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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest drumon

Looks like the show's schedule has changed, probably because of the Olympics.

방금 에덴의 동쪽 검색해보니

밤밤 후속작인데도 불구하고 9월 1일이 첫방이네

그럼 밤밤 26일까지 하는거야

13화 8월4일

14화 8월5일

15화 8월25일

16화 8월26일

Source: DC/Onlysuna

Thanks, info.

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LDG's hands looks nicer than Suna's. Aiyoo.

Er, KSA fingers really do look like mine. LOL mine is short n stocky. But been wondering y I can't play da piano???!!!! Cos most of the teachers say that player with long n slim fingers (aka LDG) can easily reach the ivory keys. As far as I know KSA majored in Piano when she study in the US. Sooooo jealous of her. He he he.

i noticed that too ever since MNIKSS..she has long stumpy fingers..hehehe, at least she's good in playing the piano..wish i know how..

Nope there is a scene where she was wearing da indigo top with the 'CROCS' shoes. I can see it cos tha camera pan out after she finish talking with TL Kang or KBS in the garden in broad daylight. Below is da link of the 'CROCS' shoe. I only wear them to market cos its super comfy but a bit like too ahjumma. Well, I'm really like an ahjumma if by age but hey I would like to look younger any day. So normally I would wear their mary jane which is also super comfy.


thanks for the link NelielTu! I didn't know those are Crocs! The only crocs i see around here are those big hideous ones with different colors...looks can be deceiving right? I guess it's so popular because of its comfort. i wouln't know i haven't tried one yet...but definitely keep my eye on those new styles of Crocs..

Thanks for the pics of KBS tending to HC's finger, mazpakipot.

The director should make him kiss the finger after that, right?

After the kissing scene, they were not shown to be even holding

hands - even when they came home from dinner, little brother

was right between them - how sad ......

you'r welcome sueyip

that would be nice if they put a little kiss the finger there..but it'll be weird, coz they're not really going out yet, i mean confirm by both parties...it's too kiddie but cute! hahaha

Gyoon between them was perfect, it made them both shy with each other, especially HCH...lol

..,ellow fellow threaders!!!! sorry for not posting this past few hours

been busy making MV, want to contribute something for WIAN THREAD

..,its my first time making a MV so its not that good at all, but i do hope

that you would like it!! :):D:):D

Here it is KBS-HCH cat fight

"Lets Call The Whole Thing Off"

by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

hi kim jo yan sis!! thanks for the MV, interesting choice of song. I love it! You're already contributing to this thread by commenting, and I like reading your opinions and stuff...especially that one picture of Gyoon.. :lol:

www.kpopit.com is summarizing episodes of when it's at night for those who are waiting for eng subs

you're welcome honeybeat44!

sorry for the late reply....

yes, kpopit's used to do picture summary of WIAN, but she stopped.not sure why...nonetheless, we still appreciate her hard work on doing those summaries.

Here's the link for preview of episode 13.

omo! thanks for the Episode 13 link llyh90!

it didn't look too exciting for me, i was looking for more KBS and HCH actions..hahaha

that's just sad, HCH's father is dead....i was hoping he'd still be alive..

Gyoon is in big trouble now, i hope KBS and HCH will protect him...

it looks like HCH knows about Gyoon being HGD and maybe will forgive him..

Wow, what a preview! If it continues like this, then where does the comedy go? The drama has turned so serious and action based now... No more bantering between KBS and HC *sigh*...

Perhaps the comforting will come at a later time, or HCH has just told KBS to leave her alone... or she's looking for her little brother?

hi kanshu! :D

i hope this serious and action stuff will be over before episode 14...i wanna see more KBS and HCH admitting their love for each other and then KBS getting jealous..lol

you maybe right, she might be running towards her brother...

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Wow, what a preview! If it continues like this, then where does the comedy go? The drama has turned so serious and action based now... No more bantering between KBS and HC *sigh*...

Perhaps the comforting will come at a later time, or HCH has just told KBS to leave her alone... or she's looking for her little brother?

i thot i saw

a scene where both KBS and HCH seating at the flight of stairs maybe outside HCH house?


that could be the comforting scene we can all look forward to


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Hi everybody!

I was out with my family, we watched the movie...The Mummy 3 and my kids enjoyed it.

So, how`s everybody? You`re weekend?

WIAN is going to end and I still don`t get it , why they used the title WIAN?

I hope we can bring back the time and the writers could re-write the story of Bambam and just void all the unpleasant scene and save the best scene there is. I `m not that happy with the result of this drama base on the rating, but, I know that this has been a great drama that i will always remember, but there are some episode that I can`t go back and watch it again. I wish after this Suna can do another drama. I feel bad about the criticism that she got, the failure of her hard work and I regret the fact that her come back TV-drama was the total opposite of MNIKSS.

Sorry, I do love Bambam but, I can`t stop thinking about the effect of this drama on Suna`s career and I hope I`m wrong thinking this way...cause I know, many people were crazy about this drama, right after the first two episode.

I hope WIAN will be aired in other Asian countries it will gain the rating that it deserves.

Love you Suna...Fighting!!!

I feel you jastinel sis. This ratings is not really doing any good justice to the actors. Well, can't really say bad things about the writers, they really tried their best. Overall, i think this drama is really GOOD, if you don't look at the ratings! Like pmmonkey said, food is still close to the Koreans' heart. Personally i wouldn't really care much about the National Treasures unless it's in my position then i can sell it! hahaha j/k!

You're right about the title...i dont' understand either how they came up with that title. No sense at all... :wacko:

I love The MUMMY series, 1st and 2nd!!

pmmonkey, was it dissapointing?? it shouldn't be, Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh are in it...;D

On another note, I was watching this movie titled Someone Behind You and thought that one of the actor looked familiar. So I googled up and WOW... It was Gyoon (Park Ki Woong)... and he has this very sinister look, very evil if compared to cute looking Gyoon.

where did you watch it? online?

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Guest ebrigid

Looks like the show's schedule has changed, probably because of the Olympics.

방금 에덴의 동쪽 검색해보니

밤밤 후속작인데도 불구하고 9월 1일이 첫방이네

그럼 밤밤 26일까지 하는거야

13화 8월4일

14화 8월5일

15화 8월25일

16화 8월26일

Source: DC/Onlysuna

It's my first time posting here, been lurking around. Just want to say that I really like the lively discussions here especially the character analysis provided by Kanshu.

Really like this drama even though it has a slow start, but the characters' development is well done and also great acting from all the lead and supporting cast. Its a great drama to watch just for the acting alone.

Thanks for the info, cocoabeans! I sure hope this doesn't make the ratings drop. One week of disappearance could mean a lot. As if WIAN doesn't have enough to deal with already...aigoooo..

Anyways, if anyone's interested in some spoilers, this will be the last of whatever spoilers I have. Cos my source has disappeared, and I am only left with ideas of what's going to happen in Episode 13. But then, the highlights have already been pointed out in the preview. So as always, take what I say with a pinch of salt, and lots of pepper. Don't throw daggers at me if whatever I say turns out differently! :sweatingbullets: But please don't read this if you really don't want to know what's happening in Episode 13, cos there is a high chance of things turning out as per below. :sweatingbullets:

Some points on Episode 13:

- We left off at the point where HCH receives a call from TL Kang.

- TL Kang tells HCH that her father is dead.

The police are not able to fully confirm that the ashes they found are absolutely HCH's father, since it's been quite a while, however, we are let to believe that it's him. (I really hate that such things happen to characters in shows, so I'm hoping that maybe, he's not dead...sighzz)

- HCH is saddened, but continues working hard at her job.

- The Chairman (i forgot his surname!) is informed by his secretary that HTS is dead. He's shocked too, as he thought that the one who stole from him is HTS.

- The Chairman is informed by his secretary that HTS's daughter is HCH and HTS's son is Gyun. The secretary sees the photo of Gyun and realises that Gyun worked part-time at their premises.

- They put two and two together, and go after Gyun at his home.

- Gyun fights the baddies off, and runs out of his home, meeting KBS.

- KBS and Gyun manage to shake off the baddies.

- KBS reveals to Gyun that he knows Gyun is Hong Gil Dong, but promises not to tell anyone.

- KBS also makes Gyun promise not to steal again.

- Apparently Gyun stole those artifacts cos he saw how happy his sister was when she found Artifact #1, so he just wanted to make her happy. (What a brother-sister relationship they have! Will this actually exist in reality??)

- KBS suggests that he leave Seoul for a while, and hide it off at his grandfather's place.

- Gyun seeks consent from HCH to go on a "vacation", and HCH agrees. She's still completely unaware of her brother's involvement in those thefts.

- TL Kang and his gang manage to trace that the number ( i think it's the number registered under HTS's name) made calls to the Chairman. So they think that maybe it was the Chairman who was after HTS.

- Another artifact is returned to the museum!

- KBS questions Gyun if he has stolen again. But it is not Gyun, so they are both left puzzled as to who did it.

- KBS sends Gyun off to his grandfather. (there is allusion that someone is watching them leave....could it be HTS? or just the Chairman's gang?)

- KBS examines the artifact returned to the museum, but before he can further examine it, he has to leave, as the museum is holding another training stint (like in Episode 1 i think)

- The museum staff prepare for the training stint.

- As the museum staff prepare to head in, we see that Kim Sang is among the staff....

Good nite and good morning!

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it looks like the dcinside team made some goodies for the Every Night crew. I wish i could go there and spread some love for this drama..







screen caps for Episode 13 preview












wow!! thanks ebrigid......felt like i just watch episode 13 by your spoiler..hehehe/ it's all good...still can't wait to see their actions...

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Looks like the show's schedule has changed, probably because of the Olympics.

It's my first time posting here, been lurking around. Just want to say that I really like the lively discussions here especially the character analysis provided by Kanshu.

Really like this drama even though it has a slow start, but the characters' development is well done and also great acting from all the lead and supporting cast. Its a great drama to watch just for the acting alone.

hi cocoabeans!

that's so nice of you, thank you for the info.

Yes, the actors are doing a wonderful job with their roles. Even the supporting cast, they really grew on me, they're not such a nuisance anymore..lol

i agree with you ebrigid, i hope after the olympics will not affect the ratings of Every Night.

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@kim jo yan

same here... i got really addicted to the song.. and the more i listen to it, the more i feel that i've heard it before... then i read your post and that's it - In Love With You

-oh they even have "almost" the same intro... kekeke

strange that amay didn't noticed it (considering she is/was a fan of the singer - Regine Velasquez). but on the intro of the HCH & KBS i can easily sing the chorus of In Love With You and also on the part that they (HCH & KBS) started to sing together.

a little trivia: the one who sang In Love With You (female) is Regine Velasquez, who's currently playing the role of Kim Sam Soon in the remake of MNIKSS. strange coincidence... giving me goosebumps.

I hope when Kim Suna goes here in the Philippines to promote WIAN, she'll be interviewed by Regine. The 2 Samsoons. That would be a hit for sure! sigh wishful thinking again...

but it's kinda normal for songs to have similar melodies. i remember i received an email before with songs that has the same melody that you can sing a certain song along with another song.

i still don't have episode 12.... :( no clubbox link yet...

..,actually big fan of RV also (since HG) and big fan of KSA (since MNKSS), so i don't know if thats a coincidence, RV playing as KSS remake who's originally played by KSA and KSA singing couples just began who has same melodies of RV's in love with you strange or coincidence?? :huh:

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Guest pmmonkey

Looks like the show's schedule has changed, probably because of the Olympics.

방금 에덴의 동쪽 검색해보니

밤밤 후속작인데도 불구하고 9월 1일이 첫방이네

그럼 밤밤 26일까지 하는거야

13화 8월4일

14화 8월5일

15화 8월25일

16화 8월26일

Source: DC/Onlysuna

It's my first time posting here, been lurking around. Just want to say that I really like the lively discussions here especially the character analysis provided by Kanshu.

Welcome :D

And thanks for the great info. 2weeks w/o WIAN is gonna be really bad. Hope that ep14 will be a great cliffhanger so that everyone will be dying for ep15. EVERYONE... forumer and non-forumer.

Er, KSA fingers really do look like mine. LOL mine is short n stocky. But been wondering y I can't play da piano???!!!! Cos most of the teachers say that player with long n slim fingers (aka LDG) can easily reach the ivory keys. As far as I know KSA majored in Piano when she study in the US. Sooooo jealous of her. He he he.

i noticed that too ever since MNIKSS..she has long stumpy nails..hehehe, at least she's good in playing the piano..wish i know how..

<_< Her fingers aren't short you know.

And to play a piano needs skillz, not long slender fingers, although it's more ideal and looks nicer.

*Goes to cry over shorter fingers*

I feel you jastinel sis. This ratings is not really doing any good justice to the actors. Well, can't really say bad things about the writers, they really tried their best. Overall, i think this drama is really GOOD, if you don't look at the ratings! Like pmmonkey said, food is still close to the Koreans' heart. Personally i wouldn't really care much about the National Treasures unless it's in my position then i can sell it! hahaha j/k!

You're right about the title...i dont' understand either how they came up with that title. No sense at all... :wacko:

I love The MUMMY series, 1st and 2nd!!

pmmonkey, was it dissapointing?? it shouldn't be, Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh are in it...;D

where did you watch it? online?

Erm... I downloaded the movie (Someone Behind You). :phew:

About The Mummy, (sorry off topic) I find the ending disappointing.

Well, there are also some parts which aren't done well.

Parts I find good are certain jokes. If you understand mandrin, will be a plus cos I realized the subs killed the joke. I like the uncle.

Parts which aren't good:

Haha, Jet Li... most of the time is a walking stone. Worse, him transforming into a 3 headed dragon and a beast.

LOL... Yeti... LOL...

Michelle Yeoh, first casted a spell in sanskrit. Another spell, from the same book was casted in english. She's immortal, lived for 2000 years, guard the tomb and learned english. (amazing :lol:)

Another cheesy part was the ending... I called it the lion king style.

Actually, many many things didn't make sense at all. (Like how Alex have grown so much but mommy and daddy still looked the same). But, well, it's fiction afterall.

Since you're an avid fan, you'll still like it I guess.

BTW mzpakipot, great MV, always.

I need to catch up with all the mvs posted here. Youtube's loading is taking very long time.

Thanks for the info, cocoabeans! I sure hope this doesn't make the ratings drop. One week of disappearance could mean a lot. As if WIAN doesn't have enough to deal with already...aigoooo..

Anyways, if anyone's interested in some spoilers, this will be the last of whatever spoilers I have. Cos my source has disappeared, and I am only left with ideas of what's going to happen in Episode 13. But then, the highlights have already been pointed out in the preview. So as always, take what I say with a pinch of salt, and lots of pepper. Don't throw daggers at me if whatever I say turns out differently! :sweatingbullets: But please don't read this if you really don't want to know what's happening in Episode 13, cos there is a high chance of things turning out as per below. :sweatingbullets:

Good nite and good morning!

OMG... I read the spoilers...


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Hi everybody!

I was out with my family, we watched the movie...The Mummy 3 and my kids enjoyed it.

So, how`s everybody? You`re weekend?

WIAN is going to end and I still don`t get it , why they used the title WIAN?

I hope we can bring back the time and the writers could re-write the story of Bambam and just void all the unpleasant scene and save the best scene there is. I `m not that happy with the result of this drama base on the rating, but, I know that this has been a great drama that i will always remember, but there are some episode that I can`t go back and watch it again. I wish after this Suna can do another drama. I feel bad about the criticism that she got, the failure of her hard work and I regret the fact that her come back TV-drama was the total opposite of MNIKSS.

Sorry, I do love Bambam but, I can`t stop thinking about the effect of this drama on Suna`s career and I hope I`m wrong thinking this way...cause I know, many people were crazy about this drama, right after the first two episode.

I hope WIAN will be aired in other Asian countries it will gain the rating that it deserves.

Love you Suna...Fighting!!!

..,hi sis jastinel so far my weekend is good, Ive been making WIAN MV all day until now but I'm really enjoying it...

..,a family bonding ha good for you! looking forward to watch the MUMMY 3 saw the trailer its an all star cast..,

..,yeah why When its at night :huh: is it because robbers only rob on night :P

..,as for the ratings so sad to know about the result even in ep11 i was hoping that at least it would make it in top 5 but not,

i do hope also that KSA career wouldn't affect the result of WIAN, and i hope korean press would be more appreciative on KSA acting as HCH,

hope they stop writing harsh articles about KSA.., :(


Hey, I watched The Mummy too, yesterday. But I still think that the first movie was the best.

About WIAN, it's not a flop, it's just not as good as Gourmet because food as a theme seems closer to people's heart. Just didn't expect it to lose to Strongest Chil Woo even. Considering the pace the drama is going now, I think the drama's ending won't be too bad, plot wise and rating wise. It just made me think that the beginning few episodes were a drag.

And well, the ratings, or I call it a biased statistic doesn't prove anything.

It's not easy to create another legend...

On another note, I was watching this movie titled Someone Behind You and thought that one of the actor looked familiar. So I googled up and WOW... It was Gyoon (Park Ki Woong)... and he has this very sinister look, very evil if compared to cute looking Gyoon.

..,agree with you pmmonkey :) WIAN fighting!!!

..,where did watch the movie of GYOON???

Finally i fine tuned my MV. Hope you all like it. I love any version, just love it!



music to DL



-Mika Nakashima-

originally Yutaka Ozaki

I love you ima dake wa kanashii

..,like the MV mzpakipot sis, shame on work tuloy,

promise to do better next time :D

Looks like the show's schedule has changed, probably because of the Olympics.

방금 에덴의 동쪽 검색해보니

밤밤 후속작인데도 불구하고 9월 1일이 첫방이네

그럼 밤밤 26일까지 하는거야

13화 8월4일

14화 8월5일

15화 8월25일

16화 8월26일

Source: DC/Onlysuna

It's my first time posting here, been lurking around. Just want to say that I really like the lively discussions here especially the character analysis provided by Kanshu.

Really like this drama even though it has a slow start, but the characters' development is well done and also great acting from all the lead and supporting cast. Its a great drama to watch just for the acting alone.

..,thank you for the info cocoabeans, your welcome in joining the discussion sure your gonna love it! :D

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<_< Her fingers aren't short you know.

And to play a piano needs skillz, not long slender fingers, although it's more ideal and looks nicer.

*Goes to cry over shorter fingers*

aww.....hehe, i think she have long fingers, just a little on the chubby side..*hides in her closet* :P

awww....i'm sorry pmmonkey, hope that don't stop you from playing piano..saw ur videos, i'm so jealous, wish i knew how to play..

About The Mummy, (sorry off topic) I find the ending disappointing.

Well, there are also some parts which aren't done well.

oh! haha thanks for the spoiler...i'll just wait for the DVD then....i don't really wanna spend 10bucks for a movie..yecchh!!! everything's expensive nowadays...

BTW mzpakipot, great MV, always.

Thanks much! I tried....

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i noticed that too ever since MNIKSS..she has long stumpy fingers..hehehe, at least she's good in playing the piano..wish i know how..

..,i was really shock that she's majored in piano, though can't help falling in-love was the only one she can play'

really idolized her :rolleyes: lucky for the man she will love..,

thanks for the link NelielTu! I didn't know those are Crocs! The only crocs i see around here are those big hideous ones with different colors...looks can be deceiving right? I guess it's so popular because of its comfort. i wouln't know i haven't tried one yet...but definitely keep my eye on those new styles of Crocs..

..,love CROCS so comfy :D

you'r welcome sueyip

that would be nice if they put a little kiss the finger there..but it'll be weird, coz they're not really going out yet, i mean confirm by both parties...it's too kiddie but cute! hahaha

..,ohh, that would be sweet kissing her bubu :P

hi kim jo yan sis!! thanks for the MV, interesting choice of song. I love it! You're already contributing to this thread by commenting, and I like reading your opinions and stuff...especially that one picture of Gyoon.. :lol:

..,thank you mzpakipot sis good to know that you like, although its not as good as yours :D

..,about GYOON asking for milk :lol: really love him in that pic so cutei....

omo! thanks for the Episode 13 link llyh90!

it didn't look too exciting for me, i was looking for more KBS and HCH actions..hahaha

that's just sad, HCH's father is dead....i was hoping he'd still be alive..

Gyoon is in big trouble now, i hope KBS and HCH will protect him...

it looks like HCH knows about Gyoon being HGD and maybe will forgive him..

..,for me ep13 is kinda sad :tears: might need some tissue while watching it :tears:

hi kanshu! :D

i hope this serious and action stuff will be over before episode 14...i wanna see more KBS and HCH admitting their love for each other and then KBS getting jealous..lol

you maybe right, she might be running towards her brother...

..,yeah! yeah! agree with you sis want to more sweet thought from them....

Some points on Episode 13:

- We left off at the point where HCH receives a call from TL Kang.

- TL Kang tells HCH that her father is dead.

The police are not able to fully confirm that the ashes they found are absolutely HCH's father, since it's been quite a while, however, we are let to believe that it's him. (I really hate that such things happen to characters in shows, so I'm hoping that maybe, he's not dead...sighzz)

- HCH is saddened, but continues working hard at her job.

- The Chairman (i forgot his surname!) is informed by his secretary that HTS is dead. He's shocked too, as he thought that the one who stole from him is HTS.

- The Chairman is informed by his secretary that HTS's daughter is HCH and HTS's son is Gyun. The secretary sees the photo of Gyun and realises that Gyun worked part-time at their premises.

- They put two and two together, and go after Gyun at his home.

- Gyun fights the baddies off, and runs out of his home, meeting KBS.

- KBS and Gyun manage to shake off the baddies.

- KBS reveals to Gyun that he knows Gyun is Hong Gil Dong, but promises not to tell anyone.

- KBS also makes Gyun promise not to steal again.

- Apparently Gyun stole those artifacts cos he saw how happy his sister was when she found Artifact #1, so he just wanted to make her happy. (What a brother-sister relationship they have! Will this actually exist in reality??)

- KBS suggests that he leave Seoul for a while, and hide it off at his grandfather's place.

- Gyun seeks consent from HCH to go on a "vacation", and HCH agrees. She's still completely unaware of her brother's involvement in those thefts.

- TL Kang and his gang manage to trace that the number ( i think it's the number registered under HTS's name) made calls to the Chairman. So they think that maybe it was the Chairman who was after HTS.

- Another artifact is returned to the museum!

- KBS questions Gyun if he has stolen again. But it is not Gyun, so they are both left puzzled as to who did it.

- KBS sends Gyun off to his grandfather. (there is allusion that someone is watching them leave....could it be HTS? or just the Chairman's gang?)

- KBS examines the artifact returned to the museum, but before he can further examine it, he has to leave, as the museum is holding another training stint (like in Episode 1 i think)

- The museum staff prepare for the training stint.

- As the museum staff prepare to head in, we see that Kim Sang is among the staff....

Good nite and good morning!

..,OMG ebrigid thank you for the early recap!!!! :D

..,finally got caught up :phew:

..,now back to work B)

..,keep on posting everyone :D

>>>>>>>>>borrowing mzpakipot lurking mode<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

currently drinking coffee while dancing to the tune of


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Guest koko35

hi all,

please let me know where i can download Bon-sub version of this drama. I do not understand Korean language . Pleae help


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hi all,

please let me know where i can download Bon-sub version of this drama. I do not understand Korean language . Pleae help


just a reminder B.O.N sub team released 1-2 episodes

MU Links

episode 1


episode 2


VEOH streaming or DL link (download VEOH TV to watch)

episode 1


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Guest llyh90

To be honest, I kind of like that the plot is picking up. But they should have done this in the very first few episodes, so that ratings wouldn't be that bad, and maybe leave more room for HCH and KBS's relationship to grow in the last few episodes. From the trailer and spoilers provided by ebrigid, I don't see any HCH and KBS lovin', except for the one at the stairs. (but it looks like plain comforting)

People watch this because of KSA and LDG's chemistry, therefore we need more of them interacting!!!

I really hope we can see more of HCH and KBS together.

And they better end up together and not just leave HCH alone in this series.

Just my 2 cents worth.

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omg, thanks ebrigid for the possible unfolding of events in episode 13! 1 more day to it!

i still would like to think that

HTS is not dead


but yeah finally the revenge on KBS from the baddies is coming! i wonder what they'd do to implicate KBS :ph34r:

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i downloaded ep 1 and 2 hardsubbed by bon fansubs... but there isn't any other episodes...

where else can i download this series, and where else can i get subs... or do i have to wait for bon?

i like this show so far, i love the main lead from kim sam soon, she is the best! it is very different and very interesting! not hooked yet but i like the comedy!

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Guest jastinel

To be honest, I kind of like that the plot is picking up. But they should have done this in the very first few episodes, so that ratings wouldn't be that bad, and maybe leave more room for HCH and KBS's relationship to grow in the last few episodes. From the trailer and spoilers provided by ebrigid, I don't see any HCH and KBS lovin', except for the one at the stairs. (but it looks like plain comforting)

People watch this because of KSA and LDG's chemistry, therefore we need more of them interacting!!!

I really hope we can see more of HCH and KBS together.

And they better end up together and not just leave HCH alone in this series.

Just my 2 cents worth.

The schedule of episode 14-15 was adjusted, the writers could come up with a good ending story. I hope more on the relationship of CH and KBS. I also want a happy ending...

Hi pmmonkey, mzpakipot, kim jo yan! I know, you know how I feel about WIAN.

I should love this drama as much as I love MNIKSS cause Suna is in it.

I guess, I should not worry this much, for Suna is really doing well.

Just can`t afford not to see her for long time again after WIAN...I`ll go crazy missing her again!!!

Thanks everyone for all the goodies, specially to ebrigid, cocobean for informing us about the schedule!

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i downloaded ep 1 and 2 hardsubbed by bon fansubs... but there isn't any other episodes...

where else can i download this series, and where else can i get subs... or do i have to wait for bon?

i like this show so far, i love the main lead from kim sam soon, she is the best! it is very different and very interesting! not hooked yet but i like the comedy!

hi whit3butt3rfly!

yes, unfortunately you have to wait for BONs to release the rest of the subs...if u don;t mind watching w/o subs like us here, you can dl here for MU links http://www.aigoo.withs2.net/when-its-at-night/


check back here for updates..


you can backthread, and read some of the synopsis,spoilers,screen caps..etc...

Glad you like the drama and have fun! :D



here's the link for live streaming


here's bigmail (2.4kbs) slow for some reason..


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