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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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i didn't realize that, maybe he didn't wanna do a full body contact...i can tell he can't look at KSA's eyes...he is definitely shy.. :blush:

now i wonder why they let her carry that bag, specially with the kissing scene...it doesn't look natural...i think a normal guy would reach around a girl's waist..but the kiss was perfect, can't complain...no rushing, no opening of the whole mouth, no eating each other's tonsils (yech!) and no switching side to side....


..,mmm agree with you sis the kiss is romantic oh :rolleyes: so the bag was intensionally put there...

why should LDG be shy to KSA? is it really because of the kiss ;):P :P

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@kim jo yan

sis! love your summary, you didn't miss any info..

..,im an addict remember :lol::lol: :lol:

zoom, zoom, zoom in!!



..,hehehe LDG smiling nervously :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

@kim jo yan

well maybe he is shy, coz the kiss is more intimate, compare to the first stolen forced kiss...

or maybe there is something going on between those two...? hahaha j/k!

..,hehehe :lol: :lol: :lol:

..,is there anyone here know about the lovelife of our 2 love birds :D :D :D

>>>>>gossiping mode<<<<<<<

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据知,东健准备在8月14日(星期四)出国前往日本准备日本音乐会事宜. It is understood that the East-ready on August 14日(星期四) to go abroad to Japan to prepare the concert of Japan.

拜托各位坚持支持"每天夜晚"一直到最后结束。 Please adhere to support you, "the daily evening" until the last close.

oh my... those are some really weird literal translation of Chinese to English :blink::wacko::P

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here's the clip for the Schedule change..?????????????????????????????

hope a nice person can translate this clip for us bam bamers....

aiggooooh...! it's 2am already...i can't sleep till i get an answer...*sigh*

据知,东健准备在8月14日(星期四)出国前往日本准备日本音乐会事宜. It is understood that the East-ready on August 14日(星期四) to go abroad to Japan to prepare the concert of Japan.

拜托各位坚持支持"每天夜晚"一直到最后结束。 Please adhere to support you, "the daily evening" until the last close.

oh my... those are some really weird literal translation of Chinese to English :blink::wacko::P

hi lxs059022

whooops! i didn't see your post...*toinks*

really? hahaha, i used google translate..sorry..

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Guest pmmonkey

i'm thinking of making another MV, but can't come up with a good song...any suggestions?

Oh my... there are so many things to catch up with. Gonna start catching up once I'm done with my assignments.

mzpakipot, I have one song which I like alot. She by Elvis Costello.

*Continues to work hard*

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hi! you got your siggy back! yey! :D

thanks for your suggestion..*hugs*.....i'm not sure if i've heard of it before, let me look and listen to it...

@kim jo yan

it seems like there's no tuesday show...well, i really dunno...?


ahhhh! now i remember the song...i think i heard this from my ATF movie 'Bridget Jones' diary.' thanks! it's a very LOVERLY song...hehe

edited: i'm wrong again...

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here's the clip for the Schedule change..?????????????????????????????

hope a nice person can translate this clip for us bam bamers....

aiggooooh...! it's 2am already...i can't sleep till i get an answer...*sigh*

hi lxs059022

whooops! i didn't see your post...*toinks*

really? hahaha, i used google translate..sorry..

sorry no ill intentions there :sweatingbullets:

there's alot of debate going on in krdrama forums...

apparently epi 15 will be shown on 11.08.08

then tuesday there's no epi

the final epi 16 will be shown on 18.08.08

as for the 'special' it's not an official more like the fans' request

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sorry no ill intentions there :sweatingbullets:

there's alot of debate going on in krdrama forums...

apparently epi 15 will be shown on 11.08.08

then tuesday there's no epi

the final epi 16 will be shown on 18.08.08

as for the 'special' it's not an official more like the fans' request

..,so its that a final schedule???

episode 15 will be shown on aug. 11 (monday)

episode 16 will be shown on aug. 18 (monday)

and the "special" not yet confirmed right????

..,mzpakipot unnie you should take a rest now...

promise when you wake up the schedule of WIAN will be confirmed....

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Guest kanshu

..,hello guys :D been busy lately :phew:

..,so how's everybody? i see the threads a bit slow today :huh:

..,mzpakipot unnie thanks for the pics its all lovely, agree with mead33 GYOON is so cutie even with pink sleepers :lol:

..,and agree with kanshu LDG looks really tired and he really loss a weight

but he still handsome love your pics mzpakipot bout LDG's wardrobe :D

I'm still away from my own place and can only check in occasionally... :sweatingbullets:

About LDG, it might just be the pictures, but his eyes look kind of dead. If you compare them to the other shots, it's like all the life has been taken out of him. But I guess it's just a combination of tiredness and photos taken at an unfortunate moment...

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Sorry, I'm confused. Will episode 15 be shown on Monday?

Can someone please confirm - and with the time as well?

Thanks. Episode 14 started 30 minutes late and I thought that

I had missed out on something. Gosh - hope that MBC will not

make changes again. Waiting anxiously to see the next episode

and I do hope to see more scenes of KBS and HC and their

confirmed relationship. KBS should say those 3 words in that

episode and am hoping to see more intimate scenes of them.

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ok this is from dcinside taken from LDG's site i guess???


올림픽을 맞아 8월 12일(화)에 방송될 16회분 밤밤드라마는 결방되오며

다음주 8월 18일(월)에 마지막으로 공중파를 탈 예정입니다.

그리고 8월 13일(수)에 밤밤드라마 촬영을 끝마치오며

8월 14일(목)에는 일본 콘서트 준비를 위하여 한국을 출국해 일본에 도착한다고 합니다.

마지막까지 밤밤드라마 본방 사수해 주시고 더불어 많은 응원 부탁드립니다.


here's the google translation

Right Olympics Tuesday, August 12 to 16 Ash aired bambamdeuramaneun gyeolbangdoeohmyeo

Next Monday, August 18 will be the last ride of the airwaves.

And Wednesday, August 13 shots in bambamdeurama kkeutmachiohmyeo

Thursday, August 14 concerts in Japan and South Korea to prepare for the chulgukhae he arrived in Japan.

In addition to taking a lot of cheering until the last bambamdeurama bonbang sasuhae appreciated.

******sleep mode*****

zZzZz ngork zzZZzZZz

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..,is there anyone here know about the lovelife of our 2 love birds

>>>>>gossiping mode<<<<<<<

Hi, kim jo yan. Would like to know too. Anyone??? Any news????

Goodnight and sweet dreams, mazpakipot. KBS and HC will be in your

dreams ......... goodnight .........

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can't sleep......even LDG's soothing voice is not helping....

<H4 class=tit_article>'밤이면 밤마다', 1회 연장 17부로 종영 </H4>기사입력 2008-08-08 18:55 btn_view_origin_article.gif [머니투데이 스타뉴스 김현록 기자] 2008080818480447970_1.jpg

MBC 월화드라마 '밤이면 밤마다'(극본 윤은경 김은희·연출 손형석)가 1회 연장된 17부로 대단원의 막을 내린다. 당초 16부로 기획된 '밤이면 밤마다'는 오는 19일 계획보다 1회 연장된 17부로 종영한다.

고동선 담당 CP(책임 프로듀서)는 8일 스타뉴스와의 통화에서 "마지막 대단원을 마무리하기에 계획된 분량이 다소 벅차 이같이 결정했다"고 말했다.

고 CP는 이어 "더욱이 베이징 올림픽 프로그램 관계로 한주 전 방송이 1회 쉬게 돼 시청자들을 위해서서라도 화요일에 종영할 수 있도록 하기 위해 1회를 추가하기로 했다"고 설명했다.

'밤이면 밤마다'는 도굴꾼의 딸로서 문화재청의 열혈 단속반원이 된 허초희(김선아 분)와 바람둥이 고미술 복원 전문가 김범상(이동건 분)을 주인공으로 삼아 문화유산에 대한 애정과 두 사람의 알콩달콩 로맨스를 그려냈다.

김선아, 이동건이란 두 스타배우의 조합에도 불구하고 시청률 면에서는 기대만큼의 성과를 올리지 못했지만 마니아 시청자들로부터 '의미있는 드라마'란 평가를 받고 있다.

한편 '밤이면 밤마다' 후속으로는 송승헌 연정훈 박해진 이다해 이연희 한지혜 주연의 '에덴의 동쪽'이 방송된다.

모바일로 보는 스타뉴스 "342 누르고 NATE/magicⓝ/ez-i"


머니투데이가 만드는 리얼타임 연예뉴스 제보 및 보도자료

from what the google said, they'll extend it to 1 more epi. or stoopid google is wrong again..as always...

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Guess, it's confirmed that there will be an extra episode.

Read that @ onlysuna. Am not sure if that would be a special

or a continuation but am happy to hear that - Got to see Suna

for another episode - how great!

Listening to their duet - am sure that would be soothing enough,

mazpakipot. Goodnight.

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Guest maypi

..,mmm agree with you sis the kiss is romantic oh :rolleyes: so the bag was intensionally put there...

why should LDG be shy to KSA? is it really because of the kiss ;):P :P

hmm i also agree he looks really shy on that scene

but i heard that in real life , he actually is a shy guy

so this "kissing" scene might made him nervous ... *he cant hide it* LOL

well it will be very nice if KSA and LDG really have something off screen ^^

anyway the special episode is the addition of WIAN ???

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Guest jastinel

Wow, 3 more pages was added...Do I see 300 pages by the end of Bambam?

With all of you here, very active in the discussion, it`s possible.

Been busy with my family lately and i feel bad that my hubby is leaving on Sunday for his work in Norway.

Our wishes was granted, 1 more episode for Bambam, that is totally awesome...I need more, actually!

I hope it will be more on Suna and LDG, that extra episode would still be interesting if only the two of them will be in it.

I `d like to see a wedding and honeymoon...hehehe...silly me!

Anyway, whatever they come up, I would surely love it!

But, I was thinking, may be it would be nice if that extra episode would be a farewell show for all Bambam fans,

We have seen Suna and LDG sing (Duet). A concert show will be so cool, I want to see Suna and LDG sing and play an instrument. I can imagine both of them on stage performing. *Wishful thinking*

I have this question in my mind...

When KBS brought CH in his house, she fell asleep in the sofa and the next thing we saw,

she`s in the bed already, do you think she`s really in a deep sleep, that she doesn`t feel KBS being at her side?

Or just playing asleep, I mean, she`s sleeping like a baby, that even KBS was moving around her, she did not have any reaction. I just wish that the writer made it more convincing.

The kiss of LDG and Suna, can`t get enough of it!

why there is no NG or clip for that particular scene?

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