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Is It Strange For Non-christians To Wear Cross Jewelry?

Guest すみ☆

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Guest payopayo

I agree with those who feel that crosses are alright, but rosaries/crucifixes should be left for those who actually follow the religion.

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Guest LoveStrangled

I'd rather not. It's extremely annoying when I see someone who is obviously just wearing it for style. It just seems fake for me. Cause it's a symbol that means much more than style for lots of people.

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I'm agnostic, but I wore a cross necklace to school once and my friend (who's an atheist) asked, "*scoff* You're not Christian; why are you wearing that? You should take it off." Meanwhile, my Christian friends never said anything about it. Hahaha, I don't wear the necklace because now I feel self-conscious about it >__<

And yet I still wear my small, cross earrings... XD

But I guess it also depends on what kind of non-Christian you are too. If you're still finding your way (religion-wise), you'll probably be more stagnant about this kind of thing than if you were a hardcore atheist.

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^your friend might just be a really strong atheist who dislikes everything that has to do with religion...o.o..?

im atheist too and i think it shouldn't matter. a design is just a design.

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Guest kneesee

I really don't care as the cross wasn't introduced by Christians in the beginning. 


Wear it to your hearts content loll...

now what I really REALLY can't stand is when someone wears a rosary for fashion.


This people is specifically for prayer NOT a necklace that looks cool.  I really find it disrespectful when someone who does not believe/practice Catholicism and just wear it for the sake of "oh because it looks cool with my outfit."  

The history of the rosary in Catholicism can be traced back to the time of St. Dominic in the south of France in the early 1200s.  It is said that St. Dominic was shown a string of beads by the Virgin Mary and instructed to preach the rosary among his people to battle against sin.  From that time, the rosary then spread slowly throughout Catholicism with Pope Leo XIII officially attributing the rosary's beginnings to St. Dominic.

The rosary beads are used to keep count of the prayers and mysteries.  WIth each recitation of the rosary, the faithful have the opportunity to offer the prayers to God for specific causes such as world peace, healing, redemption of wayward loved ones, and so on.  Such intentions are stated right before praying, leaving the outcome to the will of God.

That is the purpose of the rosary.  So I'd really appreciate if people would NOT wear it for the sake of fashion.  

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