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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

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Guest lantawmako

^ Thanks for the preview link

Looks like SB doesn't really care about her real mother

*sigh* That hug from HS is nice but she needs to hug him back...what's with the arm hanging down all the time?! -_-

OK, maybe Yoona is shy and is selective who she can be comfortable with. The darn directors can't see her arms just hanging on the side? Lift them up and remind her to reciprocate.

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Guest bluemoon1st

Aish there's rumor going around that they're going to extend YAMD to mid-jan. I honestly don't know why cause it seems like the script writers are running out of things to do with the darn drama T.T.

Nooooo....they must be joking :wacko:

For those of you who have not watched tonight's episode it is up at the same youku site.


My thoughts on tonight's episode, Saebyuk looks exhausted <_<

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Aish there's rumor going around that they're going to extend YAMD to mid-jan. I honestly don't know why cause it seems like the script writers are running out of things to do with the darn drama T.T.

wahhhhh not until mid january :( ...i wanna yoona back with SNSD as soon as possible...she needs more rest before comeback with their new album...i think it will be enough if she just stop filming right now and just continue with remaining episodes with wonderful and happy ending...

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Guest XiahxTiffany

guys should be more enthusisatic about YAMD

its going to get better :) maybe not yet but hopefully soon

im enjoying the show :) so i think others should too

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^ Thanks for the preview link

Looks like SB doesn't really care about her real mother

*sigh* That hug from HS is nice but she needs to hug him back...what's with the arm hanging down all the time?! -_-

philzeta translated...

Woman: Are you here to see me?

Sb: What do you think you're doing here?

Woman: Mom just wanted to clear some misunderstanding.

Sb: mom?

Sb's mom: If Sb's biological mother passed away...

Sb: I have only one mother.

An hour later, philzeta correct translated...

Sb's mom: I am the only mother of Sb.

Sb: The woman outside is the only mother I have.

Sb's mom: I protect my own daughter.

Woman: I am your real mother.

Sb: Don't call yourself my real mother.

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Guest kbmoon87

i said it before and i'm going to keep saying it. i hate yuri's character. in fact, if i saw her in real life, i don't think i could hold back the urge to punch her in the face. haha..

got to give the writers prop on making characters portray and certain mood to audiences.

episode 145 is like the clash of the biotches

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Sorry guys. I won't be able to do the early capture from KBS-Able all this week.

I hope to resume next week.

YAMD 145 [Ental rip. skyeler's source]

YouTube: ----

VEOH LQ: ----

VEOH HQ: ----

YAMD 146 Preview [full-screen viewable]

YouTube: -----

VEOH: ---------


NOTE: First available YAMD full-screen previews are usually on
l00bia's YouTube Channel


Original text:

146회 :: 2008년 11월 26일 수...

미옥은새벽을 지켜주고 싶지만 그럴수록 민정은 성화고 영숙과 새벽도 미옥이 반갑지 않다. 윤희는 상기의 모습이 보면 볼수록 실망스럽고, 소영은 하루하루 태영에게 상기의 존재를 들킬 날이 다가오는 듯하다. 한편 경우는 마지막으로 수빈에게 아프리카 봉사활동을 같이 떠나줄 것을 청하고 수빈은 연실의 반대에도 불구하고 흔들리는데......

Translation: Korean (automatically detected) » English

146 times: to November 26, 2008 ...

I want to keep the miok morning, the more people I have in the morning and miok youngsuk seonghwago this is not welcome. Above his bolsurok disappointed to see that this yunhui upset, soyoung above the day-to-day existence of Tricia seen to be closer to the day. The last time the volunteer work with Africa to subin tteonajul against the desires subin and shake them for rejecting the yeonsil ......

YAMD streaming, including E-Subbed episodes 001-105 from SoShi-Subs, with permission for viewing and HQ download from VEOH.

SoShified 096-105: -

MySoju: ---------------


VEOH 001-100: ------

VEOH 101-145: ------


YouKu 001-144: -----

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Aish there's rumor going around that they're going to extend YAMD to mid-jan. I honestly don't know why cause it seems like the script writers are running out of things to do with the darn drama T.T.

Oh, no the writer/PD should not prolong our agony. I hope they finish this up & start the new drama. I want to see YAMD take a bow with at least half of us here in the thread.

I can't help but compare the acting of the two leads in the KBS drama that ended last night, the Matchmaker's Lover. Of course, Kim Ji-hun & Kim Min-hee are more senior than PJJ & Yoona, but the roles they portrayed did not demand high-flying dramatic scenes but a realistic performance of ordinary lovers. KJH & KMH acted their roles convincingly, like real lovers, behaviors normal to two people in love ... when they talk, they talk like there are only the two of them in the world, & when they hug, they hug with closed eyes & hold each other tight. They look into each other's eyes like they're reading each other's minds with understanding. I'm not saying PJJ & Yoona should kiss passionately the way the ML lovers kissed ... no, not at all, but at least please give us the benefit of watching a true-to-life behavior between newlyweds. They were just married for about a week? As mentioned earlier by other posters of this thread, what is SB doing with those loosely hanging arms as HS hugs her, no feelings at all. What is she communicating to the viewers? NOTHING! SB is first a wife to HS before she is a daughter, a sister & a DIL. That's her primary duty.

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dont get me wrong i love the show i really do but i think. the way is going now some are losing interest. at the moment im watch it for the sake of just trying to find out the ending

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Guest kbmoon87

i can finally realize why most dramas end their shows when the main couple gets married because afterwards, the story really just drags and that little interesting bit that keeps fans hopeful, diminishes.

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Aish there's rumor going around that they're going to extend YAMD to mid-jan. I honestly don't know why cause it seems like the script writers are running out of things to do with the darn drama T.T.

^ You have got to be kidding me?

There is nothing left to do with the storyline...seriously :wacko:

The only thing I can think of that could cause this to be true is all the extending KBS has done. Which has led to the writers injecting the strange sub-plotlines we have been seeing which caused the whole thing to get out of hand and now they can’t finish the main plotline properly (since MJ still has this intense hatred of SB) without some extension.

The only thing to extend this further is getting SB pregnant which considering the way things are going with the acting would be a bit weird since HS and SB act stiff around each other. I’m sure most of us on this thread would be scratching our heads going when the heck did that happen when they can’t even hug properly? :blink:

*View points/questions on eps 145*

-What did MJ say to SB during the veggie fight?

-HS never fails to put a smile on my face. :wub: I loved his phone call to SB. It seems those two show more chemistry when they talk on the phone then when they are facing each other. (It’s got to be age issue between those two…though in the beginning when HS and SB had that dinner date and SB was trying to break up with him with those 8 Rules I thought they were really cute. That’s one of my favorite scenes :rolleyes: )

-TY and Sangki going bra shopping was hilarious. :lol:

-evil…evil…evil…MJ :tongue2: (exactly what has to happen for her to change her mind)

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Guest lantawmako

Sorry guys. I won't be able to do the early capture from KBS-Able all this week.

I hope to resume next week.

Thanks Ahoxan we are grateful no matter what. Anyway we are not that anxious to watch Cruella. We can wait in the evenings when we don't have coffee cups to throw in our computer screens. :)


-What did MJ say to SB during the veggie fight?

I can't help but I wish that the kimchi sauce spilled over MJ's back instead of on their guest. MJs character stinks. The smell of kimchi is like perfume compared to MJ's character.

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Guest soccer08

In the preview it seems that saebyuk don't want to recognize her biological mother. for me it's kinda weird because in the previous episodes she even went and ask if someone is looking for her in the orphanage and she wanted to know who her real family was. then now that her real mother is there she don't want it and it seems she's mad at her.

both real and adoptive parents of saebyuk and love and take care of her... it is much better that way... because now all the love that she was deprived with is all there at her hands... hose, kim's family and her real mother. she should be happy... and take advantage of that... hahaha!

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Guest kawaiiyuki2

I didn't know if they should extend it. I think 160 is good because the script won't be able to hold up if it goes any longer. We're already having trouble and we're only up to 145.

OMG, i just noticed that the guy who plays NW in this drama is also in By land and Sky (high as the sky, wide as the earth) :blush:

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umm.. hahah just had a weird thought since sb life is so unknow it would be weird if we find out that HS and SB is some how connected/related ewwww.. or something like that ey that would make the show at least interesting.

ricegirl you mention them having kids hahah thought about that i was like umm.. have they even done it yet!!??!!

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Guest cynstar.

as tepid as this storyline has become, i hope those writers know what their doing by extending the series.

i can feel a crazy plot twist coming out of it(or its really gonna hurt watching this lol).

im kinda irritated by the aside stories of the adults. not that this drama needs more comic relief... but isn't it supposed to be centered around HS & SB? nothing's really happened since they got married...

and the acting thing, i still dont know if its the acting, or its just the character of SB that always seems so scared & frigid when interacting with HS. doesnt look like a girl in love to me lol

i'm just waiting for more of those cliche kdrama splurge of emotion back huggin' moments.

i dont think their having kids anytime soon, poor couple hasn't even kissed yet lol

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Guest winghlau

Looks like KBS is running out of show/drama to telecast. Just notice that they repeat YAMD twice instead of once now.

Like everyone mentioned, HS & SB as a newly married couple is really lacking in passion not even warm from SB.

The supposedly biological mother of SB just waltzes in and claims SB as her daughter. No explanation why she abandoned SB as a little child. Would like to know why she left and why she came back. Most probably the writer throws in this character to prolong the drama for another 10 episodes.

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