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Guest kimchibabygurl

Hi kimchibabygurl!!!!

just wanna ask u i am going to singapore next weekend. Do you know where i can get Goong ost original and korean mag? u live in singapore, rite? Could u help...? thanks so much!!!! Long Live Goongers!!!!!:) :)

hello! erm.. i am actually not too sure.. i've been only going to school and home for a long time.. i don't think you can get it in Singapore yet..the craze has not really started for most of the people in singapore yet.. why not get it from soompi's OST thread first? i am sure the OST will be officially released in singapore in near time! maybe they will sell is at HMV..i'll help you look around when i happen to go out :D

as for korean mag..the truth is i have not spotted a korean mag in singapore before! maybe i just don't know the place..

sorry! i can't help much! :( enjoying goonging though! :)


opps! after reading the above post, i guess i am answering to a request or something? sorry if it is! better take note of it...

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Guest kimchibabygurl

noticed there are 2 set of subtitles on the trailers...

and it seems Ch U is using a pirated version

they got JJH's family name wrong =_=

same error made in some versions of bootleg DVDs from China :ph34r:

ahh!! crazy! how can they use a pirated version! i really hope they don't! i pray... how can they get his family name wrong when translated when like taiwan has used 朱(zhu) instead of 周(zhou)! shouldn't they just standardise things.. there is a big big difference! somemore is the names..and the colour of the drama is indeed dull.. i really hope when they air goong, everything will be perfect. good colour, good subtitles from mediacorp..can't they just use english subs? indeed like some has said, it will block the views of scenes!

i hope goongs image won't be ruined.. praying..

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Guest ally2207

Dear dria ni,i just want to share some of my though over HR acts. From my observation,Shin n his two friends didn't know HR backgrounds. But for sure Kang In know from the start,that HR not from wealthy family. N yes,i really richard simmons-off at how HR acts so arrogant in front of CG. <_< HR think she can buy Shin heart by giving MP3/or MP4 :unsure:,for Shin B'day. :tongue2: N gosh,what to be proud with her English! Such a show-off! :blink: Then do you remember at first how proud she was,when she though she was the one Shin gonna married! :phew: If i'm CG,i oredi bang her head!!! :vicx::P

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Guest fkyan

haohaohaoa.. i agree with u.. if i m CG, i will just bang her dumb head.. still so arrogant and still wanna act as if she's that high class with her dumb english.. * puke* haohahaa.. nway, i m obsessed with GOONG oo... currently in episode 20 lolz..

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i'm very addicted to goong. I have watched these series for three times, but i have something which is bugging my head about hyorin facts dat she's not as wealthy as she looked or acted. my question is:

1. does shin find out about hyorin's fact, dat she's not as wealthy as she looked or acted from the beginning, coz they're being friends for long time, or shin just find out on the store, when girls in the store of horse riding club talking about hyorin?

ok, coz, i didnt get it, what the scene means, i mean whether they're talking about the bad hyorin, as a materialistic girl, rite? or i got wrong with it?? i mean it's the first time the scene in these series shows dat shin heard about hyorin coming from a poor family but act like wealthy woman?

2. i'm still wondering, whether the three of shin's friends knew about hyorin's fact? Coz, i know the guy who like hyorin know hyorin better than shin, rite?

i keep wondering whether shin knew hyorin that well, but didnt realize dat hyorin act so hypocrite. you know the scene when she acted so arrogant in front of CG, in jeju island, on shin's bday, or when CG visits hyorin's mom in hospital shows that hyorin is kind of materialistic arogant ballet talented girl.

so, i'm happy shin met CG, and yes Shin should be grateful got CG as Binggung mama, coz Hyorin is bad enough the be the third lady in Korea!!

what do you think guys?

Hyorin's character is supposed to be very similar to Shin. Cold to outsiders, but warm for those who know her well. She forgoes the chance to make friends with other ballerinas by meeting secretly with Shin in every spare times (Ep 8?). That's why she didn't have many friends to support her.

She and Shin shared many secrets, so it implied that Shin knew her real situation early on. It made Shin sadder during the early period of his marriage. Hyorin made "unfortunate" decision to put her career above Shin, but Shin was grateful to their friendship, so early on he planned to divorce CG after 2-3 years, and went to study abroad with HR (as discussed in Ep 18). That was before Shin truly fell in love with CG.

CG recognized HR's real character after Shin told CG that he and HR were similar in character. She saw HR as a loner, like Shin. Being CG, she took pity and still wanted to make friends with her even when HR put her cold mask in the beginning. Using her persistence as with Shin, she could slowly break through HR's heart. At the end, HR kind of accepted CG's offer to be friends next time they meet.

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Guest ally2207

haohaohaoa.. i agree with u.. if i m CG, i will just bang her dumb head.. still so arrogant and still wanna act as if she's that high class with her dumb english.. * puke* haohahaa.. nway, i m obsessed with GOONG oo... currently in episode 20 lolz..

Yeah,CG to kind heart to HR! ;) But that what make her special,right. :D If i'm in CG position,i oredi stab that HR. STAB...STAB...STAB... :phew::vicx::P We all love CG personality,even Shin LOVE her too!!! :rolleyes::D

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Hi kimchibabygurl!!!!

just wanna ask u i am going to singapore next weekend. Do you know where i can get Goong ost original and korean mag? u live in singapore, rite? Could u help...? thanks so much!!!! Long Live Goongers!!!!!:) :)

you can try HMV at City Link mall (City Hall MRT) or HMV Heeren (Orchard Rd). I think City Link Mall outlet has more korean OST cds but I don't remember seeing Goong OST there, the best way is to order it online or ask friends who are going to Hong Kong, Taiwan or Korea to buy it from there.

Korean magazines (mostly fashion mags) are available at Kinokuniya @ Ngee Ann City (Orchard Rd), some entertainment mags are available, like ASTA, Cine21, movieweek etc.

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Oh Gosh oh Gosh!!! 2 days not on this thread..and i'm so so lost...i read the article on YEH's thread..where was that from??? Its so saddening...do this stuff really happen to Celebs...like imagine Lindsay Lohan getting thrashed as a 13/14 year old kid...wassup with that man???

Heys Bubble makers..what is new?? Cheli001 said that there's lots of new stuffs about JJH....hihihihi...Yups, i'm having my final final finals now....die die die...

Still watching GOONG....can't help it...sleep antidote...lol

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news clip abt Goong showing in japan from July...

윤은혜·주지훈 '궁', 7월부터 일본 방송

입력시간 : [2006-05-31 08:34]


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윤은혜·주지훈 주연의 인기 드라마 '궁'이 오는 7월부터 일본에서 방송됩니다.

드라마 '궁'은 일본 배급사 SPO와 수출 계약을 맺고, 오는 7월부터 일본의 위성채널을 통해 방송될 예정인데요.

올해 연말에는 지상파에서도 방송할 계획으로 현재 후지 TV, 아사히 TV 등과 협상을 진행중인 것으로 알려졌습니다.

이번 일본 수출로 인해 '궁'은 총 수출액이 400만 달러 가까이 됐고, 다음달에는 윤은혜·주지훈 등 주연배우들이 일본에서 홍보활동도 펼칠 예정입니다.

news clip abt Goong season 2

'궁' 시즌2, "촬영은 9월부터 캐스팅은 조정중"

입력시간 : [2006-05-30 13:02]


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인기리에 방영됐던 드라마 '궁'을 기억하십니까? 귀여운 커플 주지훈·윤은혜가 시청자들의 마음을 사로잡았던 '궁'이 인기의 여운을 그대로 이어받아 시즌 2제작을 할 것이라고 해서 많은 이들의 궁금증을 자아냈었는데요. '궁' 시즌 2준비는 어떻게 되고 있는지 알아봤습니다.


드라마 '궁'은 인기 만화를 원작으로 해 시청률 30%를 육박하며 지난 3월 종영했습니다.

'궁'은 종영과 함께 시즌 1이란 별칭을 붙였고, 이와 더불어 시청자들에게 시즌 2의 제작과 방송을 기약했습니다.

'궁'은 마지막 신인 황태자와 황태자비의 마카오 결혼식 장면에서 윤은혜가 헛구역질을 하는 것으로 24회를 모두 마무리했는데요.

이 장면이 방송된 직후 시청자들은 극중 윤은혜의 헛구역질이 시즌 2의 내용과 연관있는 게 아니냐며 뜨거운 관심을 보였습니다.

시즌2의 내용과 등장인물들에 대한 많은 의견들이 분분한 가운데 '궁'의 시즌 2의 제작사인 에이트픽스 관계자에게 제작준비가 어느 정도 진행됐는지 알아봤습니다.

[인터뷰:에이트 픽스관계자·'궁' 제작사]

"올 9월에 촬영에 들어갈 예정이구요. 내년 1월쯤 방송할 예정입니다. 아직 확정되지는 않았고요."

이 관계자는 또 '궁' 시즌1에 등장한 인물들이 모두 재출연하게 될 지 여부도 아직 조정중이라 구체적인 언급을 할 수 없다는 말을 덧붙였는데요.

한편, 얼마 전 한 행사에 참석한 윤은혜는 '궁'이 드라마 데뷔작으로서 개인적으로 많은 애착을 갖고 있는 만큼 당연히 출연하고 싶다는 소견을 밝히기도 해 '궁' 시즌2가 어떤 모양새를 갖춰 공개될지에 관심이 모아지고 있습니다.

YTN STAR 백현주입니다.

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Guest lovewinter

All chinese hard sub. Credits to YYCAF.

I have cut the file so u guys can download and watch faster in parts.


Part 1 Goong 1.5


Part 2 Goong 1.5


Part 3 Goong 1.5


Part 4 Goong 1.5

any problems let me know. :)


Thanks for sharing.

However, I can't see Part 1 and 4, hope I can watch it soon.

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Guest ally2207

Thanx for sharing the clips Rebby! I hope Goong will be a big hits in Japan or other country! Anyway,what they talking about??? I don't understand at all! :P

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Guest mcmug

thanks rebby for the clips...its been ages since we have anything on goong

btw i juz checked the chU forum, the moderator posted Armed Reaction IV (hk police drama) will be shown on June 22 10pm...so i guess there goes the hope of Goong being telecast early

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Guest xosandy

Here's a review by Mr.X:

궁 (Princess Hours)

Miniseries [season 1] [January 11~February 30 2006]

24 Episodes - MBC

PD: 황인뢰 (Hwang In-Roi)

WRITER: 인은아 (In Eun-Ah)

Produced By: Eight Peaks

DVD (No Subs)

CAST: 윤은혜 (Yoon Eun-Hye) as Crown Princess Shin Chae-Kyung, 주지훈 (Joo Ji-Hoon) as Crown Prince Lee Shin, 김정훈 (Kim Jung-Hoon) as Lee Yool, 송지효 (Song Ji-Hyo) as Min Hyo-Rin, 김혜자 (Kim Hye-Ja) as the Empress Dowager, 심혜진 (Shim Hye-Jin) as Hwa-Young, 박찬환 (Park Chan-Hwan) as the Emperor, 윤유선 (Yoon Yoo-Seon) as the Empress, 김석 (Kim Seok) as Shin Chae-Joon, 강남길 (Gang Nam-Gil) as Chae-Kyung's Father, 임예진 (Im Ye-Jin) as Chae-Kyung's Mother, 이호재 (Lee Ho-Jae), 이연두 (Lee Yeon-Doo), 나은경 (Na Eun-Kyung), 이윤지 (Lee Yoon-Ji), 최성준 (Choi Sung-Joon), 이용주 (Lee Yong-Joo), 엄성모 (Eom Sung-Mo), 장단지 (Jang Dan-Ji), 전지애 (Jeon Ji-Ae), 권연우 (Kwon Yeon-Woo), 전수연 (Jeon Su-Yeon)

CAMEO: 김상중 (Kim Sang-Joong), 송승환 (Song Seung-Hwan), 최불암 (Choi Buram)

THE SHOW: [6/10]

The beginning of 2006 gave TV Stations quite the wake up call, especially the former 'Drama Kingdom', MBC: ratings were dominated by shows targeted at an older audience (Weekend, Daily Dramas), and Miniseries were slowly but surely losing ground and importance in the ratings war. The outcome of one of all time most popular Drama format probably could be seen right from the beginning, when 질투 (Jealousy) brought in the era of Trendy Dramas in 1992, focusing significantly less on storytelling and more concerned with 삼각관계 (love triangles) featuring pretty and famous stars. With 20 something viewers turning TV off entirely or exploring other entertainment venues (films, VOD, Cable or Satellite), the new paradigm of success for Miniseries has become target demographics, sort of like what happens in Hollywood. So the coming of 궁 (Princess Hours) is an interesting, if somewhat worrying trend.

Focusing its attention on the teenager market, using Park So-Hee's popular manhwa of the same name as its foundation, Princess Hours started as a 20 Episode 사전제작 (100% pre-broadcast shoot) production, but both because of various problems MBC experienced at the beginning of the year, which forced Eight Peaks to rush to an early January broadcast instead of the planned March one (which made the 100% pre-broadcast goal impossible), and the rising popularity of the show leading to 4 additional episodes building to a possible (now confirmed) Season 2, derailed the whole project.

The interesting thing is that Hwang In-Roi, a longtime assistant producer on TV who then moved to films and is now back to TV, wasn't supposed to be the PD here initially, only the Executive Producer. He always had a negative image of how TV Dramas developed over the years, after getting out ot the business when production methods started to change in the mid 90s. Hwang, who worked on classics on TV like 수사반장 (The Chief) and directed Chungmuro failures like 꽃을 든 남자 (A Man With Flowers), brought a new concept to the table, with his new production company Eight Peaks: first moving the focus from the stars (which is what gets you overseas contracts) back to the production, investing more money on sets and art direction than expensive big names with dubious acting talent; and then target intelligently a certain type of audience which will respond to the Drama, in this case the teen demographic, as the original manhwa was a big hit with that age group.

Actually at first they even thought about using famous actors, but Hwang was enraged at what he called a lack of co-operation from said stars (there was a rumour BoA was cast in this at the beginning, but it's just that. A rumour): essentially those stars weren't working for the good of the character, but pushing their own image or what their management wanted them to push. That of course brought a lot of advertisement into the Drama, but once Hwang announced he'd go with an all-new main cast, they almost all ran away scared. This is perhaps the major problem when it comes to pre-broadcast shoots: since you need to secure investment before the ratings are out (box office : Movies = ratings : Dramas), that often leads you to compromise the integrity of the project to give investors the terms they want to pump money into the Drama -- which might not be at Sageuk level, but touching the 5 Billion Won for a normal Miniseries is still quite expensive.

This wasn't the first time Hwang tried this approach, as he helped legendary Sanullim front man Kim Chang-Hwan make a debut in the acting world with the interesting (but flawed) 1994 omnibus drama 연애의 기초 (Love Formula), which he was planner for. And if you've ever seen Kim act, you know he looks born to be in this business (of course he and his brother were much more famous for their work in the music business). But now the problem was dealing with the youngsters he picked: Yoon Eun-Hye, former BabyV.O.X. member, who lost a lot of weight to look the part; Kim Jung-Hoon, former U.N. member -- who did debut in films last year, but if you've seen his first two films then you know why people were complaining; Joo Ji-Hoon, a former model with no acting experience, and finally Song Ji-Hyo, who debuted in 여우계단 (Wishing Stairs) and confirmed the good first impression with her role in 썸 (Some).

Song was the only one with a future in this business at the beginning, and after watching the show things haven't changed a bit, but since her role wasn't the focus of Princess Hours, then we were essentially dealing with three newcomers. And that's when people started complaining. In theory, Hwang's modus operandi was actually right: since big stars would carry an image with them, that'd work against their making the characters (high school students) feel fresh. Of course the rest of the cast was made of people who had the ability to save the day, like veterans Kim Hye-Ja, Shim Hye-Jin, Im Ye-Jin, Gang Nam-Gil and Park Chan-Hwan, but you know the deal, this is a Miniseries, and they'd only get to try and do some damage control.

But even if casting might have been a problem, the rest of production was top notch: In Eun-Ah, who was in the writing team for the lovely romcom 좋은 사람 있으면 소개시켜줘 (A Perfect Match) and even Jang Yoon-Hyun's 텔 미 썸딩 (Tell Me Something); Art Director Min Eon-Ok, who won awards for her excellent work in 혈의 누 (Blood Rain); Visual Supervisor Min Byung-Cheon, director of 유령 (Phantom: The Submarine) and 내츄럴 시티 (Natural City); music by indie group 두번째 달 (2nd Moon); food experts who worked on 대장금 (Dae Jang Geum) to give more colour to what was served in the Palace, and more. And that reaped fruits right from the beginning: this is one of the best looking Dramas of recent memory. It's not on par with 신돈 (Shin Don) and 주몽 (Jumong), but those are ultra-expensive Historical Dramas where production values are an essential part. Music is quite a few notches above your average Miniseries, and PD Hwang's assured direction makes this look more like a film than a Trendy Drama.

But above all that, the main item was the most creative thing: strip Historical Dramas (rarely watched by teenagers) of their more heavy-handed, complicated nuances (conflicts and political intrigue still remains, but it's like 5% of your usual Sageuk) and maintain their major possible appeal to this target demographic: their sumptuous sets, production values and that air of 'familiar unfamiliarity' which the Joseon setting always gives to Koreans. And, here's the key, bring all that to a modern setting. Yes, Princess Hours deals with a Korea still in the Joseon Dynasty, essentially, but also enjoying all the benefits of modern technology and pop culture (the cover of the manhwa which inspired this Drama has the Princess dressed with a traditional Hanbok and a mobile phone on hand). The first few episodes playfully work around this idea, that even though it's still everyday Korea with Lee Hyo-Ri, silly school fights and all the trips and traps of Korean teenagers, we're not dealing with a Republic.

This approach is important, not only because it brings young teenagers closer to their roots in a way that doesn't alienate them -- unlike, say, what Im Kwon-Taek did with 춘향 (Chunhyang). And, if things actually ended up as Hwang had promised before the show, Princess Hours could have bridged the gap between age demographics, as it brought Trendy Dramas closer to older viewers' world than the Andromeda satellite it appeared for all these years. As an avid Sageuk fan, I have to admit the first few episodes of this show were quite fascinating, and some of the best performances in a while from the veterans made it all the more interesting. Then, of course, problems started. MBC, hungry for anything resembling a ratings increase, stuck with the show a little too long, adding 4 unnecessary episodes which only ended up stretching a script that had already serious pacing problems.

And now they're even giving us a Season 2, as clearly they will never get tired of ratings between the 25 and 30%. This gap to fill, these extra 4 episodes made the show hard to stand, not only because the story was simply going nowhere (and, quite frankly, moving from the initial interesting premise to the usual Trendy Drama cliches, this time with a Palace setting), but also because the putrid acting of the main trio (especially an almost embarrassingly bland Kim Jung-Hoon) made things even worse. Nothing happening here has any impact, you can hardly care about the characters, and sometimes you'd wish some more focus was spent on the 'ancillary' characters: the best scenes of the show involve Chae-Kyung's interaction with her family, and the political intrigue surrounding the Royal Family's problematic past, with Kim Hye-Ja and Park Chan-Hwan in particularly splendid form.

What do you do when you're given more of a dish even though you're full? And, even worse, what will the makers of the second Season give us, with writer In Eun-Ah out of the picture, and a script which needs to be written from scratch (Season 2 won't have an original source this time)? Frankly, I just hope these are early (mis)steps in the slow but inevitable move to 'Seasonal' Dramas, because if this is more of what we'll get, then we'll be left with a Panorama full of shows written like Friends. That is, shoving uninteresting characters in uninteresting situations down people's throat for years, hoping they won't notice there's something better to watch. As a concept, Princess Hours was brilliant. What we got at the end, a little less. Time to reflect on those mistakes, and come back with something better next Season. Because those Princess 'Hours' felt like decades to me...


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Guest ally2207

Afterall the review given by Mr.X is not bad at all! For me all Goong cast doing a great jobs! :D And i agree with him,that even how much u love Goong. Actually no need for the PD's & IMBC to add that 4 ep,it's really draggy. <_< But without adding that,we will miss our chances to watched Shin & CG "hot kiss" in Ep.23. :phew::P Now we just wait n see what will happen in Goong 2! B) Btw,thanx for posting the review again xosandy!

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you can try HMV at City Link mall (City Hall MRT) or HMV Heeren (Orchard Rd). I think City Link Mall outlet has more korean OST cds but I don't remember seeing Goong OST there, the best way is to order it online or ask friends who are going to Hong Kong, Taiwan or Korea to buy it from there.

Korean magazines (mostly fashion mags) are available at Kinokuniya @ Ngee Ann City (Orchard Rd), some entertainment mags are available, like ASTA, Cine21, movieweek etc.

do they sell the english edition of ASTA? if so, how much is it

thanks rebby for the clips...its been ages since we have anything on goong

btw i juz checked the chU forum, the moderator posted Armed Reaction IV (hk police drama) will be shown on June 22 10pm...so i guess there goes the hope of Goong being telecast early

it is not their style to show 1 korean show after another, they always alternate between korean and hk i think

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thanks rebby for the clips...its been ages since we have anything on goong

btw i juz checked the chU forum, the moderator posted Armed Reaction IV (hk police drama) will be shown on June 22 10pm...so i guess there goes the hope of Goong being telecast early

oops ... showing HK show in 10 ...

so when Goong showing ...

okie ... i know ... HK show Mon-Wed and

Goong Thu - Fri ... 10 ...

hahaha ...

i am sure Goong will be showing at 10 time slot ...

because if not they wouldn't have trailer right after DJG show ...

or maybe they should put it at sat @11 ...

okie ... now zoooom ..... to take a look .....

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I liked the 4 added episodes too, but it did seem kinda long.

The final episode is airing on Saturday here in Hawaii. I watched the whole drama already on youtube, but I still watch it on tv even though I already know what's going to happen.

<3 Goong

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