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Guest DallasE










How much longer can I hold on to his hand

Sadly, it wouldn't be for much longer judging from your recent actions, Bingungmama!!


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Guest cilik

Hehe...haven't posted as much lately, so this might be a long one...Please bear with me! XD

Thanks for the summaries and translations, hsinyi069, rainbowbrite, mandapanda, and ai* unnie...So I guess our wish is going come true, huh? Seems like Chae really is going to have to face the consequences of her immature act. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up making Shin sick to patch Chae & Shin's relationship up. I agree that the next two episodes are going to be hellish, but somehow I'm more interested in seeing them compared to last week's episodes. After last week's summaries were released, I remember thinking of skipping my twice-weekly ritual of watching Goong live, but it's different this week. I wonder why...

Dee! Gorgeous HQ caps, as always :D. Thank you!

And as for my lovelies Goongers...

Angeline, Amanda, Audrey, Dee, Jess, Kyotoji, Manda, Ririe, Saki, Telly (thank you for the latest Goong scanlations! muah :D)... Annyong ^_^

Glad to see some of your posts in here coz they seem to have disappeared these few days :unsure:

Hi Shenny dear! I agree that our posts have been slowly but surely disappearing over the last week or so. But after following the thread quietly, I can kinda understand why the regulars are more hesitant to post now. Please don't take this the wrong way, newbies, I was once a newbie and I, too, found the size of this thread overwhelming and was intimidated by it. But is it that difficult to jump over to the first post? (there's a << button that'll take you straight there, so it shouldn't take more than a second to do). Even with the amount of people who have regularly posted reminders of the rules of the thread (i.e., how we're not supposed to post one-liners and requests, how we're supposed to read the first post before posting), it seems that just as many people can't be bothered to read the first post to read the rules and to find info about the show, even after some people decided to include a reminder in their signatures. I'm amazed that the season 2 question still comes up every now and then, considering how often it's been asked AND answered :sweatingbullets:. But even with my newfound silent-reader status, I still very much enjoy reading the insightful posts people post in this thread (minus the meaningless posts that did nothing but provoke my lovely Goong family :fury:, but it's over now, so I won't be bothered by it anymore). Keep it coming you guys, I'm going to miss reading your posts so much when the show is over :tears:.

Telly, thanks for the scanlation sweetie! Please pass on my gratitude to dan the man! :D

hmm... I haven't read the manhwa, so I can't really say. Maybe I mis-read someone else's post, but I thought someone who'd read the books wrote earlier that Shin falls for CG kind of at first sight in the book.

Yeah, I don't think Shin falls for CG at first sight in the manhwa either. If anything, I find the manhwa Shin slightly meaner than the drama Shin in the beginning of their marriage.

Also, my friend and I were talking about GOONG and she said that YUL'S DAD IS NOT DEAD! I was like WAIT, WHAT! I mean then like who knows that he's alive, She SAID that only a few ppl. know!

Hmm...did your friend mention where he/she got this info from? I agree that it would be a major twist if he's alive, though such a twist will convince me even more that the PDs are pulling stuff out of thin air :sweatingbullets: . However, I doubt that a member of the royal family can still be alive after being declared dead for 14 years. I mean, how can no one know of his whereabouts?

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Guest DallasE

Shin:I'll handle the consequences, just spend the night at your parents' place.

CG: Can I really?

Shin: Take this opportunity as it'll be hard for another chance to come by.

and let's keep this between us.

CG: Shin Goon!! The only smile from ChaeGyung in the entire eppy 19!








All credits to LAPAMPAM










All credits to LAPAMPAM

Fate has it that Yul always appear at the right time, right place where CG is concerend.

This is also why he simply can't let go!! <_<











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wow, i haven't been here for so long =D

i have good news for those who have been disappointed by the recent episodes of the drama =|

here's a taste of the manhwa =p

volume 9, chapter 6 [final chapter]

yousendit #1

yousendit #2



>> includes a lot of shin and chae gyung love, because that's how it's supposed to be =p

Thank you so much for this.

At least reading the manhwa helped me not to get depressed by the recent news on the upcoming episodes.

But if you don't mind me asking, this is book 9 ch6, rite? But in the manhwa section the last one is ch.4, do you happen to have the ch.5??

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Thank you so much for this.

At least reading the manhwa helped me not to get depressed by the recent news on the upcoming episodes.

But if you don't mind me asking, this is book 9 ch6, rite? But in the manhwa section the last one is ch.4, do you happen to have the ch.5??

heloo.. ask this question at the manga thread. =D

this is for the drama

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Guest koumi

Thanks for the big and beautiful caps, but I feel depressed again :(

I know what you mean. Seeing those caps reminded on how sad and depressed chae gyong is. Living the imperial life is starting to get to her. I think the most saddest moment for me is for her own mother telling her to go back to the palace. That her place is with the royal family and not with this family anymore. She only wanted one night to stay with her family and then to be told to go back. ;_; I wonder if chae gyong will ever find happiness in the palace. At this moment, it just seems painful to see her. I don't know about you but Yul seems to do more harm than good. Whenever he gets invovled in trying to comfort her, she end up getting hurt because of the misunderstanding. >< Aigo~~ I hope Chae Gyong and Shin can find common ground and open up to each other. I agree they both are too prideful to admit what's going on and too stubborn~~

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I know what you mean. Seeing those caps reminded on how sad and depressed chae gyong is. Living the imperial life is starting to get to her. I think the most saddest moment for me is for her own mother telling her to go back to the palace. That her place is with the royal family and not with this family anymore. She only wanted one night to stay with her family and then to be told to go back. ;_; I wonder if chae gyong will ever find happiness in the palace. At this moment, it just seems painful to see her. I don't know about you but Yul seems to do more harm than good. Whenever he gets invovled in trying to comfort her, she end up getting hurt because of the misunderstanding. >< Aigo~~ I hope Chae Gyong and Shin can find common ground and open up to each other. I agree they both are too prideful to admit what's going on and too stubborn~~

I guess her mom saying that she has to go home means that she already has a new family. I think that her mom's statement really is symbolical of how women no longer belong to their parents but rather to the one that she has married into. Kind of like a nod to the past where once a woman is married, she is leaving her father's house to go be with her new family.

Also this could symbolize a shedding of her past and embracing the new. I wholeheartedly agree with you that Cg is absolutely miserable in the palace and i would be too if i was in her shoes. She tried to make the best of it but sometimes it just doesnt work out. she definitely is the 'free spirit type' and i think that is why Shin and yul fell for her.

Although i am DEFINITELY not looking forward to these upcoming episodes, since i pretty much skimmed through ep 19 and 20 in about 30 min, i think ill probably wait for ep 22 to gauge which way the ending is leaning towards. i still think think that CG will be granted her divorce but would come back for Shin or both leave together.

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Guest Sassy_g

it's obvious jjh and yeh have to act like they like each other now, but you really can tell that it's awkward for them (minus the beginning of ep 16, which is the only part where i really felt they were actually comfortable together). all those comical scenes at the beginning of the series didn't establish chemistry, they just established... well, comedy. parallel that to all the chemistry she had with yul (damn, i miss those nice talks on benches and reading books under trees) and you really get a sense that the writers went this way and that way and then finally said, ok, cue the main couple, regardless of the fact that we've developed more chemistry for them with two OTHER people. i remember asking theed at the end of ep 9, are you SURE this series is about cg and shin?

I completely agree with you here. I'm a Yul camper myself, so maybe I'm biased. But, I felt like they established Yul and CG's relationship more than they did with Shin. It was like CG and Shin were thrown into a marriage and forced to have feelings for each other. Whereas, Yul and CG's relationship progressed throughout the beginning and you can see that these 2 have chemistry. So, in a way, I don't feel like Shin anc CG are connected as much as Yul and CG are.

The previews for eps 21/22 are depressing. I hope it ends on a good note, or I'll be tortured for 8 months!!! :o

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And as for my lovelies Goongers...

Angeline, Amanda, Audrey, Dee, Jess, Kyotoji, Manda, Ririe, Saki, Telly (thank you for the latest Goong scanlations! muah :D)... Annyong ^_^

Glad to see some of your posts in here coz they seem to have disappeared these few days :unsure:

Hellooww my dearests *waving Shenny back*!!

I'm putting to rest my pagely reminder until Wednesday, coz I don't think we see as many requests these days, good job everyone!

Speaking of ep 20&21.. I'm not going to hope for too much.. The disappointment from the last 4 episodes has been too much to bear, I don't think I can deal with another. As for now, I am totally clueless as to how season 1 going to end, I'm sure most of us are too. I just wish we can be rest assured that it's gonna be a happy end, so at least this emotional torture everyone's feeling is all worthwhile.. If only the PD told us to hang on there coz after rain there's a bucket of gold at the end of rainbow, then I'm not gonna complain and will sincerely take all this crap til the end where i get my reward. HOWEVER, we're not getting anything but crap and more crap each and every week.. and now there's a rumour that it might end with *yet another* CRAP! So... *sigh* whatever, we'll just see as we go.

Sorry for my rants and complaints.. As you can see, Goong has affected my mood in a BIG way. But, just like Manda cilik, i still enjoy reading everyone's posting in this thread. It's good to see that we're still on the same boat :)

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Guest ceesrain

Angeline- thanks for the FUNNY parody poster! I love it! I love YUL's facial expression and the pic that is ripped of them~ LOL!

Also, my friend and I were talking about GOONG and she said that YUL'S DAD IS NOT DEAD! I was like WAIT, WHAT! I mean then like who knows that he's alive, She SAID that only a few ppl. know! I don't know how accurate this is BUT wouldn't it b a great like TWIST even more! Adding more suspense and :excl: :o:crazy::blink: :tongue2: :w00t: to the drama!

from my IMAGINATION i say that there is a chance that Yul's father is not died and that his wife (Yul's mum) hid him after the car accident that he died and informed every1 that he is died for future plans maybe........and that Yul's father had great injuries that he cant move his body or something like that....dont u think that this could happen??? :D

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Guest nofear11877

I completely agree with you here. I'm a Yul camper myself, so maybe I'm biased. But, I felt like they established Yul and CG's relationship more than they did with Shin. It was like CG and Shin were thrown into a marriage and forced to have feelings for each other. Whereas, Yul and CG's relationship progressed throughout the beginning and you can see that these 2 have chemistry. So, in a way, I don't feel like Shin anc CG are connected as much as Yul and CG are.

The previews for eps 21/22 are depressing. I hope it ends on a good note, or I'll be tortured for 8 months!!! :o

i second this... the progression of their 'relationship' is more often showed than shin's so... not that im ruining the moment for all the goongers here but i've got a feeling in the end that the PD's will pair up Yul and Chae-gyung instead of Shin and Chae-gyung. :vicx: but im still hoping she'll end up with shin cuz im a loyal shin camper. ;)

from my IMAGINATION i say that there is a chance that Yul's father is not died and that his wife (Yul's mum) hid him after the car accident that he died and informed every1 that he is died for future plans maybe........and that Yul's father had great injuries that he cant move his body or something like that....dont u think that this could happen??? :D

if yul's dad survived the accident and is alive... i don't think yul's mom hid him after the accident cuz i don't think she had a motive behind this. and why would she keep this important piece of info from everyone? to escape the goong life? i don't think so... cuz like what is happening right now, she is seeking revenge for what she went through all those years when they went to england. and about the other thing... it is possible that yul's dad decided not to let them know he's alive because of his physical disability. cuz who would want to have a disabled king? right??? :unsure:

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Guest piano4112000

That won't happen because the PD would never let evil win over good and base on what Yul has done that is not considered a nice thing to do. We must also remember that CG does not have any feelings for him and she has told him that time and time again. CG is either going to be alone or with Shin, no and if or buts about it.

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Guest andie

This is a sad scene when CG was unable to openly seek comfort from

the person who hurt her (her husband) but had to seek solace in his hideaway.

It's sad when two people in love couldn't see beyond their bruised pride and hurt feelings.

When she turned around at this scene, I was really hoping to see Shin behind her, but as it is,

that would be too good to be true.

What saddens me here is how they can't seem to see through each other. In a way I'm thinking the reason why CG is in Shin's attic was that she needed to seek solace and comfort (from all the paid related to Shin) but somehow deep inside she knows that the only way she would be comforted is through Shin too. Why risk the chance of bumping into Shin in his secret place if she really wanted to avoid him and be seen? On the other hand Shin goes to Yul's attic. This shows how he doesn't understand CG at the moment. I think he feels he might find CG finding comfort there? :crazy:

It's true it's really sad that they can see beyond their pride and hurt feelings. These just seem to cloud their rationale thinking...

Well previews of ep.21/22 seems like we have to wade through 2 more hellish episodes, but ep.20 wasn't that bad in spite of it's preview. I'm hoping, somehow in a little way there would be some CG and Shin scenes to balance the sadness and chaos. :unsure:

i still think think that CG will be granted her divorce but would come back for Shin or both leave together.

I have feeling the ending will be like Full House, they were divorced right but managed to get back together in the end. I want the last few minutes of the last episode to be like Full House to see them just happy because they're back together. Probably something like another 10 blissful minutes similar to start of ep.16 with Perhaps Love playing again in the background. That would close this series wonderfully for me.

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Guest lovedrama

What saddens me here is how they can't seem to see through each other. In a way I'm thinking the reason why CG is in Shin's attic was that she needed to seek solace and comfort (from all the paid related to Shin) but somehow deep inside she knows that the only way she would be comforted is through Shin too. Why risk the chance of bumping into Shin in his secret place if she really wanted to avoid him and be seen? On the other hand Shin goes to Yul's attic. This shows how he doesn't understand CG at the moment. I think he feels he might find CG finding comfort there? :crazy:

It's true it's really sad that they can see beyond their pride and hurt feelings. These just seem to cloud their rationale thinking...

Well previews of ep.21/22 seems like we have to wade through 2 more hellish episodes, but ep.20 wasn't that bad in spite of it's preview. I'm hoping, somehow in a little way there would be some CG and Shin scenes to balance the sadness and chaos. :unsure:

I have feeling the ending will be like Full House, they were divorced right but managed to get back together in the end. I want the last few minutes of the last episode to be like Full House to see them just happy because they're back together. Probably something like another 10 blissful minutes similar to start of ep.16 with Perhaps Love playing again in the background. That would close this series wonderfully for me.

Yeah. Someone forgot to sign the divorce paper, just like Full House. :P

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Guest clairdeluned

Hello dears! ^_^ I only saw eps 19 and 20 yesterday (I knew they would richard simmons me off, so I kept on pushing back and pushing back)....yeah, I was really angry. CG is driving me freaking insane. I CANNOT believe she actually mentioned divorce and I HATE YUL for pushing her over and over again to mention it. He's such an awful, selfish #$*@&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*hyperventilate* Anyway, I got that out of my system. Well, not really. But the next episodes better be good. Or I am going to kick the PD's butt really hard.

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Guest susammie

OK pplz.. i noe how u goongers feel rite now.. like i am rite now..fustrate and sad..becuase of Shin and CG''s situation and YUL alwayz trying to brain wash her! :tongue2: ..like wut happen at ep.20 when he call her before her interview..telling her that if she didn't ask for a divorce rite now..there won't be anymroe chances..i mean this is so freaking stupid.....this guy is really trying to get her! and i mean at ep. 21 she was struggling to say that she wants a divorce..and when she got to it...Shin cut her off..i mean thank God Shin did dat!...Gosh! CG use your brain and look at the consequences before doing anything stupid like this! :crazy: I bet shin was so hurt!...porr shin....... :tears: but i heard that these episodes are going to be hell eps..but i heard that (Not sure if it is true) that the ending will be good! it talks about Shin and CG ran off to sumwhere..and she's going to be the queen of Korean or sumthing like dat..but i'm seriously not sure if i'm rite. Ok....and i heard thatt season 2 is gonna be interseting because the PDs and the script writer have lots of ideas...but they just dont' noe how to put it together yet...well at least they have 10 more months to think about it....so i can't wait 2 watch it....oooo college life for Shin and CG! hahaha seriously 10 months is a long long wait for me~! :o

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