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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

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Guest ValleeDamour

YAMD 163 [Ental rip. skyeler's source]

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VEOH HQ: -----

YAMD 164 Preview [full-screen viewable]

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VEOH: ----------


NOTE: First available YAMD full-screen previews are usually on
l00bia's YouTube Channel


Original text:

164회 :: 2008년 12월 22일 월...

민정이 실어증인 척 해왔다는 사실에 칠복과 호세는 크게 놀라고 호세는 새벽과 미국으로 떠날 결심을 굳힌다. 상기는 태영이 부러웠다는 것을 토로하며 윤희에게 그나마 부끄럽지 않은 아버지가 되려 하고, 대구는 연실을 데리고 위탁 아동을 만나러 간다. 새벽과 호세를 대동하고 공항으로 간 미옥에겐 아직까지 모든 것이 뜻대로 되고 있는데......

Translation: Korean (automatically detected) » English

164 times:: December 22, 2008 wol ...

Put it on the fact that people have been pretending to be a witness, Jose chilbok and greatly surprised by the decision of Jose guthinda the morning and the United States. Tae-Young is the envied, and the Toro above yunhui wants to be a father, and not only ashamed, Daegu yeonsil We're going to see with her foster child. Jose went to the airport and a great morning, and everything your way and still have a miok ......

YAMD streaming for all episodes,

including E-Subbed episodes 001-113 from SoShi-Subs for viewing and HQ download,

including Chinese-Subbed episodes 001-current from TuDou.

SoShified 001-113: ---
[Official SoShi-Subs Streaming Site]

VEOH 001-113: -------
[E-Subbed SoShi-Subs version]

VEOH 114-129: -------
[E-Subbed KBS-World version]

VEOH 114-163: --------

YouTube 075-162: ----
[RAW with English translation transcripts]


MySoju 001-121: -----
[E-Subbed SoShi-Subs & KBS-World versions]


TuDou 001-161: ------

YouKu 001-162: ------

Thank you so much, uncle Ahoxan. You are the best.

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So MJ is sick. SB will save her life. MJ will be greatful to SB and finally accept her as her DIL. wow. So, MJ will never be physically slapped, huh? Too bad. I really wanted to see that.

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My guess for the development of the plot will be tat MJ is truly sick - leukemia or whatever. Hence HS and SB cant bear to leave her for USA. Or both jus left and were called back coz of her illness. The writers will never make the couple leave permanently - otherwise there'll be no more drama! lol

So glad there's now a twist in the plot. there needs to be a big crisis for MJ to change her opinion of SB. hopefully the resolution will follow briefly and all's well ends well. And i do hope like Pure 19, the story between HS and SB wont jus end here but continues to show us sniplets of their offspring(s) and happy family life thereafter :)

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Guest kristycakes

HS and SB both leaving for the US will probably make MJ more pissed at SB cause she robbed her precious son.

Then she'll hate her even more

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Guest sweetheart0085


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 149

YSK and TP: SB

SB: Mom and Oppa, Did I startle you both?

TP: Why are you here?

SB: You left this in the office, here. What were you talking about, when I walk in the conversation is ceased?

TP: Oh, nothing, no big deal.

YSK: its cold my child, go in, I've just fried some octopus.

SB: Octopus (looks at her watch)

TP: Are you nervous? What? Your in-laws control you real tight?

YSK: Then, go home.

SB: No, my in-laws treat me very well, I haven't tried mom's cooking for a longtime, I'll eat some. Dad, GM, I'm here

MJ: Where is he? Hon.........

(MO and CB walk to the elevator)

MJ: What? Why is he with that woman?

CB: I'm grateful and thankful for the opportunity to meet people in that status.

MO: I'm only acting as a go-between and introduce the two parties to meet, in exchange I have to hold a home coming memorial art show. I probably need your help in the future.

CB: What can people like us be of any help to you?

MO: Ohh.. you are so modest

MJ: Ohh....heavens.....goodness....

(CB and MO enter the elevator) MJ: Where is he going, oh.....really.....?

CB: Thank you very much (his phone rings) excuse me!][MJ: Where are you right now?][CB: I'm busy, let me call you later.][MJ: I ask who is with you right now?][CB: I'm having lunch with a very important guest, bye now.][MJ: Hello.. what, a very important guest. Lie to me about seeing that woman, but, is there a reason to lie?](Door knocks) Waiter: Your guest is here

MJ: Hello!][Guest: It's not easy to meet with you artist C. and how are you?

CB: I'm KCB from Lohas.] [Mr.; Park: I'm Park XX, MS.C has told me about you. Sit down please.

MJ: What's going on? Why is he having lunch with this woman in a hotel? Maybe SB knows about this.

(calls home) ask your SIL to answer the phone.

YR: She's not back from work yet.

MJ: What? She's not home, hang up first(off the phone) See, this child promised to abide my schedule and violated on the first day. Fine, let me catch you on the spot you will see...

(SB runs home and her phone rings) SB: HS, is your mom mad?][HS: No, she's not here yet, where are you?][sB: Really, I'm almost home, I'll be there in 10 minutes.]

(SB runs home and changes to the apron that HS removes from his body.) SB: Not home yet?

HS: Yes, not yet. I've started dinner and almost ready.][MJ walks in) MJ: You are home.

HS: Mom, you are late.][YR: SB, no, SIL you are home]

MJ: You said earlier she's not home. ....after dinner is the flower arrangement class.

YR: Strange, I'm quite sure you weren't home.][sB: Oh.....this almost takes 10 years off my life. Thank you HS.][HS: Lucky, SB you go upstairs and fresh up first]

SK: BSY, today in front of your in laws you pretended not to know me, Let me call you out and see.

(SY brings a bag of garbage and is shock to see SY.) SK: So, you seem to have a good relationship with your in law's family.][sY: Are you threatening me?] {SK: I'm curious]

SY: How dare you come here. Get lost and leave!][sK: Are you afraid someone will see us together?

SY: What is there to be afraid of, my in laws know about YH.][sK: Good, I go and tell them I'm her dad]

SY drags SK shirt and struggling to pull him away from the house, DJ and TY return home.DJ asks who SK is, and TY introduces him as SY's distant cousin. SK leaves.

TY follows SK and warns him not to get closed to SY and his family. SK threatened to expose TY that he's not a professor like he claims. TY beats him up. SY calls her mother and worries that SK would make more troubles for her, HR reassure her she's going to settle with him. When SK comes back HR wants him out of the apartment SK said he'll show up at the shop and work for her. While SK is asking for a settlement amount, YH walks in[sK: I'll go into details with you about the amount when YH's not around, in the mean time, I need $30.00 to buy some under wears}

YS: SUB...,the plane is gone, my SUB, what's the use to raise a child, she's gone and left her mom.

NKW: SUB, are you ok?][sUB: of course, everything is good.][NKW: I've taken a long consideration before deciding for this trip, but not so in your case. I suggested recently and you've made this decision abruptly.][sUB: Yes, there are some unfinished business with the company, feel sorry for my parents, because I love you, I still want to leave with you.] (Then all of a sudden, SUB imagines YS is calling her and she answers)[NKW: Sub][sUB: Yes, what is it KW?] (NKW puts his scarf on SUB)[NKW: I let you keep it for me for a year until I come back] [sUB: NKW]

SUB walks to the lobby and sees YS crying and tells YS she couldn't go because of her mom. YS complains about pains and DG finds out she's in the hospital and worries YS is having an abortion.

DG runs to the hospital and finds YS and the baby are fine.

GM is wondering why MO doesn't come back for dinner. MO comes in with some fish cakes and passes them around.

MO: On my way back, I saw this fish cakes and remembered carrying SB on my back, one piece of this fish cake was all that I could afford for dinner. There are memories in the past, you just can't forget.

TP: Is poverty the only reason you deserted your child?

DJ: TP, watch your manners

TP: Am I wrong though, madam said lacks and destitution were the motives to abandon SB.

MO: I'm sorry to ruin everyone's appetite, I'm a little tired and excuse myself.

GM: What's that on the floor?

SY: Look!][GM: How come her hair falls like autumn leaves, if she keeps on losing hair like this, pretty soon she'll become bald.

MJ: Do you know anything about CMO, the friend of your bio-mom with the news of your parents?

SB: I've heard that they were very good friends

MJ: When did she go to U.S.? Is she married? Husband or children?

SB: That, I don't know.

MJ: Someone just brought the news of your parents to you, and you know nothing about her and let her stay in your home. Heard that she is a distinguished famous world renowned artist in New York, I'm very doubtful and suspicious, is your mom in that field of work as well?

SB: I'm not sure either. Mom, is this ok?

MJ: No, no, this is like a retarded woman putting flowers on her hair, a mess. Start all over again, pay attention to the flowers and take every arrangement to heart

YR: Dad is back.

MJ: First lesson in flower arrangement is concentration, 2nd lesson is also concentration. Where does your mind go?][sB: Dad is here.][CB: Honey, I'm home]

MJ: When I called you this afternoon, you said you were with a very important guest, who is this person?

CB: You don't need to bother with every detail about the company business, if you do, you would get headaches. By the way, SB is busy at work all day, why do you want her to do those things. Don't be too greedy, enough is enough.

MJ: Am I asking her to cook three meals a day, my intention is merely to upgrade her ability and train her to be a qualified DIL. She's not tired, I'm the one who is afflicted, weary and exhausted.

CB: Then change your methods.

MJ: What do you mean by that, you don't see and understand from my stand point how I feel having this type of SIL. Lately, you've been protecting SB, and criticize me even beginning to lie to me.

CB: What? Lying? Lie to you on what?

MJ: You thought I don't know whom you were with this afternoon? Having a fun time with CMO, you think I don't know?

CB: Don't tell me you have me followed.

MJ: That woman is very strange, I have no choice but to do that.

CB: She is an artist, a painter. Don't get the wrong idea, she is helping to bring investors into our company.

MJ: How can you trust investors that woman introduced to you? Why must you get her involved? I don't like that woman.

CB: This is absurd, you are being irrational.

MJ: Where are you going? I'm not thru with you yet.

HS: How did the flower lesson go? Take a look at the materials I've helped you write for the TV programs tomorrow.

SB: Thank you. I have two sets of flower arrangements. I would like to put one in your parents' room

HS: This is your first presentation, why don't we give the other to your parents. Since you have English class tomorrow, I'll drop it of for you.

SB: Fine, Ohh, the flute teacher is coming, I'd better get ready.

HS: We are still newlyweds, don't even have time to be lovely dovely.

SB: I'll learn as quickly as possible, and give you all my time in the future.

MO: Since I'm helping SB's family, presenting this painting as gift to the in law will make him happy,

TP stops MO and asks her how long she is staying in the house and when she is leaving? Since Mo doesn't want SB to know she's her bio-mom, there is no reason for her to hang around SB?

MO: That is for me to decide, you mind your own business. Gezz....

TP: Madam, If you don't leave by the end of this week, I'm going to tell SB that you are her bio-mom.

HS walks to the house and heard everything.

HS hears the conversation between TP and Mo and finds out MO is the bio-mom of SB.

The office is delighted that SUB is staying and didn't leave Korean. Everyone is busy getting ready for the HSN TV program, CB indicates there are construction companies evaluating the outcome and the sale records of this presentation. (Mo comes into the office)

MO: Have you heard from the Aqua executives?

CB: I'm sure they are putting a lot of thoughts and studying the proposal materials I presented to them and realize that our products are very competitive with other oversea countries in terms of quality and workmanship . I'm sure they will contact us soon.

MO: Hope everything works out, here, I would like to present this printing to you as a gift.

(SUB meets MJ in the hall and SUB forgets the file left in CB's office and goes back for it.)

CB: Wow, I'm so honor to have this painting, let me hang this up here.

(While MO is helping CB adjusting the position of the painting, MJ walks in).[ CB: Oh, honey]

MJ: How are you!][MJ: Hello, how come you're in the director's office?]

CB: Here, this painting is very famous in New York, it's not for sale, people with money can't buy it and this is a gift.][MJ: I didn't know you have any knowledge about artworks, go outside and clean up the dusts on your jacket and wash your hands too][CB: ok, you two please sit down.]

MO: Let me first apologize for the incidence few days ago, and would like to ask a favor from you to love our SB and treat her better.][MJ: She's my DIL, I'll do what I please, my husband, naturally, I'm responsible for him. I don't know your motives, but don't get near my family anymore]

MO: I'm here to find out the progress report of the company I've introduced to the director Because my SB is living in your house and the painting I present to the director is just a token of appreciation.

There shouldn't be any misunderstanding.

MJ: I didn't misunderstand, I just have a bad mood. Anything or at anytime that you are involved with, I would be very unhappy.(removes the painting from the wall) Here, take it back and leave.

MO: Don't do that, this is my gift to the director.

MJ: The recipient doesn't like it, take it back.

MO: I said don't do that.

HS: She couldn't tell the truth that she's SB's bio-mom (SB comes in) SB.

SB: I've a meeting with HSN later, since this is my first presentation, could you come with me?

HS: I have a meeting in the afternoon, can't do it. But SB, listen to me carefully.

SB: What? What is it? You look serious.

HS: SB, your biological mother..

SB: What?



Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 150

HS asks SB how she would feel if her bio-mom's alive. Then, SUB walks in.

SUB: HS, there is someone in director's office, do you know who she is? When I was there, I witnessed your mom and that lady was having a fight. I've heard her name is artist C. Do you know?

SB and HS run out the door.

MJ: I said, we don't need your painting, take it back. You use my DIL as an excuse to get close to us and use business as a motive to approach my husband. I, as the madam of Lohas, detest you, don't want you to bother us anymore.

MO: How could you misjudge my sincerity! Your ugliness is plainly displayed according to your speech, ill-mannered behavior and conducts, you are hallowed, nothing but a empty shell covered with fancy clothing’s. It clearly indicates the tortures and humiliation SB is suffered from your family. Oh boy, this is distressful and really worries me.

MJ in shock: What? What are you saying?

SB and HS come into the office

SB: Mom][MJ:HS][MO:SJ]{SB: mom, what's going on?][MJ: Oh, my head, my heart!][sB: Are you ok?]

MJ: Get lost!(pushes SB away)

SB: Madam, what are you doing? What did you do to my mom? I've distinctly told you I want nothing to do with you, just leave me and my family alone.

HS: SB, say no more][MO:SJ,I....]

SB: Don't call me SJ, I'm not SJ, I'm SB. SJ was the girl abandoned at the beach at four, her name has no significant meaning. Please leave and don't harass my mom anymore.

HS: I'm sorry, let's leave together.

SB: Mom, I'm sorry (CB walks in) CB: Honey, what's this?

MJ shouts: It's all because of you. Is Lohas going down without that woman? Is she so great that you've allowed her to leash you around and have a good time?

CB: Calm down and stop this crap, SB, bring your mom home.

HS: Let me ask, are you really SB's bio-mom?

MO: Who told you?

HS: This morning I went to the inlaw's house and heard it from TP Oppa. For real, you're the mom that birthed and dumped her?

MO: (Big sigh) sorry, I don't have anything to say.

HS: Please tell SB the truth as soon as possible, she doesn't know you are the woman that did all those things to her. It's difficult for me to bear the truth.

MO: No, I'm going to leave. My daughter said she doesn't want to know anything about her mom and beg me to leave. No reason for me to stay. If I've left, all the problems would be solved. I beg you, keep this from SB. I'll leave and please take good care of my SJ. (MO almost faints)

HS: Are you ok?

MO: Yes, Fine.][HS: I'll escort you out.]

SB: Mom, may I give you a pain pill?

MJ: This is like slapped me on my face and followed with a piece of candy. Do you know because of you what I've turned into? Everything turns into turmoil's ever since you married into our family. How could you have connection with this trouble-making woman?

SB: Sorry, this will never happen again. I will go and make myself clear to her again.

MJ: Just by looking at the two of you, people would not take you as friends but as mom and daughter. You have a lot of similarities, both are tough, stubborn and like to tangle with people dislike you. Why people around you have your same distinctive traits.

SB: I'm hurt! I don't like to hate people, this madam really makes me hate her. Why is she torturing me? How I wish she could go back to U.S.!][HS: don't be like this.]

SB: You want to tell me something earlier. What do you mean when you said "what am I going to do if my bio-mom is alive?][HS: Well..this..][sB: HS, tell me, did you hear something?]

HS: No, it's my imagination, just in case..well, I can see SB that you're hurt. Whoops, should go back to the office, I'll fresh-up a little, you get ready too.

SB: HS. (Flash back: SB remembers TP asked the same questions as HS asked and SK asked her to go to MO for answers. Then MO said, "I love you, really love you and I've missed you) Strange, there must be something going on...no...no way, that madam could never be....no....

SK: Mil, wait! Don't leave in such a hurry, your SIL is vacuuming to please you early in the morning. Give me some spending money.

HR: Who asked you to clean house? Get lost!

SK: Wait, please give me $30.00, this is just candy money.

HR: What, get out of my way.

SK: Look, I've polished you shoes.

HR: You are jobless, shameless and a bum. Don't even have $30.00 in your pocket. Goodness!

(YH walks out and SK flips the money he just received from HR).[sK: YH, I take you out for sweet and sour pork.](YH leaves the apt and SK follows her) SK: BYH][YH: What?][sK: Today, we'll go out?}

YH: You'd forgot, you are supposed to be invisible.

SK: Wait, just one time, after all I'm your dad.

YH: Dad?? Yes, there were time I wanted to see my dad. Like my other friends, I would like to receive a doll from my dad on my birthdays.

(SK runs after YH and takes her purse from behind) SK: Want your purse back, follow me.

YH: Give me back my purse.

SK picks a doll to YH from the machine, and two gangsters catch up with SK for loan money. They run.

SB tries to call SK for info about her parents and leaves a message for SK to call back.

Male tm comes into the office with news about Lohas reorganizes the company by downsizing personnel to cut back operation cost.

Male tl: Really, the day has finally come. Ohh...

SB: Calm down, we'll do a successful HSN show to boost up sales

Everyone's morale is high with great expectations.

YH and SK returns to the apartment. Everyone is surprised they're together.

TY: YH, what happened to your hand?][YH: Nothing!][sK: She jumped and cut her hand, no big deal]TY: Where did you bring our YH to?

SK: What do you mean? would a dad bring her daughter out to do something bad? Our YH? Since when she's YOUR YR?

YH: Don't fight! It's my own fault.

TY: YR is my daughter. From now on, don't bring her out. YH, we'll go to your room and study.

SK: I love you all.

TY: To relieve our worries, next time tell us ahead of time if you want to go out with your dad. Which subject do you want to start first?.

(Flash back: SK shows some concern over the cut on her palm.)

YS is cleaning up and carries a heavy bag to put away in storage and DG wants her to be careful. DG show YS family album with SUB's child pictures and said the next child to be a cute beautiful boy. DG's young picture playing saxophone slipped out from the album and YS said it was the saxophone planning attracted her attention to him. This arouses DG interest again.

GM: Leaving? Where to?

MO: I'm going back to the States. I'm a sinner unable to revel my identity to my daughter, my SJ, no my SB is blessed with her adopted parents, it's best that I leave.

YSK: After all, you've decided not to tell SB. It's not my position to say "to tell" or "not to tell", but after 20 years this is your first time looking for her, don't you think this knot needs to be untied?

TP: Do you feel shameful running away without revealing the truth? Tell her, even if she hates you. Don't run!][DJ: TP, say no more.]

MO: I'm afraid to tell. In her mind her mom doesn't exist, after all these year a mother suddenly shows up will disrupt her peace, let her have a happy and peaceful life. Before I leave, I want to give her a birthday party Actually, tomorrow Dec 3rd is my SJ's birthday. She doesn't seem to know her own birthday.

YSK: Tomorrow is SB's birthday?

MO: Sis, can you go shopping with me, I would like to flow her a nice party.

YSK: Alright, I'll get things ready

MO: Sis, this is seaweed, (MO packs the cart with lots of food) the fish looks fresh.

YSK: Yes, I like them and also SB likes them.

MO: Really, this is my favorite fish too, you see we are destined to be a family. Daughter and two mothers all like to eat the same food. (Happy, jumps up and down)

MJ: SB, go get another pair of chopsticks. (SB brings her one) There is nothing good to eat. How dare you cooked the same dishes your family eats.

CB: I like them. They are very good.

MJ: SB, start the water in the tub, I want it a bit hotter than warm.

YR: Mom, you are not going to eat?

MJ: I'm so mad, I couldn't eat anything.

(SB Stands up) CB: You sit down and eat first. This is dinner time you don't do other things but eat. It's our family regulation.

MJ: Go get the bath-water ready!

CB: I said sit down and eat first.

YR: I've already finished eating, let me go mom.

MJ: Yea, yea, KYR (YR runs out from the kitchen) Your attitude is making my lungs exploded. Perhaps this will cause me to get sick. (In her bedroom, making a phone call) Secretary Kim, it's me. There is something I would like for you to do for me secretly and keep it from the director. Can you do it? It's CMO, the artist. Run a complete investigation on her, from childhood to the date she arrived Korea. Why is she here? What is her motives staying in Korea? What is she currently involved with? Everything about her from top to bottom.

TP: GM, SIL, hurry and ready to go.

DJ: Make sure you don't forget things and have to come back half way on the road.

TP: No, I've double and triple checked on everything.

YSK: Mom, you'll do good.

GM: At my age, my first visit to the TV station and a once in a life time experience. Pride of my life.

TY: Here, everyone, fighting! Thru the TV sales today, all of our products are "sold out". Fighting!

Lady host: Lohas has a special presentation for the kitchen appliances. For those newlyweds that are troubled by what to buy for their kitchen, we have the unprecedented sales and bonuses. Take it away Lohas............... This here is designed by our designer KSB.

SB: This compacted counter and kitchen sink combination is made with rose wood, under the light, it reflects different colors of black imbedded with a touch of the oriental and modern inlays. This secret compartment could be used as added storage space in today's crowded and tight kitchen layouts.... .

MO: Ohh, our SJ looks so pretty on TV, Oppa, how come you don't go? Oppa, dye your hair, you'll look like you're in your 40's

DJ: Here is SB

SB: We also have plenty of added bonuses as gifts to you when you place your order. The following program features wedding food products, here is director Lee HR.

HR: Yes, yea

GM: Director, say something please. Let me do it, I can't sit still here.

GM: Hello, I'm grandma S from the wedding food gift shop. How are you!. Are these the series of food specials combination? Boy! They are plentiful, look,...

HR: Yes, we have dates, chicken, cold-cut meats also nine variation of different appetizers...

GM: There is one thing I'm curious about, what do kitchen appliances have anything to do with wedding food supplies when you present this display in their show?

HR: I don't know.

GM: How could you say I don't know ( Shock everyone ) Well, let me give you the answer. When couples buy any appliances from Lohas, our wedding food products shop will offer big discounts for your home welcoming party when you move into your new home. Is this right?

HR: Yes, yes. I clearly understand and experience this when I gave my daughter away. All the mother audiences in front of your TV, with today's economy, we try to save on everything. Here we have Lohas appliances as wedding gifts and enjoy big discounts for these food products for your party.

It's the best marriage between price and products.

GM: Yes, for those newlyweds there will be surprise bonuses.

HR: Let them call in, here call the number in front of you and order.

GM: Call this number right away.

(Sales record: SOLD OUT!)

Lady MC: After 2 hours, we have a sold out record. Thank you everyone for participating.. Thank you!!

MJ: Hey, this is our products. How come no one calls me to watch.

SB: Wow, this is our first broadcast and it has such good outcome.

MJ: What? She's SB, how come she's there? Goodness, she's not even an everyday housewife, how could she appear in that kind of show? OH moo, moo....

SK: That MO hasn't paid me enough money, let me blackmail her one more time. Wait, this is KSB, she called? (Message SB left: This is SB, I have questions about my bio-mom, please call me back.) KSB called me, let me confirm with CMO first.

MO: How is it sis?

YSK: Good, just right!][MO: I don't even know if our SB likes seaweed soup?][YSK: They are back]

YSK: Mom, you're back.][GM: Did you watch TV, I've talked a lot today and sales are good.]

DJ: Of course, you were wonderful, mom.

TP: Mom, Lohas employees will come to celebrate for a terrific outcome today.

YSK: Really, should call me earlier so I can prepare. What time?

SK: So, don't answer my call. Then, I will have to call KSB Directly

SUB: You two are like newlyweds today.

HS: Our first show is a "sold out", I think it would be good followed with 2d and 3rd shows.

Male TL: With high selling records like this, do you think you would reconsider downsizing?

SUB: Although the numbers aren't out yet, it is possible.

SB: You all come to our house and have a celebration. I'm sure they are waiting for us.

(SB phone rings) SB: Hello, CSK.

HS: Mom, we are here, how are you!

YSK: Is SB with you?

HS: SB said she has an emergency and asked us to come first.

MO: What emergency?

SK: What's so urgent that you want to meet?

SB: I'll get to the point, my bio-mom...CMO...

SK: Argh, that woman is funny, asked me to keep a secret she's the bio-mom but hasn't pay me and yet herself revealed to you first.

SB: What?


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Guest sweetheart0085

it's okay Aleka, Thanks for the thought of helping.


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 151

SB: What? What did you just say? Who is my bio-mom?

SK: You mean you don't know CMO is your real mom? I thought you're asking me that.

SB: How can that be possible? No, it's not like that.

SK: CMO abandoned you, left for U.S, married, became a famous painter and lives a luxurious good life

SB: Are you sure? You're sure she is my real mom.

SK: Yes, she personally told me. It is possible; she feels sorry deserting you and pretends as your mom's friend.][sB: thank you]

SK: Looks like she doesn't know yet. Ah! CMO, I probably wouldn't get any more money from her...

SB: It's CMO, abandoned me and left, my bio-mom, CMO, no, can't be

YSK: I hope everyone enjoys the food here, you all worked very hard today.

Male TM: Lohas has good selling records because of wedding food shop.

Male TL: There are so much food, I'm so full can't even get off the table.

DJ: Actually, today is our SB's birthday, we have two celebrations together.

Female TM: Then, we should congratulate her too, if we've known we'd get her a cake

TP: We've already brought one.

MO: SB hasn't show up yet] [GM: HS, call her.] [HS: Yes, SB. where are you, everybody is waiting for you, Hello, SB.][sB: Is CMO there?][HS: Yes, what is it? SB, SB.][MO: What happened}

HS: I don't know, the phone line is cut.][MO: Here, let me call.]

SB: Why do I go see her, this person dumped me, why do I go to see her.

SB: I'm back.][MJ: From the very beginning, I've hated you, but I didn't know then you could be so loosed and lack understanding?][sB: What?]

MJ: HSN TV! Who approved you to go there? You really lack understanding about the class you are in, Lohas owner's SIL .You are supposed to vigorously up-grade your capacity to appropriately fitting the class and yet you down-grade yourself showing up in some TV sales program.

SB: This is for Lohas, I don't have a choice.

MJ: There's no one except you KSB. Needless to say anymore, from now on, I will be in charge all your daily schedules including time spent in the office.

SB: Mom.][MJ: You know the schedule; get ready for the next lesson. How can I teach when she doesn't understand what I say][sB: Mom, sorry, I don't want to learn today.][MJ: What?]

SB: I'm not in a good condition to learn, please!][MJ: I've just seen you on TV jumping around, what made you turn into a bunch of wet weeds.

SB: I'm not pretending to look like this, but I'm really tired, sorry!][MJ: What? She's....]

SB to self: You brought this gift then abandoned me, wanted me to walk as far away as possible from you.

MJ: You and I have an agreement, no matter what happens, office work and training lesson are to proceed side by side. You don't remember? You're changing again.

SB: Mom, I have unexpected hardship today.

MJ: Shut up, there will be flute lesson later and intense college prep. Test reviews, no time for you to waste. Don't try to provoke me again, come downstairs. (Downstairs) Look, this is to stabilize and to make the red stands out more elegantly, here, go in just a little bit. Ok, try one yourself..

SB to self: Can't avoid this, not running away, should go ask her.][MJ: Hey][sB: Mom, sorry, I beg you, could I stop here today, I have no mood to learn anything.][MJ: What?]

SB: Sorry, I have to urgently go home at once.

MJ: Yah, yah, you come back here. My, my, where did she learn that from, she… my goodness.

Male TM: SB is coming.

(Everyone sings birthday-song to SB.) YSK: SB today is your real birthday. Congratulation!

DJ: Congrats, my daughter.][MO: Yes, today is Dec 3rd, my SJ's real birthday.]

SB: Madam, I have something to ask you. Sorry, if the three of you could excuse us.

Office staffs: Yes, goodbye!

MO: Go into the house, its cold here, we'll talk inside.

SB: Madam, are you my bio-mom?][YSK: SB]

SB: Mom, I've heard something ridiculous today, a man told me this madam is not my mom's friend but my bio-mom whom birthed me and dumped me at the beach. Did you?

MO: SJ.][sB: How is it possible, you... lied to cover all these? From the very beginning and all these] MO: Sorry, SJ, Mom is very sorry, sorry I've lied, sorry for everything.][sB: Let go of me, everyone here knows about this, mom, dad, gm, two Oppas’ and even HS.][HS: SB][sB: Everyone lied to me, madam, after you abandoned me, why do you come back to find me, what are your motives?

MO: SJ, I missed you, I've never ceased missing you and wanted to see you.

SB: I have goose bumps hearing you call my name. Dad and mom please let her move out of here. I don't want to lay my eyes on her, not even 1 minute or 1 second.

DJ: SB, this is..][sB: Then, I'll go, I'll come back after this madam leaves.]MO: SB, SB.][HS: let me go after her.][YSK: Honey, what are we going to do? Our SB is taking this real hard.][GM: SB, this child is holding a grudge against her mom.]

MJ: SJ, SB, SJ, mom has sinned against you.

SB: Let go of me!][MJ: SJ, I was crazy at the time, I haven't have 1 day of peace after deserting you, not even 1 day. It's true, real truth. SJ, I was wrong, please I was wrong.

SB: Don't cry, you have no right to cry.][MO: ok, I won't cry, I have no right to cry. Mom is willing to do anything for you, everything I should have done and not done, I'm willing to do make up. That's why I'm here, to make up for you to live a happy life; everything that I have is yours; that is my motive.]

SB: Don't say “mom” to me, mom is the one who adopted me.][MO: SB, SJ]

MJ:SB, this girl changes drastically after she married, no fear for anything. She's horrible. When is she coming back?(SB walks in the house) Fine, tell me your reasons first, dropped everything and ran back home, for what? Speak!][HS: Mom, sorry, now..][MJ: Did I ask you? If you're sorry, you should know this kind of conduct is ill-mannered. I've been bending over backwards and reluctantly accepted an unsuitable low-class you, do I deserve some honor and respect? You openly defy me.

SB: Sorry, mom, next time I'll tell you first.

MJ: Don't say you're sorry.

HS: Please, mom, I beg you, can’t you tell by looking at her, you have no idea what happened. Don't make things worse.

MJ: What happened? You dare to stare and shout at me? You only see your wife next to you and not your mom?

CB: What's going on? HS, how dare you talk back to your mom? Are you crazy? SB, although I don't know what has happened to you, but whoever sees your conduct earlier would find it disturbing.

SB: Dad, I'm sorry

HS: I'm not saying what we've done is right, but, there are unspeakable hardships. Please don't ask anymore, I'll tell you two at a later day, let's go upstairs.

MJ: Where to? Where? Mom is not finished talking.....][CB: Honey, stop.]

SB: HS, I'm very disappointed at you, if you knew, why didn't you tell me? Do you know the feelings of deception?

HS: I'm trying to protect you from hurting and really don't want you to suffer anymore.

SB: I've been suffering all these years until today anyway. Starting tomorrow, I'll be tough hearted, I will live as if nothing has happened, nothing and no one could shake me or move me.

HS: SB do what you say, but today, take it easy, cry and weep all you want, let it all out.

MO: Dinner time, please eat; this is a birthday meal not a memorial feast. Eat mom.

GM: Don't force yourself, you'll get indigestion. I can tell you can't swallow anymore.

MO: For 20 years in a foreign country, every year on this day, I cooked a pot of seaweed soup for SJ with a bottle of liquor, companied with my tears to eat a birthday dinner. When I 'm here with SJ before me, I'm unable to neither cook her seaweed soup nor eat with her.

YSK: Here, drink some water

MO: My daughter doesn't know the date of her birthday all her life, a cruel and unforgivable mother, eat, eat my heart out.

DJ: Don't be too hard on yourself. I'm sure SB is startled by this news, once calm down, I'm sure the two of you would find ways to untie this knot. Wait until that time, apologize to her and ask her for forgiveness.

MO: It's ok if my daughter doesn't forgive me, whether she forgives me or is hostile toward me now or after my death, since she knows now, I'm going make up to her things that I should have done but hadn't done. I'm going full force, with my utmost ability, using all means possible to ensure my daughter is living a life full of blessings and happiness.

YSK: You cool down first, don't rush into it. You don't need further opposition from SB.

MO: I don't have time, not enough time. We've been separated for too long, I can't wait to make up for those 20 years.

YS is practicing yoga and talks to her baby. DG comes back with a foot-bath machine to help her relaxed. YS is playing hard to get with a "princess" attitude because she knows DG is giving her all his attentions when she's carrying his baby.

MJ: Don't even bother to come in for a greeting, let alone care if her MIL is hungry.(SB enters the room)

SB: Mom, please eat this, I'm sorry about yesterday. I was in a bad mood, I was upset and impolite. I will never be like that again. Maybe mom you still dislike and discontent with me, but you and my parents are all precious to me, hoping one day I could change your mind and start to like me. Please don't dislike me anymore.

MJ: What are you saying? A pro, yes a super-pro, yesterday you neglected my words and your action was disrespectful and rude. Today, what? mom this, mom that. Take this away.][sB: Mom.]

MJ: I said take this away][sB: Mom, I leave this here, when you calm down, please have some food.]

MJ: She gets on my nerves, everything she does is her free wills.yea, will see, at the end could you or couldn't you be my SIL

YS is reading newspaper and wanting her baby one day be more successful than DG. DG comes in and finds YS 's doing something he'd never seen in 30 years (reads the paper) DG leaves for work and suddenly a headline catches YS's eyeballs. The area where DJ's house situates, is going to be redeveloped by the government and that raises the value of the property. YS wants to get the house back. YS goes to GM's house and since no one's home, she searches and finds the deed..GM comes back and takes the deed back.GM: So, this is the reason you're here, thinks this is too much money to give away and steals it back][YS: No, don't say that, It's my deed. You can see I've done so much thru these 30 years already, how can you say I steal this.]{GM: No one's home and you've made a mess here.}

YSK comes back and sees GM's holding the house deed. GM: She comes to give us the deed; since she's here we are going to the County and have the deed officially changed to us.][YSK: SIL, we can't just accept a deed like this][YS: Yes, SIL thank you, you are right, you can't....]

GM: The two of you saying what?....I'm going to have the deed changed to my name...since you already took the knife out, you have to cut or chop something first...here, to help you feel better, put your seal and sign here on this spot, alright. When you give a candy to a child, you don't entice him and takes it back from his hands, only bad scum does that, right YS.

YS: Yes, yea...yea....

SK calls YH and asks her to deliver his (Camera) lense to him, YH says she has an appointment and can't help him. SK states that it's a matter of life and death and hangs up the phone. YH delivers the lense and find SW illegally filming and stalking a couple. The man across the building finds them and start a street chase. SK falls and makes a mess of a fruit stand, the store keeper grabs YH.

Store keeper: You are a student, how could you? Pay, pay for the damages.

HR is taking a lot of phone orders.

GM: Director, we need additional helps, if it continues like this, there is no way we can catch up with the orders.

YSK: That's right, like today alone, do you know how many chickens I've cooked.

HR: Yes, I know, we need more help. Tomorrow I'll put an ad on the papers. I can see after the TV show, our business improves alot. Today I've already received 20 orders.

GM: Wow, if it keeps on, we are going to make a lot of money.][TY enters the shop}

TY: MIL , is YH here yet?

HR: Why would she come here? I thought she's going to school with you.

TY: Yes, but she didn't show up and didn't answer her phone either.

YH: What? Where could she be? (Makes a call) Yes, this is PYH's grandmother, where is YH? What? You said police station.

The design team is somewhat disappointed there are 15% cancellation from the TV "sold out" sales, and the factory is slowing down on productions, they all agree to try harder on the 2nd and 3rd times around. SB vows to reject her bio-mom's identity.

HS: Why do you ask to see her? (MO comes to HS's office)

MO: The traffic is really congested, I wanted to fly over if I could. Oh SJ, you look thin, yesterday must be hard on you.][sB: You act like nothing has happened.][MO: What can I do? Before I see you're living a happy life, I will not leave Korea. SJ, let mom redeem the wrongs I've done you, double portions, I'll do anything.

SB: Please do not mention the word "mom" casually from your mouth, before this happens, I would like to take a DNA test.][HS: SB][sB: I can't accept you as my mother, we don't have a mom-daughter relationships, nor find any similarities between us. Take a DNA test first.


Have a great Sunday everyone, Good Night [i'm off to bed] / Good Morning [for those who just woke up]^.^

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Guest kamsammi

it's okay Aleka, Thanks for the thought of helping.


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 151

Sweetheart0085 and 46527eu4: U R wonderful! Thanks!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and year-end.

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"The Road Home" begins on January 12, 2009


This is the next Evening Daily Drama on KBS-1TV.

Good news for those of us looking toward the end of YAMD.

YAMD will then have a maximum of 178 episodes, ending on January 09, 2009.

This would be 6 episodes longer than "Likable or Not", a much better drama.

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At last .... a good news :wacko:

what a long way we've come .. and for what

this is the very first daily drama that I personally regret watching it

nobody other than Lee ji Hoon kept me going on

really sorry to say so

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I thought it's totally inane for the newlyweds to live separately with the trivial issue used by MJ to get rid of SB from her house ... it's even more disturbing for HS not to act decisively & protect his brand new wife ... what is he doing? his behaviour is becoming ridiculous & inconsistent. SB is another weakling not able to defend herself. Now I understand Youngsuk's apprehension to give her blessings to SB marrying into that family. I agree that SB should leave without HS ... I cant accept a husband who cant cut his umbilical cord from his selfish, domineering, jealous & controlling mother. He is now married & his primary obligation is towards his wife.

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Guest lantawmako

I thought it's totally inane for the newlyweds to live separately with the trivial issue used by MJ to get rid of SB from her house ... it's even more disturbing for HS not to act decisively & protect his brand new wife ... what is he doing? his behaviour is becoming ridiculous & inconsistent. SB is another weakling not able to defend herself. Now I understand Youngsuk's apprehension to give her blessings to SB marrying into that family. I agree that SB should leave without HS ... I cant accept a husband who cant cut his umbilical cord from his selfish, domineering, jealous & controlling mother. He is now married & his primary obligation is towards his wife.

Oh well, Like most of you I am disappointed with this drama. But my disappointment with EOE is even more. I guess its because I never like the actress who plays Grace...she can't speak straight English, why would they put her in a role to be wife of half caucasian half Korean.. I thought LDH is the lead female star, Lee brothers will fight for her, but I just read on EOE thread that she is quitting.

YAMD got screwed up by the writers...I guess this is not the first drama that I will be disappointed with. I think I am better off watching old dramas instead of following dramas that are currently airing.

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