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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest jastinel

did someone predict that

HCH is going to stay at KBS's place

some time ago in this thread after reading ebrigid's spoiler? forgot who predicted it... he he...

I think I said that KBS might bring CH to his home for safety reason....hehehe

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Guest mead33

..,yeah its me just my crazy idea :crazy:

kim jo yan, he he, you can write the script! can predict whether HCH's dad is dead or not? :P

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bigmail might take an hour...

i like SunAh's outfits today....specially the black fitted top! it made her S-line more noticeable! hehehehe soooo sexxieeeyyy!!

I love the way KBS hugged/comforted HCH when she fell on the floor because of the news of her father! I was expecting TL Kang or Chief Noh to give her a hug or something...but no it's KBS!! waaahhhh!!!!

..,oh saw that part it was really a heartbroken scene for HCH especially when she was reading the diary of her father

and GYOON cried in the funeral of their father oh just can help myself to cry :tears:

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he he, he rushed forward to catch her

, which is really nice of him

that's right!!! so nice of him.....i think TL Kang felt off limit towards HCH....he didn't really show any feelings toward HCH, but i did love TL Kang and CPLJH togetherness...she's so into herself! hahahhaa funny!

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Guest mead33

oh, thanks!!!

awwww...KBS is really milking his way into HCH's heart now...hahahhaa

i think from today, can see that HCH

lights up whenever KBS approaches her... at first in the warehouse, then when she saw his car outside her place? just wished that KBS could have been more pro-active after the dinner when HCH insists on walking him to his car

I think I said that KBS might bring CH to his home for safety reason....hehehe

ha ha jastinel you too can write the script! wow!

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tomorrow's episode is gonna be even better than today's! :)

apparently gyoon got kidnapped by the bad guys. cho hee will be staying at KBS's place. i hope that there will be more development btw the 2. ;)

as for today, i think the funniest part was when KBS asked cho hee to go over to his place to stay while gyoon goes on a holiday. n cho hee was like

' is this some sort of joke? why must i go over to yr place when i have my own place to stay?'

..,can't imagine the look on HCH face when KBS said that...

ohh just can't wait to watched it :crazy:

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think from today, can see that HCH lights up whenever KBS approaches her... at first in the warehouse, then when she saw his car outside her place? just wished that KBS could have been more pro-active after the dinner when HCH insists on walking him to his car

Yes, mead33. She's definitely "falling" for him. One can see that from the look in

her eyes whenever she sees him and she appears to be shy too in front of him.

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Guest jastinel

i think from today, can see that HCH

lights up whenever KBS approaches her... at first in the warehouse, then when she saw his car outside her place? just wished that KBS could have been more pro-active after the dinner when HCH insists on walking him to his car

I don`t know with KBS, I mean it`s obvious that his crazy about CH and his willing to do everything for her,

but his not that affectionate, he can hold her hand if he wants too, cause he already kissed her.

His also an ice prince sometimes.

Suna is really into her role, she`s blooming every time CH and KBS has a scene together...

Getting sexier, she look very simple and sophisticated.

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Guest mead33

a rough translation from the chinese forum about episode 13

After receiving the phone call, HCH ran out of her house. As she ran, memories of her dad floated into her mind.

- She met up with TL Kang and her superviser (the old man) and asked whether her dad is really dead. When her superviser confirmed it, she collapsed and cried. KBS rushed to comfort her in his arms

- At the funeral, TL Kang asked HCH whether she is alright. HCH let him leave saying that she will remember his concern for them. TL Kang ask her not to forget that everyone is concerned about her.

- At the funeral parlour, HCH says to her dad that they have missed him greatly. They will take care of themselves, so please RIP. Outside, KBS silently stands by looking at the sibling (omigosh, LDG must be very poor thing, wonder how he managed to this scene)

- Scene cuts to HCH and GYOON returning home, walking down the stairs. KBS is waiting for them sitting outside their house. KBS and HCH sits on the steps alone and chatted. HCH reminesece about her dada while KBS comforts her

- Back at home, GYOON passed HCH a box, saying that TL Kang passed it to him during the funeral. In the box are dad's wallet, some pens, and dad's diary. Dad was describing that he missed them and couldn't resist seeing them (he was looking at them play from afar). Seeing that they are well and living strongly, he is comforted. Don't forgive your useless dad, but I will definitely return to your side one day

- TL Kang wants to further investigate the matter. They dug out a phone number. (not sure about this part)

- KBS becomes a tour guide in the muesuem for a group of students

- Someone follows GYOON and is taking his picture. CEO Jang realizes that GYOON is the part-time gardener and that HCH and GYOON is HTC's childen

- KBS goes to look for HCH, HCH lights up and was thinking of asking him for lunch but KBS was only interested in asking where GYOON is. (my comment: HCH seems very disappointed)

- GYOON is being attached in his home by 3 men, he managed to fend them off and run out of the house. KBS was outside and GYOON aksed KBS to quickly run. They managed to shake off their pursuers. KBS asked GYOON what is happening, GYOON lied but KBS said I know that you are Hong Gil Dong

- They started chatting. GYOON says that he cannot bear to see his sister being so hung up about their dad. He wished that she can lead a normal life, have a relationship, etc. HCH calls while they are talking and asked KBS why his car is near their place. KBS says he is talking to GYOON and they will return shortly

- The 3 of them have dinner. HCH asked KBS whether the food is good. KBS says that GYOON wants to go out for a small holiday. HCH agrees

- After the meal, HCH insists on sending KBS to his car. She thanked KBS for taking care of GYOON. KBS says since you are grateful to me, why don't you stay at my place when GYOON holidays? HCH says are you kidding and tries to send him off.

- TL Kang asked KBS whether he has anymore news about Hong Gil Dong. KBS says no, and that he has changed his mind about Hong Gil Dong being a young man. At this time, someone interuptted and says that another artifact has arrived at the meuseum. KBS rushes off immediately and TL Kang looks suspicious.

- KBS goes to confront GYOON about the new artifact at the bus station. GYOON is about to leave for his "holiday". GYOON says that it is not him who did it and he further asked KBS to help him look after his sister. KBS says don't worry I will take care of her for life :w00t: (so sweet). Someone is following them.

- KBS was checking the new artifact and says that it may be fake but since it is late, he will look at it again tomorrow

- There is another training session like that in the first episode. One of the masked man is Kim Sang!

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Yes, for a guy like KBS, I do wonder why he's not even holding her

hand ? Look at the way he grapped that TV host. Is that his way of

showing his respect to CH - the person he loves and will treasure?

..,yes i think this is the first time that KBS was in-love, his a player right it shouldn't be so hard for him

to show some affections to those girl that already like him as for HCH he was really on his self, i mean he don't

have to act in front of HCH right?

a rough translation from the chinese forum about episode 13

- After receiving the phone call, HCH ran out of her house. As she ran, memories of her dad floated into her mind.

- She met up with TL Kang and her superviser (the old man) and asked whether her dad is really dead. When her superviser confirmed it, she collapsed and cried. KBS rushed to comfort her in his arms

- At the funeral, TL Kang asked HCH whether she is alright. HCH let him leave saying that she will remember his concern for them. TL Kang ask her not to forget that everyone is concerned about her.

- At the funeral parlour, HCH says to her dad that they have missed him greatly. They will take care of themselves, so please RIP. Outside, KBS silently stands by looking at the sibling (omigosh, LDG must be very poor thing, wonder how he managed to this scene)

- Scene cuts to HCH and GYOON returning home, walking down the stairs. KBS is waiting for them sitting outside their house. KBS and HCH sits on the steps alone and chatted. HCH reminesece about her dada while KBS comforts her

- Back at home, GYOON passed HCH a box, saying that TL Kang passed it to him during the funeral.

..,oh yes about his brother recent death, i see if you watch carefully on LDG in the scene were HCH is crying about her father

you can see on LDG expression that he was really hurt or somehow affected, and while HCH is crying in the arms of KBS, i think i saw LDG wiped his face did anyone noticed that???

I don`t know with KBS, I mean it`s obvious that his crazy about CH and his willing to do everything for her,

but his not that affectionate, he can hold her hand if he wants too, cause he already kissed her.

His also an ice prince sometimes.

Suna is really into her role, she`s blooming every time CH and KBS has a scene together...

Getting sexier, she look very simple and sophisticated.

., and even without make-up her face was really flawless..,

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a rough translation from the chinese forum about episode 13

- After receiving the phone call, HCH ran out of her house. As she ran, memories of her dad floated into her mind.

- She met up with TL Kang and her superviser (the old man) and asked whether her dad is really dead. When her superviser confirmed it, she collapsed and cried. KBS rushed to comfort her in his arms

- At the funeral, TL Kang asked HCH whether she is alright. HCH let him leave saying that she will remember his concern for them. TL Kang ask her not to forget that everyone is concerned about her.

- At the funeral parlour, HCH says to her dad that they have missed him greatly. They will take care of themselves, so please RIP. Outside, KBS silently stands by looking at the sibling (omigosh, LDG must be very poor thing, wonder how he managed to this scene)

- Scene cuts to HCH and GYOON returning home, walking down the stairs. KBS is waiting for them sitting outside their house. KBS and HCH sits on the steps alone and chatted. HCH reminesece about her dada while KBS comforts her

- Back at home, GYOON passed HCH a box, saying that TL Kang passed it to him during the funeral. In the box are dad's wallet, some pens, and dad's diary. Dad was describing that he missed them and couldn't resist seeing them (he was looking at them play from afar). Seeing that they are well and living strongly, he is comforted. Don't forgive your useless dad, but I will definitely return to your side one day

- TL Kang wants to further investigate the matter. They dug out a phone number. (not sure about this part)

- KBS becomes a tour guide in the muesuem for a group of students

- Someone follows GYOON and is taking his picture. CEO Jang realizes that GYOON is the part-time gardener and that HCH and GYOON is HTC's childen

- KBS goes to look for HCH, HCH lights up and was thinking of asking him for lunch but KBS was only interested in asking where GYOON is. (my comment: HCH seems very disappointed)

- GYOON is being attached in his home by 3 men, he managed to fend them off and run out of the house. KBS was outside and GYOON aksed KBS to quickly run. They managed to shake off their pursuers. KBS asked GYOON what is happening, GYOON lied but KBS said I know that you are Hong Gil Dong

- They started chatting. GYOON says that he cannot bear to see his sister being so hung up about their dad. He wished that she can lead a normal life, have a relationship, etc. HCH calls while they are talking and asked KBS why his car is near their place. KBS says he is talking to GYOON and they will return shortly

thanks for the recap mead33 , now I know the basic events of today's eps

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Guest mead33

thanks for the recap mead33 , now I know the basic events of today's eps

no problems dirfree. we should thank you for all your past recaps instead!

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sorry i missed the discussion..gone for an hour.....:(

thanks for providing us the recap mead33!

wish cutiepie will post the LQ......




kinna slow...52kbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~











credit as labeled




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Guest ebrigid

omg ...i was at the dcinside website, and they say that the drama is going to be extended by 1 more episode. I don't know if it's going to be a special or not, or an extension of the original 16 episode drama. But I'm excited. It means that this drama can prolong itself some more in my memories....I can't imagine life without this show when this ends....sobs...

And the dcinside pple visited the staff today, with gifts etc.

Good nite, and good morning everyone! I'm logging off

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omg ...i was at the dcinside website, and they say that the drama is going to be extended by 1 more episode. I don't know if it's going to be a special or not, or an extension of the original 16 episode drama. But I'm excited. It means that this drama can prolong itself some more in my memories....I can't imagine life without this show when this ends....sobs...

And the dcinside pple visited the staff today, with gifts etc.

Good nite, and good morning everyone! I'm logging off

.., :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

oohhh that was really a good news!!!!! thanks ebrigid :D

..,waaahhh mzpakipot goodies time thank you!!!!

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