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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest kanshu
Ah...so he hasn't lost his position at the university. Thanks for clarifying. Ok, so maybe KBS still possesses a respectable position and status in society. And so the only reason why he doesn't seem to be involved with all those girls now (or cos that's only what's filmed!) is cos he's too busy trying to find out who stole the artifact from him. And maybe cos he now only has eyes for HCH. haha.

Yes, I think it's what they are filming; I mean, they had those scenes in the other episodes where he was sitting around with the museum girls and opened their drinks for them. So I'd say that that is his "normal pattern". Now, he's busy trying to keep himself (and HCH) out of danger, plus keeping TL Kang away from HCH, plus win HCH for himself...

But no matter how busy he is, those other girls (and the GF) should find him at one point. While I can still see him being friendly to the girls (because he has stopped flirting with them quite a while ago, if you watch his body language), the matter with his GF (at least, I think she think she's his GF, and he did make up with her after HCH told that thing about being pregnant with his child) needs resolving.

And KBS was suspicious of why he wasn't fired from his consultant job. There was a short discussion with HCH on that, just before Kang TL questioned him on whether he was Hong Gil Dong. But I think they just left it at that as the story had to proceed. But I'm still very curious as to what plans Chairman Jang has for him. Chairman Jang says he knows how best to deal with KBS now. And the only people who matter to KBS now would be his grandparents (and perhaps HCH!). So, Chairman Jang is probably headed in that direction to exact his revenge on KBS.

So KBS is probably continuing to dig in the background about what's going on.

As for the revenge, if White Suit Guy wants real revenge, he'll ttack KBS on two layers, where he's really hurt.

One would be to destroy KBS reputation and credibility. As Shereazade3 pointed out a couple of posts ago, even if the Chairman got KBS fired from all the prestigous jobs, KBS could still work independently because of his reputation and credibility. Also, as KBS explamned himself, he loves "saving the lives of artefacts"(paraphrase is mine), he said he's like a doctor who can't leave a patient unattended. His job is his passion and life, and the chance to get his fingers on the "interesting" and "important" artefacts that are the thrill in otherwise routine worklife, he can only get his hands on them because he has the reputation to be the best. Destroy that, and KBS can call himself lucky if anyone lets him repair a broken vase from the supermarket. (Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea. :sweatingbullets::))

The others tage would be to destroy his life, and hence his will to get back on his feet ever again. As long as KBS still has some fighting spirit, chances are that he will go and clear his name, sooner or later, and win back his position. So that spirit of his has to be broken... which can be easiest achieved by either giving him a huge guilt to carry, one that can never be repaid. And here, HCH and her brother, as well as his grandparents are good targets. His grandparents could loose their house, for example (and the way it suddenly happens, KBS would know who's behind it and why they lost it).

I've seen the preview, and with regards to the scene in which KBS and HCH were having a short quarrel (?), I don't think that's in a cinema per-se, but probably just somewhere in the musuem. Looking at the shots of the museum grounds so far, I would so love to go to Seoul and visit it. The outside grounds look so photo-worthy too!!

And actually, I think I know a little of why they were having that short quarrel.

HCH wanted to tell KBS that he didn't have to help her find her father anymore. She feels sorry for him, as she presumes her father is the one who stole the artifact from KBS and caused him to encounter setbacks in his career.

It would make sense for HCH to react that way; in that aspect, she's a lot like TL Kang and

doesn't want to burden others. And knowing her, she might pull exactly the same behaviour on KBS that she did pull on TL Kang, which is to build barriers between them. I wonder how long she's going be able to keep up those barriers in KBS' case, or if he goes and tears the barriers down?

As for the scene in which Kang TL is hugging HCH, Kang TL is just comforting her cos she was upset by something she heard about her father. There's nothing more to it, from HCH's part. Kang TL, on the other hand, may be possessing some other feelings for her. As evident from in the preview, he came to look for her at her home just to see her. It's a clear sign I would think that he has more than colleague-comaraderie feelings towards her.

Also, there's the fact that TL Kang seems to have made a decision about HCH, which is to no longer sit on his hinds, but try to win her back. So, just like HCH used KBS to make TL Kang think she had something going on with KBS, she might just use TL Kang to make KBs think that she's "finally together" with her true love. Even if HCH's feelings have already shifteted and she's having feelings for KBS now.

And another spoiler, Gyun's role in this drama is more significant than expected. Honestly, the actor captures my attention in this show. I'm glad we'll get to see more of him in this drama, and an upcoming drama that he has.

Well, perhaps it's true that little brother is HDG. If that's true, then things might get very interesting!

I also like the actor, he's doing a good job there.

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Guest kanshu
hi kanshu!

oh right.....i should have catch what he said..lol..


I'm not sure he says "Cut", since I don't understand Korean, it could also be "Stop"... I rewatched it and he says "Cut/stop. Cho Hee (or does that word mean "director"?). Cut/stop! CUT/STOP!!!"

I have the sneaking suspicion that LDG got more than he bargained for when KSA retaliated and became a bit more active than he had expected.

He isn't very fond of get that mud smeared into his face either... and if it's anything like the sea mud I know (spiced with oil slicks, dead animal and whatever), which stinks like there's no tomorrow because of ebb-tide... I don't really blame him. :)

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I'm not sure he says "Cut", since I don't understand Korean, it could also be "Stop"... I rewatched it and he says "Cut/stop. Cho Hee (or does that word mean "director"?). Cut/stop! CUT/STOP!!!"

I have the sneaking suspicion that LDG got more than he bargained for when KSA retaliated and became a bit more active than he had expected.

LDG tricked KSA to look the other way and he smeared more mud on her face, seems that it's close to her mouth too! hahaha bad LDG!! you are so right! LDG said cut! haha! :D


so you think little brother is HDG??

hi kim jo yan sis!

i'm assuming Gyun is HDG too.....yes, that'll be an interesting twist to the story.....KBS's trying to get close to Gyun, probably to be more closer to HCH, or maybe he's trying to get more information about her..hahaha!

He isn't very fond of get that mud smeared into his face either... and if it's anything like the sea mud I know (spiced with oil slicks, dead animal and whatever), which stinks like there's no tomorrow because of ebb-tide... I don't really blame him. :)

ewwwww....nice description there kanshu! how come the mud is black, shouldn't be brownish color??? i guess i haven't been to a seashore for so long....Washington Coast is far away from where i am..we have lakes or what we call puget sound (not sure what kind of body water) that have some seaweeds..last time i went to a beach was 3 yrs ago back in PI.

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Guest kanshu

so you think little brother is HDG??

At the moment, everything's possible. :) It sure would make the story more interesting.

And just imagine, what would happen if their dad is already dead (or is it ever confirmed that the father has been seen recently, outside of the connection KBS made between the artefacts and the father?), and little brother is burdened to return the items (maybe his father's "last will/wish"?), or perhaps he's doing it to make his sister happy that her father has turned "good" in the end?

In any case, it would be an unusual plot twist, and outstanding from your average, predictable cheesy drama plot.

LDG tricked KSA to look the other way and he smeared more mud on her face, seems that it's close to her mouth too! hahaha bad LDG!! you are so right! LDG said cut! haha! :D

I'm not sure, but it seems that LDG doesn't really dare to smear anything into KSA's face as long as she's looking at him that threateningly. Hence he made her look away... And that's not KBS and HCH at that point, because the reactions are different from the characters. LDG must have some royal fear installed in him about the wrath of KSA... previous bad experience? :blink:

Yes, it's close to her mouth... I wondered for a moment if he actually smeared a little bit into her mouth by accident.

ewwwww....nice description there kanshu! how come the mud is black, shouldn't be brownish color??? i guess i haven't been to a seashore for so long....Washington Coast is far away from where i am..last time i went to a beach was 3 yrs ago back in PI.

Well... if near shore sand has that color, it usually means that there's a lot of ship trafic and sewage plants (or lack thereoff) around. There's algea and oily residue, and who knows what other stuff. I mean, just look how it spreads on the actors' faces and clothing. That's so yucky stuff... reminds me off when we cleaned out our garden pond, the yuck stuff at the bottom of the pond looked just like that, and it made my feet&everything else it came into contact with stink for the rest of the day, too. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest yesitskate

i think

HCH told KBS to stop helping her because she doesn't want him to get involved. TL kang is suspicious about his involvements with jang hwae jang...

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ldg's such a cute naughty co-star.

that part of the ng started with the intention of ending shoot already, so technically they two can stop. and ksa actually said "don't do it, don't do it okay" and ldg replied, "okay. it's a little too much/over the top (something to that effect basically)". and then he said as he smeared her nose, "i'm sure there's a place to wash up over there". Haha...I doubt ldg's fearful of ksa...she's a total sport in this respect, and i think it's more surprising for me to see him do this considering his personality. i think around ksa he's really at alot more ease than i've seen him in previous projects, which is why the chemistry between them's just so natural.

i love the ng, wish we could see the other two scenes that was shown at the start of the clip too...

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Guest kanshu
ldg's such a cute naughty co-star.

that part of the ng started with the intention of ending shoot already, so technically they two can stop. and ksa actually said "don't do it, don't do it okay" and ldg replied, "okay. it's a little too much/over the top (something to that effect basically)". and then he said as he smeared her nose, "i'm sure there's a place to wash up over there". Haha...I doubt ldg's fearful of ksa...she's a total sport in this respect, and i think it's more surprising for me to see him do this considering his personality. i think around ksa he's really at alot more ease than i've seen him in previous projects, which is why the chemistry between them's just so natural.

i love the ng, wish we could see the other two scenes that was shown at the start of the clip too...

Hehe! So that's what it was about. I thought it was still part of the scene, so.. :)

Thanks for the translation! :)

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hi yuta_rule!!!!

thank you so much!

on the side note? how's XFile Movie?

No prob! my pleasure!

I'm so happy u asked abt the x-files movie!!! it really depends on whether you're a phile or not and perhaps how much u know of the characters mulder and scully. i liked it, though i must say that it could have been better. but somehow i think x-philes tend to experience greater disappointment than casual viewers. it was a huge reward for me because i've been a phile since the start of the show. I'd give kudos to the smart and intriguing story, but the execution fell a little short. but wow, david duchovny and gillian anderson reprised their roles perfectly and their screen times together were absolute perfection. i do hope you can go check out the movie and tell me what your thots are! :)

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LDG tricked KSA to look the other way and he smeared more mud on her face, seems that it's close to her mouth too! hahaha bad LDG!! you are so right! LDG said cut! haha! :D

hi kim jo yan sis!

i'm assuming Gyun is HDG too.....yes, that'll be an interesting twist to the story.....KBS's trying to get close to Gyun, probably to be more closer to HCH, or maybe he's trying to get more information about her..hahaha!

.., :D ellow sis!!!!

.., <_< hmmm... KBS finally moving to get HCH hehehe ;)

ldg's such a cute naughty co-star.

that part of the ng started with the intention of ending shoot already, so technically they two can stop. and ksa actually said "don't do it, don't do it okay" and ldg replied, "okay. it's a little too much/over the top (something to that effect basically)". and then he said as he smeared her nose, "i'm sure there's a place to wash up over there". Haha...I doubt ldg's fearful of ksa...she's a total sport in this respect, and i think it's more surprising for me to see him do this considering his personality. i think around ksa he's really at alot more ease than i've seen him in previous projects, which is why the chemistry between them's just so natural.

i love the ng, wish we could see the other two scenes that was shown at the start of the clip too...

..,oohhh so they were really playing around that time LDG started it, they were so cute though :lol:

thank you yuta_rule for the translation!!!!

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Guest ilikeldg
I would love to be in the same thread with you Kanshu, you made everything easy for me to understand.

I wish you can write a storyline for Suna in the future, cause I believe you can be a great writer.

I don`t think I would follow LDG`s project, As I`ve said, if Suna is not in it, I wouldn`t watch it, In Bin`s case, I tried to watch his movie and TV drama, but I`m not happy about it, may be because Suna is not his leading lady, but Bin, GY, KSW and LDG will always be my favorite among Korean actors. I`m happy to hear news about them, but I don`t participate in their forum. I`m not a fan of anybody even during my younger days. It`s kinda late when I became a fan of a Star, to think, she`s not a Filipino, it`s funny that I admire someone whom, I cannot be able to see in person and I can`t understand her language. I think, I love Suna because, there is no other actress like her, with an excellent talent, good personality and reputation.

Weeehhh...TL Kang had his chance to show CH that he cares for her.

Hi! I'm just like you.I was born and raise in the Phillipines,but after college I went to Germany and now reside in the USA .I never have admired any Star,whether it be in the Phillipines or here in the US,but after watching Lovers in Paris,I got hooked on LDG.I am too old for this but I do follow his Projects.I don't speak or understand Korean but now I am also hooked on Suna.I think she acts well...........Happy to be on the thread....

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Guest mead33

one question... keep reading that LDG is very different from previous, whether in front of the camera and behind the camera (NG scenes)... eh... what is he like before? was he very shy? was he very serious? never followed his previous dramas... so have no idea what he is like... just remembered that he was very serious and aloof at the press conference prior to the broadcast of WIAN...

btw, any idea how they celebrated LDG's birthday on the set yesterday? :w00t:

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Guest kanshu
one question... keep reading that LDG is very different from previous, whether in front of the camera and behind the camera (NG scenes)... eh... what is he like before? was he very shy? was he very serious? never followed his previous dramas... so have no idea what he is like... just remembered that he was very serious and aloof at the press conference prior to the broadcast of WIAN...

btw, any idea how they celebrated LDG's birthday on the set yesterday? :w00t:

KSA mentioned in an interview that LDG is much more serious than he used to be. It seems that he used to make a lot of jokes and goof around, but not any more.

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I am also hooked on Suna.I think she acts well...........Happy to be on the thread....

Hi, ilikeldq. Another Suna fan now, right? Welcome to this thread. Have not been active

at all but love reading all the contributions so far. Got to read about 4 pages and am

enjoying every bit. Love the pictures and little clips posted by mazpakipot too. Thanks

guys for making this thread so interesting.

Just rewatched episode 10. Love the little scene where she waited for the appearance

of KBS after the drunk scene. They were really like lovers teasing each other,

CH - buy me lunch (in a cheeky and spoilt manner)

KBS - no, so thick-skinned (teasing her)

CH - just buy me lunch

KBS - no, go eat alone (and walked away but I guess he intends to grap her hand when

CH's phone ran)

(not that I understand Korean but saw this from the Chinese sub)

In the car after eating at his grandparents -

CH - your grandparents seemed happy but they are actually lonely. you should

visit them more often

KBS - you can go in my place, grandma loves you (treating CH as his gf now????) and

he looked happy .... but .....)

After answering the call and CH spoke up for TL Kang -

KBS - you're too much, you only think of Kang and do not care about my feelings

CH - it's not that ......

KBS - so, the fact that you like him, forget it (he only wants CH to think of him and no one else?

he's kind of confessing his love .... ?????)

CH - err???? (and he was quiet throughout after that)

Was he hurt? He's actually in love with her now? So he was angry?

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Guest llyh90
I am also hooked on Suna.I think she acts well...........Happy to be on the thread....

Just rewatched episode 10. Love the little scene where she waited for the appearance

of KBS after the drunk scene. They were really like lovers teasing each other,

CH - buy me lunch (in a cheeky and spoilt manner)

KBS - no, so thick-skinned (teasing her)

CH - just buy me lunch

KBS - no, go eat alone (and walked away but I guess he intends to grap her hand when

CH's phone ran)

(not that I understand Korean but saw this from the Chinese sub)

In the car after eating at his grandparents -

CH - your grandparents seemed happy but they are actually lonely. you should

visit them more often

KBS - you can go in my place, grandma loves you (treating CH as his gf now????) and

he looked happy .... but .....)

After answering the call and CH spoke up for TL Kang -

KBS - you're too much, you only think of Kang and do not care about my feelings

CH - it's not that ......

KBS - so, the fact that you like him, forget it (he only wants CH to think of him and no one else?

he's kind of confessing his love .... ?????)

CH - err???? (and he was quiet throughout after that)

Was he hurt? He's actually in love with her now? So he was angry?

He hasn't admitted he's in love with her yet? (Verbally)

But a few scenes shows that he likes her a lot.

For example, the scene when he asked his grandfather's opinion of CH.

Also when they were in the taxi, CH was drunk, he held her hands.

And a few episodes back when his friend wanted to visit CH, he got all worked up.

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Guest jastinel
Hi! I'm just like you.I was born and raise in the Phillipines,but after college I went to Germany and now reside in the USA .I never have admired any Star,whether it be in the Phillipines or here in the US,but after watching Lovers in Paris,I got hooked on LDG.I am too old for this but I do follow his Projects.I don't speak or understand Korean but now I am also hooked on Suna.I think she acts well...........Happy to be on the thread....

Glad to know that you are my Kababayan! Do you still understand tagalog?

I hope we can have a chat one of this days...

here is my YM ID jastinel_11@yahoo.com

Hope to see you more on Suna`s thread, after WIAN.

Thanks mzpakipot for all the goodies!

I`m happy that LDG can laughed like that, I know that he can`t easily get at ease with someone not very close to him.

But I can see that with Suna, he can play around and his also a funny person.

Monday and Tuesday madness again...I just can`t wait! I was thinking, after WIAN, what should I do during M-T night? I hope I can watch another K-drama after this...hehehe!

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Guest ebrigid
thanks for the spoiler ebrigid, i'm puttin some hot chili sauce with that info..haha j/k!

i guessed it wrong, i'm glad it's not something about Gyon..he's gonna have a new drama after Every Night? is he doing comedy-drama?? I hope he's gonna be the lead...he seems like a good actor..

You can put as much chilli, and pepper with that information. :D Actually I have more spoilers. But it will only spoil your drama watching pleasure. So I'm going to stop giving more info for now.

The actor playing Gyun is Pak Ki-woong. Yup, I think he's going to be the lead in the new drama. EDIT: Oops. per a recent article put up in the news thread in soompi, he's just the supporting actor. Sorry for the misinformation. He's going to act in a KBS drama (Love Marriage? not sure about the translation) and it's expected to start airing end of August.

Yes, I think it's what they are filming; I mean, they had those scenes in the other episodes where he was sitting around with the museum girls and opened their drinks for them. So I'd say that that is his "normal pattern". Now, he's busy trying to keep himself (and HCH) out of danger, plus keeping TL Kang away from HCH, plus win HCH for himself...

But no matter how busy he is, those other girls (and the GF) should find him at one point. While I can still see him being friendly to the girls (because he has stopped flirting with them quite a while ago, if you watch his body language), the matter with his GF (at least, I think she think she's his GF, and he did make up with her after HCH told that thing about being pregnant with his child) needs resolving.

Yes, they don't show scenes of the girls bothering KBS anymore. And I guess also cos they know KBS is taken. And cos they have a new target. My current fave of the moment. Gyun :D

So KBS is probably continuing to dig in the background about what's going on.

As for the revenge, if White Suit Guy wants real revenge, he'll ttack KBS on two layers, where he's really hurt.

One would be to destroy KBS reputation and credibility. As Shereazade3 pointed out a couple of posts ago, even if the Chairman got KBS fired from all the prestigous jobs, KBS could still work independently because of his reputation and credibility. Also, as KBS explamned himself, he loves "saving the lives of artefacts"(paraphrase is mine), he said he's like a doctor who can't leave a patient unattended. His job is his passion and life, and the chance to get his fingers on the "interesting" and "important" artefacts that are the thrill in otherwise routine worklife, he can only get his hands on them because he has the reputation to be the best. Destroy that, and KBS can call himself lucky if anyone lets him repair a broken vase from the supermarket. (Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea. :sweatingbullets::))

The others tage would be to destroy his life, and hence his will to get back on his feet ever again. As long as KBS still has some fighting spirit, chances are that he will go and clear his name, sooner or later, and win back his position. So that spirit of his has to be broken... which can be easiest achieved by either giving him a huge guilt to carry, one that can never be repaid. And here, HCH and her brother, as well as his grandparents are good targets. His grandparents could loose their house, for example (and the way it suddenly happens, KBS would know who's behind it and why they lost it).

Good observation there. Yeah, Chairman Jang will probably get him back on those 2 counts. Attacks on his career, and attacks on the people who matter most to him. Though his grandparents look so nice, I'd hate for anything bad to happend to them! KBS, quickly get on your feet and think of how to turn the tables on Chairman Jang.

It would make sense for HCH to react that way; in that aspect, she's a lot like TL Kang and

doesn't want to burden others. And knowing her, she might pull exactly the same behaviour on KBS that she did pull on TL Kang, which is to build barriers between them. I wonder how long she's going be able to keep up those barriers in KBS' case, or if he goes and tears the barriers down?

Also, there's the fact that TL Kang seems to have made a decision about HCH, which is to no longer sit on his hinds, but try to win her back. So, just like HCH used KBS to make TL Kang think she had something going on with KBS, she might just use TL Kang to make KBs think that she's "finally together" with her true love. Even if HCH's feelings have already shifteted and she's having feelings for KBS now.

I disagree on that count. I can't see her using TL Kang to make KBS look the other way. Reason being, she feels TL Kang is a nice person, and she won't make use of TL Kang in this way. Ok, my argument may be very weak, since she already made use of KBS, and might be inclined to do the same again, but I just can't see HCH doing this.

Well, perhaps it's true that little brother is HDG. If that's true, then things might get very interesting!

I also like the actor, he's doing a good job there.

You'll have to see the end of Episode 11 to confirm if what i've said is true. I think I know too much about Episode 11 and 12 for my own good actually.

ldg's such a cute naughty co-star.

that part of the ng started with the intention of ending shoot already, so technically they two can stop. and ksa actually said "don't do it, don't do it okay" and ldg replied, "okay. it's a little too much/over the top (something to that effect basically)". and then he said as he smeared her nose, "i'm sure there's a place to wash up over there". Haha...I doubt ldg's fearful of ksa...she's a total sport in this respect, and i think it's more surprising for me to see him do this considering his personality. i think around ksa he's really at alot more ease than i've seen him in previous projects, which is why the chemistry between them's just so natural.

i love the ng, wish we could see the other two scenes that was shown at the start of the clip too...

Ahh..thanks for the information! Yes, agree with you that the chemistry between the two of them is just so natural!!

Looking forward to Episode 11!

I am also hooked on Suna.I think she acts well...........Happy to be on the thread....

Hi, ilikeldq. Another Suna fan now, right? Welcome to this thread. Have not been active

at all but love reading all the contributions so far. Got to read about 4 pages and am

enjoying every bit. Love the pictures and little clips posted by mazpakipot too. Thanks

guys for making this thread so interesting.

Just rewatched episode 10. Love the little scene where she waited for the appearance

of KBS after the drunk scene. They were really like lovers teasing each other,

CH - buy me lunch (in a cheeky and spoilt manner)

KBS - no, so thick-skinned (teasing her)

CH - just buy me lunch

KBS - no, go eat alone (and walked away but I guess he intends to grap her hand when

CH's phone ran)

(not that I understand Korean but saw this from the Chinese sub)

In the car after eating at his grandparents -

CH - your grandparents seemed happy but they are actually lonely. you should

visit them more often

KBS - you can go in my place, grandma loves you (treating CH as his gf now????) and

he looked happy .... but .....)

After answering the call and CH spoke up for TL Kang -

KBS - you're too much, you only think of Kang and do not care about my feelings

CH - it's not that ......

KBS - so, the fact that you like him, forget it (he only wants CH to think of him and no one else?

he's kind of confessing his love .... ?????)

CH - err???? (and he was quiet throughout after that)

Was he hurt? He's actually in love with her now? So he was angry?

Yes yes, I believe he's totally in love with her now. He's completely jealous. I mean, him taking her to his grandparents, to get their opinion on what they think of her. (whether she's marriageable material?), that's an obvious sign that he likes her more than his usual girlfriends. I don't think he's done that with his previous girlfriends.

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Hi! I'm just like you.I was born and raise in the Phillipines,but after college I went to Germany and now reside in the USA .I never have admired any Star,whether it be in the Phillipines or here in the US,but after watching Lovers in Paris,I got hooked on LDG.I am too old for this but I do follow his Projects.I don't speak or understand Korean but now I am also hooked on Suna.I think she acts well...........Happy to be on the thread....

..,same in here, really addicted on her since the MNIKSS fever, she's a great actress and a great person, she has a great personality.

..,did you noticed even in her age any leading men even younger than her really suits her..

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