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University Of Technology, Sydney (uts!)

Guest Hoon88

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Hahahaha no beer at the IT camp. It's just a way really to get to know people doing IT and to meet friends in your course.

It can be quite fun, i spent the nights there playing poker with my new found friends. I believe they do have some talks about studying at UTS but I don't exactly remember those talks, i wasn't one of those people who was paying attention to the talks.

I won't be at uni during enrolment, they have other people to do the enrolment.

^ Yeah, we all come out in the masses during orientation XD

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Guest twilight1412

isnt IT camp out west near the blue mountains?

they say the locations are secret but .. if you ask around you can figure it out =)

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Guest twilight1412

lol out past penrith are the blue mountains >=]

i dont think it changes hahahahahha

and there you have it guys

it camp is over yonder

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Guest johnnypaul

Engineering camp = Cataract Dam (20 mins from Campbelltown) and it was ummm interesting....

Bring LOTS of insect repellent and thongs for the shower. The food is pretty bad tho.

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Guest twilight1412

^ i didnt shower because the water looked pretty bad

we bought bottled water to brush our teeth and stuff because .. yea ....


food wasnt that bad .. typical camp food

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Gee the engineering camp sounds bad. The IT camp wasn't that bad... The food was actually of edible quality although lots of insects, but that's to be expected at a camp.

I know the girls got better cabins at the camp though.

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Guest twilight1412

what are cabins? lol we got tin sheds

i walked around with this other guy and we went outside the boundaries of our camp

and we saw ... other people .. in actual cabins <<

we felt so gypped LOL

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^ lol you guys crack me up !

so i should apply for internal transfer after first sem? ... and am i allowed to enrol for all business subjects in the first sem? x__x

and omg, lol what happens at 'orientation camp' ... ? 90$ is like... 10 hours of labour at Diva for me lol

I forgot to answer the first question, my bad. But definitely apply for the transfer after the first sem if you definitely want to do business only. You can try to enrol in all business subjects the first sem. They may say something, they may not.

Haha, indeed you engineers did get gypped.

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Guest heonii_

>__> uts 'accidentally' sent me an email about making it into it laterounds

and sent info about the camp & everything and THEN an hour later

then they sent a follow up saying that it was a mistake

i'm hoping it means that i got an offer for late rounds ;___; i'll be so disappointed if i dont now ):

& if i do i hope its bbus + bscit instead of bscit + international studies

AHHHHHH i cant wait another week

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im going to fail and be forced to go to foundation courses lol:

All new students commencing studies for a UTS undergraduate degree in the Faculty must complete these compulsory Readiness Surveys on their enrolment day. Students will be directed to undertake the survey after they have completed their enrolment in subjects and should allow 2 hours total for the completion of both surveys. There is no expectation that students undertake any special preparation for these tests. The Mathematics Readiness Survey is based on 2 Unit HSC Mathematics and involves mainly algebra, trigonometry and calculus. Calculators are not permitted.

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Guest twilight1412

i dont see what youre complaining about its richard simmons easy and you only have 2 to get through

i had to do 3 =/


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ROFL... A mathematics survey? I guess they do need to check that you can do maths to do engineering since some of your subjects use maths.

@Heonii: Hopefully it does mean that you did get into BBus/BscIT. Good luck!

You had to do a physics one too? I only had to do english.

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Guest twilight1412

maths ...

if you dont need a calculator .. that really restricts what they can make you do

especially if its 2u

physics was multiple choice

english was comprehension/summarising and which meaning matches the word .......

thats the .. MINIMUM level you should go into engineering with

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this probably should be the last thing i should be thinking of, but just wondering what clubs/societies are their in uts? i want to join one ^^

is their any in dancing/korean music lol or anything to do with food :D

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