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Guest coreana

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Guest Pikachu

3. Some of the crowds, are actually extras hired by the PDs(this is my&Pikachu's observation) or part of Goong staff. Why? One of the guy who was standing behind CG on ep 23 street kiss was also riding the same bus that CG&Shin were on, during the date. Also, the unnie in pink jacket (also behind CG during the kiss on ep 23) ALWAYS had the same movement (walked from the right side of the screen towards CG) EVEN THOUGH the clip showing obviously different shots of the kiss (one with YEH's hands outside JJH's jacket, and the other with her hands inside). The reason why they use these extras is possibly to "fence" JJH&YEH during that shot, so they'll be protected from crazy fans who could've jumped in and done what crazy fans do.. kekekkeke..Fruities Bureau of Goong Investigation :D


Peach reporting from FBGI. *dead*

Yeah... not to mention the pink unnie also entered at different points of the kiss if you compare the final cut and a video that a fan has taken. Also the positioning of some of the extras when comparing this final cut and fan vid.

I'll take screencaps of the stuff we're talking about later on. :3

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Guest bluenitesky

Wow such a fruity name for an investigation, I always wondering how those actor can cry so well, pepper, onion wat ? But i guess that wat make them an actor and nothing else .................

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Guest echoRy

So yeah, that's the report from the headquarter of Fruities Bureau of Goong Investigation :D

:lol: aahhh audrey u kill me! Fruities Bureau...should u need further

assistance, i fellow fruit cumquat^gee_baby reporting for duty!

check out these ep collages from the site, some of em

u peeps might not have. there's a lot too, figured this

might help with GOONG WITHDRAWAL :D (±èÇö¼ø)

12an3.th.jpg 15caps9oa.th.jpg 29os.th.jpg 35fu.th.jpg 44ay.th.jpg

54qv.th.jpg68cf.th.jpg 77xw.th.jpg 88cq.th.jpg96sw.th.jpg 108cj.th.jpg 112cx.th.jpg

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Gee babe, thank you so much for the collages. They bring back all the sweet memories from earlier episodes to the end.. *the 1.5 included~!*

Was YEH touching JJH's thigh, in that 1.5 pic?? Should we read more into this?? kekeke.. My head almost exploded from watching too many episodes, clips, pics.. analyzing the tiniest details and movements.. Tsk.

Here's our hwang teja waving hellloooo~

*I dunno what the korean caps said, so pls dun ask :P*


credit: imbc

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i havent been on this forum in while...

i was wondering about the trip to BALI shin and cg took....

i read the article there managers made but.. i mean come on...

so was it planned or did they somehow end up on the same plane and same place? it would be awsome if u got some pics or articles on it thank you~~

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Guest kneekey

anyone care to translate?

[기사] 송혜교-드라마 속, 최고의 '감동 포옹 씬'은?


그동안 방송된 드라마들 중에서 최고의 감동 포옹 씬을 연출한 드라마는무엇일까?인터넷 포털 사이트 다음 텔레비존에 드라마 속 인기 커플들의포옹 씬을 담은 다양한 사진들이 올라 팬들의 시선을 사로잡고 있다. 드라마를 구성하는 요소 중, 남녀 배우들의 사랑은 없어서는 안 될 중요한소재. 때문에 극중 키스 씬이나 포옹 씬은 이야기의 흐름을 결정짓는 중요한 부분으로 인식되고 있다.물론 키스씬이 시청자들에게 큰 화제를 몰고 오기는 하지만 사랑하는 마음이 가득 담긴 애틋한 포옹 씬 역시 팬들의 가슴을 설레게 하기에 충분.먼저 최근 종방한 ‘궁’에서 신(주지훈)과 채경(윤은혜)의 포옹 씬은 티격태격하던 두 사람이 서로의 사랑을 확인하게 되고 힘들 때 위로를 하는, 중요한 부분으로 쓰였다. 또한‘마이걸’에서 역시 이동욱과 주유린의 사랑을 숨긴 아름다운 포옹 씬으로 시청자들을 안타깝게 하기도.아울러 ‘풀 하우스’에서 정지훈과 송혜교는신세대식 사랑을 보여주며 친구같은 느낌으로 포옹 씬 역시 귀엽게 표현해내 팬들의 큰 사랑을 받은 바 있다. 그리고‘미안하다 사랑한다’에서는 뒤에서 임수정을 포옹하는 소지섭의 모습으로 애절한 두 남녀의 사랑을 표현해냈다. 이처럼 포옹 씬은 드라마에서 또 하나의 감동으로, 시청자들에게 행복과 슬픔, 그리고 웃음을 선사하는 중요한 부분으로 인식되고 있다.배우들의 호연 속에 명장면으로 탄생하고 있는 이들의 아름다운사랑은 앞으로도 시청자들에게 다양한 매력으로 다가올 것으로 보인다.

credit: sidushq & nofear11877 of shg thread


i dunno if this has been posted && this is my first post here so please forgive me T_T

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Guest dieulinh

waa, thanks Angeline for the collages

*click click, save save*

My Goong folder of pictures is so heavy now :P

whenever I feel missing Goong I just browse through that folder which contains about 700 pics ^^''

it's such a nice feeling =]

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Guest sweet_treats1812

anyone care to translate?

[기사] 송혜교-드라마 속, 최고의 '감동 포옹 씬'은?


그동안 방송된 드라마들 중에서 최고의 감동 포옹 씬을 연출한 드라마는무엇일까?인터넷 포털 사이트 다음 텔레비존에 드라마 속 인기 커플들의포옹 씬을 담은 다양한 사진들이 올라 팬들의 시선을 사로잡고 있다. 드라마를 구성하는 요소 중, 남녀 배우들의 사랑은 없어서는 안 될 중요한소재. 때문에 극중 키스 씬이나 포옹 씬은 이야기의 흐름을 결정짓는 중요한 부분으로 인식되고 있다.물론 키스씬이 시청자들에게 큰 화제를 몰고 오기는 하지만 사랑하는 마음이 가득 담긴 애틋한 포옹 씬 역시 팬들의 가슴을 설레게 하기에 충분.먼저 최근 종방한 ‘궁’에서 신(주지훈)과 채경(윤은혜)의 포옹 씬은 티격태격하던 두 사람이 서로의 사랑을 확인하게 되고 힘들 때 위로를 하는, 중요한 부분으로 쓰였다. 또한‘마이걸’에서 역시 이동욱과 주유린의 사랑을 숨긴 아름다운 포옹 씬으로 시청자들을 안타깝게 하기도.아울러 ‘풀 하우스’에서 정지훈과 송혜교는신세대식 사랑을 보여주며 친구같은 느낌으로 포옹 씬 역시 귀엽게 표현해내 팬들의 큰 사랑을 받은 바 있다. 그리고‘미안하다 사랑한다’에서는 뒤에서 임수정을 포옹하는 소지섭의 모습으로 애절한 두 남녀의 사랑을 표현해냈다. 이처럼 포옹 씬은 드라마에서 또 하나의 감동으로, 시청자들에게 행복과 슬픔, 그리고 웃음을 선사하는 중요한 부분으로 인식되고 있다.배우들의 호연 속에 명장면으로 탄생하고 있는 이들의 아름다운사랑은 앞으로도 시청자들에게 다양한 매력으로 다가올 것으로 보인다.

credit: sidushq & nofear11877 of shg thread


i dunno if this has been posted && this is my first post here so please forgive me T_T

hey nikki! wloi already translated it over at the shk thread..it says smthing about the best hugs between those couples... :)

anyways..have these been posted before? saw it over at the official website...



did these scenes appear in the drama? :unsure: i dont remember seeing 'em...hmmm... :rolleyes: look at the way cg is leaning over shin..ahihihihihihi...

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Guest idream
Guest miserable

i have a question that's been bothering me. what is the significance or the finger touching. i forgot which episode it was but when chaegyung and yul are outside of their class and chaegyung sticks out her finger and yul was about to touch it but then she removed her finger and went in the class.

and doesn't chaegyung do this again with shin? so what's the significance of it? or should i wait and watch till the end to find out?

ohh and this might be off the topic of goong but is it just me or has soompi been not working as well these past hours??

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i have a question that's been bothering me. what is the significance or the finger touching. i forgot which episode it was but when chaegyung and yul are outside of their class and chaegyung sticks out her finger and yul was about to touch it but then she removed her finger and went in the class.

and doesn't chaegyung do this again with shin? so what's the significance of it? or should i wait and watch till the end to find out?

ohh and this might be off the topic of goong but is it just me or has soompi been not working as well these past hours??

the finger touching.

because cg is an art student and her class is the planet room>?

so all the students in there are the so call aliens?

so the finger touching thing is like that Scene from the movie Et where that alien tries to be friendly.

this is my concept.

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Guest acire

^^ omg your from hawaii??? me too. doesnt it suck that we have to wait until fridays and saturdays to watch it? but i've already watched until episode 12 so yea :P where are you from??

^^ ahh sorry i cant help you but i want to know?? i thought JJH was going on a vacation today or something. please someone translate this and make us happy!

yes i'm from hi (honolulu to be exact). :angry: yea it sucks so much that we have to wait!!

Azngirl, keep the story coming! i'm really enjoying it! esp BIG C :crazy::D

I had some questions, i hope that someone could answer them:

1. How long has CG been in Macau since she was sent there? -this is in respect towards the pregnancy questions i have.

2. did anyone notice all the volkswagon vehicles they've been using (the covert. bettle, passat, etc.)?- in sweet spy, they used the audi(s).

3. What did the txt msg shin recieved say when he went to the burning building?

4. Since the writer is going to be different, are CG & Shin going to go back to the goong, is yul going to come back??? :blink::unsure:

** i have to think about the others. But i am sorry if any of these have been posted before- too lazy to backlog. :blush:

ohh and this might be off the topic of goong but is it just me or has soompi been not working as well these past hours??

yea, and soompi didn't work for me either :unsure: . i wonder what happened?

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Guest miserable

liquidfir, thanks for clarifying that. so it doesnt really have anything to do with the relationships between chaegyung and yul and shin and chaegyung?? i was reading so much into it cause i thought that there's something about those scenes.

rebby, thanks for sharing those pictures. i know i've said this before but i have to say it again cause you got to take so much pictures, but you are one lucky girl!

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