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Guest q12345

OMG. that screen caps got me so craving for epi 19.-.-

and telly... i think kanghyun is going to end up with that shin's fren. lOlx..

shin's fren : hi where do u stay. I live at Kang nan (the most exp property in korea)

irritating cg's fren with the mirror : i live at kang ___ it takes one hr and i can reach kang nan.

shin's fren : Do you know my dad?

shin's fren 2 : Hyong, what are u doing. ______ is looking for you

shin's fren : WHY.

shin's fren : Okay i will be right there.

shin's fren : Then see you. (he winked at her)

kanghyun : ...........................

I filled in the blanks so I hope you don't mind. My korean isn't that great (I only learned it later in life).

Jang Kyung : Where do u live? I live in Kang nam (the most exp property in korea)

Hee Soong : I live in kang kook. If I take the subway I can get to Kang nam in an hour.

Jang Kyung : Ahh, you know who my dad is right?

Ryu Hwan : Hyung, what are u doing (hyung is a term for older brother)? In is looking for you (as in Kang In).

Jang Kyung : WHY? Okay tell him I'll be right there.

Jang Kyung : Then, see you. (he winked at her)

Hee Soong: See you!

Kang Hyun : ...........................

Soon Young: Snap out of it! Snap out of it! Cheep chu cheep chu . . .

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Here you go, Manda-Panda, per your request....a ysi link of the clip !



Credit: Rebby's clubbox

Size: 177 MB

Again, this is an old clip of Yoon Eun Hye, Kim Jung Hoon, Joo Ji Hoon - Shooting Goong Palace Drama (111405 KMTV Entertainment News), i just re-up it, in case someone missed it :)

OHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh i was too LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rebby what is ur clubbox link?

i am gonna download this no matter what...

and that salivery exchange thingy is like way HOT

I filled in the blanks so I hope you don't mind. My korean isn't that great (I only learned it later in life).

Jang Kyung : Where do u live? I live in Kang nam (the most exp property in korea)

Hee Soong : I live in kang kook. If I take the subway I can get to Kang nam in an hour.

Jang Kyung : Ahh, you know who my dad is right?

Ryu Hwan : Hyung, what are u doing (hyung is a term for older brother)? In is looking for you (as in Kang In).

Jang Kyung : WHY? Okay tell him I'll be right there.

Jang Kyung : Then, see you. (he winked at her)

Hee Soong: See you!

Kang Hyun : ...........................

Soon Young: Snap out of it! Snap out of it! Cheep chu cheep chu . . .

PUAHAHHA!! thanks~i lOVE the part she stared at him.. lOlx..

it's so cute~u think they will be together?

i cant wait for epi 19.. they will sure see each other in sCH and jangkyung is so gonna be all over kanghyun

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so dissapointed with the end epi 18. just watched it...first of all Yul needs to get a reality check! seriously...all he cares about is himself and wat he wants and its driving me crazy! Hes a good guy, but the way he is talking crap to Chae Gyung about Shin is so shallow. "Thats the kind of guy Shin is", etc etc...I dislike him more than Hyo Rin. The only thing that bothered me about her in this epi was about the peach champagne. No big deal tho, would u rather have her not say anything and let him drink it but it is the fact that she made a story about it was stupid. Next we go to Chae Gyung...your cousin in law just kissed you...u dont do anything about it. Just take it in? And I understand where Chae Gyung is coming from but she overeacts way to much! I'm just like her so I understand but still. If you have a problem tell Shin. Shin is your husband and you love him dont you? Hes not going to shut u down if u tell him something your worried about. And finally Shin...dont act like Chae Gyung is your property. Treat her like a person, and talk to her. STOP letting hear things that arent true. You're losing her and you dont even know it. so ya, but other than that, the epi was GREAT! hehe the bo po on while Chae Gyung was napping was cute, Shins new "look" was hilarious and so adorable, but the best part of this entire epi was KANG YUN and Ryu Han! That was totally unexpected and I loved it! He is such a cutie...weird but a cutie. YAY for the new couple. Chae Gyungs and Shins friends are getting along pretty well which totally surprises me! Just wait, Shins other friends are going to start falling for Chae Gyungs other two "intresting" friends. hehe

wow that was long. ok i'm done! SHIN AND CHAE GYUNG 4-EVER!

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so dissapointed with the end epi 18. just watched it...first of all Yul needs to get a reality check! seriously...all he cares about is himself and wat he wants and its driving me crazy! Hes a good guy, but the way he is talking crap to Chae Gyung about Shin is so shallow. "Thats the kind of guy Shin is", etc etc...I dislike him more than Hyo Rin. The only thing that bothered me about her in this epi was about the peach champagne. No big deal tho, would u rather have her not say anything and let him drink it but it is the fact that she made a story about it was stupid. Next we go to Chae Gyung...your cousin in law just kissed you...u dont do anything about it. Just take it in? And I understand where Chae Gyung is coming from but she overeacts way to much! I'm just like her so I understand but still. If you have a problem tell Shin. Shin is your husband and you love him dont you? Hes not going to shut u down if u tell him something your worried about. And finally Shin...dont act like Chae Gyung is your property. Treat her like a person, and talk to her. STOP letting hear things that arent true. You're losing her and you dont even know it. so ya, but other than that, the epi was GREAT! hehe the bo po on while Chae Gyung was napping was cute, Shins new "look" was hilarious and so adorable, but the best part of this entire epi was KANG YUN and Shins Friend! That was totally unexpected and I loved it! He is such a cutie...weird but a cutie. YAY for the new couple. Chae Gyungs and Shins friends are getting along pretty well which totally surprises me! Just wait, Shins other friends are going to start falling for Chae Gyungs other two "intresting" friends. hehe

wow that was long. ok i'm done! SHIN AND CHAE GYUNG 4-EVER!

gimme 5!!! i think yul seriously need some reality check here..

and wad.. he actually call that a present? he actually dare call that lousy cheek squeezing kiss on the forehead a present... i am totally speechless :crazy::crazy::blink:

i think shin.. he just DUNNO how to express his love and HOW to vent his jealousy.

u DO NOT vent ur jealousy and anger on the person u love...

i mean after that force BOBO, he shld say cg i love u and i freaking jealous that yul that toot actually stink his lips on ur forehead!

but NOOo. he said : Show u that i am ur husband.. oMG. i wanna strangle the Pds for causin me sleepless nights since thurs night.

and i mean sleepless nights.. i slpt at 5am yesterday -.-

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Guest q12345

KH is a very level-headed girl. She's like an anchor to the other girls bringing them down to earth when their thoughts are way out in space. However, she shows signs of "girliness" at times, like when Jang Kyung hits on her. It'll be pretty funny and satisfying if she is allowed to let go of her serious side and give in to her emotions.

I'd bet she'd whip JK into shape in no time!! Haha . . .

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OHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh i was too LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rebby what is ur clubbox link?

i am gonna download this no matter what...

and that salivery exchange thingy is like way HOT

PUAHAHHA!! thanks~i lOVE the part she stared at him.. lOlx..

it's so cute~u think they will be together?

i cant wait for epi 19.. they will sure see each other in sCH and jangkyung is so gonna be all over kanghyun

its http://clubbox.co.kr/trebby :)

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Couldnt of said it better myself! I love the characters, but seriously they need to go into counseling! They need to be taught how to COMMUNICATE through WORDS! Chae Gyung and Shin need to enroll in marriage counseling...then everything will hopefully get better. I can see why Shin is so distant and so unable to open up. Chae Gyung came from a fun loving family, were she was loved and had parents who would listen and support her while Shin on the other hand didnt. He grew knowing that he would be the future king of korea. Never really had a mother, he was unable to call her OMA like normal people do. He lived in place where you had to follow the rules and act properly. Which left no room to be a child. Hyo Rin was someone he could turn to and talk to until he was introduced to Chae Gyung. Chae Gyung defintley changed his life for the better. He is a lot warmer, happier and willing to open up. Shins so kind and generous at heart, and all that was needed was one person to show that side of him.

About the PD's...omg they are defintley killing us! No previews??? Thats like murdering us! How can you not give us previews and make us suffer? You already making us suffer with the whole Chae Gyung and Shin situation. I swear, if they dont make Shin and Chae Gyung live happily ever after at the end, there will be headline on the newspaper saying "GOONG PD's killed by PHYCO fan" so they better not screw things up. They have made me a Goong addicted. I am so addicted. I come to this thread everyday to see if there are ne new pics or links up. I stay in the thread till I go to sleep at night. I put off my h/w for Goong. Thanks alot PD's. You better not dissapoint me!

SHIN & CHAE GYUNG 4-ever and 4-eternity!

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Guest q12345

Just a couple of things.

Do all the guys in this drama seems a little effeminate?!? For example, when Shin was at CG's house and they were playing Yut Nori. When he got hit on the wrist by CG's brother he actually cried! And when Yul cut his hand in ep.18 his facial expression was like he was going to die or something. And what about the girlish scream from Shin when he was teaching CG how to drive!

Who coined the term mo-toot and what does it actually mean? I have my guesses but I'd like to know. Thanks in advance.

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Couldnt of said it better myself! I love the characters, but seriously they need to go into counseling! They need to be taught how to COMMUNICATE through WORDS! Chae Gyung and Shin need to enroll in marriage counseling...then everything will hopefully get better. I can see why Shin is so distant and so unable to open up. Chae Gyung came from a fun loving family, were she was loved and had parents who would listen and support her while Shin on the other hand didnt. He grew knowing that he would be the future king of korea. Never really had a mother, he was unable to call her OMA like normal people do. He lived in place where you had to follow the rules and act properly. Which left no room to be a child. Hyo Rin was someone he could turn to and talk to until he was introduced to Chae Gyung. Chae Gyung defintley changed his life for the better. He is a lot warmer, happier and willing to open up. Shins so kind and generous at heart, and all that was needed was one person to show that side of him.

About the PD's...omg they are defintley killing us! No previews??? Thats like murdering us! How can you not give us previews and make us suffer? You already making us suffer with the whole Chae Gyung and Shin situation. I swear, if they dont make Shin and Chae Gyung live happily ever after at the end, there will be headline on the newspaper saying "GOONG PD's killed by PHYCO fan" so they better not screw things up. They have made me a Goong addicted. I am so addicted. I come to this thread everyday to see if there are ne new pics or links up. I stay in the thread till I go to sleep at night. I put off my h/w for Goong. Thanks alot PD's. You better not dissapoint me!

SHIN & CHAE GYUNG 4-ever and 4-eternity!

OMG~~ that's funnie. they'd better give us a gd ending.. i hope there is some pyscho fan out there.. and if they give us a bad ending.. i will probably be the psychone no.1

ya~it's true that shin became warmer.. did u see that epi 17 CG feeding shin scene.. i thought it was freakin sweet.

and PDS pls give them communications skills in the show pls. they have the communication skills of a 5 year old in the drama.. -.- :blink:

Just a couple of things.

Do all the guys in this drama seems a little effeminate?!? For example, when Shin was at CG's house and they were playing Yut Nori. When he got hit on the wrist by CG's brother he actually cried! And when Yul cut his hand in ep.18 his facial expression was like he was going to die or something. And what about the girlish scream from Shin when he was teaching CG how to drive!

Who coined the term mo-toot and what does it actually mean? I have my guesses but I'd like to know. Thanks in advance.

ya~lOlx.. i heard that girly scream and i thought it was CG's at first ~

I came up with the term mo-toot..

toot stands for -> bi*tch

and since yul's mum is Mother. and since hyorin has the nickname Ho-toot(came up by me and saki)

I gave her the nickname MO-toot.

THANKS rebby

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Finished another round of Goong with my grandmother and she loves

it. She keeps on saying CG is just a kid with all the antics she does. I hope the

PDs wont spoil the ending, I wouldn't want to disappoint my haramuni (don't know

the proper romanization) :D

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Guest vengeance

gimme 5!!! i think yul seriously need some reality check here..

and wad.. he actually call that a present? he actually dare call that lousy cheek squeezing kiss on the forehead a present... i am totally speechless :crazy::crazy::blink:

Haha.. Yeah... I agree too.. but I think Yul kissed CG cos he saw the video of Shin and CG earlier and he didn't want to lose out to Shin(ego+ jealousy at work) so he wanted to do it as well?? :P Jus guessing......

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Guest marie_n

Haha.. Yeah... I agree too.. but I think Yul kissed CG cos he saw the video of Shin and CG earlier and he didn't want to lose out to Shin(ego+ jealousy at work) so he wanted to do it as well?? :P Jus guessing......

i agree with you.. hehe maybe he was thinking about it already but was just hesitant but no... when he saw the video jealousy came into play that made him really kiss her!!!!... typical of guys!!!! :fury: just a guy trying not to be left behind by his rival.. urrgggh male egos :crazy: ... in the end it will be cg who will end up being hurt between the three of them, they should think of her well being instead of their own petty jealousy rivalry... but oh well i guess it brings the spice into the show heheheeh ;)

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Guest linatan

^^ thanks =)

ive actually finished all those uploaded eps

and i have raw epd on my pc harharhar addicted to goong

so this is my first attempt to watch it live hopefully

reaallyyy anticipating ep 19!

i also waiting for epsd 19, but i dun dare to watch it live, scare that I will have sleepless nite same as liquidfir. frm thurs nite till today, i am still very annoyed, feel like screaming and punching the PD. :fury: :crazy:

GOONG fans, how do u think epsd 19 will be??? will it be nicer???omgg i realli dun dare to watch, i scare in epsd 19, CG will force SHin to divorce her... :tears::tears:

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Honestly, I don't find Yul so bad. He hasn't done anything to rile CG. He was always there to comfort her when she was upset. Listen to her problems, take her to places to cheer up. And where has Shin been doing all this time?

She asks Shin to help her with her lessons and Shin says I gotta go to study now. Sometimes he is kind of sweet doing stuff behind her back for her. But, it seems when she needs him, he's not there for her.

Also, at least Yul doesn't force anything on CG. But Shin keeps forcing himself on her, so she smacks him all the time. Even though CG seems to love Shin, she seems to accept Yul more. Well, I hope in the end Yul will become King and Shin and CG leave the palace. Cuz I really don't see Shin fit to be the King. Yul seems more cool headed, even if he is jealous, he has control over it. But Shin keeps taking it out on CG. I don't like the way he treats her. Yul treats her with more respect.

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Guest samgirl

^^ seirin couldnt say is any better =)

~~ linatan ... oh i wont worry about sleeples nights since the next day will be my off that is why i have guts to watch is live or else i wont do it i might have this scene flashes on my mind while trying to sleep the night off lolz

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