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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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The timing of SaeByuk's application to Genie and the appearance of the design in the ad suggests that Genie's source for the design wasn't from SaeByuk's application. Application in episode 107, ad shown in episode 108... perhaps 1 day apart in real time? I think SaeByuk is going to Genie, at the end of Ep. 108, for the first face to face interview... not to start work as most of us initially assumed.

The other thing about the kitchen design in the ad... it looks more like SaeByuk's original submission for the contest than her most current design. It doesn't look like it has SaeByuk's innovative feature of a sliding table top to cover the sink.

I'm assuming that the time between SaeByuk's application and the appearance of the ad is about one to two day. It is highly unlikely, virtually impossible, for a company to decide to accept and use a design... and push through the design to the marketing phase within a couple of days.

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Good thinking ahoxan ... but aren't there companies that would require the applicant to submit past projects such as their designs to be used in evaluating their competency, though normally these are required during interviews or oral presentations as part of the screening process. Nowhere in the last 2 episodes showed that SB presented her designs, only an accomplished application form.

Yes, there's something fishy about the timing of SB's submission of her application, the release of the Genie advertisement with SB's design & her first day as a hired designer or as you surmised her appearance for an interview. It's like they have prior knowledge of her work at Lohas ... only Subin could have provided the info because the designs prepared by SB are in her possession ... if she is in cahoots with the Genie people whose only concern is rivalry with LOHAS then she thinks she'll be able to get what she wants all in one sitting ... destroy SB's reputation as a designer & leave her a failure in pursuing her dreams(Subin always rubbed this to SB's face that she'll never make it as a designer), make SB a traitor/bertrayer handing a trade secret to a competitor thus HS' family will again look down on her with disdain & an opportunist & finally sabotage Lohas' good name. Just my thoughts. <_<

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Guest jbigdog123

The timing of SaeByuk's application to Genie and the appearance of the design in the ad suggests that Genie's source for the design wasn't from SaeByuk's application. Application in episode 107, ad shown in episode 108... perhaps 1 day apart in real time? I think SaeByuk is going to Genie, at the end of Ep. 108, for the first face to face interview... not to start work as most of us initially assumed.

The other thing about the kitchen design in the ad... it looks more like SaeByuk's original submission for the contest than her most current design. It doesn't look like it has SaeByuk's innovative feature of a sliding table top to cover the sink.

I'm assuming that the time between SaeByuk's application and the appearance of the ad is about one to two day. It is highly unlikely, virtually impossible, for a company to decide to accept and use a design... and push through the design through to the marketing phase within a couple of days.

Great point. I was thinking about suggesting same thing as you this morning but things came up so I didn't get to finish my thoughts. Because of such a short period between SB's submittal of a job application and whatever she provided to Genie, it would be virtually impossible for Gernie to use whatever information provided by SB and come up with a product to advertise it. So, my thinking is that this display of a product that the Lohas design team was shocked about was an on-going development by Genie

Good thinking ahoxan ... but aren't there companies that would require the applicant to submit past projects such as their designs to be used in evaluating their competency, though normally these are required during interviews or oral presentations as part of the screening process. Nowhere in the last 2 episodes showed that SB presented her designs, only an accomplished application form.

Yes, there should be a face to face interview, in some cases, it may require two different interviews. During the interview, there will many questions regarding job experience and you then "brag" about what you've designed for the company and how your were able to meet the schedule/cost and how the company benefited from your design...etc

For example, first I was interviewed on the phone and then they provided a plane ticket (since it was in a different state) for a face to face interview. At the face to face interview, there were three senior engineers, a team manager, a department head, and a human resource representative. I was interview for 4 hours answering technical/engineering/process and 'what if scenario' questions, it was very grueling interview process.

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Guest lantawmako

Even if SB submitted the design to support her qualification, any company will still need consent from from her before they can publish it.

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Guest pckor7

The thot did cross my mind. I agree with Carmina. It could be all well be a sabotage by Soobin. Remember her saying at NKW's place after hearing the news from Yuri that HS wants to marry SB?

Soobin: I want to cut everything up, I want a revenge...Time like this what do I do?

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I agree with all your points! It's great that we are all able to share our thoughts and opinions about this drama, the plot and progress. I've learned a lot reading this forum everyday several times a day! However, I believe the owner of any design or logo is the entity that first registers the patent. I dont know about Korea, but in my country, if we want to use a certain name for a new product, we'd have to first do a search as to whether the logo/name is registered by any other entity.

With Subin, nothing is too low for her! But I think in the end, she will end up the biggest loser!

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Guest zaizai00

EP 108

SB and MJ scene









scene with SB and YS






SB talking to HS...



...which makes HS really happy







taepoong and yuri kiss scene (love it)



new hair style... (loving it!)





MJ's evil stare



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Guest shalala2008

The timing of SaeByuk's application to Genie and the appearance of the design in the ad suggests that Genie's source for the design wasn't from SaeByuk's application. Application in episode 107, ad shown in episode 108... perhaps 1 day apart in real time? I think SaeByuk is going to Genie, at the end of Ep. 108, for the first face to face interview... not to start work as most of us initially assumed.

The other thing about the kitchen design in the ad... it looks more like SaeByuk's original submission for the contest than her most current design. It doesn't look like it has SaeByuk's innovative feature of a sliding table top to cover the sink.

I'm assuming that the time between SaeByuk's application and the appearance of the ad is about one to two day. It is highly unlikely, virtually impossible, for a company to decide to accept and use a design... and push through the design through to the marketing phase within a couple of days.

I totally agree with Ahoxan. It would take a couple of months to have a new model approved and out the oarket.

Moveover, the new company that Saebyuk's working, is relatively big, it wouldn't release the new model (presumed to be Saebyuk's) from the new comer.

You guys remember in the episode that Saebyuk won the competition and Soobin accused her of copying somebody design? The whole management team agreed with Soobin, except HS. HS approved that it was impossible for SB to copy someone design because of the time that Saebyuk handed in the design and the time of the release of the design in the journal. This time, HS is not there anymore, who will help SB? Maybe, SB has to fight by herself this time.

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Guest shalala2008

Hi, this is the first forum i have ever joined. I enjoy reading your posts very much. Recently I posted my comment, but right under the "Member xxx", it has "Warning 0%..". What does it mean? Can someone help me to explain it. Thanks.

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Hi, this is the first forum i have ever joined. I enjoy reading your posts very much. Recently I posted my comment, but right under the "Member xxx", it has "Warning 0%..". What does it mean? Can someone help me to explain it. Thanks.

Hi shalala2008, welcome to soompi.com. We're very happy to see you here.

About the Warning 0%, it's a standard forum board function which every member will have their own status bar or warning indicator at their profile (located at the lefthand side). As members, we can only see our own warning indicator but not visible to others. If it's at 0%.. then, there's nothing to worry about. :) Almost everyone will have 0% warning except those constantly breaking the rules (Soompi rules/FAQ) or bringing troubles to the forum. The Moderators and Admins are the ones monitoring these "warning indicator".. but not to worry too much about it, let's just enjoy discussing and interacting positively.

Hope this helps explain your query, and enjoy posting & sharing at the thread/forum.

ps: thanks to Carmina for the highlight..

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Thanks rubie sis for replying to shalala's query ... you can answer it best coz you know the workings of the board. I didn't even know that warning indicator is only visible to the member user & is hidden from others. We need those kinds of info sometimes to make us aware of our warning status. :vicx:

Going to the YAMD, it just occured to me that SB is a new recruit of Genie so why did it bother to include her design in its advertisement, unless they have prior knowledge that her design is being used by a foreign buyer. Who can leak this info to them ... do they have a spy in Lohas out to pirate trade secrets ... :unsure:

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Guest jbigdog123

Going to the YAMD, it just occured to me that SB is a new recruit of Genie so why did it bother to include her design in its advertisement, unless they have prior knowledge that her design is being used by a foreign buyer. Who can leak this info to them ... do they have a spy in Lohas out to pirate trade secrets ... :unsure:

It will be interesting to see the story development of that design...

Is it really identical/similar to SB's design? Or is it just an assumption by the Lohas design team? Or is it just coincidental?

If it is identical design...

1. Is Genie aware of it?

2. How long has they been working on this design?

3. Did any of the information came from Lohas employee? If so, by whom? When? Why? and Who accepted the information from Lohas?

Lastly, all SB did was submit an online job application. She then gets a call from Genie for additional document (not sure what) but as far as I know, SB hasn't submitted that document yet, therefore, it is far fetch to say Genie's project had anything to do whatever was provided by SB.

I need to re-watch the ep 107 to see if I could understand what document SB was supposed to provide to Genie.

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Guest zaizai00

It will be interesting to see the story development of that design...

Is it really identical/similar to SB's design? Or is it just an assumption by the Lohas design team? Or is it just coincidental?

If it is identical design...

1. Is Genie aware of it?

2. How long has they been working on this design?

3. Did any of the information came from Lohas employee? If so, by whom? When? Why? and Who accepted the information from Lohas?

Lastly, all SB did was submit an online job application. She then gets a call from Genie for additional document (not sure what) but as far as I know, SB hasn't submitted that document yet, therefore, it is a far fetch to say Genie's project had anything to do whatever was provided by SB.

I need to re-watch the ep 107 to see if I could understand what document was SB was supposed to provide to Genie.

completely agree. I feel that the directors emphasized this similar design just to cause problems in SB's future at Genie. I'm not sure if genie will give her problems, but Lohas definately will, and not sure if Hose can help her out this time. For sure MJ will use this piece of evidence against SB even after she is proven to be innocent.

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It will be interesting to see the story development of that design...

Is it really identical/similar to SB's design? Or is it just an assumption by the Lohas design team? Or is it just coincidental?

If it is identical design...

1. Is Genie aware of it?

2. How long has they been working on this design?

3. Did any of the information came from Lohas employee? If so, by whom? When? Why? and Who accepted the information from Lohas?

Lastly, all SB did was submit an online job application. She then gets a call from Genie for additional document (not sure what) but as far as I know, SB hasn't submitted that document yet, therefore, it is far fetch to say Genie's project had anything to do whatever was provided by SB.

I need to re-watch the ep 107 to see if I could understand what document SB was supposed to provide to Genie.

For some reason, to me it seems like the whole time line is off. Like you said in your prior post you apply, then you're notied to come in for an interview, I had a panel of three to include the deputy director. No where in the show have we seen SB actually go for an interview. It seems as if she sees the annoncement, applies online, they ask for additional information and then she goes to work. I can't imagine a large company not interviewing and or testing a prospective employee and hiring them sight unseen. For the sake of argument, let's say she did give them the design, wouldn't it have taken them some time to research that it was hers? The lack of interview and timeline issue is driving me crazy :crazy:

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Guest jbigdog123

Just re-watched a scene where SB gets a phone call from Genie.

Genie representative told SB that they wanted to interview her...SB said she didn't attend a college and Genie rep asks her to provide her work history, SB concluded the conversation by saying she'll look for it.

So, based on their conversation and just an application submittal, it is safe to say SB hasn't provided anything related to a product that was advertised in the newspaper.

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The director/writer may be playing with the idea of corporate espionage.

During the episode where SooBin threw away SaeByuk's presentation materials, we learned that Lohas has had some problems. They installed CCTV and instituted a process where design material must go through a specific procedure for sanitizing and destruction. SooBin was caught because design material are not to be thrown in the trash on a whim.

Creative talents are head-hunted on a regular basis from competitors... but companies not involved in corporate espionage do not expect submission of previous projects from former employers. As JBigDog translated, prospective employers would expect a work history to be included on an applicant's CVs. A more detailed work history may be requested from applicants without graduate or post-graduate education.

I'm not sure where the director/writer are heading with this plot-line, if it is a plot-line. Some of the plot-lines they've used are too forced, and unrealistic. Truth is stranger than fiction. The fiction they've created may be entertaining... but bear little resemblance to truth. The forced blossoming of a relationship between SooBin and NKW is too unrealistic to happen anywhere outside a drama. Why would SooBin go to a virtual stranger to ask for tuition in the art of vengeance?..... Just another little puzzle I encountered as I watched episode 108. <_<

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YAMD Soft-Subs available.

YAMD 106:

YAMD 108:

YAMD 106:

YAMD 108:

Translations by JBigDog in the daily translations for each episode.

Synced to YAMD HQ from Ental... with daily download links provided by skyeler in this thread.

Subs are non-official. Please go to Soshified Forums for official subs.

[Hardsubed Episodes 001-086 available to those who donate or make a minimum of 50 posts on Soshified Forums]


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Guest zaizai00

YAMD Soft-Subs available.

YAMD 106:

YAMD 108:

Translations by JBigDog in the daily translations for each episode.

Synced to YAMD HQ from Ental... with daily download links provided by skyeler in this thread.

Subs are non-official. Please go to Soshified Forums for official subs.

[Hardsubed Episodes 001-086 available to those who donate or make a minimum of 50 posts on Soshified Forums]


I know this is asking a lot and I really thank you for providing the soft subs, but do you think that you could uploading the softsubs to megaupload or sendspace for those of us who can't download from mediafire...

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