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Guest coreana

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Oh man i just finished the last episode of this series! It was so good! I was surprised that shin gave his position to his sister, but really happy that everything worked out for them!! ^___^ I can't wait till season 2!!

edit: does anybody have more info on the girl that played Chae Gyung's escort?? her real name is : Jeon Su Yeon

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Guest Pikachu

I have a question for the girls. Would you rather get with Shin, or Yul? Based upon their personalities, than looks.

I'd be more attracted to Shin than Yul because I feel that Yul is..... the type who I can be good friends with sort of thing? Like fun to hang around with, like.. one of the girls. But with Shin, he just seems cold on the outside becuase he puts this barrier between him and others, but once you get to know him he's pretty funny and charming really, so I think I'd pick Shin. :o

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I have a question for the girls. Would you rather get with Shin, or Yul? Based upon their personalities, than looks.

I'd say Shin. His personality is a lot stronger than Yul's. I found it a little frustrating with Yul because he coddled CG so much. I couldn't stand that. Shin, even when it is hard realizes the need to allow the person he loves to be herself...and encourages her (in his way) but still there is more of a give-take with Shin. Yul is a giver...which isn't bad, but for me I need someone with more of a back bone or rather someone who let's me and tries to show me how to develop one when the situation calls for it.

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Guest fateNdestiny

i was re-watching Goong and noticed that Shin sometimes calls CG "Myorn Nam Pyeong" what does it mean exactly?

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Guest maybelove

I have a question for the girls. Would you rather get with Shin, or Yul? Based upon their personalities, than looks.

For me, i would personally choose Yul. He's the type of person that i like. Someone who is willing to show out his love and sacrifies to the person he likes and be with her. Felt anxious and cared for her when something happens to her.. Although i dont really like the part where he keeps saying Shin badness to CG, it's just a way for showing how much he loved her.

Shin is actually not bad too. It's just that sometimes it is much better to show out their love instead of keeping their own feelings inside are more attractive to me.

Overall, Yul's personality attracts me more. :)

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Guest valandy

Maybe Goong2 can concentrate on their university life just like the comics "It all started with a kiss". That comics actually continues even after they got married and even about the love lives of all the other characters. :D

Yul could come back and become CG's best friend and give her advice whenever she has problems with Shin. In return, CG can introduce him a girl whom she just knew from the new school life. Of course, definitely must have sparks between Yul and the new girl............. :w00t:

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Guest mizzlinhie

I agree with azngrlz :D I would go for Shin goon. Shin seems to be cold and means, but actually he's not. Shin is a type of guy who doesn't know to express his feeling, he's seems to be a lonely guy. I felt sorry for him, and I understand that's how CG loves him even more when she was curious about his loneliness. I don't know between Shin and Yul who love CG more, but I think Shin loves her more. I like Shin character, i guess i felt sorry for him. It's sad whenver I see him sitting there alone, it seems like he's so lonely. I can't imagine how his life is going to be like without CG, poor guy :( .

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As for Hyo Rin, well Hyo RIn as a character can still possibly come back (as KANG IN'S LOVE INTEREST), though I hope when she does, she'll play more of a good friend to the royal couple XDD;; and not like I don't know.. come back with a terminal disease and try to get Shin again. >_>

i agree with you on the hyorin thing, i'd love to see her back in a useful role. but omg...HAHAH that sounds like a typical korean drama if she was dying and tried to get shin back. hehe. or maybe yul might do something like that.

and omg all the subs are out. BIGGGG thanks to all the subbers and your tireless efforts to provide us idiots with goong goodies. you guys are the best <33

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Guest doowup

English Version

Chinese Version

(After removing headgear and shaking hands)

Yul: You don't have any intentions of fighting back/attacking?

Shin: This conspiracy wasn't planned by you.

Yul: How can you be so sure of that?

Shin: The Yul that I know doesn't do underhanded things.

Yul: What is this? (takes letter from Shin)

Shin: I've always thought that knowing about this...by myself alone is enough.

Shin: But now that I think about it, the person who can end this twisted fate amongst the three of us...is not me, but you.

Shin: After you were forced out of the palace, I was never comfortable with the role of being the Crown Prince.

Yul: If our roles were reversed, I would have been the same.

thanks alot!! now i understand that part better :)

yay!!!! :D i'm glad the same ppl are coming back for season 2 of goong

it would'nt be as nice to see if it were different casts (i'll feel weird watching it)

hyorin's character will be back too?!?!?!? i thought she's gone already?!!?!?!

um... and the season 2 is only 6 ep. izzit? (isn't it a bit too short?)

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Guest AznGrlz

xx|outsider|xx, thank you so much for what you've done! Me and everyone here truly appreciates your hardwork of uploading all these e-subbed Goong episodes for us :D .

I just went back to watch 24 again and my heart truly feels for Yul when he witnessed the scene that CG ran after the cars and her running up to hug Shin. If I was in his position, right there at that point, I would definitely break down and start pouring my heart out. Even though I agree that Yul became obsessed, evil, weird, and w/e you name it...I still think his role should be respected for all the things he's done for his love. Earlier, Jessie, Theresa, and I had post some of our poems in dedication of Cg/Shin. We promised to make a poem for Yul, but we didn't :sweatingbullets: hehe so I decided to jot down some thoughts in my view of him so Yul wouldn't feel too left out :P lol. It was done in less than 10 minutes, so plz forgive me if it's not done well...anywayz, hope you like it!

I thought that in life, nothing would ever last,

Memories, positions, and promises are now the past.

But fate once again decided to cross our way,

Bringing your sudden appearance in my life one day.

It never occurred to me that the girl I’m facing now,

Was once promised to me by the earlier generation’s vow.

I couldn’t explain why, but my heart felt strange,

As if I’ve known you as if something’s going to change.

I concentrated carefully as you taught me new things,

I endured eagerly at both the pain and joy this girl brings.

My mind tells me loving her isn’t part of my rights,

But my heart fell for her, thinking of her days and nights.

I tried to fight, but ended up struggling with fears,

At the thought of losing her, I broke down hard with tears.

Seeing her with him and her trying to win his heart,

Making me more hurt and I tried to keep them apart.

But no matter what I did, she’s still far from being mine,

‘Cause I can never defeat the game fate chosen to design.

edit- mizzlinhie, what'z up grl?!? Glad you agreed with me on choosing Shin! Wanna share him? lol Seriously, I prefer having someone I argue with every morning than make up at night hehe life's more fun like that. Yul's a good boy, but too bad he's not my type...maybe a backup in case Shin cheats on us :phew:

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Guest mizzlinhie

WOW i totally love your poem Thien Ai :) It's so sad, I can also feel for Yul too, poor guy, he suffered too much alreadie. I hope PD don't make him suffers more in Goong 2. By the way could you repost the old poems that you wrote about CG and Shin???

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Guest AznGrlz

WOW i totally love your poem Thien Ai :) It's so sad, I can also feel for Yul too, poor guy, he suffered too much alreadie. I hope PD don't make him suffers more in Goong 2. By the way could you repost the old poems that you wrote about CG and Shin???

CG, couldn’t you tell that he’d fallen for you,

Though he ignores and tried to act like it’s not true?

He would feel angry when you’re with another guy,

Get irritated, mad, as these feelings he tried to identify.

Are all guys stubborn when it comes to love,

Or just the ones that always putted love above?

Girl, keep trying don’t ask him why,

God will protect your love from way up high.

It’s all fated, all meant to be,

Appreciate it; take the time to see.

This game called love is a lose or take,

So take your chances for life’s own sake.

You’re almost there, couldn’t you feel the score,

That his heart beats faster for you more and more?

When you’re hurt he rushes to see why,

When you’re down he’s there right by your side.

I don’t disagree that he’s quiet, stubborn, and cold,

That’s why girl you got to be stronger, forward, and bold.

Keep believing, put some faith on love’s creator,

‘Cause the ice will have to melt sooner or later.

This one was written on the earlier eps. where Cg started to feel comfortable with Shin then out of nowhere Hyorin jumped in and messed everything up <_< hehe it's my fav. so hope you like it! There's more, but i got to dig them up somewhere in my files :sweatingbullets:

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Guest mmmmsushi

owp..all the cast coming together...AGAIN!


that's the best news EVER!!!!

i cant wait for season2

off to watch shing ang CG!!!!


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Guest guccigal

I have a question for the girls. Would you rather get with Shin, or Yul? Based upon their personalities, than looks.

I'd go for Shin. I like a challenge. Yul is too showy in his love for CG and a bit needy.

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Guest _yinsyung*--

i was wondering if anyone has pics of Chaegyung's shoes?

not just the handpainted canvas ones, but heels or flats she may have worn?

i know they are some collages of CG-HYRBRID-fashion; but i was wondering if there's one for her shoes?

thanks in advance <3

and if there isn't i might have to end up making one {haha but an excuse to rewatch goong XD}


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Guest jhing

Me too! I want Goong2 to focus on their University life and maybe on CG being pregnant halfway. :lol:

Anyways, I hope season 2 will be as good as season 1.

Shin or Yul? :D

Yul's love for CG is sweet as he's willing to give up everything for her. But I'd go for Shin anytime. He may not be as vocal as Yul in showing his love for Chaegyung but he certainly loves CG in his own quiet and sweet way. Besides, as Crown Prince whose followed all these set of rules and guidelines all his life and whose been alone and lonely for so long , it's really hard for him to just come out in the open and express his feelings for CG. But what I love most about him is the fact that he can be so carefree and playful and even silly when he's with his beloved CG.

He may even appear cold at times but we all know that that's just a front. Beneath that cool exterior is a man who who cares deeply about his family and country and someone who is very much lost inlove with his wife. Did he love CG more than Yul did? The answer is YES! You see it and feel it from each look, touch, hug, kiss, smile that he gives his wife.

Oh, and because everyone is posting poems I thought I'd share my fave poem. I didn't write it, someone else did and thanks to that someone. :D

10 Reasons why I Love You

I love your gentle smile,

I love your tender touch

and I love your kisses so very very much.

I love the way you flirt with me

and the way you laugh and tease.

I love the way you always find

the nicest ways to please.

I love the way you cheer me up

when you find me with a frown

and always raise my spirits,

when life has got me down.

I love you for your patience

and your true sincerity

and most of all I love you

for the way that you love me. -Anonymous

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Guest rainz*gurl

oh THANKS a lot to Dallase n Lapapam for all those screencaps.. they r jus brilliant... so beautiful... kumawo!!!!

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Guest habibi

I personally would choose Shin. To me, his personality is the type that I tend to be attracted to. Even though he puts up a cold cover in front of others, but when you get to know him, you'll see how interesting of a person he is. His funny, stubborn, and hm...sort of annoying? hehe way of showing his love is just...omg, wow...hehe having a lover like that would spice up your love life don't u think? You'll fight, argue, than make up and laugh it off...makes each day pass by faster and worth remembering. You think he doesn't care, but at the end he always the first one who makes up for it...cute? hehe. Yul is nice and I do agree he loves with an open heart toward Cg, but if you have a person next to you constantly repeating "I love you." wouldn't life get boring? I know to me it would, but just my view. :i don't even know if i make sense lol:

I so understand what you mean.

I'd pick Shin too..Same reasons as you :sweatingbullets:

Thanks alot for the caps^_^

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