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Guest coreana

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*is dead*

thanks for all the translations! the scenes from episode 16 make me want to cry, they are oh so sweet! shin/cg are OTP!

hehe i'm evil... i did a quick edit in psp (plz forgive the crappyness):


i crack myself up. caption reads: "shin goon! O_O no one else was suppost to see that one!!!" if anyone is having trouble reading it.

*EDIT* i uploaded the bigger version somewhere else, since photobucket shrinked it. should be easier to read now!

lol. ur a jokerrrr^^ this is hilarous.

and wow. someone even pinpointed the same mole?! crazy

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:lol: yes, i'm on anonymous :D i'm reading backlogs too but i keep checking for new posts as well ^_^

i have 3 browsers opened and they're all on GOONG! :rolleyes:

yeah Bear - everytime i'm on, u've already left and then when i leave ur just coming in!!! our time diff is so huge!

tellsss - that Yul pic is uber cute!

Yweah!!! and i am going to bath now... zzz korean class in 2 hrs... i hope i will c u when i get back

The article says that JJH is INCREDIBLY popular with Korean netizens (read: girls) and he's beating out Lee Jun Ki (very popular guy these days) in internet searches. Just talking about his explosive popularity these days keke

lol And goodness, that Yul HP pic is so adorable :lol:


reali????? i think korean netizens has alOT of power in korea? i mean once they start criticising online that's about the end of the artist's career. lOlx..

and i dun think mbc would want ppl banging down on their doors, so i think they wun end with the lovers in paris ending

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Guest beautifulxmess

Ah, thanks Misoobishi! Wow..he beat LJK? That's an incredible feat...considering LKJ's like the ruler of korean search engines..hehee...

imagine if they were casted in the same drama together...O___O....can u imagine the amount of FANGIRLS they'll amass??? lol

wow..i'm so happy. remember a time when he had to shut down his website coz of the many anti's?? XD

TELLY!: ehehee...i wish too! i was hoping they took real pics of them ogether during the beach scenes..and then one of them can post on their cyworld n make it public..weeee!! *still giddy after watching ep 16*..haha..that YUL pic is SO cute..lolz...the ps-er is incredibly good..looks so seamless....thanks for ur pics dearie!

0R30: nah, they're not dating outside...at least no evidence..hehe..doesnt hurt to dream tho aye? ^^

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Guest kyotoji


i crack myself up. caption reads: "shin goon! O_O no one else was suppost to see that one!!!" if anyone is having trouble reading it.

*EDIT* i uploaded the bigger version somewhere else, since photobucket shrinked it. should be easier to read now!

hahaha... missy.. this is real "shocking" news for the Palace family..

But since Shin is enjoying it, it shouldn't be of any prob.

i liked it meh.. it really blend well with the caps too. :w00t:

O... i see Misoobishi... hi to u..

liquidfir, happy hours with your korean class.

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Guest luisainfante

Hi fellow Googners! :-) does anyone have any NG or the makig clips to share. Preferably in YSI or megaupload, file front or sendspace. Clubbox & bittorrent doesn't work for me.tks a million if you send me some.. :P

kekekek!! i want triplet. muahahah=X


wow! tks for the pics! they're really nice... :P

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Guest Telly

Hi fellow Googners! :-) does anyone have any NG or the makig clips to share. Preferably in YSI or megaupload, file front or sendspace. Clubbox & bittorrent doesn't work for me.tks a million if you send me some.. :P

if you can access youtube, all of the goong NG's can be found here =D just click and play!

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Guest hotelier_love

hehe, oops, i pasted the wrong link in the shin versus yul video part =)

here's the correct link: click =D

haha and yeah, it's from harry potter, it's YUL POTTER, moohahahaha >=D

haha..thanks for the links!! :D

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Guest echoRy

zinc - thank u for the holla hoop spot trans. i love the smile Shin gave Chae after :wub:

and for the convo with DaddyKing and the wickedwitch too, i asked for a trans of that earlier but no one was around <_< ...... :P thank u!

I also found the conversation between the queen/Shin's mum n Yul to be interesting:

Queen: Since you returned to the palace, I've been neglecting you. I feel so sorry for that.

Yul: It's not that way, Mama.

Queen: I'm your auntie afterall. Being so heartless towards you, how much do you hate me? Furthermore, the last time you went out with the BinGoong (refering to the trip to the bottle tree park)... after much thought, I felt that I've been overbearing towards you.

Yul: That was all my fault. I deserve to be scolded.

Queen: Thanks for thinkiing in this manner. But, YeSang DaeGun...

Yul: Yes, Mama?

Queen: In this world, what is the thing most beyond a person's wishes? Do you know?

Yul: I...don't really know.

Queen: It's the fate that brings lovers together. Lovers' fate, no matter how hard you try to hold on to it, it will not be captured. Even if you do capture it, it won't be in your hands forever.

Yul: What?

Queen: If you desire a fate that doesn't belong to you, you'll be punished. That's the moral of human nature. Affairs of the opposite sex is the same too; they're not something that can be solved by the brain. Think of them from another angle, as a decision made by your heart. I'm telling you these things today because a very long time ago, I saw such a lovers' fate.

Yul: That kind of lovers' fate?

Queen: It happened a long time ago, but the Palace had criss-crossed lovers' fate too. If you do not want to continue such ill fate, pls remember my words.

QueenMommy rocks! she could not have been more gentle in telling Yul that his current path is so misguided! she was quick to the point but not harsh about it either. totally beautiful!!!

asianempress- :lol: meee too! my friends have to drag me to go out, and then i drive them crazy wanting to go back to someones house and use a computer. i always think to myself, how many pages of backlogs am i gonna have to go through if i go out tonight? :excl:

aahhhh the GOONG disease, it makes u want to be a hermit...with a laptop!

LENA :excl: - tell me how to dl from youtube. i previously found a hack for it but lost it :excl:

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Guest z00ey


nah! i dun like to keep anyone in suspense..

when ho-toot stupidly and evily(if there is such a word) commited suicide. cg and yul had a talk in the garden right?

OMG! guess wad yul said to cg?

HE IS AN EVIL A$$ ok. sorry yul campers... i cant help it

here is it

cg : If i didnt come between them then hyorin wouldnt do what she do.

is it because of shin? because of shin so she is suffering?

yul : I can understand hyorin's feelings

wanting to give up and end it but the stronger the feelings

cg : But.. is it neccessary to do what she did?

yul : cg

cg : ?

yul : GIVE SHIN TO HYORIN (OMG. i wanna strangle yul i really do)

cg : What do you mean?

yul : From the beginning, it belonged to hyorin (didnt he just mentioned BELONG-ED with the ED. meaning the PAST!! darn it)

yul : Before shin is dethrone, it is impossible to have a divorce

so let him go first

cg : but shin also treat me (this part meaning : shin also has feelings for me )

yul : i dunno if shin has opened up to u but u must know that shin's feels more for hyorin than u (OMG SHIN Campers!! dun u wanna kill him?)

yul : At the end, shin will still go back to hyorin (OMG!!! someone STOP me from killing him )

cg : But... he is married to me

The divorce will make him even more troubled and upset.

yul : That is shin's problem (*Yul : STAB STAB STAB)

yul : hyorin is suffering because of the memories of love. Maybe we should all return to our original places.. (meaning cg shld be with him because she was his fiance first. and meaning he shld be crown prince because he was the son crown prince first : well. TOO BAD cause ur dad died early u cant BLAME anyone!!!)

yul : return to the beginning (u can return all u want by URSELF!)

omg~~ and also.. at the end of the preview.. i think yul is planning some conspiracy because that guy told the other guy this:

U serve Yul jung goon with all ur heart from now on.

and then yul smiled so evil-ly.

OMGG`~~he is cute but crap. he is evil now.

evil with a capital E.

sorry yul campers.. i know telly is a yul camper. lOlx..

sorryz. i cant control myself

whaa @__@

i'm a double camper.. butttt

its just like the manga *______________*.

even though i love love love yul. shin and cg just seem so, "meant to be"

zinc - thank u for the holla hoop spot trans. i love the smile Shin gave Chae after :wub:

and for the convo with DaddyKing and the wickedwitch too, i asked for a trans of that earlier but no one was around <_< ...... :P thank u!

QueenMommy rocks! she could not have been more gentle in telling Yul that his current path is so misguided! she was quick to the point but not harsh about it either. totally beautiful!!!

asianempress- :lol: meee too! my friends have to drag me to go out, and then i drive them crazy wanting to go back to someones house and use a computer. i always think to myself, how many pages of backlogs am i gonna have to go through if i go out tonight? :excl:

aahhhh the GOONG disease, it makes u want to be a hermit...with a laptop!

LENA :excl: - tell me how to dl from youtube. i previously found a hack for it but lost it :excl:

whaaa ;___; queenmamaaa you love yul so much!

you're looking out for him, telling him he's not meant to bee with cg.

i hope yul converts back to his normal-self. maybe cg will help him do that.. don't you think she's the type to do anyway? :]

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another goong possessed addict here, have been thinking if shin, eunhye and kim jongkuk appear together in Xman, that would be very interesting...more interesting than yul, eunhye and shin, just personal opinion. :unsure:

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Guest xx-outsider-xx


why does YEH (as chaegyung) looks so fake when she tries to act funny or to pretend that something is funny. her laugh bothers me somehow.

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Guest sophendo

Whew ! Finally caught up with 40+ pages.... wee~

sophendo : I would like to take this time to truely thank you for all those billions of yousendit links for eps 15 and 16 ..

........er, billions? Where, where? XD Enjoy them <3333

Here are some links I uploaded yesterday, it took me all day, but I got them done, then Sophendo went crazy again and I felt like my little measely links couldn't compare to hers so I didn't post them up, but if needed...here ya gos:

Aww... Jess. I appreciate all uploaders. Besides, the more the better! Thanks for your contribution! chuuuu !

60+ YouSendIt Links to Episode 15 here:


60+ YouSendIt Links to Episode 16 here:


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Guest missy

i agree with peoples comments about how Shin and Yul have kinda switched places. at the very beginning i liked yul but i grew to love shin more. yul is starting to scare me... how can someone that adorable look evil at times?

speaking of adorable that harry potter manipulation is too cute! ^_^

oh! and thanks for all the lovely comments on my photo manpulation, i'm glad people thought my atempt at being funny was ACTUALLY funny hehe.

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Guest honey_pooh

was wondering if this comic out in Singapore yet??

can someone tell me?

I saw the comic in Takashimaya but in Chinese thou....I can't read chinese T.T

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Guest Babigrl

hiii goongERS!! lol :D i'm back!! but i need something :D hehe where do i find the rainbow romance thingie with goong? i heard someone mentioned it earlier i tried to find it but it's just the eps # so i don't know which eps it is :( please help!! :D thanks

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Guest HomelessBird

Soompi is up running again !!!!!!!!!! YAyyyy ! So happy ! I was so down for awhile ! Goongnians ! I and my friends were joking around the reason for soompi was down .

She said: "It s hard for a forum/thread to handle 180+ member at the same time".

I said: "I hope that Goong thread wont be shut down due to OVERLOADED"


and God answers my prayer ! Soompi is back !

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Guest hotelier_love

I saw the comic in Takashimaya but in Chinese thou....I can't read chinese T.T

hmm really? taka?? <_< in a comics shop or wad?

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