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Guest coreana

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Guest cilik

gilerkd, you might want to try backlogging. people have posted many ep 19 and/or ep 20 BTS pictures (not sure which episode they're from, all we know is that they're most likely from the filming of this week's upcoming episodes) within the last 10 pages or so.

EDIT: gah...jess beat me to it :P

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i really need epsiode 15 subbed!! Im dying here lol

i've been waiting for a week for it to come out!! :( **sniff sniff

-.- DO not ask for subs my dear... if u cant wait go get a crash course in korean.

not to be rude or anything but everyone who cant understand chinese or korean are waiting for the subs.. u think u r the only one "Dying"

In case u dunnoo... the subbing will delay an hr if 1 person ask for subs..

we will delay 2 hrs if 2 ppl ask for subs.

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Guest Telly


BACKLOG or else we'll hit you with a big fat wooden log!

also, please read THE FIRST POST.

it won't take you ten minutes to browse through the first post anyways =)

there are RULES, and no, they are not meant to be broken.

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hahahahahaha speaking of sehsons, i just found this a minute ago:

%7Boption%7D sesontime7md.jpg

it's originally joo ji hoon's advertisement for a green tea brand, but someone cleverly manipulated it =p

hahaha, it's sehson time, i guess? =p

hahahahahaha goong-ness, korean fans are hilarious =D

yep, i agree, this story's not all about fate, but about reality, circumstance, timing and situation as well =)

saying that, this drama better not turn out like romeo and juliet's fate =p

PUAHAHHA! those fans rocks!

and i wonder why they are not filming ANY advertisement together?

They should right? Or am i the only thinking that they should?

and yeah? ppl pls read backlogs? i write down which is the last page before i go to bed and start reading backlogs when i log in?


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Guest Won.Bin-Woo

In case u dunnoo... the subbing will delay an hr if 1 person ask for subs..

we will delay 2 hrs if 2 ppl ask for subs.

I'm extremely sorry if this conflicts with the new rules for the thread, but why does it delay an hour if ppl ask. Just curious about how that works, can't think of a reason in my head. If anyone has the answer, i think you better pm me, instead of replying in the thread. And just to be certain, (im not asking for subs), but the latest subs is up to ep. 14 right? Just want to make sure I didn't overlook it during my browse of d-addicts. Again, if anyone has the answer to THAT, lol juss pm me. k kewl thx

_edit- haha i own pg 1474..and this is my 100th post..LOL

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Maybe if all of us put a link in our signature to the first post, these people won't be asking the repeated questions. alternatively, just dont' answer these repeated questions. If they bother to look at the heading at the top, they should know they can get almost all the information in the first post.

it's just that the admin is doing their best in trimming the forum but these people are adding on to the pile!

*sorry for the rant, rainbow in mean mode*

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Guest lindajasmine

Annyoung ha se yo to all lovely ladies :D

This is my first post in this amazing thread. It takes a lot of my sweet times reading all of your posted :phew: . but I do enjoyed it... With a speed times I had watched all of Goong Episodes (1 to 18, in LQ format and thank you to the subs team for their great work :excl: ). I loved all characters esp. main characters. I noticed how fate can be cruel to a person as adorable as Yul. I can't hate or blame him in everything that he had done.... but I do blame the fate!! Each time I looked at Yul, I don't know how but I can feel his pain, his loneliness, how his hurting deep inside his heart (made me want to holds him and said everything will be okay" :blush: )..., his revenges. etc. It's really pain me each time watching him fighting the "greedy need" in his life. He felt betray by everything. Everything had been taken away!! :tears: For 14 years...the life he had been leeding to was misserable and lonely. If I was him ..... maybe I will acted the same way too or maybe worse than him. Who knows? You have to put yourself in his shoes! :huh::tears:

I loved Shin and Chae Gyung and I do hope they will stay together .... but in the other side of my heart I do wished that Chae Gyung also loved and understand Yul... oppsss.... :crazy: Please do not hate me girls!! Why I said that? Hmm.. let me be blunt... everytime I watched Yul and CG scenes, I can feel the warmth there... how he looked at her.... the deep gaze or the soft and warm stare... the gentle smile... the understanding way(empathy)..etc. What I loved most was the scenes when they ran away from school..the hug..and at the hall CG was playing the piano while Yul expression was sooo cute (I wished ...God, please stop the time...let him be with CG for a while...), the scenes on his birthday's day where he followed CG's car (we and his husband knew that CG was not a good driver yet but Shin just left CG...OMO :crazy: ) and when the car stopped at the road.... he smiles (as always it shows the gentle and carrieness side of him) .... I keep rewatching it until now. :blush: PD please don't make Yul's character being more hatred by the Goong's fans.... coz I think it just not fair to him...

Have to go... more later

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Guest Telly

PUAHAHHA! those fans rocks!

and i wonder why they are not filming ANY advertisement together?

They should right? Or am i the only thinking that they should?

hehehe you're not the only one.

i don't know why korean companies aren't looking at both of them for advertisements yet.

i mean, goong is a pretty popular show; also, a lot of people are shipping for shin and chae gyung right now, so it'd be great if they put ji hoon and eun hye together in a tv commercial or print ad or something.

not only will it bring popularity to the product being advertised; it's also semi-advertisement for the drama, but the eun hye-ji hoon couple as well =p

Maybe if all of us put a link in our signature to the first post, these people won't be asking the repeated questions. alternatively, just dont' answer these repeated questions. If they bother to look at the heading at the top, they should know they can get almost all the information in the first post.

i like your idea =D

i'll put a link in my signature now >=D

a BIG BRIGHT LINK, would work, eh? =p

everytime I watched Yul and CG scenes, I can feel the warmth there... how he looked at her.... the deep gaze or the soft and warm stare... the gentle smile... the understanding way(empathy)..etc. What I loved most was the scenes when they ran away from school..the hug..and at the hall CG was playing the piano while Yul expression was sooo cute

i agree with you, lindajasmine, there is something between yul and chae gyung; but i guess she just doesn't realize it =)

by the way, WELCOME to the thread <3

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we delay the subs because SOME ppl take us for granted and take us for Subs producing machines..

They accept the subs to be out as soon as possible but hey we dun have a life? there are alot of other things to do, like sch exams, work, and we need to have fun too..

so to prevent ppl from askin for subs and makin the whole subbing team frustrated... we implemented this rule..

but apparently a few of them still ignore this and ask for subs

and can some one show me the IRC page again?

the mods trimed the thread and it's not there anymore? i wanan rant with u peepz in irc.. IF i remember how to get in that is..

i saw this at the chinese forum regarding the ending for season 1


《宮》制作公司EIGHT PEAKS一相關人員表示“系列2制作目前正以確定的方面做檢討,但是演出人員的協調以及和MBC的簽約還未到期。”

另外對續集2的內容則表示“到目前爲止已大致上討論了6個故事,《宮》系列1制作前就以立憲君主制作爲設定,是個有趣且夢幻的連續劇,因此有許多以這樣的背景發展多樣故事的提議,” 據該名相關人員表示到目前爲止討論的系列2的內容有以主角們成爲大 生後的故事,以及前任黃帝時期的故事等討論。

這名相關人員表示“如果系列2制作成功的話,會以事前制作的方式進行,系列1的情況雖然以事前制作爲目標,但情況卻不允許,也因此在劇情後半部分因而受到觀衆反應的影響而讓劇情結構産生了變化” 訴說了可惜的部分。

他又表示“現在先將劇情做有密度的修改,爲了系列2的結尾會將部分修改完整,但爲了當初系列1制作時所決定的結尾將不改變。” “爲了系列2,當初系列1決定熒妣n將不會有太大的改變。


This article is rather difficult in chinese.. arg

But i think the article is about the ending of season 1... arhgg.

someone pls help lOLx..

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Guest hayuna

Annyoung ha se yo to all lovely ladies :D

This is my first post in this amazing thread. It takes a lot of my sweet times reading all of your posted :phew: . but I do enjoyed it... With a speed times I had watched all of Goong Episodes (1 to 18, in LQ format and thank you to the subs team for their great work :excl: ). I loved all characters esp. main characters. I noticed how fate can be cruel to a person as adorable as Yul. I can't hate or blame him in everything that he had done.... but I do blame the fate!! Each time I looked at Yul, I don't know how but I can feel his pain, his loneliness, how his hurting deep inside his heart (made me want to holds him and said everything will be okay" :blush: )..., his revenges. etc. It's really pain me each time watching him fighting the "greedy need" in his life. He felt betray by everything. Everything had been taken away!! :tears: For 14 years...the life he had been leeding to was misserable and lonely. If I was him ..... maybe I will acted the same way too or maybe worse than him. Who knows? You have to put yourself in his shoes! :huh::tears:

I loved Shin and Chae Gyung and I do hope they will stay together .... but in the other side of my heart I do wished that Chae Gyung also loved and understand Yul... oppsss.... :crazy: Please do not hate me girls!! Why I said that? Hmm.. let me be blunt... everytime I watched Yul and CG scenes, I can feel the warmth there... how he looked at her.... the deep gaze or the soft and warm stare... the gentle smile... the understanding way(empathy)..etc. What I loved most was the scenes when they ran away from school..the hug..and at the hall CG was playing the piano while Yul expression was sooo cute (I wished ...God, please stop the time...let him be with CG for a while...), the scenes on his birthday's day where he followed CG's car (we and his husband knew that CG was not a good driver yet but Shin just left CG...OMO :crazy: ) and when the car stopped at the road.... he smiles (as always it shows the gentle and carrieness side of him) .... I keep rewatching it until now. :blush: PD please don't make Yul's character being more hatred by the Goong's fans.... coz I think it just not fair to him...

Have to go... more later

Me and my mom were arguing about this yesterday, and I tried to stick up for poor Yully but my mother is as stubborn as a mule. I do think Shin + CG should be together, but Yul is so nice to her and everytime he gives that sad smile... T-T I feel so sorry for him, and I can't see why people are starting to hate him now that he's beginning to act on his feelings.

I'd do something much more major if I was in his shoes, that's for sure. xD

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Guest echoRy

yes that's a good idea. and it is stressful too so peeps asking for

subs and other things against the rules, one of us just PM them instead.

it'll save a post and a rant...makes a lot of sense.

i hope the preview is out tonight!

here are the caps for 19 all put together by someone really nice; posted at imbc

btspics199ag.th.jpg reading9bz.th.jpg

SAKI <3333

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i saw this at the chinese forum regarding the ending for season 1


《宮》制作公司EIGHT PEAKS一相關人員表示“系列2制作目前正以確定的方面做檢討,但是演出人員的協調以及和MBC的簽約還未到期。”

另外對續集2的內容則表示“到目前爲止已大致上討論了6個故事,《宮》系列1制作前就以立憲君主制作爲設定,是個有趣且夢幻的連續劇,因此有許多以這樣的背景發展多樣故事的提議,” 據該名相關人員表示到目前爲止討論的系列2的內容有以主角們成爲大 生後的故事,以及前任黃帝時期的故事等討論。

這名相關人員表示“如果系列2制作成功的話,會以事前制作的方式進行,系列1的情況雖然以事前制作爲目標,但情況卻不允許,也因此在劇情後半部分因而受到觀衆反應的影響而讓劇情結構産生了變化” 訴說了可惜的部分。

他又表示“現在先將劇情做有密度的修改,爲了系列2的結尾會將部分修改完整,但爲了當初系列1制作時所決定的結尾將不改變。” “爲了系列2,當初系列1決定熒妣n將不會有太大的改變。


do you mind translating what that said please?

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Guest Pikachu

and can some one show me the IRC page again?

the mods trimed the thread and it's not there anymore? i wanan rant with u peepz in irc.. IF i remember how to get in that is..

SERVER: irc.opa-ages.com

CHANNEL: #goong

(or just type /server irc.opa-ages.com -j #goong once you open our IRC program.

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Guest rose7969

-.- DO not ask for subs my dear... if u cant wait go get a crash course in korean.

not to be rude or anything but everyone who cant understand chinese or korean are waiting for the subs.. u think u r the only one "Dying"

In case u dunnoo... the subbing will delay an hr if 1 person ask for subs..

we will delay 2 hrs if 2 ppl ask for subs.

Please girls.... be patient...subber team do it for FREE for us. At least what we can do is be patient. is not much to ask from you girls right?

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SERVER: irc.opa-ages.com

CHANNEL: #goong

(or just type /server irc.opa-ages.com -j #goong once you open our IRC program.

pikachu...i have trouble connecting to the irc server. It's repeatedly gave me this msg "Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)".

Any help to solve the error?? What's the IRC network?? maybe i need to add server or something... :unsure:

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Guest donilpark

Me and my mom were arguing about this yesterday, and I tried to stick up for poor Yully but my mother is as stubborn as a mule. I do think Shin + CG should be together, but Yul is so nice to her and everytime he gives that sad smile... T-T I feel so sorry for him, and I can't see why people are starting to hate him now that he's beginning to act on his feelings.

I'd do something much more major if I was in his shoes, that's for sure. xD

Chaegyeong's his sister-in-law, for God's sake.

He may be having a hard time registering the fact, just as Chaegyeong and Shin still can't seem to register the fact that they are married. They know it, but they can't feel it.

Being attached to her will only create misery like the Emperor and Hyejeongjeon are doing, just as Empress pointed out to Yul.

The only way Yul can be happy is to give it all up. He won't be able to be happy if he successfully breaks Shin and Chaegyeong up and somehow take Chaegyeong for himself.

But then again, I don't care too much about the fate of any of the characters. I'll try to shy away from judging and just watch on.

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do you mind translating what that said please?

i would want but i cant really understand "olden" chinese..

chinese there is the lesser strokes fonts and the "olden" chinese fonts..

the chinese and the taiwanese uses olden fonts.. i cant really understand what they are writing?..

the one i study is the less one..

but the article vaguely talks about how the ending of season 1 is under going some chances..

because the already had the ending for season before they think about season2.. they will make very LITTLE changes of the already concluded ending..

i hope my translation is correct -.-

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