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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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I think BJ was fired. She was carrying a luggage when she stopped by to see SB. I didn't understand the conversation but it looked like MJ let her go. I think she was even trying to pay off her debts with SB but SB didn't accept the money. MJ has a new maid. Her name is Sabyeuk (sp)

I see ... was Bokju fired in 141? I watched 141 but only parts 1 & 4 as posted by ahoxan ... poor SB, she's not over the worse yet. I'm sure YR will be as rude to her as her MIL is ... though SB was not treated like a princess in the Kim house, YS & SY prepared the meals & did laundry ... there was no scene where SB worked like a maid in her own house. HS better look into this or else he is one useless husband. He should be true to his promise to protect SB against anyone who hurts her, including his own family.

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I see ... was Bokju fired in 141? I watched 141 but only parts 1 & 4 as posted by ahoxan ... poor SB, she's not over the worse yet. I'm sure YR will be as rude to her as her MIL is ... though SB was not treated like a princess in the Kim house, YS & SY prepared the meals & did laundry ... there was no scene where SB worked like a maid in her own house. HS better look into this or else he is one useless husband. He should be true to his promise to protect SB against anyone who hurts her, including his own family.

BokJoo was fired and kicked out immediately after the wedding because MinJung found out that BokJoo was SaeByuk's longtime friend.

In episode 141, BokJoo met with SaeByuk and tried to return some money. SaeByuk refused to accept it since BokJoo is having a hard time and is currently staying at the sauna.

Sorry you couldn't access part 2&3. All parts were uploaded and available 2 hours after the episode aired. You can try again and it will probably work. The VEOH version in HQ and LQ are also available now. You should be able to access it from the Philippines.

YouTube: ---- http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=XzJGTnXMYTc&...&playnext=1

VEOH LQ: ---- http://www.veoh.com/videos/v16669217BQ989Nda

VEOH HQ: ---- http://www.veoh.com/videos/v16672883xFCXhkjr

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Guest lantawmako

I see ... was Bokju fired in 141? I watched 141 but only parts 1 & 4 as posted by ahoxan ... poor SB, she's not over the worse yet. I'm sure YR will be as rude to her as her MIL is ... though SB was not treated like a princess in the Kim house, YS & SY prepared the meals & did laundry ... there was no scene where SB worked like a maid in her own house. HS better look into this or else he is one useless husband. He should be true to his promise to protect SB against anyone who hurts her, including his own family.

I was just guessing :)

How could HS remember his promise? The writers can't remember what they wrote 2 episodes ago. The characters were never consistent. Just take YR as an example. She felt bad and even hugged SB when she was drunk, now she is a total b--ch.

There were times when HS and SB showed tremendous improvement with their acting. (my opinion of course). But theres never any consistency on their character. I don't think they have enough scenes together to make them get comfortable with each other and thus help make their acting look natural. (and improve the chemistry between them) Thanks to all of you guys, I started watching Pure 19. (spent a lot of sleepless nights of course) The main female lead was always true to her form. She behaved and made decisions consistent with her character. She and the male lead spends a lot of time together. The male lead visits her often after work and he always sought her even at work. He made excuses to see her or spend time with her. HS and SB if we are lucky will normally have a total of 5 minutes together per episode out of 35. Its normal for me to ask myself after watching an episode of YAMD "what the hell was that?" But here I am, still around hoping that this drama will come around. So maybe I should really not complain too much. BUT I CAN'T HELP IT! :fury:

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Guest seonnie

YR- TP and SB-NKW had their kiss scene already. What about HS-Saebok??????? They loved each other early in the beginning of the movie :wacko: :wacko:

i agree! except its just that in real life the actors have like a 10 age difference so maybe its something about that. because if there wasnt something stopping the writer then the kiss would have been so many eps back. now its to late bcuz there married and its not like a boyfriend girlfriend love spark thing :( ah, oh well. the kiss is all the matters, hope to see it soon.

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I think we should just accept that there may never be an actual kiss scene b/w HS and SB, a least not one without a trick of the cameras. The 'age difference' excuse is really grating my nerves too and for that I blame everyone involved in this drama. If you're 18 and don't want to kiss a man 11 yrs older than you, then don't take the job. Notice, no one is up in arms about the couple from Painter Of The Wind and while I'm not watching that show, from pictures I'm po.si.tive that he's eons older than her. Granted, that actress is actually a true profession and also an outstanding actress but still. (Edited bc I really have no clue if they are love interests in that drama or not, so forgive me if I'm wrong).

Also, a lot of people are saying MJ is even worse than Mrs. Park of Pure 19. IMO, there is no comparison, Pure 19 is my fav long Korean series and there were times when Yunhu's mum was a trial and a half but I could always understand and sympathize with her actions. Yes they were sometimes cruel but they were no where near the level of evilness that is MJ. In fact, what is her intention? Is she hoping to have SB divorce HS? Wouldn't that bring shame to her family? If she wasn't willing to at least try and accept her then she should have fought the union to the very end.

And my last rant for this post. HS is a grown man with a big job in a company and making what I assume is good money. I know it's a Korean thing but why didn't they move into their own place? Your mother-in-law hates you, why subject yourself to all that hostility voluntarily? This may have been addressed in recent eps but seeing as I speak 5 words of Korean I might have missed it.

Oh- and what is with the scene with the others on wedding night?

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Guest sweetheart0085

Translations for EP 130 END

Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 130

At the apartment

TP: YR, where are you? Why are U doing this to me? (phone rings)

BJ: TP oppa, YR is found

TP: What? Where is she? Yes, I'm on my way.

Female TL: Sub, I don't know that U are a good drinker, this is already over 10 rounds

Male TL: Becuase U've never drink with us, so U don't know. Sub has her mind made up today, look she can surely drink.

SUB: I'm glad that our new line of products shows a very good sale record, all of our hard work pays off. Everyone, enjoy the nite and have fun.

Female Tl: I'm going to sing.

Male TL: No, let me sing first.

HS: Regarding the last incidence, let me apologize to you.

NKW: We were both drunk, I'm sorry too.

SUB: Let's have another drink

NKW: I'm going to the washroom

HS to SUB: take it slowly, look like U are already drunk

SUB: Now U guys are inlaws, how do u both feel? Love so deep, can't break up from each other, how do you feel now as in laws?

SB: We are not the first two ended up as inlaws anyway, what is there to talk about?

SUB: HS, can I trouble U to take me back to my room please? It's OK ,sorry, looks like I've said the wrong words.

HS: SUB, get up

HS: take some rest.

SUB: HS, I'm very uncomfortable, my head hurts. Please get me some medicine from the refrigerator please.

HS: here, get up, drink this and go to sleep

HS: SB, it is not like that, sorry SUB. (He runs after SB)


NKW: What have U done?

SUB: What?

NKW: What have U done that made SB ran out the room.

Sub: What do you mean?

NKW: What do you think? When a woman never gives up her first love... I don't want to get involved with this anymore.

Sub: Who the hell do you think you are, get mad at me like that, who the heck are U? Blame me for something I didn't do.



SB: Let go of me, don' touch me

HS: Please let me explain, is not like that

SB: Then, what is.

HS: Let me explain, Sub is drunk and said she is very uncomfortable and wanted me to get her some medication, I gave her the med, and that is all to it.

SB: Don't explain anymore, I don't want to hear, I don't care.

HS: If you don't care, why did you run away like that? why did you run with a big hurt look on your face, why fled if you don't care? SB!

SB: Yes, I admit, honestly, I don't want to see it. I have already broken up with u, and yet I act like an idiot fool, feel jealous when I see you and SUB embracing and getting close together. I hate myself like that, can't control my own feelings, keep on telling myself it's over, telling myself I have already gotten rid of you from my mind, but I notice and care about your every word and every act. I am still so much in love with you and still have this deep affection for you.


p.s. Today's episode was soo funny^^

with the exception of MJ.

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Sorry you couldn't access part 2&3. All parts were uploaded and available 2 hours after the episode aired. You can try again and it will probably work. The VEOH version in HQ and LQ are also available now. You should be able to access it from the Philippines.

YouTube: ---- http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=XzJGTnXMYTc&...&playnext=1

VEOH LQ: ---- http://www.veoh.com/videos/v16669217BQ989Nda

VEOH HQ: ---- http://www.veoh.com/videos/v16672883xFCXhkjr

I checked just now & got a negative result ... "We're sorry, this video is no longer available" so it says. But thanks a lot ahoxan. I'm sure you are always concerned that everyone of us in the thread gets to enjoy the latest episode ... salute you for that!

Edit: YT doesn't carry 141 but I haven't tried VEOH.

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Thats precisly what I was talking about earlier..that the storyline has crossed all boundaries of probability into the relm of ,never EVER land! Ha! I mean c'on ppl, there 'may' be some things we may let slide out of respect and consideration towards your husband but if a MIL is as nasty/down right evil as MJ I would be nagging my husband till his ears fall off! Tolerating injustice is as good as envoking it!

And how can you bloody live under the same roof and not know what is going on??? I mean COME ON!! (thus our dear couple HS/SB=Clueless & Stupid).

But on a happier note..Ive done it again!! I've gotten more ppl to watch Pure19! Haaaaaaaaa!

A lot of wishful thinking but lets pray the bloke writing the miserable script graces us with a miracle in the last 20 concluding episodes! Oh but in the meanwhile somebody please poke my eyes out...

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The YT 141 links worked for me just now. All 4 parts.

You're lucky ... it still doesn't work at my end. Enjoy the episode.

SB's "resurrected" mother may be MJ's match. She seems to be a daring hardened-by-experience lady & so she'll not tolerate MJ's arrogance & abusive treatment of her long-lost daughter.

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Guest Alimard

Also, a lot of people are saying MJ is even worse than Mrs. Park of Pure 19. IMO, there is no comparison, Pure 19 is my fav long Korean series and there were times when Yunhu's mum was a trial and a half but I could always understand and sympathize with her actions. Yes they were sometimes cruel but they were no where near the level of evilness that is MJ. In fact, what is her intention? Is she hoping to have SB divorce HS? Wouldn't that bring shame to her family? If she wasn't willing to at least try and accept her then she should have fought the union to the very end.

This is my first time responding in this thread and that's because I happen to agree with the above statement. Pure 19 is my fave Korean series and yes Yunhu's mom was a total trip but at least you felt the love she had for her kids. Whatever she did, as an audience you felt it. She was doing it because she loved her kids and she only wanted the best for them. MJ just comes off as controlling IMO. Everything that's done by each family member has to have her approval. If it doesn't have her approval, then no way. I also blame her husband for this. If he didn't give into her every command, then she wouldn't be like that. At least in Pure 19, the father was there to put down his foot on certain matters. The mother always knew how far she could push the envelope.

Also many of you say that there's a big improvement in the acting of PJJ and Yoona, I really hope so. Cause right now here in New York they are showing epi 100, I don't feel the love. They look so awkward around each other. It looks forced. I hope that greatly improves by time I get to see the wedding.

BTW, I'm rewatching Pure 19 on the web, and I happen to notice that the actress that plays Yuri played the younger sister's friend. It would be cool if she played the same character, then that would explain the whole fake pregnancy chaos. If that was the case then Yuri would probably reason, 'well it worked for my friend and she got to marry her guy and now she's living happy, so I guess it could work for me.' Then if Yuri knew Yunjeong then maybe Hose would know Yunhu. Yunhu could give Hose some tips on how to make his mother accept a DIL she doesn't approve.

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Guest babymarzy07

oooohhh i see sashe! from the pure 19 thread. waves!! :)

i guess its an understatement that u dislike this one..

i know where ur coming from too..

robbo has a point too. yeah it was ok at first and goes downhill, uphill, and somehow stuck

but heck im trying my best to keep interested. some parts are better than others.

not totally off. i guess id say the writers had some issues along the way?

and the continued extensions?

zaeya do u agree?

and i agree, Yunho's mom is actually understandable in some degree.

and was bit amusing to watch as well. and she grew to really be good to Gukhwa.

anyways, moving aside. i request the writers to pls pls make this a smooth ride to the ending.

and a pleasant one :)

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Loads of thanks to ahoxan ... I finally watched 141 via VEOH LQ.

I can understand the dissatisfaction coz I too feel what's lacking. I hope it will be better from 141 onwards. WE need to see the change in SB, that she be more affectionate not only in words but also in her behaviour as a wife. Those feelings are obviously absent in this drama where two people deeply in love as we are led to believe cannot survive without the other & yet there's no perceptible emotion of fondness & longing. Even their conversations that are supposedly intimate are so bland!

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Guest kbmoon87

yeah i agree Yun Hu's mother was never really a cruel person throughout the drama. Maybe because the actor that plays the mother (Yoon Yeo Jung) doesn't come off as a cruel person.

Hosae's mother is another story. She's so cruel to Saebyuk. In fact I feel like she doesn't even have a soft spot for her even though I know in the end she will. (since korean dramas are very predictable and the story lines are all the same) It makes it hard to see how she'll come to truly like Saebyuk and accept her as her daughter-in-law.

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Guest sweetheart0085

EPISODE 134 Translations

Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 134

SB: Madam, how are you, director, happy birthday.

MJ: Why are you here?

CB: HS, greet and give your regards to uncles and aunt

HS: How are you doing, uncles and aunt, this is my fiancé.

SB: Greetings! My name is KSB,

Uncle #1: Wow, what a beautiful girl. MJ, this girl is gentle and meek, she reminds me of you when you were young.

CB: Ok, I'm sure everybody is hungry, let's eat

MJ: What are u trying to do? Bring this big surprise to me, u really want to kill me with this.

CB: How can you say that, all along I want to communicate with you, you have been too stubborn. It's my birthday; I want to invite SB over.

MJ: So what, with all the relatives around, HS introduces her as his fiancé. He is trying to hand-cuff both my arms and legs.

CB: I have decided to accept SB as my daughter in law.

MJ: Honey.

CB: All the elders are outside, let's go out. If we stay here any longer, they will start to suspect something has gone wrong. Honey, I receive your blessings today, I also want HS and SB to receive your blessings.

MJ: Really, like father like son, you and HS both disregard my situation and forcing me against my will.

CB: sit down, sit down

HS: Mother

MJ: I've just made a phone call to the other aunt, she said she couldn’t walk very well and sorry that she couldn't join us.

CB: Thank you for coming out from your busy schedule for my birthday. Honey , thank you for preparing such delicious dinner.

SB: Here, a gift from me to you.

CB: Wow, a gift from my future daughter in law, I'm so happy, what could this be?

MJ: Stop it, you....... I'm afraid dusts will get on the table.

Aunt: Is YR joining us?

MJ: No, she has night classes, also after that wedding day, she hasn't been feeling very well. She's embarrassed to face you all after that incidence.

Aunt #1: When are you two going to get married?

MJ: Uncle, don't give them any pressure, there is no rush, and they are still young. Let them continue to date and get few more years of working experience before even considered talking about marriage. Isn't it right, SB?

HS: Even after we are married, I would not allow SB to stay home. SB is our Lohas' prominent leading designer, keeping her home is a waste of her talent.

CB: HS hasn't married and already displaying all the affection for his wife. You see, nowadays, young people are like that, they are not embarrassed in front of elders. Say what they want to say.

Uncle: We have a wonderful dinner.

CB: Thank you for coming

Uncle #1: HS, hope to attend your wedding within this year, OK!

CB: Go in and have a cup of tea before leaving.

SB: No, I 'd better go now. By the way, director, thank you for inviting me tonight.

CB: From now on, call me Dad.

SB: What? Yes.

CB: HS see SB out. Thank you for your gift.

CB: what are you doing?

MJ: Can't you see, we've been married all our lives, how could you treat me like that?

You and HS set this trap and let me felt into it. Fine! Do what you wish, if you want SB as your daughter in law, go ahead.

CB: Does this mean you are leaving from this family?

MJ: What? Isn't this the wish of everybody here?

HS: Mom

MJ: Give way.

HS: Mom, where are you going?

MJ: When did you ever care about me? After I left, you and your father can live with SB, whom he likes so much. This is the reason you set this up with your father. Isn’t it? Give way.

HS: Mom

CB: Let her go, let your mom do what she wants to do. Who can make her changed her mind? We've been asking her to show some consideration and bear this whole situation with a generous heart. How can anyone be so stubborn? Hard headed like bricks, can't get thru her.

MJ: I'm stubborn? As a mother, I 'd scarified my entire life, wishing to find the best partners for my kids and you said I am stubborn. FIne! This stubborn brick wall will leave. You all do what you want.

HS,YR: Mom, Mom.

CB: Don't mind her, let her go!. Your mother needs time to think things thru. If we keep her here, it could only make things worse. Where else could she go anyway? I'll look after her, you two don't bother with it anymore.

MJ: You think what I've done is all for myself, Fine, all is useless, useless!

YSK: That scumbag, bad-man Charles, lifted me high on the cloud and then dropped me down the cliff. I will never forgive you, never let you get off easily. But, what about my $300,000.00, what am I going to do?

DG comes back from outside.

DG: Good job, good job. Wasn't the plan was after the competition, you two supposed to fly for Africa. Where did that scumbag go? He left and U waited there by yourself.

YS: You shut up and be quiet. My hair is already on fire, don’t blow wind at me anymore.

DG: What? You've been practicing day and night, did he ask you not to compete? I, KDG 'd torn the airline ticket to pieces, so U couldn't go, is that it?

YS: KDG, it is all your fault. You'd always come between Charles and me, blocked the front entry, pulled my back legs,. This is what I ended up with. My innocent cotton farm venture dream, love, money fortune, hope are all shattered because of you. All my life, you've been the one sticking around me and now at my last ditch, you still are the one blocking me from my new life.

DG: Don't talk rubbish. You know, you're lucky that CL didn't con your money.

YS: Lucky what. Why brings this flower back, you rotted egg, rotted egg....

YS: Getting old is making me miserable, KDG is another disappointment. All I ask for is to live a life full of excitement and glamour’s.... but, what about my $300,000.00. Charles! you con-artist.!

DG: Come, come, have a drink and take some rest.

YS: You're happy now that I felt low like this. Happy right?

DG: How can you say something like that?. You felt low, what do you mean? You are still a shining star.

YS: Don't make fun at me.

DG: Let's have a drink and take a nap OK .......Owe, my YS sure can drink. Here, let's have a toss for our better tomorrow.

YS: What tomorrow? Do you think we still have a tomorrow? The only thing left for us to

talk about is DIVORCED.

DG: This dress you wear is like seeing a butterfly flipping her wings

YS: Butterfly? Last night the snow out there frizzed the butterfly to death.

DG: Look when you get mad, you look like you are in your 20's, lovely, lovely. My lady, let's dance, come.

YS: Don't play with me.

DG: I won't go to the cultural center anymore and you don't have to wear your ball-room dress anymore. We'll dance now to make up the competition you've missed today. Come.

YS: You're trying to take advantage of me when I'm drunk.

DG: Come, do you know I love you. I love only you.

YS: Rotted egg, you think I'd let you fooled me by only singing one love song . KDG, you are a rotted egg.. This is all your fault, only if you'd treated me better, told me that you'd love me.

DG: Isn't this obvious, you don't need to wear this on the lips.

YS: It's only few words, words that you don't have to pay for. Why is it so difficult to say? I've been so lonely all my life......(pushes DG on the floor) KDG, are you alright?

DG: Come! come!

HR: Did you find it?

SY: No. I put YH dad's letters right here, but they are gone. Mom, she must have seen the address on the envelope and went looking for her father.

HR: What?

SY: what if she'd really gone looking for her dad, what are we going to do?

TY: What, go home by myself?

SY: Yes, I have something to say to YH. I am sorry, TY, I'll sleep here tonight.

TY: Is YH alright?

SY: Of course, she is alright.

TY: So strange. It feels like you are hiding some secrets behind me. Where is YH now?

HR: You see, she is stressed out by the final exam, so I told her to take a walk around the blocks. SY hasn't acted like a mother to her lately, I hope you would understand the position she is in.. OK!

TY: Ok, mom, I understand. I'll go home and tell my parents, you stay with YH tonight.

SY: Thank you TY.

HR: Don't mention YH's biological father to TY, understand?

YH reads an envelope (flash back) a man's voice about the envelope:: This man seems to be in some big business venture, but what is your relationship with him.

SY: I want to talk to you.

YH: I'm tired. Let's talk another time.

To be continued tomorrow i hope^^

Oh, about the link on youtube for yamd, check my account there @


I have every episode from Ep 75 to 140, i will upload 141 tonight so its not there right now but will be soon.

Episode 90 to 134 part 1&2 now has translations attached to them thanks to many kind hearted and wonderful translators we have here and there.


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"Pure 19/Pure In Heart" is available on VEOH.

The complete series is in MQ, repacked from 167 "30 minutes" episodes into 122 "45 minutes" episodes.


I'm also a fan of "Pure 19". YunHou's mother acted mean in trying to protect and get the best for her children, while she was kinda cute and loveable. Her meaness was an act, and everyone saw through her act to see the sweet lady inside.

HoSae's mother acts mean and malicious because she looks down on other people. She claims to love her family, but she never considers their feelings or opinions. Her pride and her personal control of others are her overiding concerns.

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