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Super Junior Fans To Stop Sm Entertainment From Adding New Members By Buying Their Stocks

Guest winksassy

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Guest ephemeral_star

Well said, Serene Star, well said.

I completely and whole heartedly agree with you.

First of all, let me just say that I love Super Junior. They are very highly talented people and I am not saying that what these people are doing are BAD. But, it is very extreme. There is a border between being a fan and then obssession. Obviously this is the latter. I am seriously really tired of hearing about these Korean fans and their extreme and often unappropriate way of conducting themselves. Not only are other people thinking negatively about Super Junior fans but people will also begin to look negatively on Super Junior. It's only a matter of time. Not only will Super Junior not gain the respect that they need in the industry, others will start to think that Super Junior is only a passing fad. (which me, as a fan would not want).

Have you thought about it? Whenever members go on a show, other guests have to constantly think about what they say or do because otherwise it will cause an internet uproar over something very very trivial. Do you think that makes the other guests/artists want to work with Super Junior?

Okay, so i will agree with both you and serene_star. I also think that in a way, other stars feel obliged to show respect to Super Junior and other groups with huge fanbases. I'm not saying that stars feel that way when speaking to Super Junior or that this is fact, but it is a possibility. And honestly, i would rather want the stars to respect Super Junior on their own free will instead having to be motivated by fear that one wrong statement will leading to endless bashing and threats.

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Guest jingaling.

the fans aren't rich. one stock is only $3.

i think ELF knows what they're doing. at least they're not doing anything wrong/illegal.

though to some people, this whole thing may look pointless & inconsiderate.

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Guest xingjing

Honestly, these people are naive. So now they think they have the ability to run SM now?

I respect what they're trying to do, but they should honestly

get a life

. So much money could go to something that would, hm, maybe benefit mankind? Like charity maybe? Like those deprived people in Africa? Like helping people stop the genocide in Darfur?


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Guest mashimaro_is_luff

adding a new member is just going to help suju to persuade the Chinese market they have always planned.

I dont see the problem with adding a new member. If they remove the members then that's different. Adding is gaining right?? so what's the problem.

i think this is a waste of money that could've put in better use.. but it's their money, oh well~

this protesting is getting boring

p.s. i feel sorry for suju. they must be in a really difficult position right now

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I'm not bashing, not at all, simply expressing a thought. Isn't a bit too much that fans are going against the whole idea. I realize that Super Junior is not allowed to express their thoughts on this or whatever, but the fact is, this has happened before. Wasn't Super Junior a 12 member group once upon a time? Then Kyuhyun came along, I don't think time differance MAKES a differance. Just because Kyu-Hyun came like a few months after Super Junior formed doesn't in my opinion make this MUCH different.

I don't know, this seems a bit too much in my opinion, Super Junior will always be Super Junior. I think I'm happy that they're not REPLACING or REMOVING any members, adding? Why not, they're a huge group as it is. A new chinese member, I'd look forward to it.

If they were to add a new member, regardless of fans, what are we all gonna do, hate on him? Bash him to oblivion, find him and nuke him? I'm betting anything, if they added a new member, and they came out with a similiar show like Super Junior Full House or ANYTHING that showed the boys behind the scenes, and the fans saw like (just an example) Heenim hugging this new guy, we'd all be all AWW they're friends and whatever.

Sm is being greedy? That seems a bit too much, shouldn't we wait to see this new kid before we judge anything? It doesn't make the elf fans any better then SNSD's antifans who formed the anti-fan cafe months before they debuted. As intellectual as the articles may seem, the person is creating a biased response by saying things like "SM is Greedy" and things like, the 13874 member or whatever he or she stated, I don't think SM will add THAT many members, but for some reason that's how the people see it? =\

I have so much in my head about this topic, and I know I didn't express it well enough, and I possibly worded it badly, so if someone wants to sort out my thoughts, feel free ahaha

I realize I sound like I'm ranting, I DON'T hate anybody. Just a thought, that's all this was.

I love the boys just like all of you guys do! xD


Just for the record, I want people to answer this, if like Shiwon were to say he loved the new guy, would you guys still be totally against it EVEN if Suju openly expressed that they're happy with the addition?

And if people thing I'm being biased and I'm not a true Super Junior fan, I'll say this much. DBSK and Shinhwa have to be the best artists in my opinion. If they added a new member what would I do? I'd be upset of course, against it? Never. To me 6 is perfect for Shinhwa, but I would never do this oO; Who knows, I might even life the new boy, because I know the entertainment wouldn't pick a person that didn't DESERVE to be there.

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Okay, let me first say that no one reads anyone else's posts in here because on the first page purple.loves.kibum said that each stock is only three US dollars.

And i appreciate everyone's opinion and hope that people realize that i'm just expressing my opinion as well.

I think everyone in this thread is being too harsh. It's their money and their lives to do whatever they want with it. And I know that there have been other instances where the fans have gone crazy, and i AGREE that they are over the top.

But i honestly don't see anything wrong with what they are doing.

For once, they are not being violent.

They did a very non-violent sit down protest in front of the SM offices and now that their message is not being taken seriously, they are taking another approach, which again is not hurting anyone.

I honestly think that the E.L.F group, was not necessarily the group that had anything to do with the violent and crazy behaviors that have been put out there about Super Junior.

And some of you are right, people are put off of Super Junior by the mere fact that they have crazy fans.

I was one of them.

But then once you look past the crazy fans, you see the actual people that make up the group.

I also agree with what sweethearts said. She is very obviously a super junior fan and for you people in the thread that said, "it doesn't matter" "they're being ridiculous."

What if Shinhwa decided to all of a sudden add a new member?

Or Big Bang?


you don't think there would be a uproar?

you don't think the fans that are not considered as crazy as SJ fans would go nuts?

I think some people here might be able to see the hypocrisy of what they are saying.

In a sense, it's loyal.

It's a matter of loyalty.

How is this loyalty any different from how Shinhwa Changjo is loyal to Shinhwa?

I think people are letting the bias they have from events that already happened, affect their opinion on this, when this is nothing near the past horrible events that the fans did.

And I know there are better things that they could be using this money towards but again, it's their money.

And I don't think we should be bashing them, for doing what they want with it.

I don't mean to offend anyone and i'm sincerely sorry if i did so

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Guest CharlotteDarcy

desperate ELFs

1. get a life

2. good luck with 0.3% SM stock

3. get a life

This whole rotating project is turning into a joke.

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Guest ellis

well...at the end of the day...its their money... they can spend it on whatever they want

But yeah.... its better to give it to those who need rather than spend it on stocks just to keep your fave number 13??!!What can u do with like..see.. 0.3%???

And we dont even know what Suju members themselves r thinking??.

LSM must be smiling on the other side of the game right now ... -_- ...its getting way too entertaining... he doesnt lose anything...Super Junior is getting more famous...and more money flows in his pocket.

The game just started :rolleyes:

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Guest my_kangin

Like everyone says:



^Or something of that sort. I'm a HUGE E.LF, and I AM against this whole adding a new member or members concept, but just because we fans

do things like this, will it make a difference? I want it to make a difference and all, but thinking realistically, I don't think it'll have half as much effect

as the fans protesting in front of the SM building.

If we buy their stocks, it's like bribing. They'll continue on with this strategy to get more money from us. They already get all the money from the Korean

fans anyway. They know that Super Junior is already popular among other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, China...

And why is it only Super Junior that they're using for this profit-making? LSM wants Super Junior to be well known all throughout Asia so his company

could get more fame and money. DBSK already gets the profit from Japan; adding Super Junior won't do anything cuz everyone likes DBSK in Japan

anyway. Super Junior's fame will be nothing compared to the fame DBSK has.

My sister says that Super Junior isn't as popular in Korea right now, since evrywhere she goes, it's Big Bang everywhere, but in the end of it all... Super

Junior fans pop out of nowhere and even fight against other Idol group fans profit-wise. If a Big Bang fan buys a Big Bang poster, ELFs buy 10 posters.

lmao. Pretty intense, but I don't think we should be worrying about this.

I'm not trying to bash or anything, but this is just my opinion. Sorry for everything XD

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Guest ephemeral_star

mz taebiny, i respect your opinion. But it's not only the matter that E.L.F is making this kind of activity, it's also the fact that many people are blaming SM Entertainment for everything they believe is doing Super Junior harm. I think that is what is making many people fed up- the fact that the fans think they can make the right decisions when honestly, SM Entertainment was the one to make every single decision and every activity Super Junior has participated in. And like I said before, I used to be one of those were who put off by a certain group because of their fans but learned to think past that. But how many people are willing to do that? There will still be those many people who will judge and will continue to criticize them by the way their fans behave and act. And yes, E.L.F is doing this in a non-violent manner, but that is beside the point. The point is that E.L.F believes that this will give them the opportunity to control what Super Junior does and how they should be formed and that it is only through them that Super Junior is able to function. And while this may be true to some extent, SM Entertainment is what truly makes them function.

Like serene_star said, let a fan run and control the company and I doubt that any of the artists will be as successful. SM Entertainment knows what they are doing for the boys and ultimately for the company.

By ridiculous, i'm sure that most people mean in the way fans believe they know exactly what is right for Super Junior. And that in itself is wrong with what they are doing. That, and also the fact that they are putting a negative image on Super Junior. Yes they are doing this in a non-violent manner, but people are still going to group this act with all of the other extreme acts they have done in the past and judge Suju based on that.

Also, it this actually verified? There has been countless rumors that have been proven false before.

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Guest asianasianasian

I support my Super Junior oppas 100%. But seriously these b****es have gone really far with this.

If you were a Suju fan you would support them with happiness no matter what happens.

& I really don't think they're against the idea of Suju China or adding a new member. Have the Elfs ever asked them?

Have they ever said that they DISPISE THE IDEA OF HAVING A NEW MEMEBER? No....

Poor guys.....

Adding one member or even 5, it doesn't matter they are still SUPER JUNIOR.

The original members will ALWAYS still be there...


God knows I won't......

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Guest l0vel0vek0rean

Oh my god.....to tell the truth, I wouldn't do that if I've got all that money....I would do something more....useful i guess, lol, i mean, they are celebrities, it's not like they will know what you did for them personally....

But are they like, really rich or what? I see fans buying their stars like home movie theaters and stuff...O.o

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Guest xx _applees

kudos for working at what you believe (:

but this is so ... outrageous XD

i understand if you wouldn't like a 14th member or whatnot, but it's not like you're going to die if that happens .-.

i seriously don't want a 14th member though, that's .. urgh, i would be mad .

&if you rlly don't like it, ignore the new members ! XD

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Guest happy.birthday

I feel bad for the chinese member that is planning to be added. So much protest against him.

But maybe he'll be able to debut in a small group with better publicity?

I think 3$ isn't that much per person to spend on but with all of the SuJu fans' money spent on the 58,206 stocks, that amount can be made into a better use. >.>

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