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Guest coreana

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i thought Goong was coming out on March 28 ? March 29 in Korea 9:55 PM??

but I still dont' see the downloads...T___T;; bbooo !

If u come here for downloads i suggest u leave now.

we are not oblige to provide downloads. this is a discussion thread. And i dunno where u are located, north pole or antartic or wadever, it is only 11.30am korean time 29/3/2006. perhaps there is something wrong with ur clock.


and as a regular. i want to send this message out to ALL newbies. THIS IS NOT a conversation thread. Pls refer to the new rules.

ALL the one liners are getting out of hand! I already PM so many of u. Please.

Pls post useful posts. If u only have one sentence u want to say for now, then compile it up until u get a few sentences before posting.

We are the biggest thread in soompi now, please show consideration for the thread and soompi.(we are 1500++pages long.. it is a burden for Soompi.)

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Guest thanhdda

dont know about you guys but I find guys with pink lipstick and both earings on really annoying.which is Yul in this case

There must be something wrong for guys wearing pink or red visible lipstick like Yul in this series

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Guest StrawberryPunch

Lol thats it im staying off this thread untill Thurs..or im not gonna be as hyper as i am now to see the ending.. lol

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i thought Goong was coming out on March 28 ? March 29 in Korea 9:55 PM??

but I still dont' see the downloads...T___T;; bbooo !

Oh wow.. some guts you have there for saying those words. It's one thing when people requesting links *which let me remind again, are not allowed anymore*, but DEMANDING some uploads????? What the heck? I never ever replied in this manner before, but this is just too much.. People upload links out of their generosity alone and nothing else. And let me tell you this, there are bunch of kind-hearted people in this thread that will gladly do this without question. So for the sake of these people, PLEASE show some respect. That's all I ask for.

Sorry if I offended you. I don't mean to hurt anyone. This is just a reminder, okie dokie?

and btw, as Manda-Panda mentioned, ep 23 is not even out yet.. *sigh*

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woahhh, our beloved Goong thread was on the second page! I've never seen this before! hahhaha

I can't wait for tomorrow.

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Guest xeunice

i can't wait til the final episodes =) thank you so much to everyone who uploads it on ysi :] and all the other programs :] you guys make me full of smiles! haha but yeahhhh thanks a lot! i dunno if i'm doing something against the rules -___- i'm a newbie so excuse me if i did something wrong *^^*

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special thanks to rebby for all the wonderful picture you have shown us.

soo wonder thanks.


thanks to all the subber of goong. i love you all soo much.

WOW! SEASON 1 is about to be over. how sad. cant wiat to see 23 and 24 woowww..

WOW! *thisifoundin2page.whereallthegoongersat?*

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gosh...i'm so sad that goong will be over...only 2 more episodes...must prepare myself...fighting! how will i be able to move on from this great series that has occupied my attention for so long! hehehe...it will definitely be weird to come home after my classes and not have goong to turn to! anybody else feeling this way!

anyways just wanted to post some thanks...hope i can still do that...with all the changes in rules i can't keep track. thanks for the ep23 preview posts...aww the things to come! thanks for the translations...gosh...so sweet shin! and thanks for all the mv links...hopefully after the series ends, i'll slowly get off the goong high by watching/ supplementing w/ mv! hehehe...well THANKS to all who keep us updated on goong!

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Guest kdrama_luv3r

dont know about you guys but I find guys with pink lipstick and both earings on really annoying.which is Yul in this case

There must be something wrong for guys wearing pink or red visible lipstick like Yul in this series

really? yul wear lipstick in goong? is it like in the recent epi or throught he whole series?

i just finish watching episode 22.... :blink:

question...what did chae said when she reject yul? have they show whihc maid lady turn off chae phone?

the fire.....have they find out who started it? what did the message on shin phone say that make him run after to chae?

my view on the fire scene...shin didnt start the fire because he was llok for chae and trying to call her....when the fire broke out....someone throw chae fire near the fire so it look like chae is in the fire. is someone trying to kill shin?

i just show a preview of episode 23......is that when yul leave the palace (i heard that yul and his mother get kick out again) and it the priview the great queen/grandmother was hugging yul like his leaving...

about the shin and chae house...they show thw outside of the house has two stories...when they show the inside it look like on story or is it that the dinning room and all that is on the first floor and the bedrooms are on the second floor?

chae wardrobe....i love chae style through the whole drama....it so cute!!! i would so totally wear her wardrobe!! it would be so awesome if they come out with a goong fashion lin or a chae fashion line with all of chae outfits and everything...and for the guys they chould come out with shin ad yul fashion line!!!

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Guest leechunsa

I'm about to go crazy thinking it's wednesday T_T

Lol~ I'm about to bang my head on the wall. hehe!

Anyway, would like to thank the people who uploaded and shared stuffs about goong! i only missed 3 pages today! hahahaha. <33 I'm proud of y'all! Today we'd have a step to heaven! lol~ Tomorrow, we'd meet the gods! goodbye to the rehab center! I guess heaven would be fuller! lol~

*hugs everyone*

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Guest uberquirkiness

wow it's almost over. how sad. and we must wait unitl next year. i suppose we can wait and pore over the manhwas until then, yeah? i hope they make a new thread for goong 2, or this thread will be unprecedentedly long. can you imagine backtracking from the beginning? anyways, i hope they'll get this arson business finished before the season ends. (though that would mean they'd catch yul goon and stuff. . . which is sad. ) hmm.. any opinions?

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Guest piano4112000

Here's something to look at courtesy of IMBC


credit: IMBC

Tried posting it but can't but luckily DallasE was able to/

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Guest uberquirkiness

i can't see the pic. also. .. wait. who started the fire? i thought it was yul. but i'm not sure anymore. any guesses as to who it is?

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Guest gebera

really? yul wear lipstick in goong? is it like in the recent epi or throught he whole series?

i just finish watching episode 22.... :blink:

question...what did chae said when she reject yul? have they show whihc maid lady turn off chae phone?

the fire.....have they find out who started it? what did the message on shin phone say that make him run after to chae?

my view on the fire scene...shin didnt start the fire because he was llok for chae and trying to call her....when the fire broke out....someone throw chae fire near the fire so it look like chae is in the fire. is someone trying to kill shin?

CG said that though she plans to leave the palace, it is not because of Yul.

She used the analogy of the stars which Shin had said in ep 15, that if they were to meet 2500 years later, and if Yul sees her, to pretend not to know her; though she may leave Shin now, but she will still like Shin 2500 years later... Yul said he can wait for her... why Shin is the one and not him .. sob sob

till ep 22, nothing is shown on which is the maid that had set the fire.. Shin was the prime suspect for setting the fire and is being investigated (to be shown in ep 23).. txt msg on the phone is from "CG" saying that she is now in Yul's room please come immediately.

hope that helps.

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Guest Starylosophy

Oh goodness, thanks Dallase for posting that pic! I'm really looking forward for that street scene!

It really brighten up my day! CG and Shin looks very happy together. Thanks Rebby for the Macau pics too. Also, thanks for all those who provided the BTS and preview links :D

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

^ OMG OMG OMG! I'm having a heart attack! Blag! Just made this pic my desktop background! They look soooo cute together! I can't wait for this scene! I'd probably see it a week from now or maybe I can find something in youtube. I'm sure there are great people here who will selflessly share videos.

I'm going CRAZY! :crazy::crazy:

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:w00t: They looked so happy :lol: Is this after their kiss on the street?...since Shin is still holding CG's hat... ahhhhh! Just a few more hours!!! :w00t:

Rebby -- Thank you so much for the wonderful pics that you've shared with us... Me so green with envy you were able to see JJH and YEH up close.... :lol:

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