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Guest coreana

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Guest echoRy

i don't know how many times i've said it but i'll say it again...


19 isn't getting me excited, i'm dreading it actually. uugghhh! i'm very tired of

the miscommunication between the two. they need to do some sharing of their own!

---it's around 9 hrs before the new ep and still no flash prev.

i like em better sometimes than the long ones---

there's a song called "how strong do u think i am" by Alexz Johnson

if i could do an MV to it i would. the song isn't the greatest,

but the lyrics fit Chae's situtation to a tee.

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Guest gglover

i don't know how many times i've said it but i'll say it again...


19 isn't getting me excited, i'm dreading it actually. uugghhh! i'm very tired of

the miscommunication between the two. they need to do some sharing of their own!

I know!! I think the old king probably instructed him to shut up about everything though... Mr. "I'm a loyal loyal servant" =.=;;

i'm not really looking forward to the next 2 eps either... cg is STOOOOPID that she can't see how Shin feels. and Shin? well, if she's dumb like you said she is, then just TELL HER. god... those 2 need to stop dancing around eachother.

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Guest maruchan

does any one know what the name of the song played at the end of episode 16 is? or possible know where i can get it =D thx

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Vietnamese Soft Subs

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Chinese: Megaupload- 1/ Bittorrent- 1 2 3/ Clubbox- 1 2 / NGs

please add link this on first page.

Thai soft-subs


Thanks so much subbers!@D-Addicts You're great.

EP.19 Preview



Credit Clip : Original

Reupload By : me



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Guest blue_rose

hmm... does this mean that shin knows about the secret romance...? what happened 14 years ago? when mo-toot got kicked out of goong?

Also, the advisor seems to know everything... maybe that even Yul is the King's son? the guy needs to start SHARING his secrets~!

ok, I have to get this OFF MY CHEST now..........one of the most fascinating thing I gather from watching with sub is the fact that I think SHIN (being a smart guy) suspected something 'special' was going on in that obscure library where he found YUL & CG. Early on he asked his assistant about that secret room, what it is for etc..... and the goong nessi was getting a bit shocked when SHIN asked about it??

I think the old man is aware the kind of extra curricular activities (between the King & Yul's mom) happening in that room!! After all he was present when the OLD KING bannished YUL's mom from the palace and told her to NEVER come back. He was thinking history is repeating itself.

Shin seemed to not want to tell the king anything to defend himself in both meetings with him, I think aside from his great disappointment that his own father does not have faith in him; one of his statement clued in the fact that he knows something is up with his old man and that witch..........ACK!!

Poor SHIN, aside from his love life trouble he seemed to be attacked from all sides and only has his mom, his noona and possibly his grandmother (not sure about CG at this point) to help him. Thank GAWD for his very shrewed mother, so far she is ahead of the game :w00t:

So far I am enjoying the ride, I can't wait for 19 & 20 tomorrow can't come fast enough (I am in the US so, yeah it is tomorrow)

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Guest victoria1

HI, I rememdered that there were previously pages that says how we can watch this drama online. Can someone direct me to the page?

Thank you.

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Guest Telly

i don't know how many times i've said it but i'll say it again...


there's a song called "how strong do u think i am" by Alexz Johnson

if i could do an MV to it i would. the song isn't the greatest,

but the lyrics fit Chae's situtation to a tee.

i say the old man has a secret affair with the pyeja =)

nyehahahaha, old farts that hide things from others tend to stay together =p

gahh, it's pretty sad how there are no previews yet; nor picture previews for that matter =|

they are so teasing/torturing us! good thing it's my march break though; so i can be more patient, hehe =D

also, ANGIEE, i know that song =) isn't alexz johnson from CTV's instant star or something? =p

it'd be really funky if you could make an MV with the song, i'm looking forward to it <3

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HI, I rememdered that there were previously pages that says how we can watch this drama online. Can someone direct me to the page?

Thank you.

A couple of alternatives (I compiled from members' posts, credit to those who shared these originally):

http://www.tvants.com/default.asp --> need to download program





webtv program --> download from www.knano.com

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Guest sweetshelly

does any one know what the name of the song played at the end of episode 16 is? or possible know where i can get it =D thx

Parrot (Aeng moo sae) - Howl

refer to first post

HI, I rememdered that there were previously pages that says how we can watch this drama online. Can someone direct me to the page?

Thank you.

refer to the first post. READ!!!

Ahh people are killing me here. I think I seriously need anger management after reading and answering these kind of question. Am I the only one here?

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i think you are right on the money. i think that what Yul's mom said before applies here, Shin is like a tiger in the woods, gathering his strength and ready to pounce. Personally, i think he is gathering information or rather speculating alot of stuff but needs the validation of his suspiciions to act. perhaps, use the information to leave the crown prince position or maintain his position altogether. i agree, i think his mother is ahead of the game right now but doesnt know how deep the deception goes either.

However, i think that she will react with a cool head instead of breaking down. Personally, i think that Yul's mom's reporter guy is going to somehow play a big role in this. Perhaps spill the beans or blackmail her to the point that her deception is going to be revealed. Im just hoping for some sweet scenes between the two and call it another week until everything is settled.

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Guest gglover

well, according to the summary for ep 20, shin wants his crown prince position back. Now he has to secure 2 things from yul, pince and cg.

seriously, why does shin even THINK that cg might go to yul? She TOLD him that she's falling for him. sigh...

I'm so proud of the queen... now if she'll warm up to shin a littel :( I remember the scene when noona called her "Omoni" and hugged her. Shin just putted his mask back on

does anybody know what pacific time would i be able to watch this live?

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Guest taiping

I think CG will give up on Shin because she thinks he would be happier if he's with HR... Or Yul is threatening her or something that if she wont leave Shin, he will definitely take the crown and then SHin's family will be kicked out of the palace... Or something like that....

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Guest echoRy
I think CG will give up on Shin because she thinks he would be happier if he's with HR... Or Yul is threatening her or something that if she wont leave Shin, he will definitely take the crown and then SHin's family will be kicked out of the palace... Or something like that....

:huh: aigoo! that's the bleakest forcast i've read so far about a possible ending LOL

but i don't think it'll happen...though if it does :fury: oohhh ima release some fury!!!

and i'm beyond curious as to what this pic is all about??!!!


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Gee, I agree. Goong Nesshi really needs to spill out some secrets right about now. But I think the PD's gonna seal his mouth until the very last resorts haha.

Ep 19 preview is a killer. I can't stand seeing our Royal couple in such a deep misunderstanding like that. Hmpff! -_-

btw, don't u think Halma Mama also knew some secrets about ShinChae's childhood.... after all I think she already met the little Chae back then, but dunno... I might be wrong :unsure:

and I like all the discussion about Shin gathering his 'strength' to fight back in the end, coz it does certainly look like that. I believe Goong Nesshi will spill the beans right on time, and of course, that reporter will probably plan to backfire on mo-toot once all the negative elements clash together B)

Oh, I see Telly! *waves* *waves to everyone too*

here's for you hun..

click click

Yul campers, click on that one ^^

soooo darn cute, rite?

I was like this :D the whole time with him when I see this haha...

cutie_song, those are really nice gifs-banners!

I love them all. Thank you so much <3

oh and also the wallie hehee... :D

And ppl... don't buy those bootleg DVD version, pliz!

Let's wait for the legit one from MBC.

And keep fansubs FREE for everyoneeeeee *DING!*

Really.. it pisses me off everytime there's an announcement about those HK-made dvd with english subs.

The thought of them selling fansubbers' works are just so darn upsetting :(

And just a reminder, for those asking & thanking ppl for SUBS....

1. ALWAYS check with D-ADDICTS SUBTITLES THREAD first before asking for it.

2. D-addicts are not the one who you should thank for.

Read the first page, the people's names you should credit are in there.

[it just feels weird to see people thanking D-Addicts for the subs. D-Addicts is the perfect place to 'preserve' our subs, but if you must thank about subs, thank the subbers, learn their names, but please don't just say "thank you d-addicts" :P

There are actual people who actually dedicate their time to do these subs!]

*Pardon me for being strict about this. But for goongness sake, we're on episode 19 already.

Learn to thank properly wouldn't hurt, rite? :D*

AG mod cynnie dear,.... my deepest appreciations for doing this thread a favor.

The slimming down process is in fact, really effective.

I won't be surprise if you can still 'slice' us down to 1200 pages hehe.

Thank you.... and may the force be with you! :D

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Gee, I think that pic you posted are just the great observations from fans about how close and comfortable JH and EH are with each other.

Shenny dear, thank you and the subbing team for the lovely subs! I don't think I've had the chance to do that yet.

As for the release of the DVD set...I suggest we all wait for the ligit set to be released by MBC. Our subbers worked hard on this series, let's not just side-swipe them and purchase their work off leechers and thieves. Those people should really be ashamed of themselves for what they're doing. They benefit while our subbing team gets nothing. (Subbing team for GOONG are a group of ANGELS.)

We've slimmed down a lot! Nice!

Onto my thoughts of eppie 19's preview...

As much as I wished for Shin to experience the same pain he put Chae through, now that I'm seeing it or will be seeing it, I don't want it anymore. I feel so bad for him, but I know that somewhere deep down, he deserves it. Aish. Yul, that "ebil" (Ririe, I barrowed your word) guy...wake up! When will you start noticing the girl who looks at you with yearning in her eyes, watching you fall for her friend who is married! Let Chae go and open your heart to Kang Hyun, dang it!

I know we all are probably disheartened now, but let's keep our chins up and pray that we'll get a surprise tomorrow.


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