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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest ebrigid
It's just wild speculation, don't mind me too much! :)

I think it's pretty obvious from HCH's reaction to seeing KBS in the hospital that she cares about him a lot. So, that peck on the cheek, taken out of context as it is, probably just is one of those encouraging "hey, cheer up and good luck" type of things, showing how close their relationship has become, and how much they depend on each other now.

As far as her realtionship with TL Kang is concerned, that they are able to be talking relaxed like that (or at least, it looks like it at the time being), could be just because they are talking business - talking about the case, or maybe about Gyoon... I don't know. :)

How will the drama end? No idea. There are various different options... HCH could decide that to be with either TL Kang or KBS, KBS could run out of her because he got cold feet, some unexpected relationships might be revealed, and I don't know what other things might happen... or, we just see the start of the KBS&HCH relationship, ending with them happily working together and Gyoon calling KBS "brother-in-law" again, indicating that at some point in the future, there will be a marriage (that would be a good ending IMO, not too forced or pushed, but clearly showing the direction of things)... or we get the full deal of happy couplings...


If it becomes a HCH-TL Kang ending, whatever expectations set up in the first 15 episodes will come to nought. That cannot, and should not happen.

Anyways, in the preview, TL Kang is telling HCH , " i know, I know what you're about to say to me"...

And the scenes in the preview appear to be in sequence of how they'll unfold .... :ph34r:

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Guest jastinel

Good evening everybody! I had a busy day, after school, my kids and I went to the mall to get some groceries and I bought myself a nice bag...I`m a part time real estate agent and I closed a deal 2 week ago, so, that bag is my reward for myself. Tomorrow, I will do my laundry and I will cook spaghetti and chicken for my mother-in-law who`s celebrating her bday today, she reminds me of her bday a while ago, on the phone. I was too occupied with my kids exam that I forgot her bday....very bad daughter-in-law...heeheee.

If it becomes a HCH-TL Kang ending, whatever expectations set up in the first 15 episodes will come to nought. That cannot, and should not happen.

Anyways, in the preview, TL Kang is telling HCH , " i know, I know what you're about to say to me"...

And the scenes in the preview appear to be in sequence of how they'll unfold ....

Tl Kang knows where he`s stand, so his not expecting too much. His the one who pushed her away and KBS was always there for CH, he has done the greatest thing that a man could do to prove that he loves CH, by saving the life of Gyoon. So, even KBS wont say those three words, CH can feel how much KBS love`s her.

Some bits...from baidu





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Guest kanshu
If it becomes a HCH-TL Kang ending, whatever expectations set up in the first 15 episodes will come to nought. That cannot, and should not happen.

Anyways, in the preview, TL Kang is telling HCH , " i know, I know what you're about to say to me"...

And the scenes in the preview appear to be in sequence of how they'll unfold .... :ph34r:

I don't think they'll pull a stunt like that, making HCH go to TL Kang. :)

But I think it would be great if the two of them can "heal" their relationship to a point that they can work together again comfortably, with no ill feelings, and akwardness. :) Kang has shown to be a great man, and not the petty kind you so often see in kdrama. (Someone, wrap him up with a big red bow tie and send him my way! :D )

I feel sad for him, but at the same time, I admire him for being so realistic about everything. He'll suffer from broken heart for a while, but at least he can move on, and at a later point in time go and find a new love. For that, I'm happy, that HCH manged to thaw his frozen heart and make him feel again. :blush:

As for KBS and HCH, I love seeing them together happily. They are an equally good match as TL Kang&HCH, perhaps even better, because KBS is a bit more adventurous and outgoing than Kang. KBS and HCH have the ability to heal each other's wounds and support each other, no matter what happens. :)

So, if things end like this, I'm very satisfied and happy. :D

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Guest mead33

He he, KBS will definitely end up with HCH in the end :P One question, in the preview why did KBS look so shock when HCH kissed him on the cheek? He did not expect it? But him being the player....


Already half the weekend has passed, I wonder whether MBC will pull a fast one and not release any BTS or NGs... :tears: I really think that there are too little BTS of LDG and KSA. Almost all the BTS are from the first half of the show... even if there were one or two BTS from the later episodes of the two, they are all so serious, none like the BTS from previous episodes... he he.... I think I am starting to sound very whiny.... my constant complaint :P

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Guest kanshu
He he, KBS will definitely end up with HCH in the end :P One question, in the preview why did KBS look so shock when HCH kissed him on the cheek? He did not expect it? But him being the player....


Well, him being the player, he's not used to females taking the initiative... remember the dance scene in the beginning? When HCH suddenly took the lead, he was like "WTH is happening..?!?" and who knows... perhaps that peck on the cheek was when HCH said "I love you" to KBS... :sweatingbullets: :blush:

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Guest honeybeat44

i was shocked when HCH kissed KBS on the cheek she usually looks shy when it comes to interacting with hin in an affectionate matter. i would have liked to see her kiss him on the lips but i guess she has to take baby steps :D

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hello bambam loonies!!!

no new stuff yet huh? gahhhh! i'm going crazy here, 2 1/2 hrs left till they show the NG special...don't wanna miss that, i hope this time it's longer...

sorry i can't produce response to any of the posts, i'm brain dead---*toinks*

hope episode 16 will be about arresting WSG and his accomplices, then episode 17 where it's all about KBS and HCH relationship....ahhh! i can't wait! shoot! can't keep this to myself, last day of Every Night is my bday! yey!!! i hope episode 17 will be a nice gift for me... :tongue2:

lucky dude! he got to party with Every Night Casts...too bad no Lee Dong Gun :(







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i have a copy of LDG's new album (thanks to fiona1111 for the DL link).

if anyone heard of his album, can someone tell me what is the english title for track 9 and who originally sings it? sorry for this post...

whooa!!! is this posted here already..???? this cracks me up! hahahaha



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Guest kanshu


I'm currently re-watching MBC's "Spotlight"... and you know what I stumbled over in episode 4?

There was a news report that had to be re-recorded, and here's what it is about:


00:18:37,565 --> 00:18:40,443

Especially, the fact that

the famous old art specialist,


00:18:40,544 --> 00:18:44,544

Mr. Kim is connected to

the theft group is shocking.


00:18:44,663 --> 00:18:48,368

Criminal Kim and 5 members

were caught while being tried


00:18:48,469 --> 00:18:52,769

for smuggling 20 pieces of Joseon's

white china through Pusan port

(taken from WithS2 sub for "Spotlight")

I know that it's just a co-incidence and quite a few people share the last name Kim, but... I was just... Whoa!!! :crazy:

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Guest ilikeldg
Well, him being the player, he's not used to females taking the initiative... remember the dance scene in the beginning? When HCH suddenly took the lead, he was like "WTH is happening..?!?" and who knows... perhaps that peck on the cheek was when HCH said "I love you" to KBS... :sweatingbullets: :blush:

Okay...here's my 2 cents..As we all know or maybe our perception about KBS as a player,I don't think he'll be the first

to say the 3 big words because he is afraid of REJECTION.......And I agree,maybe that peck on the cheek is when HCH

said ...I LOVE YOU...and hope that will start the ball rolling..........:)

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Guest mead33

Good morning, good evening everyone! :)

20080817 Happy Time NGs


Thanks cutiepie!


feeling sad, they didn't show much...

@mzpakipot waves!

I am also feeling sad... I guess after this weekend, it is unlikely that there will be anymore NGs and BTS... hmm... maybe the crew is too stressed to have any funny NGs and BTS to show the viewers...


@mzpakipot, what is the krdrama source that you referred to?

ebrigid, it is a chinese forum http://www.krdrama.com/bbs/thread-275266-149-1.html

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Thanks for uploading the NGs, cutiepie!

@mzpakipot, what is the krdrama source that you referred to?


i believe it's a chinese forum?

opss!! sorry, i was still at page 239, didn't scroll down for mead33's response...

*waves* at mead33, hi sis! good morning to you..

maybe they're saving the bestest for last...?

hope dc will posts some bts from the party....

gahhh...1 more day till every night..

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