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Guest coreana

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i wish human eyes can hv inbuilt-recorder so that i can upload that sweet moment at the airport for you guys to see >_< probably not many pple saw it as they kept their distance after the incident but i couldn't help myself going near trying to check if JJH is ok... if i got enough guts to go to him and asked.. gwenchanayo...

Can you give us more details like, did he immediately motion her to sit next to him after that incident and did she touch him or pat him or something to comfort him at all? :w00t:

Awww i cant believe he actually smiled after what must have been a very crappy day.

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

i wish human eyes can hv inbuilt-recorder so that i can upload that sweet moment at the airport for you guys to see >_< probably not many pple saw it as they kept their distance after the incident but i couldn't help myself going near trying to check if JJH is ok... if i got enough guts to go to him and asked.. gwenchanayo...

We badly wish too! I'm sooo green with you Rebby! GREEN! Hehe. But I'm really happy for you! And thanks for sharing everything here. We really appreciate it :)

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Guest miserable

man i was just gone for a couple of hours and i missed pages. this just shows that goong is awesome!! it seems like good convo's happen when im at school or when im sleeping :(

rebby, omg thanks for sharing your experience. that is so sweet how YEH can get him to smile... ha this is getting me all giddy inside.

to bad there isn't HQ for goong 1.5. now that you guys mention all those things, everytime i watch goong 1.5 i cant help but notice all those things :)

no news about the two and bali yet? i wonder what they're doing now??? what time is it there anyways. lucky people that lives on that side of the earth. no korean stars ever comes to hawaii and if they do they keep it top secret. i wonder if YEH and/or JJH will ever come here. i hope they do and if they do come, i'll stalk them for you guys. doubt that will ever happen.

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Guest miserable

riceygirl, dont worry i have poor korean skills too. heck i dont even have any korean skills. but from what i know subs for those episodes aren't out yet. someone correct me if im wrong though.

i find myself checking this thread every 5 min. or so. this is crazy, i think im going crazy!

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Guest Pikachu

^ hmm do you guys know if the subs for the 20-24 eps are out yet? i have very poor korean skills-_-

Just copy/pasting the subbers' rule

One Person Asking or Complaining About Subs = One Hour Delay of Release

Therefore if 24 people whine, the subs will be delayed a complete day

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Guest cheli001

Can you give us more details like, did he immediately motion her to sit next to him after that incident and did she touch him or pat him or something to comfort him at all? :w00t:

Awww i cant believe he actually smiled after what must have been a very crappy day.

haha just like what i said earlier, princess to the rescue!!!!! mwahahha :lol:

she made him smile..., she made him smile... :) lalalalala, I'm so happy oh so happy.... ooopsss, i'm back now. wooowww, i went to heaven for a while there... :lol:

rebby, please give details if there's any touching involved.... :giggles: THANK YOU!!!!!...... gosh, i envy you for seeing them in that particular sweet moment.

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^ hmm do you guys know if the subs for the 20-24 eps are out yet? i have very poor korean skills-_-

hello people. pls do not ask for subs thanks.

thanks pika for pasting subbing team VERY important rule.

if u ask u will cause the subs to be postpone.. be considerate pls

subbing team is striving hard to produce subs asap =D

meanwhile. think about jjh and yeh in bali.

and watch goong1.5 to check out the off screen chemistry.

yeah that will get ur mind of the subs.

i subbed till 5am the other day so.. do not ask for subs.. kekekekekeke

=x i hope i dun sound too unfriendly

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

^ hmm do you guys know if the subs for the 20-24 eps are out yet? i have very poor korean skills-_-

Dear, just wait for the links that they will be posting here. Don't worry, the subbing team will post it here once it is done. Do not delay them by asking for the subs. Not even for one second. Okay? Hihi!

I saw the status of the subs a while ago so be patient and wait okay? ;)


So there... And liquidfir is right with her suggestions. Do it so that you'll forget about the subs for the meantime :)

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Guest donilpark

About the writer thing...

I'm ok if In Euna is not writing any more, but my concern is that with a new writer, there might be subtle difference in the lines of the characters and possibly inconsistency with season 1.

For the former, I hope the new writer emulates the style of speech that In Euna used in season 1 well and don't make the lines in season 2 really sound like they were written by someone else. And of course, I'd also hope the actors will be able to adjust the style of speech so that they are using the same style as in season 1, even if the writer does a poor job at this.

As for the latter problem, I sure hope they study the script for season 1 very very carefully so that there are no inconsistencies in terms of characters or events. (too bad they already had a few just in season 1 alone)

Continuity is all that matters here.

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i don't know if there's any touching... after i witnessed that sweet moment i got so excited i ran to ask my frens to come nearer... :sweatingbullets:

i hope they remain this good and close even IF they aren't dating... (YET) :):P

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Guest miserable

^ true, if it's new writers, some contradictions might happen. so i hope that the new writers know the story real well, if not then the whole story line might just suck. something we hope will never happen :)

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Guest _yinsyung*--


2006-4-7 大公報







成報 2006-4-7




最近憑韓劇《宮》而上位的朱智勛與尹恩惠,劇中扮演皇太子夫婦,羨煞不少旁人!完成劇集後,二人聲稱會到海外充電,但卻絕口不談到甚麼地方。不過傳媒查到二人昨日搭同一班機,到峇里島六天為時裝雜誌《ELLE Girl》及《an.an》拍寫真,並借機結伴度假。其實在《宮》後期拍到二人激咀後,即傳出緋聞,後來二人澄清只是兄妹關係。而昨日他們解釋搭同一班機屬巧合,各自為不同雜誌拍寫真。


credits: 小洋洋啊 @ kdocn

Translation: All basically just news of them both going off to Bali...for their respective photoshoots and how they may take the oppurtunity to take a holiday.

I'll just translate the bolded text -

Yesterday morning, some people caught JJH and YEH walking around/shopping the airport's Duty Free stores together.

However, YEH's manager said: "They just happened to coincindently catch the same flight only. YEH was originally supposed to take the flight to Bali yesterday, but because of her having to shoot an advertisement she had to postpone flying out. Added to there being no flights tomorrow (T/N: now, today), we were forced to fly out today (T/N: i.e. yesterday), .

Anyway, the two of them have become close friends due to having filmed a drama together, can't they chat or shop together?"

Translator's own notes: YEH's Manager strikes again! so much explaning to do...hhehehe {what?}

So it is fate that they must fly out; either that, or contrary to the manager's explanations they orginally planned it that way.

Whatever it is - it's working in our favour ^^ HROHROHRORH


i want to see them shopping together XD


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Guest miserable

hehe, it must really be fate then. i mean comeon same flight same day?? YEH's manager is really good with explaining things, but what about JJH's manager??

so they saw each other at the airport then! man where's the pictures, i would want to see them shopping together.

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About the writer thing...

I'm ok if In Euna is not writing any more, but my concern is that with a new writer, there might be subtle difference in the lines of the characters and possibly inconsistency with season 1.

For the former, I hope the new writer emulates the style of speech that In Euna used in season 1 well and don't make the lines in season 2 really sound like they were written by someone else. And of course, I'd also hope the actors will be able to adjust the style of speech so that they are using the same style as in season 1, even if the writer does a poor job at this.

As for the latter problem, I sure hope they study the script for season 1 very very carefully so that there are no inconsistencies in terms of characters or events. (too bad they already had a few just in season 1 alone)

Continuity is all that matters here.

The PD is very detail oriented and if he is smart, he would have thought about the script prior to it. However, with a new season means new beginnings and hence a mature storyline i presume.

Speech patterns i can understand changing but the characters themselves and their personalities would irk me to no end and i would probably not watch it

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Guest cheli001

Yesterday morning, some people caught JJH and YEH walking around/shopping the airport's Duty Free stores together.

honestly, i don't care much about the manager's explanation. hahaha

i'm just happy that the "coincidence" happened.

and shopping/walking together.... aaawwww it's sweet.

it seems that they really are CLOSE (eehemmm) friends....

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Guest chigurl

first of all i jus wanna thank da subbing team for doing a great job...i found this in da subbing team thread..heres a link...SUBBING TEAM THREAD

so please please people be patient...if u cant wait ...watch da drama all over and watch all da bts or ngs..or even better yet backlog to see wat u have missed in this huge thread... :P


Goong/ Princess Hours

Episode 18: Released

Episode 19: Released

Episode 20: Translation: 80% Done

Episode 21: Translation: 60% Done

Episode 22: Translation: 50% Done

Episode 23: Translation: 50% Done

Episode 24: Pending


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before i forget...

when goong crew was filming the outdoor wedding scene in Macau, one of the staff who speaks fluent english came to 'guard' us and ended up chatting with us on how we got to know GOONG and where we watch it blah blah blah...

i asked her if GOONG is just a dream of CG - remember at the beginning of 1st episode, the narration by CG made it seem like its just her fantasy that the royal family is still around - she said NO.. its not a dream... and they are trying to fine tune it (i reckon from that 'mistake' they made on the narration part)...

so yeah.. its NOT a dream!!! hehe :lol:

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Guest donilpark

The PD is very detail oriented and if he is smart, he would have thought about the script prior to it. However, with a new season means new beginnings and hence a mature storyline i presume.

Speech patterns i can understand changing but the characters themselves and their personalities would irk me to no end and i would probably not watch it

Yeah.... well, because even in season 1 alone, the speech style changed from time to time.

Like how the princess spoke formally to Chaegyeong but casually at times, how the grandmother spoke inconsistently toward Chaegyoeng as well, how sometimes people confused the title of the royalty, etc...

Those are small details that really add or take away from the reality of the show.

I mean this is all a fantasy and a pretense, but they have to make it credible and real.

If you were talking to a real royalty, wouldn't it be a huge discourtesy to address them by a wrong title or speak in wrong manneres?

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