-purse agrees with you and you look nice with it. Ok, I'm wrong; I'll take it back for refund. Ok, now.

YSK: In law.

MJ: How are you in law.

(MJ and MO meets face-to-face)


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Guest misscristinej0y

Thank yousweetheart0085, 46527eu4!!!!

I hope something happens to YR & MJ soon! Like chasing after SB and fall into a pot hole and aren't found for days and when they are, they are all covered in mud and dirt and look horrendous!

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