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Guest coreana

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Guest luluchan

Okay people this is getting ridiculous. I think all of you guys are out of your minds! Stop blaming Yul for everything that goes wrong with CG and Shin's relationship! Yul is not what all of you are saying he is. He is a man who is very much in love with this girl who loves someone else. I don'tknow if any of you have ever experienced that but you know what give him some credit for trying. I mean seriously think about it. He's putting his heart on the line telling CG straight out that he likes/loves her (unlike a certain someone else...). If anything you all should feel bad for Yul! Whenever CG has a problem with Shin, who does she go to? YUL! Yul is always there for her without questions asked and then once CG feels better she goes running off to Shin. Hello?! She knows Yul is in love with her and yet she basically uses him. So stop saying Yul is evil! He is anything but evil.

Even if Yul is as you people say "evil" and "brain-washing" CG I think he's earn more than enough right too. I mean this is the guy who is constantly being used and then dumped when he is no longer needed. Aside from that you people also have to remember that he didn't resort to "brain-washing" and being "evil at first. He tried to wooCG by taking her out whenever she felt too suffocated in the palace or when she was lonely. For God's sake the man made her lunch! He brought her chocolate amd helped her whenever he could at the palace (ex: Prince William). Like I said in my earlier comment I would so choose Yul over Shin any day. I don't want a guy like Shin who plays with me and keeps me guessing when I can have a great guy like Yul who treats me nice all the time.

I really do feel bad for Shin. I truly do. I was watching that episode when he called the Queen "mom" and she yelled at him for it. (See! I told you she's evil!) I feel sorry for the childhood that he must have had to become the Crown Prince and all that pressure he has to deal with but still it's no excuse for how he is. Some of you people have said that, "Oh, Shin just can't express his feelings too well." TOTAL CRAP! I think he's pretty darn good at expressing what he feels or thinks. Maybe not like CG or Yul but still you can tell that he was angry and you could tell he was in love with Hyorin. For all of you who still wish to use that as an argument just remember that actions speak louder than words. He cherished everything Hyorin gave him that's how we knew he was in love with her. He said cruel things to CG, went to Thailand without her showing he was ignoring her and treating her cruelly. AND If Shin really likes/loves CG he should have told her from the first moment he felt it. I think its really stupid and selfish of him to wait until like the very last minute when he feels threatened by what Yul spoke to CG about to annouce that he loves CG. He's playing her like a harp.

Another thing I wanted to point out was CG feeling for Shin. She has told Yul countless times that her heart indeed belongs to Shin. She explained to Yul that she liked Shin because when she first moved into the palace she had no one else so leaned on Shin. She also said that she liked Shin because she understands him and feels bad for him. That's like saying she loves him because she pities him. I think at this point Yul is pretty much the only one out of the 4 our them who has his heart in the right place. Hyorin thinks being suidicidal is the answer to gaining Shin's heart, CG might as well fall in love with a stray puppy or something, Shin needs to grow a back bone and get a brain.

But the point I really wanted to get across is that Yul is not evil. I repeat NOT EVIL!!! I think Shin's mom and Yul's mom are evil but not Yul.

mmm i've said sumthing about YUL earlier and i siad i don't like him..and even after ur post i still dont like him..sorry to say~

look, i guess YUL is not evil..lets put it another way....he's kinda queer and selfish~

why is he queer~? whether Shin and CK are truly in love, or watever..they are MARRIED period.

Even if Yul loves her so damn much...that dusn't mean he has the right to like hug her/hold her/kiss her whenever he wants. She's married, so back off~

Yes, Yul always say that IF his dad never died, he would be king and CK would be his wife blah blah blah~

but SO WHAT!!! the truth is that his dad died, he's not king, and and he wont BE with CK!! cant he just grow up and accept the truth~

AND..think about it girls...isn't it scary if you're married, but this dude is always by ur side saying, "after you're divorced, you'll be mine. we can run away together...blah blah blah" its like so wtf okai~

I think CK going to Yul for comfort is not 'using' him.....she prolly just treats him as a very good frend, someone who listens and she feels comfortable around (in a friendly way), that doesn't mean she's playing around with their feelings tho~that's what frends are for too~

someppl are better off talking to frends than their lovers...

yeh we might feel bad for YUL..but thats too bad....it's his one-sided love...CK explained to him clearly that she loves Shin. Yul's gotta accept and face the fact that he's gonna get hurt...

Gawd his EMO-ness is so annoying~

i actually have more stuff to say..but i totally forgot~

i'll be back to edit when i remember~

And he's selfish cuz he's always giving harsh, biased 'advice' to CK.

Because he loves her, and he just wants her so badly..he's always telling her that Shin dusn't love her, his love for HyoRin is way way deeper than her blah blah blah all these bs...

i mean "Divorce with him, and i'll bring u far away from here and be very happy" - wow, how encouraging and comforting is THAT?!?!

he's saying all this just for his own good~i find them really not objective and unhelpful~

AND CK realli treats him as a close frend, so she trusts him....but who knows that YUL actually contributed to the cracks in Shin and CK's relationship~

i mean Yul hasn't seen everyside of their relationship~

As for you saying that CK fell in love with Shin JUST because she pities him...

didn't Yul say that too~ cuz he felt sorry for CK, he felt her loneliness...so he started to like her too~

But whatever, Shin and Ck are in love, they're married....so YUL just gotta suck it up and stop thinking about running away with CK~

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Guest frOsty_pAnda

um...has the front page been updated recently cause i can't find episode 15 and 16 on MU. how far has the episodes have gone anyhow?

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Guest MJ_DT

Hey guys , just a question it's the manga finished ?,because i've only got to read =P 10 volumes , i think i saw in the manga that yul it's going to have someone who cares about him more than as friend :o a new girl is coming , so i hope he would have a good ending too, :blush:

gezz!!, but definetly the director must follow the continuation of the manga, and doesn't invent his o her own 2 season :sweatingbullets:;)

see yaa :)

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Guest V A L XD

I know i shouldn't be asking this question, but, can someone please SEND me a DIRECT clubbox linke for today's HQ episode!? Not to the person's clubbox, but that link that i can just dl right away? My computer is pissing me off like crazy!

I'm dying to know what happens in epi.20! please!!!!!!!!!! :tears:

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Guest linatan

Anyone notice when they let go hands in the restaurant scene? Shin tells CG to hold his hand until they get to the car because the mob could be dangerous. Then she says to herself, "How long until I can not let go of your hand?" - meaning, she is grasping onto him because she loves him, but will it change in the future. Then they go through the crowd and Shin let's go of her hand. In slow motion, she's the one who holds on til the end and he opens up his fingers first. This is definitely a sign of things to come!

q12345... why u say till like tat.............make me feel more miserable. I hope Shin will not let CG go. If PD really follows the manhwa, the part where SHin will badly treat CG after the interview session, I will feel more pity for CG. Hopefully PD does not closely follow the manhwa.

someone who summarizes epsd 20, thank you for ur summary. Now i begin to more understand the epsd. Based on ur summary, I realli touched by the deep love that SHin has for his wife especially the part where he told CG not to go to QUeen for the newspapr scandal and when SHin asked her to send HR off. Yeahh now HO-TOOT is gone, left YUL _ TOOT.. when will Yul - TOOT gone???????????hehhe

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Hi...I'm new to this thread but Goshh!!...I read your postings for ep. 20 and all of them are pretty intense... :sweatingbullets: .....I haven't watched both ep 19 and 20 yet cuz I'm still waiting for the eng subs....but from what I've read from like 6 last pages ep 20 sure cause a lot of trouble huh? can't wait to see it....just need to be patient for the subs...T-T.....

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Guest sweetangel7

Hey people,

My first take on this drama.

I doubt I'd consider that CG really loves Shin. Yes, she may be the first to fall in love with Shin but that's just it. If she really loves him, I can't imagine her doing such utter humiliation to Shin - by publicly announcing divorce, no matter how hurting you are. Shin is not just a nobody but a crown prince. She should also consider the impact to his status and to the imperial palace. She did say in an episode that the citizen have very high regards for the royalty. Well, her action is just like smearing faescus on their royalty.

What Shin did with Hyorin in Thailand was not intended and was exposed by others. Having been badly hurt and humiliated by the incident, I can't imagine her doing the same to someone whom she claims she loves. And worst of all, what she's abt to do is carefully thought off and intentional. It's expected for Shin to be totally pissed and said "to XXX with this relationship".

Initially, I found her character very attractive. But now I'm not impressed at all with her naivete. This girl's got to grow up. Even so, I doubt a 19 year-old can be so selfish, inconsiderate and a nincompoop. Yes, Shin was impossible and selfish at first but even all of those combined is nothing compared to this one act of hers. Even in normal marriages, disputes are resolved within and not publicly.

And how !@$#$# can u get confiding in a friend who hates your husband and is in love with you, when you have a great, sensible friend (KH) and Choi Sang Gong?

Have to let out my frustration. Phew! Now, that it's out, I'm feeling better. B)

Lets wait patiently for the PD to redeem herself.

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Guest SukarDrops

lol i watched eppie 20 again looking at shins face when he said he loved her he couldnt look at her..scared of her reaction maybe???plus its like he was forced into saying it because her big mouth going on about divorce..but he wanted to tell her just not like that :unsure: and OMG did you guys notice how when he had her up against the wall he kept staring at her boobs???? I couldnt stop laughing :rolleyes: (i love that face)

edited: I just had to to say i agree with sweetangel7..how can you keep running to somebody that hates ur husband and is inlove with you????thats kinda low she makes 19 year olds look dumb.heck im 18 and i sure as hell would know where my place is (ofcourse with shin ahahahhaha) :rolleyes:

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I know i shouldn't be asking this question, but, can someone please SEND me a DIRECT clubbox linke for today's HQ episode!? Not to the person's clubbox, but that link that i can just dl right away? My computer is pissing me off like crazy!

I'm dying to know what happens in epi.20! please!!!!!!!!!! :tears:

eh.. i don't think anyone will post the direct CB file links nowadays cuz we are not supposed to upload any drama epis banned by CB lest it gets soompi forum into trouble.

can someone PM V A L XD the link, i can't acess clubbox from office so can't retrieve it for her.

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Guest V A L XD

eh.. i don't think anyone will post the direct CB file links nowadays cuz we are not supposed to upload any drama epis banned by CB lest it gets soompi forum into trouble.

can someone PM V A L XD the link, i can't acess clubbox from office so can't retrieve it for her.

It's okay Reddy, Angeline was nice enough to send me a link. =] But nice of you to care hehe :)

okay, i'm out for tonight. i'll be back tomorrow for my point of view of the episode.

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Guest SukarDrops

hmm I think me asking this question is allowed.....can someone tell me which episode cg beat her stuffed shin with his picture on it for the first time?????I cant remember :wacko:

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Guest q12345

The PDs know exactly what they're doing! Hehe, look at all the talk and analysis flying around!

For a story to be captivating, all you need is a good person or two, a bad person or three, and a whole bunch of half information sessions - like CG hearing only part of Shin and HR's conversation. This is a great recipe for drawing people in and making them say "How can he/she be so dense?!?!?!" and "If only so and so knew the truth, or would say this or that instead of keeping it to themselves . . ."

In fact, it's working so good that ppl here are even thinking of going over to Korea and killing the PDs themselves! :)

Mo-toot is really bad for putting ideas into naive heads, like when she tells CG that she found Heaven's Gates when she left the palace 14 years ago. All she wants to do is split Shin-Chae so that way to the throne is cleared for Yul.

The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, so Yul is bad as well. His obsession with CG is akin to a psychotic stalker - looks normal in every way to friends and neighbors, but is vile on the inside. You can tell by his pink lipstick that there's something not quite right about that guy. ;)

CG is just a plain dummy. You either like her of hate her because you're jealous of her. A dumb girl who gets to be royalty by some miracle and doesn't have the brains to realize it (you say to yourself "Ooh, if only I was in her shoes I'd show them how to be a Bigoong mama!") She garners the love of a Crown Prince but is too pea-brained to realize it.

Shin, despite his up-bringing with lack of emotions/love, does not really know how to express his feelings to CG. C'mon folks, he's 19-20 and a pretty smart guy. He goes to a regular school where he's exposed to others who are in love. I don't buy the excuse that because he was not accustomed to being shown emotions in the palace, he is not able to do it himself. If he can't show his love to CG, how the heck is he supposed to show his love for his country if and when he becomes king?!?

These characters may seem goofy on screen, but the really funny thing is that I know people like this! :) They're all around us and in our families, too! :D

Sorry for the long post . . . I guess I'm caught up in the Goong madness too!

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Guest xx-outsider-xx

I completely agree with you.

If they were just showing the love between Chaegyeong and Shin, than this may indeed seem like dragging.

But no, that's not all there is to the dramatists' intention.

They have all sorts of other things to talk about, and I think the pace is just right.

In fact, I won't mind if they extended a few more episodes.

You wanna see a drama that drags? watch ijuksa. omg, second half of the story was soo the opposite of the fast-paced first half. *sorry if off-topic here but i'll bring my point around*. that story drags like ^^^^ and it's hard to watch BUT(!) the draggy parts (as we viewers might have blindly perceived it) were actually necessary when i look at it, because those draggy repetitive scenes depict the emotional struggle of the characters. and this battle within themselves drains the energy out of the characters and it shows, as any great drama would. and it effect the viewers too (intentionally so) so that we can feel what they feel. and watching great actors/actresses playing this scenes are somewhat bearable coz they know how to portray those emotions such that no matter how we hate those scenes, we continue to watch. by the end of it, we are as exhausted as the characters themselves. (Now, i'm not using Ijuksa for any special reason, just that it's one of the latest 'heavy' drama that's out).

As for goong, we may think it's dragging, but a drama that doesn't drag is hard to come by. (maybe 'my girl'? i dunno, i stopped watching that series already, dunno when to continue. :vicx: ) However, at the pace that they are right now, it would be awkward to have everything suddenly solved. that just gonna distort the flow. :sweatingbullets: besides, i think the draggy parts is actually necessary. life is actually draggy. nothing really turns out the ideal way. because yul, shin and CG, this is their first try at loving someone. i remember CG said in episode 15 (just watch that today lol) that shin never really like someone seriously before. i think shin could say the same thing about her too. CG herself never really experience true love. she's been happy all this time with her family, showered with love that i don't think she really understands what it means to truly love someone. she might think she knows and she thinks she's right but in truth she's just as blind and as clueless as shin when it comes to love. i doubt she ever experience real heartache before shin. ALL IN ALL, this mess we are watching right now is because they are all inexperience in love. everything is new, everything makes them feel insecure thus pushes them to the edge sometimes. they all got defensive. :wacko:

so let's give them time and hopefully they'll learn what love is all about after this lousy, repetitive, draggy stupid events that kept coming to teach them some love lessons. Perhaps a divorce is not a bad thing at all. in real life, when a couple divorce, they sometimes find it's easier to talk to each other and becoming more understanding. two three years later, who knows, they'll mature and find each other again. true love never runs smooth ya know. you'll never know if it's true love if never put it to test. just look at hyorin and shin. they might forever think they are perfect for each other if CG didn't come into the picture and proved them wrong. because of CG, hyorin knows (i think she should be thankful here. she sooo deserves someone better) just how much shin loved her, if he ever did, which i don't think so. it's was simply affection, pretty platonic.

so if shin and CG's love is true, they will eventually find each other at the end of the journey. just recall winter sonata, the couple found each other eventually.

seriously, what the heck have i been rambling about actually? my argument doesn't flow. :phew: i need to sleep. it's already past 1 am and i have to go to airport at 6.30 am. :ph34r:

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I doubt I'd consider that CG really loves Shin. Yes, she may be the first to fall in love with Shin but that's just it. If she really loves him, I can't imagine her doing such utter humiliation to Shin - by publicly announcing divorce, no matter how hurting you are. Shin is not just a nobody but a crown prince. She should also consider the impact to his status and to the imperial palace. She did say in an episode that the citizen have very high regards for the royalty. Well, her action is just like smearing faescus on their royalty.

Initially, I found her character very attractive. But now I'm not impressed at all with her naivete. This girl's got to grow up. Even so, I doubt a 19 year-old can be so selfish, inconsiderate and a nincompoop. Yes, Shin was impossible and selfish at first but even all of those combined is nothing compared to this one act of hers. Even in normal marriages, disputes are resolved within and not publicly.

And how !@$#$# can u get confiding in a friend who hates your husband and is in love with you, when you have a great, sensible friend (KH) and Choi Sang Gong?

i totally agree.... she's spent at least a couple of months as the Princess... u'd think she'd realize how important it is to maintain the royal household's image, at least for the good of public morale, if not for themselves... Yul, is a butthead for putting ideas into our silly CG's head; his mom is a complete witch.. but how can CG be that much of an idiot?? and how long does she intend to complain about being Princess?? i liked Shin's advice, as someone who also wasn't too keen on living in the palace, which is to find a way to "breathe" as a royall ... aka. ADAPT.

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Guest valandy

Just read an article stating that our crown prince would not be dethroned so let's not worry about that. It will be a happy ending, there's no doubt about that :D

The past two episodes have been depressing :tears: so I have decided not to watch till there is a happy episode. Hopefully the PD would let them reconcile first before making more trouble for them.

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Guest victoria1


^^^the manhwa in english. Jess's photobucket.

i think because on Xman, that was more her in reality. that was EunHye, here

she has to follow script and be all weak and baboo!!!

i think in real life, EunHye would have kicked the richard simmons out of Shin & Yul by now!

Just want to check where can I see the manhwa that everyone's talking about? Finshed reading the manhwa link that was posted previously.

Credit to the people who took the trouble to translate them into english...cheers...

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Guest deedee

hi... i hope this is not too much to ask...

i was wondering whether anybody has a bigger and better resolution of this screencap (last scene of ep. 4)


or any other ones of this scene, showing chae kyung with this hairdo. i really like her hair here so i want to take a closer look or maybe print it out. :lol:

thx a lot!!!

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Guest luluchan

wow..i just watched ep20..and totally got ubber pissed as YUL~

seriosuly..someone needs to slap this BOY!!! he's so immature and lame~

hahaha so sry..im so mad

throughout this whole episode he's been telling CK how this is her ONLY chance, if she wastes it, she'll be locked in a cage forever ne ver until death....he says it as if it's the end of the world, the sky will fall and she's going straight down to hell~

just becuz he couldn't get her love for himself...he shouldn't be saying such gay comments~

and , him, being a prince too...has he ever thought of the whole imperial household, the image.

he's just caring bout himself..not about his mother, MAMA, the king etc...

it was realli touching how CK said, "i rather give up my freedom/dream, and live with someone i love."

dat was so sweet..but gayass YUL just have to ruin it and blurt out his selfish 'advice'

i was so glad that Shin appeared on time to grab the phone from CK..and it was realli sweet how he confessed his love ..although it wasn't THAT convincing..but i think we can see he's saying it with his true heart~

AND i saw the preview and WAT THE HELL CK..how da hell could she say that she wanna divorce,infront of LIVE TV broadcast..she's outa her mind...so stupid~

not only is she bringing down the imperial image, she's also hurting shin's heart, and giving him a heavy burden x10~!!!


now i cant wait for ep21....haha

She's saying how Shin is so selfish of not caring about her feelingg and shietz....but did she???

mayb at first..but not anymore...

it was realli her choice to marry Shin, so she's realli gotta suck it up with the goong life~

but now's she's being such a baby and nagging about missing home and wanna divorce n blah blah blah

has she thought of Shin's feelings??

if she does love him, she should trust in him that he SAID he will think of a way to set her 'free'..it's just the matter of time~

but NO...she decides to listen to YUL that queer stalker dude who hates her husband and loves her~ :S

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